
Vincenbravo2 | Joined since 2019-04-17

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2019-07-22 23:24 | Report Abuse

Hi Jimmy, there are 2 types of sell. A real sell is like Tabung Haji. Sell until no longer substantial and I believe by the end of this month when annual report is out Tabung Haji is no longer in the top 30 list. That's a real sell. A fake sell is like what mostly U see in the announcements. They sell to announce to everyone. They sell so little onli of what they really have. If the directors really want to sell, sell like Tabung Haji until 0 shares. Not sell to scare the ikan bilis. In fact most owners or directors have proxy accounts which they can buy and sell without announcing. So that is the real buy and sell coz they don't have to announce. The one they buy or sell to announce is mostly FAKE...


2019-07-22 20:14 | Report Abuse

Don't drop how to scare the ikan bilis to sell? Whats the BIG BAD News which made bahvest drop from 74 sens to 62.5 sens? NOTHING... Almost 20% drop out of nothing :) Haha!!


2019-07-22 15:55 | Report Abuse

Now i buy also U not happy??? Everyone in this whole forum must only follow U then correct... Now volume for bahvest almost 3 million. I only bought 100k. Guess who bought the rest? And free warrant volume 2 million ++. I only bought 108k. Guess who bought the rest? If everyone follow U. The the rest is WHO???


2019-07-22 15:40 | Report Abuse

Anyway managed to collect 100k shares at 62.5 sens and 108k free warrants at 35 sens :) Happy Trading Everyone...


2019-07-22 14:56 | Report Abuse

If don't want to buy now and wait. Its your choice. Just sell and wait for it to drop... That's all. When U think its low and want to buy, pls inform the other people to buy with U and don't be selfish. That's all


2019-07-22 14:51 | Report Abuse

Hi Pussycats, fuel price is up. But fuel in Malaysia is controlled price and pegged already. Diesel has a ceiling fixed price. To counter this world gold price is at an all time high and the usd to the ringgit exchange is also at an all time high. Monthly productions for quarter 2 will also be at a NEW HIGH. So nothing much to worry about. Cheers Bro


2019-07-22 14:40 | Report Abuse

Another question wanna ask U all. So like what U all believe Bahvest will drop further. So after it drops further and U all buy, Bahvest will go up correct. So what price U all think bahvest will reach. From day 1 i already said RM2 to RM2.50 (Bahvest X 2 + free warrant X 1) meaning even if someone buying at the highest 74 sens. Will still earn if can hold. Do U agree that one day bahvest will reach RM2 to RM2.50? Or U think bahvest will drop and drop and drop and can never recover back?


2019-07-22 14:36 | Report Abuse

Then why at 66 sens U shout and tell everyone. U buy?


2019-07-22 14:15 | Report Abuse

Why didn't see U all come out and shout and warn others not to buy above 70 sens. Where were U all. If U look back, I always warned others not to buy above 70 sens.... So so so many times. Told is high already. Did U all ask others not to buy above 70 sens?


2019-07-22 14:12 | Report Abuse

Why so worried if other people buy? Unless U have a hidden agenda... U worried people buy then the price can't drop. Then U can't buy cheap? Haha!! Don't be so selfish la. Also they buy they not buying with all their money. I ask them to divide their money into 5 parts and buy slowly...


2019-07-22 13:59 | Report Abuse

I have seen the owner and gang play this game so so so many times. How they push the price down to scare all the ikan bilis and they buy cheap. How they push the price up and trap all the ikan bilis to buy. So I'm so biasa & tidak apa to their game already. All the shares I'm holding is with my spare cash. My average is less than 40 sens now. If U can just tell me ONE SINGLE bad news of bahvest at this moment, I will reply U. If there is none why are U scared?


2019-07-22 11:53 | Report Abuse

The real skill in the share market is to be cool and calm when a share drops. And to sell when the price is going up. Buy low sell high :)


2019-07-22 11:39 | Report Abuse

Haha. Maybe your account Boon Keng is also mine :) why U keep on kacau me? U too free izzit?


2019-07-22 10:57 | Report Abuse

Both are my accounts. I have 2 handphones. That's all :)


2019-07-21 23:19 | Report Abuse

Hi Jutawansenyap, RM2 to RM2.50 is Bahvest X2 + free warrants X1. Cheers Bro :)


2019-07-21 17:15 | Report Abuse

Hi Boon Koon, U lose a lot ah U follow my advice? Which part U follow make U lose a lot?


2019-07-21 12:22 | Report Abuse

Boon Keng wat U wrote is the same as what I write. Maybe your English is bad and don't understand. U are the first group which will wait for bahvest to drop further before U buy. So just wait. That's your choice Bro. Must improve English first... Haha!!


2019-07-19 15:12 | Report Abuse

Just bought 100k shares at 64 sens and 100k free warrants at 36 sens :) World Gold price too tempting not to buy... Haha!


2019-07-19 12:06 | Report Abuse

Tommyleong - U most welcome Bro and hope U win a lot

Bursatrader123 - Yup Bro ENJOY :) in the end we just all wanna win

Kfliau - Bro, I'm not the owner or goreng person :) I also wish bahvest will fly to RM2 to RM2.50 faster so I can sell all my shares and relax. Hahaha. Just hang in there Bro. It will surely come. GUARANTEE

Investopology - whatever I write also won't be acceptable to U. Coz U have already made up your mind. Then just stay happy and wait for it to drop below 60 sens. Then U buy ok? Cheers

Kfliau - Yup World Gold Price looks so YUMMY. New High!!!

Jimmy Ng - Bro if U buying, divide your money into 5 parts and everytime it drops a bit buy your next part. Don't buy everything one shot with all the money U have. Later if it drops then U cant buy already. Happy Trading Bro & hope U win a lot

* Ok la. I won't comment until next week already. Tired d today. Type so much. Haha!! Adios


2019-07-19 11:41 | Report Abuse

My advice still the same since day 1. Buy slowly. Divide your money in 5 parts. If at 70+ sens U can buy, why can't U buy at 60+ sens. Its the same thing. And everytime it drops say another 5 sens U buy your next part. So when it drops to below 60 sens, U still get to buy. Remember nobody can sell at the highest & nobody can buy at the lowest. Not even the owners. And if U really think it will drop below 60 sens then don't buy yet now. BUT asking everyone else not to buy and must follow U, then is not right. As there is no guarantee it will drop below 60 sens. That's all. Hope U all WIN a lot and ENJOY your weekend... Cheers!!


2019-07-19 11:17 | Report Abuse

Anyway it's really true I'm uncle d. Next time U can call me uncle Vincent. I'm not so young d. I follow bahvest for around 10 years. I got many kids already :) Everyone calls me UNCLE


2019-07-19 11:12 | Report Abuse

Btw when I sell above 70 sens I inform others to also sell. Buy low sell high... I'm not like somebody keep on asking people not to buy. If really so they why U buy at 66 sens?


2019-07-19 11:09 | Report Abuse

AUNTY number 2 :)


2019-07-19 09:07 | Report Abuse

Must be very careful. So many people with different aims. Banyak ULAR... Everyday ask people to sell. Who knows maybe they collecting quietly :) Just focus on your own game and don't trust everyone...


2019-07-18 11:47 | Report Abuse

1. Oowa the secret of doing business is also the same... Buy low sell high

2. Investopology, already said many times... Directors buy or sell to announce might not always be the truth. Why above 70 sens NO directors sold and announce? Its becoz they sold quietly and dare not announce using their proxy accounts

3. Kfliau, KING OF GORENG doesn't need to just only goreng up. It can also goreng down. Like now. What's the single bad news of bahvest? Nothing... BUT they can goreng down. That's a skill :)

Anyway as bahvest price starts to drop from 74 sens. There is currently too many groups of people in this forum all having their own aims and agendas. Some would have sold everything. Some still holding. Some buying. Some waiting to buy. Some just buat kacau... Angry bitter disappointed becoz they lost a lot. Some have finished all their money buying. Some have some. Some have a lot. So many people with so many different personal aims. So read carefully and think carefully and decide on your own. It's your own hard earned money. As long as U win then its good. Happy Trading Guys!!


2019-07-18 10:53 | Report Abuse

Since U have already decided and made up your mind, then just follow what U believe. Good luck on your anti buy low sell high theory and 2 or more operators in Bahvest. As long as U win and make money, then happy for U. ENJOY :)


2019-07-18 09:45 | Report Abuse

Hi investopology, let me try explain to U. U think carefully and decide...

1. In Bahvest there is only 1 operator and 1 owner. They both form the best ever partnership to GORENG. From RM1.50 to 32 sens. From 32 sens to 74 sens out of nothing. And U will see this round what they will do next from 74 sens to how many sens... Bahvest is 1 of the BEST GORENG Counters in the Bursa

2. Whenever U see Hugh blocks queuing to sell or throwing. Why do U think there is a second operator? Its just the same 1 operator throwing. No one here can win the 1 operator and 1 owner and their 1 gang. And when there is always seller block que, its that 1 operator doing it la. So since there is only 1 operator selling, how anyone else going to eat that block share? And since no one eat that block share. The same operator throw down again only. There is no 2nd operator in Bahvest. That's I'm super sure

3. There might be some medium size players maybe like me who can buy or sell a bit more. But we are not operators. We are the ikan bilis medium size also trying to earn from onwer and gang by buying and selling according to owner trend. And hoping to profit along the way. We are not operators. We don't know how much the price the owner want to push until. Or how many shares they want to collect before they GORENG. We all predict only

4. Your last paragraph shows how much U really know about the share market. Your skills and knowledge is really bad. U try read your last paragraph again. If U don't buy low and sell high U must be crazy. If your imaginary 2nd operator sells to us and we all buy then your 1st operator push... Then we earn correct? Haha I also don't really get wat U say in the last paragraph. U advice don't buy low sell high. And U say don't buy from your imaginary 2nd operator becoz after U buy operator 1 will push up the share price... Gila man Bro!!

Bro how long have U played Bahvest and how long have U played in Bursa. Have U really won anything so far? How much have U earned or loss from Bahvest. If U can answer honestly then only give advice to others. Coz many people here are as new as U. If U not very sure then dont make all the ikan bilis even more confused... Thanks Bro


2019-07-17 16:47 | Report Abuse

Want to talk also must have some simple sense la. Wanna tipu also must make sense. Owner will appoint 1 operator and that person jaga their counter la. When wanna GORENG the operator will do la. Push up or down also operator will do. How can the operator fight with the owner? They one gang wan la. Everytime I type owner and gang. Operator is their gang la. But seriously bahvest operator is one of the BEST in bursa. U see how they can push up and down U already know. Otherwise how can be called KING OF GORENG :)


2019-07-17 14:45 | Report Abuse

Haha Boon Keng. There is no use for me to convince U hard to buy or sell. Its your choice Bro coz its your own money. If U really think bahvest will drop a lot and have already made up your mind, then U must sell. Don't waste anytime before it drops further. As simple as that. U can ignore all my comments so U won't be convinced. Everytime U see my post pls don't read so U can win more. Cheers Bro and i don't like to boast on the number of shares I currently have. But honestly it's a lot and I plan to buy more slowly in stages...


2019-07-17 14:00 | Report Abuse

Boon Keng, that time world gold price was flying everyday. It was usd1430 +++!!! 8 years NEW HIGH :) imagine if it reached Usd1500... Anyway if U think bahvest will drop a lot, U can always sell now and buy back later. As long as U earn then its all good. Happy for U. Don't have to follow me 100% I also cannot predict the future 100% im just writing to help others with the buy low sell high theory. Cheers and hope U win a lot


2019-07-17 12:58 | Report Abuse

Guys some points to think and decide...

1. Did everyone of U buy above 70 sens? 60 sens. Nobody bought? 50 sens nobody? 40 sens nobody? 32 sens also nobody. So all commenting above bought above 70 sens izzit? U all just starting playing shares izzit. Before 2 months U all didn't know bahvest existed? And only found out bahvest is around after bahvest is above 70 sens...

2. If so U have bought super high and now panicking and dunno wat to do. Highest was around 74 sens and now is 63 sens. U can never buy at the highest so the most U can lose today is not more than 10 sens. Is that already killing U? Just 10 sens U wanna die already... Sad case correct? Remember it's Buy Low and Sell High and not the other way around

3. Remember I always tell U all to buy or sell in 5 parts. Meaning whatever money U have U divide in 5 parts and buy slowly. So if now is 63 sens U can always buy slowly whichever part U are into it. Not buy everything 1 time. Sell also the same. Coz no one can buy at the lowest and no one can sell at the highest. Not even the owners

4. Now tell me 1. Just one bad news about bahvest. Just 1. There is NONE. So why U a running and selling. Gold price still above usd 1400. All reports and results are Fantastic. Many record highs. If U think owner cheat or bluff, why don't U go report Police or Macc or Bursa. Don't just complain like a pussy here. Be brave and report

5. Now listen carefully, for the owners to earn. The fact is many ppl have to lose. As the share market is a 0 sum game and creates NO wealth, everytime someone wins someone has to LOSE. So since so many people have jumped into Bahvest above 70 sens, what else can the owners do if not dump and scared the ikan bilis away. They cannot push anymore coz eventually we all also will sell. They know it. So they need to scare, chase and shake away all the ikan bilis before they go higher. It makes NO sense hfor the owners to push higher and higher and higher for everyone else to earn. Think...

6. My prediction will never change. RM2 to RM2. 50 is a guarantee. Owners can do all the tricks in the world. Fast or slow it will reach that price. As long as we can wait. Buy low sell high. Pe patient. Wait for the majority to sell. Wait for the owners and gang to collect enough. I'm 100% sure a new high will come. Again RM2 to RM2.50 I'm super sure. U check back all my comments since many many years ago. Seldom get it wrong one... Check back and see

7. Our best ever chance is coming soon. If U ask me wat is the lowest price to buy. Seriously I don't know. But we need to start topping up what we sold above 70 sens. Remember RM1.40 to RM1.70 is the neutral range. So U need to decide on your own. Divide your money to 5 parts and U decide. Remember buy low sell high!!!

8. Again I'm going to tell U in December 2018 it was onli 32 sens. I bought until I really have 0 money left and even borrowed from family to buy. I don't think we can ever see 32 sens again. Not even 40 sens. But a super duper opportunity is coming. I can still remember when I commented BUY BUY BUY at 32 sens. Even more people laughed at me and said why catched a falling knife. Today its gonna repeat again. Just look above on the comments. And if U have time U can see back the comments in November and December 2018

9. Learn the art of making money. Bahvest is the best place to improve your skill. By buying above 70 sens in the first place your skills are almost 0. It's really stupid to buy high. And now starting to sell low. Do U know its the same thing. Bahvest didn't change at all. If above 70 sens U can buy. Why can't U buy when its now 60 sens? Its the same bahvest. The same counter. Its now on sale... Why can't U buy the same thing for 60 sens when U can go all in at 70 sens? Think...

10. I have followed bahvest for around 10 years and the only reason I write is becoz I pity all the sad ikan bilis. Kena and kena and kena again and again from the owners and gang. Why U all always lose. I write also U all still kena. Why U all always lose ha? Buy low sell high also can lose meh? Unless U didn't wanna listen when I told U to... U did the opposite.

Lastly watever your price is. As long as U can HD long term. U will win it back. As my prediction of RM2 to RM2.50 means it will be a NEW HIGH. Means bahvest will cross 74 sens. So wait if U trust my humble advice. Happy Trading Guys :)


2019-07-17 12:33 | Report Abuse

Ok. If U have run. Goodbye :) Haha!!


2019-07-17 12:03 | Report Abuse

Selamat tinggal to all the sellers... Again U all lose. That's sad :(


2019-07-17 11:18 | Report Abuse

Goodbye Gold Heaven :) Buy High Sell Low


2019-07-17 10:51 | Report Abuse

Once all the buy high sell low finish selling, guarantee new high RM2 to RM2.50 will come. GUARANTEE!!!


2019-07-17 10:04 | Report Abuse

This cash is not mine. I sold 1.1 million shares above 70 sens +++ and now buying back with the money I sold (maybe Gold Heaven's money) plan to buy 1.2 ++ million shares with that money and will get free 100000 ++ shares with 0 money. My average costing for the 1.1 million shares is around 40 sens and after I finish buying my 1.2 ++ millions shares my average is lesser than 40 sens :) Hooray!!!


2019-07-17 09:46 | Report Abuse

Goodbye to all the poor sellers... Remember to come back again to contribute to the owners and all the old sharks. And again buy high and sell low and complain. Please remember to come back. Place your bets Sir and good luck Sir :) Anyway I bought a bit more at 64 sens. Just 100k... YUMMY!!!


2019-07-16 15:43 | Report Abuse

I will never run la. Bahvest is the best counter to make money. U all buy so high the so scared when drop a bit. U think carefully did U all buy low and sell high? 64 sens onli like wanna die d. December 2018 when it was 32 sens how?


2019-07-11 19:58 | Report Abuse

Investcharm the poor guy everyone attack U. Honestly, everyone in this forum has their own aims and targets and NOT everyone's aim will be same like yours. Like a person who already sold all their shares and thinks that bahvest will drop so they can buy back at a cheaper price will keep on commenting negatively. A person who have bought with all their money on bahvest will surely say all the good things and super positive comments on bahvest. The owners and goreng master also will have their hantus here commenting on how they want the share price to be. So everyone has their own personal aims. No one will be so kind to comment opposite from what they want or have bought. So just focus on your own game. Buy low sell high. And don't get distracted with other people's plan coz it won't benefit U. Cheers Bro & Happy Trading :)


2019-07-08 16:40 | Report Abuse

Anyway managed to buy 100k shares at 66 sens :) Happy Trading Guys...


2019-07-08 15:40 | Report Abuse

Bye Bye to those leaving :) Hope U all WIN a lot... Bahvest will always be here for U to come back when it's HIGH :) Haha.. Come back again to buy high and sell low in the future and help all the owners and gang to earn... Cheers!!


2019-07-08 10:49 | Report Abuse

Superrr even at RM1.30 (after bonus issue 65 sens) U actually had the chance to earn if U sold above 70 sens. And even now U are earning a bit as the price is still above 65 sens. Correct?


2019-07-08 10:37 | Report Abuse

Hi Superr, this round when it reached a new high. U will win. Make sure U sell when it's high. Sure it will reach RM2 to RM2.50... If U bought at RM1.30 after bonus issue your average will be 65 sens. So just relax and wait. If the price drops lower than 65 sens then only U buy. Now U don't be greedy becoz if U keep on buying your average will keep on going up from 65 sens. And only buy if U have spare money. Don't use margin. Thanks Bro


2019-07-08 10:03 | Report Abuse

Hi Superr, Why U so sad and bitter? U lose a lot in Bahvest meh? Just drop so little how can U be so sad? 70+ to 60+ sens U like want to DIE already... Steady la Bro!!!


2019-07-08 09:54 | Report Abuse

Haha... 66.5 sens and free warrants 37 makes bahvest at RM1.70 today :) Just relax guys. It didn't really drop much. It's still in the range. Guarantee will reach RM2 to RM2.50 this year. Gold still around usd1400 highest ever since bahvest started. Production for this quarter also highest. Revenue and profit at all time high. So why worry. All these little tricks is a MUST la by our King of Goreng if not how they going to earn. Just wait and be patient. If U are scared tell me just 1 BAD news and I will answer U back. Just 1. There is actually NOT a single bad news. So just wait and let the owners and gang bbq in the hot sun in the mine while we relax and enjoy. Btw I'm a bit quiet lately coz I'm overseas enjoying my WIN from another counter :) Cheers guys and happy trading!!!


2019-07-05 16:19 | Report Abuse

Wow. Welcome all the NEW people to the Bahvest Family. Hope U all WIN a lot!!! Cheers :)


2019-07-05 10:53 | Report Abuse

Hope it can drop more. So I can buy back the 1.1 millions shares I sold above 70 sens. 65 sens will be YUMMY :) Haha!!