
Trevor777 | Joined since 2020-12-06

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2021-09-22 11:22 | Report Abuse

Tracked some blocks dumped at 81c - 815c this morning, how much more do you think they will dump?

Because of GameofTwat, keep yelling LU....TP2.00...super boom upwards, many uncles, aunties, pakcik, makcik still holding from 7.00, 5.25 cum sad....

And now you know WHY I am here.....doing my public services, and against the evil mouth of doom that is GameofTwat.


2021-09-22 11:05 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-09-22 10:45 | Report Abuse

@Sniper,..Long term investors do not share that same sentiments. We are glad to see the foundations well laid, concrete set before moving to next level...then the next....and the next.

Earthquakes may not even topple the price to fall back anymore.

We have time, so take your time to build the solid foundation as all good turnaround companies do.

Only the day trippers, contra players will feel the heat.....without patience.


2021-09-22 08:48 | Report Abuse

After losing both parents and their grandma a week before, these kids are orphaned and robbed of family and future. More than 4,400 kids made orphans under this Pandemic, but they have not taken responsibilities and made changes earlier. There are now daily deaths of >300 and cases still above 15K.

They have blood on their hands...


2021-09-22 08:00 | Report Abuse

After losing both parents and their grandma a week before, these kids are orphaned and robbed of family and future. More than 4,400 kids made orphans under this Pandemic, but they have not taken responsibilities and made changes earlier. There are now daily deaths of >300 and cases still above 15K.

They have blood on their hands...They have blood on their hands.


2021-09-21 17:56 | Report Abuse

Ineffectively, GameofTwat is now saying....GAME OVER. Just wait for whatever happens to happen. It may eventually goes up, but just wait...wait...wait...wait...wait....wait....wait....wait....wait...

Man man teng.....


2021-09-21 17:52 | Report Abuse

Complete change of music now. .it's more super boom upwards ....slowly instead of "tomorrow"

If such a liar and mentally retarded piece of twat can only listen to itself talk!


2021-09-21 16:55 | Report Abuse

@jwblacklabel,..Sir, the IPs should have been lodged and calculated during due diligent. And as you mentioned, they're mainly Auto standard at 200nm, which was the bulk. Shortage of this is noticeable worldwide.


2021-09-21 16:37 | Report Abuse

@jwblacklabel..Sir, I am not such a techie like you la. Just an ordinary investor.


2021-09-21 16:07 | Report Abuse

Apologies for the short delay due to bad weather and Evergrande. Those short paid flyers, (contra players) will not be allowed on board.

We shall be taking off soon, please fasten seat belts and have a pleasant flight.


2021-09-21 16:01 | Report Abuse

@jwblacklabel, Sir...thanks for the great clarifications on chips designing and manufacturing.

On Wall Street, some Startup companies may sell their Patented products along with lock, stock and whiskies for Billions.

This particular start up, and as you pointed out may have a most creative design for certain usage, but still just an "un-programed" chip, "Hardware VS software".

But @Mr Fengping also wished to point out Silterra's finest in allowing the design to be produced at its plant here in Malaysia.

Kudos to both for their contributions.


2021-09-21 11:03 | Report Abuse

No, no. no...stay at 76c,.. don't fly yet.


2021-09-21 10:49 | Report Abuse

Already stopped talking to adolescent with problematic 4 year old mentality, many years ago.


2021-09-21 10:37 | Report Abuse

Told you before.....not clever doesn't matter, just be smart.


2021-09-21 10:27 | Report Abuse

If the Govt of any country cannot see the good use of their National coffer for the people, then what's good about the Govt?


2021-09-21 10:23 | Report Abuse

Also, kindly learn how the Corrupted Leaders, Money Launders, Frauds, Criminal are brought to Chinese Laws and if found GUILTY, penalties meted out.....Public execution with a bullet in the head. Go figure.


2021-09-21 10:22 | Report Abuse

Please grow up so that someday you may begin to understand National Emergency, Financial Crisis and Plight of


2021-09-21 10:10 | Report Abuse

Largest country holder of USA Treasury Bills and Bonds...1) China (2) Japan.

It's been said that if China dumps the Bonds and TBills, it could bring Uncle Sam to his knees. But it doing so, the world Benchmark in greenback together with the wealth in dollars that China holds could be significantly downsized.

300 Billion for Housing? piece of cake.


2021-09-21 10:04 | Report Abuse

This Ryu caught with pants down. Contra player...let's hope the price stays for the next few days to bleed him.


2021-09-21 09:48 | Report Abuse

BangBalls, ini forum you punya ke? Simpan rumah la, lebih baik di toilet sendiri main. Wife said No again.


2021-09-21 09:07 | Report Abuse

GameofTwat must really need to go back to school. Tak baca English, hari hari main Twat.


2021-09-21 08:43 | Report Abuse

Since the Sub-Prime Toxic Financial fallout in 2008-2009, USA Feds had put in place many higher stringent Policies on Housing Industries. They don't want to see another devastating Crisis, and in such a short time.

More concerned could be the Australia property markets which had always been highly dependent on Mainland investments and developers.

This would be an internal chinese solution and 300 Billion is not much to the Govt. Plus, it's not a total burned out but recoverable assets, unlike the USA Housing Crisis.


2021-09-21 08:42 | Report Abuse

USA Housing Bubble burst was the over speculation in prices of properties.

Chinese current problem is Developer unable to meet financial commitment due to insufficient profit margins to cover costs.


2021-09-21 08:13 | Report Abuse

Elephants can fly...cows chase rats and rats chase tigers.


2021-09-21 06:53 | Report Abuse

No point showing FACTS and FIGURES to convince people without education, without investing fundamentals.

Their logic seems to be, Buy and shout LU...then wait for TP.


2021-09-21 06:50 | Report Abuse

BangBalls : Sayang, apa harga Pharma hari ni?

GameofTwat : 82 sens

BangBalls : Apa!!! cuma 82 sen. Beli harga $7.00 dah jadi 82 sen!!!??

GameofTwat : Bang, bukan mcm tu. Dulu beli 10 lot skg dah jadi 50 lot! Byk lagi unit.

BangBalls : Oh, ok la, ada untung.


2021-09-21 06:23 | Report Abuse

Those who thinks that the eminent collapse of Evergrande is bigger than life and may trigger a World Financial Crisis will have a lot of sweating to do.

The ripple effects had already shaken world markets but the drop was not strongly felt. Dow dropping as much as 800 point before pulling back to a 614 (-1.78%) points drop, pretty much a regular correctional pull back, and not bigger than usual.

Ever seen what a meltdown of DJ looked like?

Evergrande total debt of 300 Billion, with which a portion of them are coming due. The News was out there the past 2 weeks and many Analyst had made adjustments and more taking shorts positions against Chinese economy.

Evergarde listed market price had plunged by 80%, so that's the truth stripped naked. They have issued 24 major Bonds and these holders are having sleepless nights.

It's now up to the Govt's decision to either, protect the homeonwers, buyers, suppliers or the lending Banks. Chinese Govt's opaque hands in their Banking sectors may need to play the crucial part in case of a bailout for the company.

Yes, it may cool the chinese economy again, recently having regulatory crackdowns on Gaming, Internet companies, education companies and some other industries.

Chinese Govt has since year 2011, been alternating between braking and accelerating the Housing industry to make home ownership high on priorities and now at 90% level.

It may take years to clear the mess at Evergrande with over 1,300 project in 280 cities, but expecting the Govt to give their decision to either let the company fail or step in to pacify the Banks and save the house buyers.

Meanwhile, back at Dnex, we are certain it would be business as usual and not raise any brows. Oil and Semicond chips are still the power houses for the future and high shortage is met with higher prices.

Brace for some turbulence, BUT HOLD THE LINE!


2021-09-20 15:21 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..feeling the heat, face already burning red...

Dnex needs to stay stagnant for a week, means nothing to us, but to you?

Do you think we are your fairy Godfather? Save you? We are just humble coolies.


2021-09-20 15:14 | Report Abuse

Back in 80s, there were so many lawyers that they were called "Ambulance chasers"

Today we have so many Doctors whom are injecting "empty syringes"

And over at Bursa, we have so many short term player chasing hot stock, but catching and holding embers..."hot burning coal"


2021-09-20 15:04 | Report Abuse

Short term, contra players? Your luck is hanging by the balls.

How to react now...cut fingers, cut arms, legs and torso? Hahaha

Caught with pants down again? This time bigger volume as last Friday was total traded at 160 millions.

Come to think of it, it's always been those short term sellers hindering the price upwards. But it seems they always hit the walls, why did that happen again and again.


2021-09-20 14:58 | Report Abuse

China's 2nd largest property developer's financial problems may unsettle some nerves within Chinese stock markets and the Hang Seng, which has their fingers caught in the cookie jar too.

US is looking at a reverse angle whereby funds will flow in their favor. So do other Asian markets.

Property development although has nothing to do with semicond chips, the financial squeeze might leave a chink on the armour.

Hang Seng is the most affected today, but we may just treat the slight drop of 3 sens from Dnex price as a bump, or just discount the rise last Friday, but those buyers would now be holding as long as we shall.


2021-09-20 14:24 | Report Abuse

Anyone saw the price at 85c last Friday?

Thought it was highest at 805c? Roti man took the 4.5c?


2021-09-20 11:29 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...didn't homework? Who's at the helm at Silterra? Who are the Management Team at Silterra?


2021-09-20 11:25 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha...tak tahu baca ke? I already said we collect at 1.55 in March 2020 and sold last batch at 6.70. Not holding a single ticket, unlike you, kena bakar...lagi hantam kuat.


2021-09-20 11:19 | Report Abuse

I love it when opportunity calls. How to lose when as mentioned months ago, we are holding FREE shares and profits ploughed back to collect below 80c?..hehehehe

Chinese Govt cannot afford the Debt crunch to unsettle the economy in China.

"Continued uncertainty in China could be a benefit for U.S. markets, he adds.

“There are lots of global investors that want to be invested in areas where they feel comfortable, where there’s corporate governance rules, where there’s contract laws that are obeyed. I think a lot of money that has gone global and might have been tempted to go to China may very well come to the U.S.,” he said."

Malaysia will open arms to greet more FDI inflow, same as others in Asia, even USA.


2021-09-20 11:00 | Report Abuse

Thank you, gladly. Please dump more, if you have.


2021-09-20 10:55 | Report Abuse

Sure rubbish, confirmed...and handing FnF and courier services can make hundreds of millions. 3rd Booster also can make millions. Don't just talk, show the figures.

Still want to see TP2.00.


2021-09-20 10:52 | Report Abuse

With you, there are no boundaries since you were the one dragging our names there. You can do things to others but curse others or doing the same to you?


2021-09-20 10:31 | Report Abuse

Now you're calling at KNM TP38.00? Do you even have the tiniest brain? At least a single cell of grey matter?


2021-09-20 09:55 | Report Abuse

Dnex has always not showed the following day. Maybe at afternoon of 3rd Day, Wednesday.

Might be surprised if any announcement before Wednesday.


2021-09-20 09:38 | Report Abuse

Mana mau pergi? Still same spot.

Someone lost a bundle caught at 7.00 to now at 4.20...hiding in toilet. Wife still say No.


2021-09-20 09:36 | Report Abuse

Shake, shake, shake...shake your boogie...

Weak and contra dropping off trees.....


2021-09-20 06:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-09-20 06:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-09-19 15:23 | Report Abuse

Gameoverkid saying one thing but means another, just the juice of a liar and now a sore loser. Caught with pants down and trying to squiggle way out.

You don't care but keep coming back for more rebuke, then your intentions are less than moot.


2021-09-19 15:02 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the News update. Unfortunately, 3rd Booster is for a minority group, AND NOT USING SEENOVAC. Please check your facts.


2021-09-19 14:03 | Report Abuse

Never heard of "Money never sleeps" on Wall Street?