
aarontan1987 | Joined since 2020-07-02

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2020-07-30 19:36 | Report Abuse

@jacksonkhs welcome welcome hope u oso earn money la and have good life this year sampai 2021 half quarter hahahaha soli i no sembahyang amen punya so idk what to say to u hahahahaha god bless u la hahahahaha


2020-07-30 19:35 | Report Abuse

@Foo ding dong then spike. i oredi comment before and no update cause volume no change thats why i know operator main steady kaw kaw to fk all the force sell kaki hahahahaha in case u tak nampak i kasi u see here again hahahahaha

>>> near 40cts and at 40.5 cts got cumulative volume at 60% 300% 350% so add altogether give u is 710% hahahahaha just steady steady flow dont watch too much chart then heart cannot take it hahahahaha


2020-07-30 19:28 | Report Abuse

@andreakoay @mondrian ps just finish everything from jogging to kau tim the children hahahaha happy holiday to u two and to all the asiapoly kaki here including aaron_tan aka pang71 no need to feel sour because of his wu liao pattern hahahaha all good good enjoy your holiday wait for market open on monday hahahaha


2020-07-30 19:26 | Report Abuse

hahahahaa u no see meh why suddenly influx of seller come push in IRIS???? like so weird coincidence wor hahahahahaha nvm steady still can kasi absorb all these seller order hahahahaha


2020-07-30 16:02 | Report Abuse

@leeruzi7 @blackdevil99 kam xia kam xia u guys too enjoy holiday with family hahahahaha go watch movie or something liao hahahaha


2020-07-30 16:01 | Report Abuse

can retired early go jogging dy hahahahahaha no need see much till next week sambung balik ding dong hahahahaha


2020-07-30 15:19 | Report Abuse

if la IRIS sudah go above 40 that i tell u wont hold jor i will let go my mid size lorry here hahahaha


2020-07-30 15:18 | Report Abuse

the thing is rumor is for me to play their game by their rules hahahahaha so got people use rumor here havent confirm one they ownself shoot their own leg nia hahahahahahaha


2020-07-30 15:17 | Report Abuse

yep my share still in this game havent let go hahahaha


2020-07-30 15:13 | Report Abuse

be patient nia hahahahaha u think la if project come they need u oso to kasi pump up. so good thing oso no rush too fast hahahaha or else that news come out is come fk kaw u punya hahahahaha


2020-07-30 15:12 | Report Abuse

IRIS give u go till below 30 to 275 volume oso make people goyang dy hahahahahaha


2020-07-30 15:11 | Report Abuse

vinvin and golden horse hahahahaha oredi give my projection ma yesterday. unless got changes oni come hahahahaha i see come beh hiao ba kaki here keep comment waste time i oso feel lazy update hahahahaha


2020-07-30 14:44 | Report Abuse

waters hahahaha of course but if too fast too furious punya ending in accumulation volume i will out hahahahaha


2020-07-30 11:46 | Report Abuse

thesteward eh sudah balik asiapoly ah hahahahaha lama u hilang oh hahahahahaha if today 50 this cap extension will be very painful hahahahaha i still say today kasi cap till next week unless of course operator want to last round fast then its time for me to unleash my big lorry liao hahahahahaha but no no no i still waiting hahahaha


2020-07-30 11:42 | Report Abuse

almost lunch time dy hahahahaha u see the pattern never change one. same come same go stuff. today till next week same case hahahaha


2020-07-30 11:41 | Report Abuse

legion12 if u got enough margin and cash why not??? hahahahaha unless u punya cash and margin very little only then better keep it as floating reserve hahahahaha


2020-07-30 11:11 | Report Abuse

jacky9599 of course if not why need all this rumors la news la keh leh feh??? hahahahahaha AGM > QR > Project > M&A (merger acquisition) > Dividend > Bank analyst coverage. all these will kasi affect the stock punya hahahaha think from bird eye view dont so narrow hahahahaha narrow u will never see past anything jor cause u see is what is infront of you nia hahahaha


2020-07-30 11:00 | Report Abuse

jacky9599 nono is AGM - annual general meeting quarter report i oso not sure when but i think around august oso if i no wrong la hahahahaha cause different stock different AR timing release one some maybe same time some maybe is different cause got delay in their accounting la or whatever hahahahaha


2020-07-30 10:59 | Report Abuse

foo5678 hahahahaha u want 2 cap game ah??? that one u need to ask yourself can stomach the pain bo hahahahaha if give u 2 cap game that one means got one last phase out and wont reach higher dy hahahahaha. so for now this operator doing like this is good thing i bet got people buy at 47 dont want to listen then now sure pain dy scare dao like fk jor hahahahahaha


2020-07-30 10:48 | Report Abuse

near 40cts and at 40.5 cts got cumulative volume at 60% 300% 350% so add altogether give u is 710% hahahahaha just steady steady flow dont watch too much chart then heart cannot take it hahahahaha


2020-07-30 10:46 | Report Abuse

kasi honest speaking la there is possibility today slowly cap till next week oredi see how they want to play the game with u dy hahahahaha if today strong cap next week will slow ding dong till AGM. their play no change one so u intraday now is people call LOOK FOR GRAVEYARD hahahahahaha


2020-07-30 10:43 | Report Abuse

waters kam xia kam xia all is well for you!!!!! if today operator not normal cap and give u strong cap drop kasi go 40 level u see la i bet a lot of people cannot stomach this pain one hahahahahahaha


2020-07-30 10:42 | Report Abuse

foo5678 yup not just u a lot of people i think waiting for that hahahahaha but the question is can people wait till that time??? hahahaha people emotion is greedy like fk one hahahahaha give u one ding dong u sure scare till run far far jor hahahahaha


2020-07-30 10:12 | Report Abuse

Guniang_2702 no worries and no problem brother same same here oso want to earn so help others hahahahaha why bother sending people go holland leh? i dont know because i cant think of benefiting like this cause everyone deserves better so huat huat huat!!! hahahahahaha


2020-07-30 10:11 | Report Abuse

@mondrian kam xia kam xia for tagging my name appreciate appreciate. AGM next week thursday just so u guys dont know when ah hahahahaha. we see how price flow till next week thursday hahahahaha


2020-07-30 10:09 | Report Abuse

legion12 true just steady flow oni hahahaha. cap is good thing and never a bad thing if continue rush one that one u need to takut hahahahahaha


2020-07-30 10:09 | Report Abuse

@thetitanic itu kena convicted jor oso no takut cause he know will rise hahahahahaha


2020-07-30 10:08 | Report Abuse

@blackdevil @mondrian hahahahaha zou san zou san hahahahaha


2020-07-29 22:35 | Report Abuse

nokidding i forget to update u with some volume calculation hahahaha. if IRIS tomorrow ding dong u will see 30.5. straight kasi accumulate there hahahaha


2020-07-29 22:33 | Report Abuse

leeruzi7 hahahahaha hope for the best steady gang!!!


2020-07-29 21:50 | Report Abuse

blackdevil99 hahahahaha steady flow huat huat huat!!!


2020-07-29 21:35 | Report Abuse

blackdevil99 for now if follow plan they sure will cap awhile let it smooth out wont that crazy go that high. if go high high before AGM and Q2 u oredi know they want to end game dy hahahahaha. now means they still havent end everything so chill chill flow


2020-07-29 21:33 | Report Abuse

blackdevil99 hahahaha u pray hard for 50cts tomorrow can no problem but from my opinion a bit not possible cause i see they no accumulate and oredi dump some hahahahaha how i know? oredi tell u earlier that it will extension cap or cap straight away. we havent reach 48 this level then today operator straight cap dy so we need to see more whether tomorrow want to breach this high volume factor at 48 or not hahahahaha and yes the AGM around the corner will help spike ini go near 70 if currently no crazy shockwave up la. end of august ah that one we see after AGM on weekly volume how first if not hard to go that far and calculate cause i no number to match oso hahahahahaha cannot give u false hope oso so we see after AGM then decide on technical hahahaha


2020-07-29 20:55 | Report Abuse

nokidding hahahahaha steady flow only hahahahaha


2020-07-29 20:46 | Report Abuse

fluffyclouds updated my target for tomorrow hahahahaha ready the comment no problem. dont follow the aaron_tan aka pang71 guy he push people go holland one hahahahaha


2020-07-29 20:45 | Report Abuse

intraday update calculate all average with last 7 days volume and with after market closing punya volume

if tomorrow continuation with no ding dong our target will not change and continue kasi belasah 48 kasi tear 50 apart!!! champagne bottle on!!!!

but due to today operator kasi ding dong like a monkey.... if tomorrow no cap extension and straight cap here is the level where volume will most likely anticipate kaw kaw

0.380/3805 - 90%
0.405 - 180%
0.435 - 54%

ok tomorrow if got changes we update again!!! steady gang asiapoly!!!


2020-07-29 20:11 | Report Abuse

nokidding the other rumor that maimunah post one i dont take in yet cause i got feeling that news they use to lure more people buy into IRIS. those who do research sure know RFID project under IRIS and will kasi hantam their order kaw kaw so u see now u got buyer volume jor at IRIS the thing is with buyer come in seller can let go order thats why ding dong ding dong hahahahaha


2020-07-29 20:09 | Report Abuse

nokidding if no luan luan rocket from now u bet that NIIS announcement sure kasi this thing go to your dream hahahahaha easy


2020-07-29 20:08 | Report Abuse

cedricchansa i not them cannot tell u why but i know soon or later they will vege lepas everything slowly in small quantity cause their amount too big need more people to get suck in hahahahaha


2020-07-29 20:08 | Report Abuse

derrtan hahahaha oredi say lose engine to repump fuel. second round coming soon just wait wait only hahahaha


2020-07-29 20:04 | Report Abuse

andreakoay no problem we all come here and in stock just want to earn so can feed ourself and our family hahahahaha i just kenot see why others use other people for their own benefit. no wonder they cannot sleep well eat well and always kena karma hahahahaha


2020-07-29 19:27 | Report Abuse

jacky9599 he not only sold early but since last time keep ask people sell sell sell then go other forum kacau other say buy top glove la sell this one in the end he one position oso dont have one. this one is come forum syiok sendiri and do stuff for remisier one i one shot see oso know where he come from and what he do dy. u tell me la anyone can no job nothing every hour come kacau u sendiri dont care about his own investment???? lan pa pa lan i dont believe hahahahahaha


2020-07-29 19:23 | Report Abuse

jacksonkhs888 hahahahaha kam xia kam xia no problem u make profit i happy oso plus i no mislead info one since day 1 i at here comment. only that siao kia come after me like one crazy mental problem guy idk why even name oso use my name. good people good karma i believe hahahahaha everywhere he go people aim kaw him and pui him hahahahaha dont ask me why lo see his profile i also feel pity for him


2020-07-29 19:22 | Report Abuse

lau9639 you are most welcome hahahahaha u earn money i happy oso i hope u earn more than that hahahaha dai geh huat huat huat !!!!


2020-07-29 19:21 | Report Abuse

bettertomorrow useless one u report kasi SCM or bursa cause this one not simply goreng hahahahaha their AR last year oredi show they really got that much order and last time abbey and power oso got give us fact kasi fact check. memang is earning company so SCM or bursa if report what they will do i tell u now hahahahahaha they will kasi keep in log file give u reference id and thats all hahahahaha they only go after those BIG BIG SHARKS can one time fine above million one hahahaha or else "waste government resources ma" hahahaha


2020-07-29 18:49 | Report Abuse

hahahaha ok ons golden horse and chua still here. steady IRIS gang i still holding mine too hahahaha


2020-07-29 18:17 | Report Abuse

who havent sold still with me??? nokidding?? qwerting??? speakup??? vinvin???? hahahaha iris gang mana u hahahahaha


2020-07-29 18:17 | Report Abuse

now i just realize ahfad sold dy no wonder so quiet here hahahahaha


2020-07-29 18:15 | Report Abuse

speakup hahahahaha maybe even a consortium will help push this to 50 cts easily. im just waiting for the cap game to be done with then sure will kasi push hahahahahaha


2020-07-29 18:04 | Report Abuse

thats why i love the operator in this counter cause he kasi everything smooth smooth hahahahaha those fly kaw very high one usually is cannot sustain one. cause the volume usually range at 600% - 900% which i oso dont dare to touch hahahahaha. one shot down will lesap your order like crazy hahahahaha