
Tiger87 | Joined since 2014-09-24

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2014-09-24 23:33 | Report Abuse

Good lets see all parties stories. If the one saying "suspect", market view him as bad motive is real or not. For now the bad intension is obvious. We have faith in the parties in the dark being sabotage. Better tell your side of story. Good night.


2014-09-24 23:30 | Report Abuse

Good TH, now lets see if the P's ceo motive using "suspect” to sabotage the two in the dark will give us better understanding of all parties. The two are their time to tell story. Attack people in the dark is the worst i have ever seen, likely to scare off shareholders. Only people have things to hide attack other people. Real investors want peace and money. Good night and wait for news. Hopefully soon.


2014-09-24 23:13 | Report Abuse

Good. Keep this to yourself. Let the people up there sort their things. Real investors only wants to make money not point finger. So don't start. Small investors like us will want to see peace solution. See their worries? If you are not you are questionably not real investor. See? Read all their stories before conclude. Mind your language. Investors, the real ones, are watching their tiny savings here carefully.


2014-09-24 23:06 | Report Abuse

Well said. Investors if "real" want good news and just make money. Looks like some people are hired gun. If true, it shows how timid minded the P guy. Steady sane people won't do this. I have good faith and see with my eyes steady progress in NG. I believe red eyes are common in the making of giants, time will show.


2014-09-24 22:58 | Report Abuse

I believe the P's ceo shares will be freeze if this happens. His motive is too obvious too much loopholes and mistakes. He may ends up being sued for misuses power and worst neglect company interest. Even defamation endless spiral. His shares and position would be at risk, if until settle, he again affected company business. Don't tell most people here the P's ceo know nothing whole story when he took deal paid money and panic cancel deal. He is main suspect if this escalate. Market have even worst understanding, the ceo trap 2 investors and point finger scapegoat. I hope the 3 settle their own problem outside. If escalate all 3 must go until clear. They all do not own the company. Its public don't forget. So far only one sided news. Am waiting more stories from all parties.


2014-09-24 22:42 | Report Abuse

I believe NG got their own plans. Maybe new stronger directors join soon? They have move big ways into property. Like EcoWorld replace most old directors then property people join as directors and share goes up. Just happen some sabotage by other people i don't see a steady businessman is affected. A person with long term vision is where long term investors count on. Panicky people like the other company is risky. I see no future except old forks house dividend use. Keep it that way don't come here. Shall see their story hopefully soon.


2014-09-24 22:32 | Report Abuse

Steady people don't simply jump into conclusion or panic pointing finger like this p's ceo. Later listen to their story, compare both then judge. Right now the one sided news got too much loophole and mistakes, as if the P's ceo all the while knows nothing. He took the deal paid the money and panic cancel deal, now even simply cancel chance to recover company interest, and laughably points finger. All proven he is not doing his job but for other motive. Like most people here and in market reads it. Investors need steady leaders not panic people. Worst i hope not bad intention people like many here reads it.


2014-09-24 22:21 | Report Abuse

People more steady don't simply talk. The more these business people grow the more people will red eye. Many after some time will choose to be silent or work silent behind. Now they are still new and doing good job. Small timer like us can still invest in them. Later they grow so big you cannot even find their name. Invest also no chance. My study never goes wrong. Wait and see steady good news later. No rush to jump into conclusion.


2014-09-24 22:15 | Report Abuse

Dr how you know result be too good? We want steady growth not sudden growth. Looks like NG is growing steadily. Keep it that way. Long term wise, the short term speculation will not affect a good company. Let us wait and see more progress.


2014-09-24 22:07 | Report Abuse

I am investor of NG for some time now i have to thank the people there for their steady work. All investors happy. Not like here careless here and there and point finger when went wrong. NG may have professional people joining the company maybe in construction or property. So what is so special? EcoWorld also experienced people join board share goes up. Most laughable is simply jump into conclusion. I support steady company not careless people. Like this careless P's ceo. I hope its just careless not with bad motive like market perceive!


2014-09-24 22:02 | Report Abuse

Joe you are hired sabotage also? If not let truth reveil. True investors want peace andale money not bad mouth. Unless you are not investor. How you know insider information?
Before even hear from each party why you simply comment? And conclude?? Truth could be laughable if you see the truth later. Must listen to all sides. This P's ceo announcement looks funny and skeptical already as if he knows nothing despite he takes the oil deal, pays the money and later panic cancel off, as if wanted to burn money without even talk. So obvious his motive is not the money. If not take opportunity of this to scare off his other shareholders, he will finds way to use other reasons. Thats how most people sees it. But the motive and ways are too much loopholes. He can't deny he is in the whole process despite simply point finger. So that is enough to show who is trying to make story and find scapegoat and who is in the dark. In the dark have not spoken yet. The P's ceo as if he is on purpose don't want to talk and negotiate back company interest. Especially the money side, which don't even try to talk and recover. Sudden point finger? Laughable loophole and questionable mistakes. So before more info from all parties are out don't jump into conclusion. Unless you are hired gun also. Ethical wise let them show their stories then judge later.


2014-09-24 21:41 | Report Abuse

Looks like old man from P not only hired people to defame his partner in hope they get away for his motive. He hired people online also! See this 100% gun man? Stock investors only wants profit nobody keep on sabotage for "no benefit" except if got "agenda". http://klse.i3investor.com/servlets/cube/post/marina.jsp

So free nothing to do meh? 100% purely sabotage. People stolen your girl friend or you red eye also see many investors here made money earlier?

If hired gun sure will keep coming back. Watch out guys.


2014-09-24 21:33 | Report Abuse

I never seen so bad motive like that counter call P's CEO. This is how he does to his investors. Not to say integrity its bad heart. His accusation as if he is sleeping let all happens innocent and point finger? Come on childish motive. I think some steady news will comes out to tell true story. I strongly believe in NG and his owners. Nobody says thank you i say so. Thanks for the steady work keep on going. Long term investors will reward you handsomely.


2014-09-24 21:26 | Report Abuse

Looks like many panic people falls into people's motive. Truth will show who is the culprit. I have been seeing my investment in NG grow steadily. More big projects are coming and it takes time to show results. So speculators good to stay away. I seen smart businessman have similarity and not afraid of short term sabotage or red eye attack. Wait and see the steady actions. Sleep well no bother.