
VilyVi | Joined since 2015-12-17 22:26:34

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2017-12-29 14:05 | Report Abuse


Hi, Hanwen Yeh, TQ so much for your advice ! Already bought few hundred lots, shall unload once the pushing comes...

09/10/2017 16:57

Bought 500k unit shares early Oct averaging at 0.225c; sold this morning at 0.315c.
Thanks to Hanwen Yeh
31/10/2017 10:11

Bought 500k units @ 0.27c this morning following Hanwen Yeh, will dispose during next pushing, hopefully within one month .


Sold 500k units @RM0.44 this morning. Realize +RM80K within 2 months. Thanks to Huaan, & thanks to Hanwen Yeh.

Hopefully got chance for next round.



2017-11-02 13:11 | Report Abuse

Hi, Hanwen Yeh, TQ so much for your advice ! Already bought few hundred lots, shall unload once the pushing comes...

09/10/2017 16:57

Bought 500k unit shares early Oct averaging at 0.225c; sold this morning at 0.315c.
Thanks to Hanwen Yeh
31/10/2017 10:11

Bought 500k units @ 0.27c this morning following Hanwen Yeh, will dispose during next pushing, hopefully within one month .


2017-10-31 14:10 | Report Abuse

Hi Hanwen Yeh, noted your advice on Hubline, will study.

Thank you so much !


2017-10-31 10:11 | Report Abuse

VilyVi ,

Hi, Hanwen Yeh, TQ so much for your advice ! Already bought few hundred lots, shall unload once the pushing comes...

09/10/2017 16:57

Bought 500k unit shares early Oct averaging at 0.225c; sold this morning at 0.315c.
Thanks to Hanwen Yeh


2017-10-09 16:57 | Report Abuse

Hanwen Yeh Tomorrow We shud expect pushing whole day to close near high 280-290..... make sure you dont chase high and get stuck, just buy low and wait.....

Hi, Hanwen Yeh, TQ so much for your advice ! Already bought few hundred lots, shall unload once the pushing comes...


2017-10-05 21:29 | Report Abuse

Hi Hanwen Yeh, you are a real Sifu in TA, I respect your knowledge and skill, will buy more Huaan
following your sharings. Cheers & TQ !


2016-10-28 15:27 | Report Abuse

Hi CharlesT, if Mycron next QR show earning per share of 6 cents, then everything is possible


2016-10-28 15:15 | Report Abuse

My view is CSCSteel could not climb fast because Mr Gan is disposing, luckily Mr Koon is in to absorb Mr Gan shares, otherwise CSCSteel share price performance would be not as good as today...


2016-10-28 15:03 | Report Abuse

Hi Probability, it could be as you said, however CSC had not been performing as good as Mycron for past weeks, not just today...


2016-10-28 14:57 | Report Abuse

That is why I bought only Mycron and not CSC. In CSC there is a negative factor which is Mr Gan, but there is a positive factor too which is Mr Koon, finally I think Mr Koon will absorb Mr Gan shares, but it could be a slow process, and thus I guess CSC will climb up slower than Mycron.

Just personal view to share...


2016-10-28 14:44 | Report Abuse

moneySIFU, my guess is Mr Gan is continuing disposing, if market sentiment not good and buying force not strong enough to absorb his shares, then CSCSteel will be dropping...with Mr Gan and Mr Koon around, other Big boys may not want to be in to push up the share for them to sell...


2016-10-27 09:32 | Report Abuse

PV MARKET STATUS : Sharp Increase in Solar Products Prices

Wafer (US$)
2016/10/26 update

Item Avg Chg
Super High Efficiency Multi-Si Wafer 0.660 (+11.86 %)
High Efficiency Multi-Si Wafer 0.640 (+14.29 %)
Mono-Si Wafer 0.765 (+3.38 %)

Cell (US$)
2016/10/26 update

Item Avg Chg
High Efficiency Multi-Si Cell 0.232 (+7.91 %)
Taiwanese Multi-Si Cell 0.220 (+6.8 %)
Chinese Multi-Si Cell 0.219 (+6.83 %)
Mono-Si Cell 0.255 (+8.51 % )

2016 Oct 19th , VilyVi : Latest Solar Cells price increase substantially, a very positive sign for Solar Market

PV MARKET STATUS; 2016/10/19 Update (Source :EnergyTrend)
High Efficiency Multi-Si Cell 0.215 (+4.37 %)
Taiwanese Multi-Si Cell 0.206 (+4.57 %)
Chinese Multi-Si Cell 0.205 (+4.59 %)
Mono-Si Cell 0.235 (+1.73 %)
2016/10/12 update
High Efficiency Multi-Si Cell 0.206 (+4.57 %)
Taiwanese Multi-Si Cell 0.197 (+2.6 %)
Chinese Multi-Si Cell 0.196 (+2.08 %)
Mono-Si Cell 0.231 (+3.13 %)


2016-10-26 17:11 | Report Abuse

I guess is the effect of today Sinchew's news on China dumping steels to SEA, most steel counters affected, except Mycron!


2016-10-19 21:15 | Report Abuse

It will go up easily when somebody has collected enough and wants to push it up.
Be patient.


2016-10-19 20:56 | Report Abuse

Latest Solar Cells price increase substantially, a very positive sign for Solar Market
An increase of around 9% in total for last 2 weeks.

PV MARKET STATUS; 2016/10/19 Update (Source :EnergyTrend)
High Efficiency Multi-Si Cell 0.215 (+4.37 %)
Taiwanese Multi-Si Cell 0.206 (+4.57 %)
Chinese Multi-Si Cell 0.205 (+4.59 %)
Mono-Si Cell 0.235 (+1.73 %)
2016/10/12 update
High Efficiency Multi-Si Cell 0.206 (+4.57 %)
Taiwanese Multi-Si Cell 0.197 (+2.6 %)
Chinese Multi-Si Cell 0.196 (+2.08 %)
Mono-Si Cell 0.231 (+3.13 %)

Market or syndicate will lose ground to hold Tekseng share price at low level for long if general demands and prices keep increasing.
Patience should win...cheers!


2016-10-15 11:11 | Report Abuse

2016-10-14 | Editor : rheatsao 191 pageviews
Prices Rebound during PV Taiwan 2016; Apparently in Wafer and High-efficiency Cell: Price Trend

PV Taiwan 2016, held during Oct. 12 ~ 14 in Taiwan, was the first large PV tradeshow in Asia-pacific region since China's National Holidays. This tradeshow has generated a lot of interests and lively discussions, and was an indicator to future price trend across the PV value chain. According to data collected in the tradeshow, prices for min-stream products have obviously taken off due to short-term imbalanced supply-and-demand. Manufacturers' expectation to price uptrend in October is optimistic.

The market has become busy. Recently, entire supply chain has gradually escalated its utilization rates. PV cell manufacturers’ utilization rates even swelled more rapidly. The strong demand toward high conversion efficiency products has led to urgent price hikes for ultra-high-efficiency multi-si wafers. During this week, price for multi-si wafers in China has surpassed RMB 4.4 / pc, and in Taiwan has come above US $0.56 / pc, representing a three percent price increase scale showed up in simply one week. The highs of spot price even exceeded US $0.6 / pc. As of now, ultra-high-efficiency wafers are still highly in demand. The price is estimated to keep on growing in the coming two weeks as a result.

Mono-si wafers experienced a demand recovery as well, while most of the supply has come from tier-one suppliers. Price raise in multi-si wafers drove fast bouncing upwards significantly, and spot price has regained ground at a firm US $0.7 / pc and would steadily move up.

As mono- and multi-si wafer prices have quickly up-swung, PV cells quotes will also reflect their rising material costs. After China's National Holiday, mono-si PERC cells’ price began to pull up first due to their supply shortage. For PV cells with standard conversion efficiencies, the spot prices were generally raised to around US $0.29 / W. Regarding to mono-si PERC cells with higher efficiency above 21%, the prices became much greater than prior price US $0.3 / W. Spot price for multi-si PV cells with efficiency above 18.4% will see a comparable trend by reaching US $0.21 / W very soon, and will open up a bigger lead from standard PV cells.

Following China’s holidays, downstream side has not seen huge installation demand. Although mid-stream of supply chain product price started to grow, the industry has concerned that price hike was only tentative. EnergyTrend predicts that the demand side will experience a new installation mania from November 2016 to Lunar New Year of 2017, because China would slash subsidies by July 1st 2017.

Although prices for wafers and cells both significantly raised after China’s National Holiday, the PV industry eventually must return to its fundamental supply-and-demand. Overly glutting caused module price to continuously fall. Even though cell and wafer makers have seized the moment to raise their prices, they may soon encounter the pressure of price cut again. Their next opportunities will be at the end of year 2016, when the market will start to swiftly procure in a huge quantity. That will be the time to break through price ceiling and to surface another wave of price increase.

(Analysis provided by Corrine Lin, analyst at EnergyTrend. Translated by Janet Chen, a translator of TrendForce Corp.)


2016-10-14 05:30 | Report Abuse

趋势:PV Taiwan期间价格反攻 硅片、高效电池涨幅明显

10月12至14日正在举办中的PV Taiwan为十一长假后首场大型太阳能展会,会场展况热络,也成为众所瞩目的价格风向标。展会中中游价格随短期的供需不平衡而明显起涨,十月涨势乐观。

市况回温,近期整体供应链皆已陆续提升稼动率,但电池厂稼动率的回升也来的又快又急,尤其需求集中在高转换效率区段,使得特高效多晶硅片迅速涨价,本周中国价格已突破RMB 4.4 / pc,台湾也超过US$ 0.56 / pc,单周出现超过3%的涨幅,且最高成交价甚至过US$ 0.6 / pc大关。目前特高效硅片需求仍高,未来两周仍是涨幅可期。

单晶硅片也感受到需求回温的热潮,且供应量大多集中在一线龙头厂商,市场价格很快即随多晶出现明显反弹,价格已站稳US$ 0.7 / pc并陆续往上提升。

随单、多晶硅片快速出现V型反转,电池片也将被垫高的成本反映在报价上,十一长假后物以稀为贵的单晶PERC首先领涨,主流效率价格普遍在US$ 0.29 / W上下,超过21%的高效单晶PERC价格比起先前的US$0.3 / W也再向上涨了一波。转换效率18.4%以上的高效多晶电池片亦不遑多让,价格应能马上站稳US$ 0.21 / W,与一般效率电池片拉开差距。



2016-10-14 05:06 | Report Abuse

Taiwan Solartech share rises from low at TWD 15.50 on Sep 30,2016 to TWD 16.50 on Oct 13,2016


2016-10-14 04:49 | Report Abuse

太陽能現貨價反彈逾2% 類股齊揚
2016/10/13 09:41 中央社




目前太陽能業者普遍預期,今年太陽能產業景氣谷底已過,第4季市況可望好轉。包括昇陽光電 (3561) 等多家太陽能電池廠已紛紛調高產能稼動率。

太陽能導電漿廠碩禾 (3691) 也對第4季營運展望樂觀,預期第4季導電漿出貨可望較第3季增加3至4成水準。


碩禾母公司國碩 (2406) 股價也一度達24.4元,漲0.95元,漲幅達4.05%;太陽能電池廠茂迪 (6244) 一度達33.95元,漲0.65元,漲幅約1.95%。


2016-10-13 09:13 | Report Abuse

PV MARKET STATUS ; Solar Wafer & Solar Cells prices surge 2016/Oct/12

Wafer (US$)
2016/10/12 update

Item Avg Chg
Super High Efficiency Multi-Si Wafer 0.565 (3.1 %)
High Efficiency Multi-Si Wafer 0.545 (2.64 %)
Mono-Si Wafer 0.700 (4.17 %)

Cell (US$)
2016/10/12 update

Item Avg Chg
High Efficiency Multi-Si Cell 0.206 (4.57 %)
Taiwanese Multi-Si Cell 0.197 (2.6 %)
Chinese Multi-Si Cell 0.196 (2.08 %)
Mono-Si Cell 0.231 (3.13 %)


2016-10-10 00:30 | Report Abuse

Taiwan Solartech share price already moving up lastweek. Huge demand from China for 2017 1st half anticipated.
Hope Tekseng will show the similar uptrend!


2016-10-08 01:11 | Report Abuse

Yes, SmartInvestor, the worst is over, China demands start to revive in orders and prices are increasing compare to Sept. Tekseng has chance to resume expansion again by next year. Cheers!


2016-10-07 16:42 | Report Abuse

Yes, good that today very much less people want to sell.


2016-10-07 04:49 | Report Abuse

2016-10-06 | Editor : rheatsao 346 pageviews

Prices in China’s PV Market Rebounded in Late September; PV Taiwan Will Be a Predictor of Future PV Demand

PV product manufacturers in Taiwan and China saw orders returning in the second half of September, while prices of polysilicon, wafers and PV cells started to rally after reaching their lows, according to EnergyTrend, a division of TrendForce. The capacity utilization rates of many manufacturers also rose from under 50% back to 70~80%. As the Chinese government has planned to significantly cut its renewable energy subsidy in the middle of 2017, EnergyTrend expects the country’s PV system installation demand to take off again towards the end of 2016.

Prices in Chinese PV market rose as demand recovered ahead of National Day holidays

At least a Good news to share after all the bad news...cheers!


2016-10-07 01:59 | Report Abuse

Bottom could be formed unless syndicate wants to play it down. Taiwan latest news reported inventory stocks running low in September , price of solar products rise about 5%-10% towards end of Sept. China demands start to increase and Taiwan SolarTech anticipated production in Oct to increase by 40% compare to Sept.
Hope more good news will be out in coming months...China demands in 2017 is still strong, those less competitive companies will be out as demands are towards more efficient products, those with higher conversion rate.

News & Blogs

2016-10-07 01:42 | Report Abuse

China Solar cell demand & pricing start to rise in Oct, below latest news from Taiwan.

2016.10.04 / 工商時報 / 記者王中一

對於市況回溫,太陽能電池廠昇陽科 (3561) 予以證實,認為這一波的最低點已經過去。該公司強調,隨訂單的價量見到回溫,預期10月的生產線稼動率將拉高到7成,比現在的5成水準足足高出2成水位。

不過,太陽能矽晶圓和電池的報價是在9月中旬創新低,因此,對於國內相關的業者來說,9月份營收仍是持續下探,再創近年單月新低。以昇陽科來說,9月份營收4.49億元、月減22.8%,連續第3個月出現衰退,甚至還低於2月份春節長假水準;至於太陽能矽晶圓廠達能 (3686) 的9月營收更降至4,100萬元,比起前月的8,650萬元腰斬。

所幸,這波太陽能產業景氣下探期間已有半年,市場對於矽晶圓廠和電池廠9月份營收續創新低並不意外,甚至頗有「利空鈍化」意味,反映在股價上也有提前落底跡象。以昨(3)日太陽能族群股價表現來看,包括綠能 (3519) 、昱晶 (3514) 、茂迪 (6244) 和昇陽科等都有1%以上之漲幅。





2016-10-06 14:23 | Report Abuse

Since news of Solar cells demand and pricing rise already out, I am buying also. ; )


2016-10-04 00:24 | Report Abuse

Dear All,

Thank you for your inputs and advices and your time. I realize that I could not be sure of future developments in Tekseng TS, viz whether it could resume its original expansion plan by next year or next few years, but one thing which can be very sure now is world wide Solar Cells price and Solar Panels price are dropping drastically. I would not touch Tekseng at the moment to avoid risks due to factor of product price dropping, unless in future the Solar product demands & pricing rising back again.

Special thanks to Skyrider and Dragon1 for your sincere advices. Cheers!


2016-10-03 23:24 | Report Abuse

Dragon1, Thank you for your advice. You got the points.


2016-10-03 22:08 | Report Abuse

Skyrider, you brought up an interesting point, we all know that the recent excessive sell down is due to a "Retrenchment Letter" appeared in newspaper, not reasons like solar cell price erosion or the new installed lines have low margin, etc..., (newspaper never mentioned these).., and from your above input, UOB Analyst stated that the retrenchment issue has no impact to Tekseng performance. So, if the retrenchment impact is a false alarm, the motive behind the excessive sell down as planned by somebody is worth to ponder about... just my 2 cents


2016-10-03 17:13 | Report Abuse

Please note, above are personal views for sharing, not a buying call.
Be warned, this is a very high risk counter !!!!


2016-10-03 16:54 | Report Abuse

If you are interested, you may take note of following

1: Tekseng production expansion is delayed, doesn't mean it will not be resumed in near future.

2:The lines already installed, Neo Solar Power has to compensate Tekseng if orders not fulfilled, in millions per quarter. Tekseng would not incurs lost even if the lines are idling. To minimize the compensations,NSP would definitely load the idling lines once Market demands pick up, which is expected to be towards 4th Q of 2016. (If news is correct, the new installed lines were sold by NSP to Tekseng for +RM 100 millions and not transferred for free, thus NSP has to guarantee minimum orders to TS, otherwise it has to pay compensation).

3. In order to get away the US & EU anti-dumping tax, it is already a trend for Taiwan Solar companies to transfer part of their production to SE Asia (Vietnam, Thailand & Malaysia). In Malaysia, other than Tekseng there is no other better choice for the Taiwanese companies if they want to find a suitable partner, so Tekseng future expansion opportunity is always bright.


2016-10-03 03:29 | Report Abuse

TEKSENG 只是预定的7月扩充计划受阻,並非伤筋伤骨。 这次的下杀太狠太有效力了。应该是有心人为之!等收票收够了, 就会布局往上杀。让我们静以观之!


2016-10-02 04:13 | Report Abuse

From my personal view, I strongly believe there is Syndicate play behind the recent sell down. From the excessive volume traded I also believe they have successfully collected enough shares. due to retailers panic sell,They would push up the share price later so they could unload with handsome profits, the catalyst could be a reasonably good 3rd Q result , and a greater catalyst could be when Tekseng resumes back its expansion next year (the possibility is quite high, refer to below Taiwan news)


中國新太陽能政策已經出爐,但拉貨潮仍遲遲未啟動,需求何時能夠回溫,一直都是業者殷殷期盼的曙光。業者指出,根據最近中國客戶討論出來的結果,預估10月會開始拉貨,預期第4季起,中國新年度的太陽能18 GW(Giga Watt,10億瓦)政策將會浮現。

For me, I would start to accumulate if there is no further sell down in next week.


2016-09-28 01:00 | Report Abuse

Dear All,

Hope not to panic, Solar cells demand is cyclic, it will not be the end of Tekseng just because of recent market down. Hopefully demand will be back by end of 2016. Cheers !




雖然中國新太陽能政策已經出爐,但拉貨潮仍遲遲未啟動,需求何時能夠回溫,一直都是業者殷殷期盼的曙光。業者指出,根據最近中國客戶討論出來的結果,預估10月會開始拉貨,預期第4季起,中國新年度的太陽能18 GW(Giga Watt,10億瓦)政策將會浮現。


除中國市場外,業者也表示,預估9月起歐美市場需求也會隨之升溫,需求不外乎政府政策及自家住宅屋頂需求等。根據美國太陽能產業協會先前報告指出,全美國今年安裝量有望達成14.5 GW,相較去年7.5 GW,成長94%之多。


2016-09-28 00:35 | Report Abuse

Dear All,

Some old news about NSP (Neo Solar Power) and its earlier capacity shifting plan with Tekseng as attached below for your perusal...looks like Neo now has capacity cut with Tekseng (though it needs to pay compensation) and creates the panic sell of Tekseng shares.

By: Nuying Huang | DIGITIMES | Posted: 25 Sep 2015, 16:12

Neo Solar Power to shift 350-500MWp solar cell capacity abroad

Crystalline silicon solar cell maker Neo solar Power is planning to move annual production capacity of 350-500MWp from Taiwan to an overseas location in an attempt to avoid US anti-dumping tariffs, according to industry sources.

Malaysia-based solar cell maker TS Solartech may be a target for Neo Solar's capacity shift, the sources said. Taiwan-based solar cell maker Solartech Energy has invested in TS Solartech for a 42% stake and helped the latter expand annual production capacity to 280MWp, the sources indicated. As TS Solartech plans to further expand annual capacity by 750MWp, Neo Solar stands a chance of contributing through moving capacity from Taiwan in exchange for a stake, the sources said.

Neo Solar indicated that it is in the process of setting up overseas solar cell production lines and expects production to begin in early 2016.

Nuying Huang, Taipei; Adam Hwang, DIGITIMES [Wednesday 17 February 2016]
In the fourth quarter of 2015, Neo Solar cooperated with Malaysia-based solar cell maker TS Solartech on a plan to to relocate annual monocrystalline solar cell capacity of 350-500MWp from Taiwan to the latter’s factory, with 70MWp having already been moved, the sources indicated.


2016-09-27 23:07 | Report Abuse

From latest news and previous news, the +200 workers laid off were employed in June 2016 and trained to stand by for the newly installed lines in July 2016. However due to market reason, the newly installed lines did not run and the workers have to go. However, Tekseng is getting compensation from customer for the new lines installed due to contract singed to guarantee minimum order by customer.

I believe the old production lines are still running full capacity, therefore we can anticipate that although the 2016 2nd-half production expansion does not happen, the performance would not be too far off from 2016 1st-half. Today market sell-off could be excessive due to panic sell.

Hope my reasoning make sense.


2016-03-08 23:51 | Report Abuse

In my humble view, if PP is priced at RM 1.88/share, traders my view the company worth only RM 1.88/share, thus throw the shares, or it might be purposely pushed down by big shark taking this as opportunity. Recently Tekseng has similar case. PP was priced at RM 1.06/share, and share price dropped from RM 1.20 to RM 1.06 in about 2 weeks time.


2015-12-17 23:05 | Report Abuse

Hi tksw, nice greeting! I am new here, I admire your good EQ and good humors, I noticed you often able to buy low sell high in small lots on the way chasing up. Your tactics might work for long term uptrend stock like Gadang but I am not too sure... For Gadang I prefer to buy and hold for long term and very confident will have handsome rewards. Hope you have good luck and make more money than long term investor like me at the end... Cheers!