VSLSB | Joined since 2019-06-27

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2019-07-07 16:09 | Report Abuse

Better to counter his/her arguments with facts. Usually they would just concede that certain group of investors are just too well informed and just move on to another group.


2019-07-05 18:03 | Report Abuse

myone99: Exactly. As a "fund manager" apple168, shouldn't you be looking for the next 10 bagger instead of fighting forumers in i3?


2019-07-05 16:44 | Report Abuse

apple168: Nike is doing pretty well. Their sales increased y-o-y as per posted just now.

"Revenues for the Nike brand, which excludes Converse merchandise, jumped 10% from the same quarter last year to $9.7 billion. Converse sales were about flat at $491 million.

Total sales in North America, excluding fluctuations in currency rates, were up 8% to $4.17 billion. Sales in the China region surged 22% to $1.70 billion."


The only one panicking is you. Everyone here is contented about the returns they're making from Magni except you. If you have no intention to buy Magni then what is your agenda here? It makes no sense to be attached to something you do not own. You already made your money earlier this year, as per your comment.

apple168 Sold all...thanks!
19/03/2019 1:03 PM

And that after pulling a stunt like this:

apple168 Let’s recap this sick Magni company.

Things are not looking good for Magni. Magni is sick. TP 2.


Good Luck.
26/06/2018 9:45 AM


2019-07-05 15:50 | Report Abuse

"Revenues for the Nike brand, which excludes Converse merchandise, jumped 10% from the same quarter last year to $9.7 billion. Converse sales were about flat at $491 million.

Total sales in North America, excluding fluctuations in currency rates, were up 8% to $4.17 billion. Sales in the China region surged 22% to $1.70 billion."



2019-07-05 15:45 | Report Abuse

apple168: You don't strike me as a professional. A professional would not resort calling others 汉奸for disagreeing with his/her views. They certainly would not go around recommending people to buy/sell certain stocks based on whatever 10, 12 or 1000 reasons. Whether if an individual wants to buy or sell, it should always be his/her decision alone and at his/her risk.

Or perhaps you are managing a fund, and knowing your fund is failing and knowing the potential of this company. You dessimate misleading information in order for you to encourage people to dump this stock for you to collect at a significantly lower price. If that is the case, you should resign your position immediately failing to manage your fund properly.


2019-07-05 08:18 | Report Abuse

Revenue (and profit) on a downtrend. Its all up to Q4 to see whether if business viable or not.


2019-07-01 19:39 | Report Abuse

dusti: How would you know Ucrest will be making big this time round?


2019-07-01 19:29 | Report Abuse

shareinvestor88: Buy or sell, up to you to decide. If you have information useful pertaining this share, please share them by all means. We all are learning anyways.


2019-07-01 19:09 | Report Abuse

apple168: You shouted to sell because you sold low and made losses? He also wanted to set tariffs on Malaysian exports too as part of his trade war tirade but did he do anything? Trade war has always been and will always be to cap PRCs Made in China 2025 and their technological capabilities.


2019-07-01 14:03 | Report Abuse

@shareinvestor88: Why?


2019-06-27 19:42 | Report Abuse

apple168: Well, only you know your true intention.

Nothing wrong with supporting Genting, i just think that , and Jomo Kwame Sundram agrees with me, Malaysia is in an economic downturn, do you think people will still have money to splurge RM1k or 2k in their casino? Or will people spend RM1 or 2 for a 4D instead, hoping for a quick buck?


2019-06-27 19:11 | Report Abuse

Apple168: Investing in shares is not gambling, speculating is. They are mutually exclusive. I like Magni because they are cash flow positive and regularly gives dividends which fits my investment portfolio.

As for clothes, no argument against economic downturn and people's spending patterns. But as long as Nike is recording better revenue(means people are still buying them), should I be worried? Notwithstanding that fact, Olympics is coming soon. You wouldn't want the Malaysian Government(or any government) to buy copycat from Petaling Street would we? Imagine the loss of national prestige.


2019-06-27 18:10 | Report Abuse

LongTermInvestment: Hahaha! I would just say good luck and congratulations if he is right. I don't support gambling therefore I don't look at Genting.

Coming back to Magni, IMHO I think its an OK company despite the concentration risk. Having trade war with China usually means one less place Nike can source their garments. For now, they give good divs I don't see any point in letting go.


2019-06-27 16:19 | Report Abuse

apple168: If you don't like Magni for whatever 10 reasons you have, you are free to air your views, whether true or not, people will appreciate them. What people don't appreciate is you call those who disagree with you 汉奸. This shows there is no sincerity in "sharing unselfishly to prevent small fish chase high on magni".