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2020-04-14 14:21 | Report Abuse
A narrow perspective. A good decision is base on a balance of medical facts and economical facts. Fear is understandable. But no one should live in fear of the shadows. Countries are now hoarding. Why? Because supply chain and economic breakdown. What will happen soon is that people will start running out of supplies and money to buy inflated supply cost. Then more people will die from poverty. Right now the self employed, daily wages and jobless are the biggest hit. This in current poverty will have less charity to mitigate their circumstances. Finally, after MCO life is still at risk from covid19 which is not going away.
2020-04-10 15:50 | Report Abuse
Agreed with you jessicatan. These doctors have emerged now as economists. Whats the difference to them? they sit in ivory towers. Its people like us who will pay the heavier price if MCO is lifted.
Even UK has continued the lockdown for 7 more weeks. We are not out of the woods yet. The tabligh group has not been fully accounted for. Some pain now for the greater good for all of us later.
If this virus comes back we will be dead ducks and you can forget the economy all together then.
2020-04-14 14:21 | Report Abuse
Government is trying to balance between economy and safety. Problem with MTUC is that you guys are all employees. Better to stay at home and get full salary with bonus thrown in too. If you want full safety, of course let the businesses open only until no more new case and infected patients have all recovered. But by that time, you won’t even have a job to go back too!