
aarontan1987 | Joined since 2020-07-02

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2020-09-23 09:52 | Report Abuse

@longterminvestor8 u want to sell your O&G lapsap leh go other place dont lure people buy your BS so u can profit hahahahahahahahaha knn i really beh tahan u these type always want to lure naive beginners all the time hahahahahahahahaha


2020-09-23 09:41 | Report Abuse

@mashoh95 @yeying1226 no worries be happy hahahahahahahahaha
@jacksonkhs888 haiyah u just need to chill and dont stress too much be open minded a bit sometimes u see too narrow not good for your mental health also hahahahahahahaha most importantly u dont listen to those lan pa pa lan kaki where they sell jor and suddenly come back say up up up this one u need to be very careful hahahahahahahaha good luck la hahahahahahahahaha

@ahfad heng tai huat lo wait till up more u can take profit more hahahahahahahahahaha let all those so zhai buy those mou lan yong stock everything high volume but cannot move cause kena manipulated 99 hahahahahahahahahahaha this one is the real deal see they know what to differentiate mou hahahahahahahahaha


2020-09-23 09:17 | Report Abuse

jackson oredi share earlier that one is i personally tell him one but he keep asking till i lazy repeat like a parrot hahahahahahahahaha gogo scroll back and update in your note hahahahahahahahaha


2020-09-23 09:15 | Report Abuse

oredi tell u guys liao lo hahahahahahahahahaha soem still want to doubt me keep asking me this and that hahahahahahahaha now u see u regret going against me or not hahahahahahahahahaha i memang is sharing is caring and have no intention to make u guys lose one hahahahahahahahahaha sit tight la and @jacksonkhs888 be patient hahahahahahahahaha


2020-09-21 09:57 | Report Abuse

my final moment here i say last call hahahahahahahahaha so dont pm me any longer as i oredi give you guys everything at IRIS - AsiaPly and now here hahahahahahahaha good luck and stay happy profit in 2020 hahahahahahahahahahaha


2020-09-15 07:58 | Report Abuse

hai yoh be patient and wait hahahahahahahahaha why bother with the minor flush that one is for contra and margin player to kiss goodbye to your portfolio punya holdings ma hahahahahahahahaha incoming very soon dy fruit almost ripe like musang king hahahahahahahaha


2020-09-10 11:08 | Report Abuse

@ahfad they want to buy expensive stuff like supermx harta topglove careplus comfort also dont want to buy cheap and good potential asset like SMCAP hahahahahahahahaha i dont know people brain is went full backward or just like to buy high chase sky high hahahahahahahahaha its okay i .50 calibre hit couple shots slowly we will see hahahahahahahahaha


2020-09-10 10:07 | Report Abuse

reloading .50 calibre bullets hahahahahahahahaha


2020-09-05 14:40 | Report Abuse

@jacksonkhs888 steady like this play sure wont get drown hahahahahahaha i will help u hold lower pricing when the time comes hahahahahahaha anyways can spare my 3 out of 100% fund to play with and to lend support since i sold everything at asiapoly jor hahahahahahahaha


2020-08-28 15:40 | Report Abuse

@ahfad im just waiting for operator to pave way cause i see what they playing very limited got few cards left oni hahahahahahahahaha 170 if got i will assess any lower range they open so we kasi front run them hahahahahahahahahahahahaha this is AYAMAS oi hahahahahahahaha


2020-08-28 13:13 | Report Abuse

@hansenvine welcome and take my target TP adjust carefully out dy refresh a bit then kasi hantam again that time will assess and recalculate their move hahahahahahahahaha

huat huat huat lai!!!


2020-08-28 12:37 | Report Abuse

@ahfad see jor oso know his style want to sai lang people one hahahahahahahaha nvm i got money and time come i wait for the operator hahahahahahaha

0.170 i STAND wait KAW u hahahahahahaha see u want to test my patient or not hahahahahahahahahahaha


2020-08-28 00:55 | Report Abuse

@gfalbert remember anyhow want to top up wait for 17 mother share, 0.08 - 0.09 warrant hahahahahahaha other price just fking dont care and dont kena headshot hahahahahahaha i will be here with u and @ahfad till i all out hahahahahahahaha


2020-08-28 00:54 | Report Abuse

@ahfad i just provide lower range so new peeps and new investor/trader wont buy in at high price hahahahahahahaha i know they are looking to kasi shoot soon but i also dont want see people jerat at high price hope u understand my intention la hahahahahahahahaha


2020-08-27 10:35 | Report Abuse

lai la oi smcap i kasi hantam your low price later hahahahahahahahaha see how low u want to ball with me hahahahahahahaha


2020-08-27 10:34 | Report Abuse

@gfalbert i standby to stand with u guys will accumulate more cause i want to make this operator super PEK CEK hahahahahahahahaha see he can tahan me kasi accumulate from bottom or not plus its so cheap now why not hahahahahahahahaha if its 30 or 40 punya range u ask me buy and accumulate there of course no way hahahahahahaha


2020-08-27 10:33 | Report Abuse

@gfalbert what ahfad said is what i see oso hahahahahahahaha from volume accumulation still in tact nothing change and u are buying at cheap price like last time IRIS - AsiaPly punya starting price before rocket hahahahahahahahaha


2020-08-27 10:31 | Report Abuse

next accumulation 0.170 dont pump first wait till 0.170 pump again hahahahahahahaha


2020-08-26 12:13 | Report Abuse

lets see where to pump next hahahahahahahaha


2020-08-26 10:59 | Report Abuse

@ahfad the force always with u all i just silently preying oni hahahahahahahaha


2020-08-26 10:27 | Report Abuse

triple pump at this level, 37 come back hahahahahahahahaha


2020-08-21 21:34 | Report Abuse

@dompeilee hahahahahahahaha u cant even answer my previous statement directly and oredi know u will come back putar belit attack like one fake girl on the forum hahahahahahaha

oi u recommend those in and out commission how much??? why no share that one here hahahahahahaha should also say u interest is trading or selling hot contra calls ma hahahahahahahaha

if so good no need recommend one and at the same time do inbound marketing hahahahahahaha sohai sendiri kasi syiok then come sendiri answer and sendiri left really max retard hahahahahahaha

also next time u come u sendiri jawab wont reply u this retard cause oni know smear people reputation hahahahahahaha


2020-08-19 16:46 | Report Abuse

nothing to see today if want to give intra update 0.200 very possible one zap accumulation hahahahahaha other than that analysis still the same no changes at all wait till reach TP oni come back update hahahahahaha bye bye n happy holiday hahahahahahaha


2020-08-19 11:54 | Report Abuse

19-8-2020 VA

latest volume accumulation seen at @370 - 380 is supported with an increase of 60% to 300% volume behind the accumulation at this high meanwhile;

further upside with volume accumulation seen at @540 - 550 is increased from 620% volume to 780% volume ticking very high here (i suspect this is maybe our target long term cause 70 - 80 cts target nothing shown there yet hahahahahahahaha)

last buyer full pain sell off based on 5 year trend volume accumulation is at @1.760 meanwhile half pain cut loss is at @3.220 (ouch didnt know many kena at this level hahahahahahaha)

so far like this la go makan lunch dulu hahahahahahaha


2020-08-19 10:21 | Report Abuse

@ahfad later near lunch i come back check again hahahahahaha now go check other asset first hahahahahahaha


2020-08-19 09:36 | Report Abuse

ding ding ding lets go fly high today hahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 19:06 | Report Abuse

@gfalbert welcome as long as here everyone can make use of the information and earn profit why not??? no haram stuff oso hahahahahahaha
@jackson pai seh i read too fast no see dao your comment dont get angry hahahahahaha i inbox will likewise reserve and answer your question but dont expect me to lightning answer you la hahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 18:19 | Report Abuse

today high oredi at 250 is a good positive thing considering last high is at 255 then drop to reaccumulate at 16.5 translate to 0.09 for the warrant hahahahahaha i am waiting for my reading to provide more stable and precise calculation then oni update for now last update i posted here still valid la hahahahahaha


2020-08-18 18:16 | Report Abuse

@ahfad hahahahahaha let them be ba i still remember that time IRIS u provide the analysis jor still got people come kacau hahahahahahaha steady oni brother hahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 18:16 | Report Abuse

@nokidding wah buddy long time no see hahahahahahahaha yeah same case like IRIS some more is SAME PRICE RANGE like that time hahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 17:26 | Report Abuse

what @ahfad say is very true hahahahahaha if u know how to read volume punya u sure know exactly what @ahfad say one is accurate hahahahahaha for now we looking at @40 first then that time see got opportunity to target 70 - 80cts range or not hahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 17:22 | Report Abuse

@ahfad @gfalbert i forget to say thank u to u both pai seh pai seh hahahahahaha yup yup let it prove itself in value hahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 17:15 | Report Abuse

@gfalbert hai yoh this @dompeilee sing ka lan talk cock lets go back to her (his) statement la hahahahahahaha

>>> SMCap flies again...still holding 30 lots =)

>>> Start to push already....24.5c =)

>>> Aiyo this SMCap goreng almost 10 mil shares no movement sudah jadi ikan masin lah... watch AHB....already gave you all free $ tip this morning =)

>>> My average cost only 15c...those who bought above rights issue price of 20c in 2018 better THINK LONG LONG before buying!

>>> Aku keluar 2 minum kopi...better not 2 watch or else will be tempted to sell too early =)

can stop talk cock so much??? ownself word contradict so much i read dy oso want to straight ignore u straight when u comment next time cause i expect u sure PUTAR BELIT statement the next time u comment here hahahahahahahahaha

action speaks louder than word weih fake girl girl hahahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 16:58 | Report Abuse

@dompeilee some more i masuk not at 15c oso u got evidence ka??? wah so geng talk cock hahahahaha u this type of girl girl maybe oso fake female at forum knn shemale hahahahahaha really know how to manipulate words and destroy other people punya credibility nia lo got husband oso suey weih hahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 16:55 | Report Abuse

@dompeilee if u ownself can talk cock cannot back your own words leh better i suggest u stfu hahahahahaha


2020-08-18 16:54 | Report Abuse

@dompeilee if u dare dont come back again when SMCAP breach 0.30 i dare u to talk some more cock words here hahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 16:52 | Report Abuse

@dompeilee some more who talk other stocks first at here??? knn come here talk lan pa pa lan other stock then know how to point finger hahahahahahaha oi go write your blog ma diu hahahahahaha


2020-08-18 16:51 | Report Abuse

@dompeilee u want to work for your ownself leh or your remisier or your own blog leh no need so obvious one. i think u still dk who u talking to now hahahahahahaha dont come guai lan me when u are the one come promote like one remisier like that. u want buy go buy yourself no need so obvious sing ka lan come here talk up or down i dont think anyone care oso hahahahahaha or your own blog too little traction jor need attention??? hahahahahaha


2020-08-18 16:33 | Report Abuse

@gfalbert no need hope will fly soon hahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 16:20 | Report Abuse

@dompeilee I appreciate u come here talk sing song with us but if u intention is promote other counter just fk off pls hahahahahaha I can be nice and be extremely guai lan to promoter one people know how I treat people oredi when I see promoter come kacau hahahahaha


2020-08-18 16:19 | Report Abuse

@ahfad yep slowly wait oni I got hundred k more to accumulate hahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 15:15 | Report Abuse

come on baby come to me my reserve waiting for u hahahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 14:50 | Report Abuse

lagi low lagi i kutip more hahahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 14:39 | Report Abuse

kutip kutip kutip hahaahahahahaha


2020-08-18 14:27 | Report Abuse

3 more minutes baby hahahahahahaha


2020-08-18 12:44 | Report Abuse

@ahfad @huatstock 88 @hansenvine welcome welcome hahahahahaha got cheap we hantam expensive we run hahahahahahahaa


2020-08-18 12:08 | Report Abuse

at best price jor hahahahahahaha next best price 225 at 260% volume again will kasi hantam masuk hahahahahaha


2020-08-18 12:02 | Report Abuse

btw not many people buying now oso i can see hahahahahahahaha its okay i kasi top up if i want still reserve got few hundred k more hahahahahaha


2020-08-18 12:01 | Report Abuse

@ahfad usually people wait breakout one is deep down inside not sure whether this is REAL up or REAL down thats why when up a little dy they calculate risk - reward not much and then kena GREEDY emotion thennnnnnnn in the end kena slaughter up there lo hahahahahahahahaha hai yahhhhh


2020-08-18 11:29 | Report Abuse

@ahfad let the chase high kaki do their stuff i myself dont like to chase the top punya hahahahahahahaha