Blog Posts
2023-02-16 20:11 | Report Abuse
Making loss so no windfall tax liao.
2020-11-12 20:36 | Report Abuse
I saw latest price target for TopGlove has been given only 7.88 today on I3 stock price target. Wonder why???
2020-09-20 01:30 | Report Abuse
@hahlolwtf, make more sense if you can provide some report within this year to proof that Vietnam is exporting more goods to US this year as compared to Y2019. BY showing past year record, couldn't fortune telling next year movement.
2020-09-20 01:14 | Report Abuse
Perhaps you should checked with your sources in Vietnam that most of the Chinese related companies not doing well in Vietnam when dealing with US export. Textiles, furniture that linking with Chinese companies not doing well because American are worry to purchase stuff from them. That's why such worry had benefiting Malaysia's furniture making industries.
2020-09-20 00:53 | Report Abuse
Why 1H2020 Intco only can produce so little NBR glove but more on PVC?
2020-09-20 00:52 | Report Abuse
I have cross-checked the report shown by hahalolwtf: 今年上半年,英科医疗加大手套生产线的建设,安徽英科“年产280亿只(2800万箱)高端医用手套项目”中,10条丁腈手套生产线建成投产。截至6月底,手套年化总产能超过220亿只,其中PVC手套产能超140亿只,丁腈手套产能超80亿只。
2020-09-17 11:27 | Report Abuse
Today's remain speculative on Top Glove results. Once exceeded expectation, every glove counter will shoot up.
2020-08-10 22:11 | Report Abuse
US unemployment aid coming put today, sell down happened in whole Asia and goreng collect back $$$ back to US
2024-08-28 19:58 | Report Abuse
With the impending tariff hike by the US government on imports, and the government’s policies
to catalyse more domestic manufacturing, the development of Supermax’s first overseas
manufacturing operations in the USA is poised to benefit from these such policies. The Supermax
Group anticipates that market prices for personal protective equipment (“PPE”) including gloves
and face-masks in North America would stabilise and rebound starting from the first quarter of
CY2025. The US government’s policies to boost domestic manufacturing are designed to
accelerate the buildout of domestic infrastructure and manufacturing capabilities in key industries
and incentivise more investment from the private sector. The USA venture provides a domestic
production and supply capability to serve primarily the US domestic demand for gloves.