
Yaokanhakzan | Joined since 2017-05-26

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2017-12-28 16:10 | Report Abuse




Dato sri Chong Ket Pen is who? Some news about his pretender might interest you to buy more Protasco shares:

Chong Lied and Cheated Protasco controlling shareholders to own Protasco control is now proven its all about money. Directly & publicly announced money paid to Chong own pocket already exceed RM50mil, not to mention another RM50mil where about, besides paying his board of directors to shut up, cash went vanished during Chong “own control” of Protasco. Read Protasco Annual Report to find the money trails if you really wants to know what you have invested in.

He tried to cover up his potential dirty criminal history by associating his name with some hoPO story and polis retiree corporation, and such shows may not clean up his potential illegal money trails and crime. Before he gets haul in to jail, Chong sure will buy more protasco shares using his ill-gotten money. There is only upside, so buy before chong last act, could happen days before his secrets got exposed and captured. The last glory fireworks before self destruction. RM1.20 sure win.


2017-06-16 14:07 | Report Abuse

来来来。张出殡推股起来了,1.15赚到了。应该谢谢张出殡派红包。呵呵。人家讲张出殡,你酱紧张嚒?多一个少一个你,股票不会影响啦。股票起最重要,管它张出殡还是张棺材。两个傻嗨自己笨。没人在意。你管他? 看股票就看股票啦。

Chong ket pen push shares, hit TP 1.15 profit 20c already. Everyone have to thank him! People talk about chong ket pen old crime so why you bother so much? Stock market with or without you, you think will affect Protasco share price? Think too much. Most important share goes up, who care chong ket pen is criminal or liar. Two dumb investors nobody pity them. Nobody cares. Why bother? Mind your own stocks lah.


2017-06-14 21:05 | Report Abuse




So now everyone knows chong ket pen signed agreements to acquire assets in order to cheat investors to take over protasco, but actually he induce them just to save his career and take back control from protasco old owner.

Chong ket pen interest in getting back his job and control was not disclosed to the board of protasco nor went through egm to get shareholders approval. Chong ket pen was shy to ask protasco old owner for extension of deadline and though of conceil such information to avoid egm which he don't have enough time. Because of chong undeclared interest in the seal, he was under investigation. Instead of come clean and discuss on solution, chong ket pen was panic and due to greed and selfishness, he fabricate a bizzare excuse claiming protasco substantial shareholders "having interest in asset instead" to make them a scapegoat to divert the blame. Such blame was so outrageous, that the deal was solelu handled by chong ket pen, and if he found problem he could have inform and negotiate on solution. Obviously there is no so called interest, if any, would just declare or ratify, except chong ket pen just want to fabricate a blame to cover up his wrong doing and in order for him to take control of protasco. Chong ket pen don't want to be blamed as he aware that he is fully responsible for miss handling of asset.

Later was found out that chong ket pen desperate to cover up his wrong doings inside protasco involving graft and money laundering, the real big cover ups. As guilty as he is, chong ket pen bites the hand who feeds, betray everyone, and has sacrified protasco credibility and his integrity to feed his own greed. Protasco will go down with him while authority hands on him the days are numbered.


2017-06-14 13:09 | Report Abuse

Lololol. We believe chong ket len shall return back protasco to shareholders and repay what he cheated and stolen, and company can dividend 50cents. Real is real, he cannot fake even though he can spend company money to fabricate blame.


2017-06-14 13:02 | Report Abuse

I hold some 4.5 and 5. I also hold protasco .97 and sold half 1.10. Waiting for 1.15. Profit from chong ket pen. lolol.


2017-06-14 13:01 | Report Abuse

The dumb former owner teh choose to save company and shareholders from being attack by his enemy chong ket pen, already left long time ago, so that chong ket pen blackmail him outside of company. His level of business mind and sacrify himself for public interest, only certain level of understanding of art of war could realise his heart for the public. But not many people would cate about the truth. Important is company is safe and business shall grow. If wanted to speculate you can try protasco. Buy little bit and chong ket pen will panic and buy up share price. Sure makes profit. Here is for long term investors to collect at bottom.


2017-06-14 12:37 | Report Abuse


Cute nikmon, people didn't reckless sue chong or cause others to simply fake legal suit or fake a charge on him doesn't chong ket pen is innocent. Domino effect, other opportunist learn from chong and blackmail doesn't its the truth. Chong ket pen fake law suit and charges is exactly for you to use here, and you are using it. Wow, you self admitted abide to his scam! His criminal inspiration for other opportunist to copy and blackmail is also exactly for you to use here, and you use it. Wow, so convenient iszit? Looks like you love him so much, can cover up his sin in cheating, defamation, bribery, robbery, lying and all sorts of crime, all you couldn't see. He "fabricate" and you just spoon feed, we wonder if is it true that society is such shallow, or there no moral values left, it once again proven a crook is forever a crook, chong ket pen ex boss Tun already fired him should have leave the tiger to die. Release the beast is a society mistake, its time for clean up to save humanity. Before that, still hope chong ket pen push to 1.15 so we can make some raya money from him before he jump off river. Lololol.


2017-06-14 12:08 | Report Abuse

聪明!就是要张出殡归还protasco给人家,然后张出殡自己一人做事一人当,自己”归还亏损”给protasco. 终于明白了?


Smarter already. Now you understand chong ket pen should return back protasco to ooi and teh, and chong ket pen should self responsible for what himself did, he should pay for protasco losses.

Chong ket pen though of putting blame on others equals to other people made the mistakes, and himself has no mistake? Chong ket pen has to be responsible for his own mistake. He can "sue you for having affair with his mother's dog", does it means "you did had an affair with his mother's dog"? You can ask your lover chonf ket pen to ask himself confess to himself what is did to protasco is it right or wrong. The 2 dumb and chong ket pen problem is their problem, we all agree. But what chong ket pen owes to protasco "dignity and credibility" chong ket pen has to pay for that himself. Protasco matter of time being sued huge numbers of losses, small investors can't speculate on chong ket pen kiasu mentality to chase the share price up for a profit. The time bomb is always there if chong ket pen does not come clean and surender himself to save protasco.


2017-06-14 11:45 | Report Abuse


Cute nikmon chong ket pen lover, do you know the 2 dumb ooi and teh may have borrow money to save chong ket pen and let chong ket pen do his deal himself, they may have broker and paid off others, leaving with net debt just helping chong. Chong ket pen made his own mistakes and ask people cover his hole, your lover thinks people are dumb. Maybe you are? 2 dumb protasco owners help chong because they see protasco controlling value not less than 400mil. Ask chong return back if he talk about honour. If you don't know what is enterprise value go take a class. You will know what chong ket pen has cheated.


2017-06-14 11:25 | Report Abuse


Nikmon you should tell your friend or lover Chong Ket Pen returns back protasco to the owners ooi and teh, appology and pay compensation 100mil, and then cover his own mistake to company another 100mil. You ask him what he signed and agreed, for the price, is already saving him a lot of money compared to what he promised. He should be glad that he already gain and the 2 who saved him. Chong won't be sitting on protasco which he stolen and he owes protasco to them. The truth already open secret published in black and white. You ask him and see. Chong ket pen chicken out put a blame of his own careless mistake, he knows this in his owm heart. What chong ket pen though he owns by cheating, rob, and steal, all belongs to protasco. He cannot bring to his grave. Protasco shareholders are not happy, chong ket pen dare to do he should dare to admit and die also with honour. If not for his confession of sin, he should think of karma on his kids and many generations to come.


2017-06-14 11:03 | Report Abuse

讲多没用,张出殡应该归还protasco与两个股东,自己赔偿自己的粗心大意1亿,再道歉赔偿名誉损失,然后自首投河自尽。自己没有勇气面对就嫁祸于人,protasco本来就不是张出殡的,自己应该裸捐还给人家,地狱之门可能还可以腾出空间给它挤进去。protasco很多人买了很多,应该追到1.15. 张出殡越追大家赚越多。张出殡那天包大红包给它,别急。呵呵。

Talk more no use. Chong ket pen should not chicken put blame on others. He should honour his words and pay 100million himself to protasco for his own mistakes, and return protasco to ooi and teh, appologise and pay compensation, and then jump off the bridge himself. Die also with honour. He should donate everything to charity for the sin money he cheated and stolen, maybe hell gate will open a hole so he can squeeze himself in. Luckily many investor buy protasco and price must shot up to 1.15. The more panic chong ket pen is, price goes up more. At least people made money and burn more hell money for him when time comes. Lolol


2017-06-14 10:45 | Report Abuse


The 2 shareholders who buy protasco and saved chong ket pen later go cheated by chong ket pen are real dumb. They sold shares to protect thousands of shareholders and save company from chong ket pen blackmail and took the hit themselves. Only people with clear mind can see true intention and differentiate human from animal. Dog like chong ket pen will never gets to know what is karma until the moment comes. Chonf who thinks he cheat, kill and bribery is acceptable is mentally ill, we ahould pitty him. Don't worry chong ket pen can't go see Jesus or down to hell, he can always sits in protasco after life. So hard he rob and cheat to hold protasco, people will build a monument in front of protasco for public cursing forever. Lolol


2017-06-14 10:22 | Report Abuse

Lolol . 看看张出殡的马子终于看不下去秘密被揭开。张出殡那天害人害到人家公司困难很厉害哦?诬告陷害扯人官司,再点火破坏人家公司,什么生意都会破坏咯,以为大众很笨会不知道。你不知道吗?他自己良心自己知,他没跟你说哦?自己欺骗偷走protasco还哦弥陀佛。恩将仇报的畜生地狱都没门啦,哦什么哦。耶稣都打救不了。可悲可悲。因果报应不必担心,反正张出殡爱财如命,杀人放火都做了,张出殡那天上路很多被害的会给他烧钱哦。放心不必紧张。不是不报,时辰未到。

Chong ket pen supporter finally cannot stands his most afraid secret being reveal. Chong Ket Pen cheated ooi and teh the protasco shareholders who saved him, and damage people name causing their business suffer, very smart iszit? As good as killing and robbery, Chong ket pen put a blame on people and sue people in hope to escape his wrong doing, hero iszit? He sold his dignity and hide his shame, he pretend he can live with it, he told you he is very clean? Lololol. Don't worry, the dog who bites the hand who feeds will get his punishment. Chong ket pen loves money he stolen so much, many people will burn a lot of hell money for him. Don't panic.

Love what chong ket pen dis and causing people sugger iszit? Let's see who is chong ket pen:
Ouch! Cheat money also put company outside. He out inside protasco office. Lolol

This one very interesting also.

More interesting. So hansome ckp the robber.


2017-06-13 19:04 | Report Abuse


You like to keep made up and sue people itzit? Sue ckp lor. People think he bribes hundreds of millions taking government money is "ok". Means your money. Bigger than 1mdb wor. Want to be hero? Go expose lor.


2017-06-13 18:46 | Report Abuse

Let me help ckp supporter expose ckp crime lor:

Yaokanhakzan 张出殡仪式举行顺利,和EPF抢购到1.11。放了一半,等1.15。多该死也谢谢张出殡。楼上的柠檬应该不知道张出殡干了什么事。利用公司制造假象告他的股东,2个傻嗨Ooi和Teh。骨牌连累别人也陷害2个傻嗨。你试试抢你老板给外劳看,他们会不会也去抢一下。张出殡抢了公司再用公司告人和搞人,以为你看不见他抢人。多厉害还是杀人犯。


Ckp and EPF buying up shares until 1.11. Sold half, wait for 1.15. Criminal ckp no matter what has to thank him for his nervous buy up. Above don't know what ckp did? He put blamr and sue 2 dumb shareholders ooi and teh. Rob protasco from them. Domino effect, other people also rob whenever has chance. You can sue people also when you rob and control protasco. No matter how ckp tried to show he performa, criminal is still criminal. He cannot clean this history.

Speculator as long price goes up, ckp is murderer so what. Nobody cares. Price will still goes up, hopefully 1.15 soon.


2017-06-13 18:41 | Report Abuse



Ckp and EPF buying up shares until 1.11. Sold half, wait for 1.15. Criminal ckp no matter what has to thank him for his nervous buy up. Above don't know what ckp did? He put blamr and sue 2 dumb shareholders ooi and teh. Rob protasco from them. Domino effect, other people also rob whenever has chance. You can sue people also when you rob and control protasco. No matter how ckp tried to show he performa, criminal is still criminal. He cannot clean this history.

Speculator as long price goes up, ckp is murderer so what. Nobody cares. Price will still goes up, hopefully 1.15 soon.


2017-06-13 09:29 | Report Abuse

Fast buy before chong and epf buy all. 1.10 coming soon.


2017-06-11 14:40 | Report Abuse




CKP fraustrated old boss and tried to get close to government but was made fool of him. Old and new government ask him for election contribution, ckp stingy and claims no money. They have to take back themselves since Protasco belongs to government anyway. They took back their own, ckp is just gate keeper, underwear also belongs to government.

The balance concession already 70% margin gone, and any new election road maintenance profit will be for election. Old or new government will want a piece, CKP likely has to subsidise to buy himself time. Those profits nothing to do with investors.

CKP told lies for 3 year using OsK and Melacca, etc, now Hong Leong Research to boost confidence. It will be useless until government take back and ask back from him personally. Likely cheaper. EPF moves mean time is up.


2017-06-09 15:25 | Report Abuse



2017-06-08 16:52 | Report Abuse

1.00-1.05 快快 到 1.10 赚 2 千。呵呵。等狐狸上钩买单。


2017-06-08 16:46 | Report Abuse



2017-06-05 20:56 | Report Abuse

Old croc surfaced!!! Chong ket pen buy more shares. All must buy sure goes up!!! 老狐狸现身,张出殡再买股票。包起!


2017-06-03 20:11 | Report Abuse

大东方”看到问题卖了”, 抛给EPF。看清楚咯。
Great eastern saw problem and "sold" to EPF. So good why they "cut loss"? They did investigate lor.


2017-06-03 20:09 | Report Abuse


这些强盗根本是借钱给利息进自己口袋。股价大跌大股东还是控制董事长,没打算卖股票关他们屁事,杀人放火都可以啦。苦了小股东以为又有利息糖果吃,结果吃了泻药。骗了一回又一回。Bursa 和 SC 需要读博士班才能明白真正强盗的逻辑。这么明目张胆的偷和抢,骗股东,放新闻,自己讲自己是好人就是好人噢。摆明犯罪集团啦傻嗨。

Don't understand ke? I explain. Borrow money to pay dividend is for major shareholders own pocket only because share price drop they have no plan to sell shares, they don't care because they still control the board chairman using viagra and ginseng. The ones got manipulated is small investors who hope for dividend and suffer bigger loss from share drop.

With big debt and thin profit margin and goes more into PPA1M, company will need to borrow more money, and borrow even more to pay dividend. They are criminal and Bursa and SC standard 5 knowledge need to upgrade. Only Phd from New York or Hong Kong knows how to catch these robbers and crooks.

Understood? Unless you don't own shares, form 5 also knows how to calculate "actual" gain or loss lah.

News & Blogs

2017-06-01 18:49 | Report Abuse



2017-06-01 18:15 | Report Abuse



2017-06-01 18:13 | Report Abuse



2017-05-30 15:18 | Report Abuse

都讲CHONG KET PEN 张出殡会买到1.00啦,快快买,1.00 EPF 要买完了。包起。

News & Blogs

2017-05-30 15:13 | Report Abuse

EPF 来了,看看 CHONG KET PEN 张出殡了吗?1.00 包起。快快买。把张出殡也买了包起更多。


2017-05-28 14:38 | Report Abuse

张出殡那天买了很多。包上1.00。EPF 都套住了,不买没面子。拜一包起。

News & Blogs

2017-05-27 09:23 | Report Abuse

So Great Eastern loose faith, EPF is a good dump place. We should follow before goes up. 有人买单包起。


2017-05-27 09:21 | Report Abuse

One sell one buy. Seller sold cut loss buyer though cheap sale. Price will goes up. Buy.


2017-05-26 15:43 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2017-05-26 09:50 | Report Abuse

