
abdulhalim | Joined since 2013-09-26

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2013-11-17 19:00 | Report Abuse

I am not a wise man, but river fishing only. sometimes get good results, sometimes lost without the catch. back to the base sale proceeds. is more, for eating and for pickled. Pekasam nie disimpan lama sikit baru sedap,,thank god already lucrative revenue as well. see the situation is there a way of life...sambil2 memukat tu tgk2 cuaca...


2013-11-17 18:30 | Report Abuse

mktwatch,,,sebelum turun kelaut tengok2 cuaca dulu, baca ramalan cuaca mcmana,,,hih,kadang2 guna petua org tua2 sebelum turun ke laut..byk juga manafaatnya..heh.angkat pukat sebelum air surut,jgn sampai pukat tersangkut.hmmm...


2013-11-17 18:12 | Report Abuse

Do not be too clever and too confident with all things. alert and know where to eat and where to defecate. cross the street look left and right. do not let the car hit...pro & contra


2013-11-17 17:58 | Report Abuse

AyamTua fight is not over yet, as long as there is an effort, do not forget to pray ok ...


2013-11-17 17:26 | Report Abuse

setuju mktwatch,,,harap air pasang deras jgn tsunami datang air surut..hihi.kalau dh surut ada dayung ada sampan dah x kemana.


2013-11-17 16:55 | Report Abuse

@Tuan Syeikh Abdulhalim:

izin kan hamba membalas pantun emas dalam berupakan syair dan sajak

top shareholder sudah memberikan visi masa hadapan,
top profesional dan experts telah mengutarakan pendapat,
tepuk tangan kiri, tangan kanan menyambut,
ada duri, ada bas, ada hari pasti up ,
jalan betul telah ku temui, cuma nak tunggu up jer .....
>> Insaallah,,,amin!
>> Pantun terakhir tuk AyamTua!
Curah serbat di atas lantai,
Basah tikar lupa disidai;
Dikau ibarat karang di pantai,
Tak pernah gentar dipukul badai


2013-11-17 16:44 | Report Abuse

Betik muda buat halwa,
Kelapa muda santan dirasa;
Biar muda di dalam jiwa,
Dari tua sebelum masa....hiii


2013-11-17 16:35 | Report Abuse

Ayam tua dikejar lari ke meru,
Ifollow nak ikut bawa raga,
PMCORP laksana lautan biru,
Dasarnya penuh mutiara berharga.


2013-11-17 16:26 | Report Abuse

AyamTua izinkan hamba berpantut sedikit...hihi

Harum sungguh bunga kemboja,
Bunga karangan cantik tersemat,
Janganlah membaca kulit sahaja,
Telitilah kandungan sehingga tamat.


2013-11-17 16:20 | Report Abuse

AyamTua << bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat manusia kerana muafakat>>


2013-11-17 16:17 | Report Abuse

Ifollow ,,, Ada gula adalah semut...hihi


2013-11-17 16:09 | Report Abuse

insaallah boleh gotong royong,,xox pun leh ikut sekali.


2013-11-17 16:03 | Report Abuse

Ayam tua @ ifollow >> ada gula ada semut >>biar lambat asalkan selamat >>


2013-11-17 15:59 | Report Abuse

sesekali kena lawak gak,asyik stress jer x elok untuk kesihatan,senyum2 lah selalu,,awet muda org tua2 kata,,hih


2013-11-17 15:51 | Report Abuse

<<Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian>>hihi,,


2013-11-17 15:47 | Report Abuse

Kalau takut dilambung ombak, jangan berumah di tepi pantai..Hati gajah sama dilapah, hati kuman sama dicecah,,hihi


2013-11-17 15:44 | Report Abuse

Dayung sudah di tangan, perahu sudah di air,,,hihi


2013-11-17 15:42 | Report Abuse

>> Fikir itu pelita hati>>Jika tidak dipecahkan ruyung, manakan dapat sagunya>>Membujur lalu melintang patah>>Orang berbudi kita berbahasa, orang memberi kita merasa>>


2013-11-17 14:54 | Report Abuse

Ng Kok Heng, datuk azim, wong yip kee - existing shareholders

Loh Aik Bin - retired MD from Basset. Majoring in telecommunciation
Graduated from Sultan badlishah Kulim And technical institute Penang
Portsmouth university, Computer Science (1957 – 1970)

Faidzan Hassan - xox independent director
Current Non-Independent Director at XOX Berhad, Deputy Chairman at KIC Oil & Gas, Director / Trustee at SitiTrust & Administrator Limited
Past Executive Director at Innosabah Securities Sdn Bhd, Manager - Finance & Admin / IT at BBMB Securities Sdn Bhd

Law kee kong - He was appointed to the Board of Country View Berhad ("CVB") on 27 March 2002. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in Economics) from University of Manitoba, Canada. He is currently involved and sits on the Board of various family-controlled companies which are mainly engaged in the business of property investment and housing development. He is presently a member of Audit, Remuneration and Nomination Committees of CVB, He is a director of several other private limited companies.

TO BE CONTINUED.....heheheheee


2013-11-17 14:37 | Report Abuse

Mr. Faidzan Bin Hassan has been Principal Partner of Sititrust & Administrators Limited since 1995. Mr. Bin Hassan has been an Executive Chairman of KIC Oil & Gas Ltd & the KIC Group of Companies since January 2003. He has been a Non-Executive Director at XOX Berhad since July 4, 2012. He has been Trustee of Sititrust & Administrators Limited since 1995. He served as Independent & Non Executive Director of AutoV Corporation Berhad (formerly AV Ventures Corp. Bhd) from June 26, 2006 to August 21,2007. He also served as Executive Director of Innosabah Securities Sdn Bhd from February 1992 to December 2000. Mr. Bin Hassan holds an Advanced Diploma in Accounting from University Institute Technology Mara and Advance Diploma in Accountancy at Institute of Cost & Management Accountants UK.


2013-11-17 14:00 | Report Abuse

roger bro,,keep in mind.jual kandang lain masuk reban baru.hih


2013-11-17 13:44 | Report Abuse

Dato Azim pun pegang besar lagi nmpknya. kena buat research la nie,,harap2 5 digit lagi bulan nie.


2013-11-17 13:40 | Report Abuse

OTB, I agree 100% with your views. do not trust anyone and make own decisions after making all own evaluation and research. listen to the views and opinions of third parties before deciding there was nothing wrong. after making a bad decision and well after that do not blame others. so is a principled man.


2013-11-17 13:28 | Report Abuse

leh ajak kengkawan lain intai reban nie rasanya..hihi.


2013-11-17 13:27 | Report Abuse

From singapore right?


2013-11-17 13:17 | Report Abuse

oklah tu kalau lunch lambat kul 3.50 x kena gastric..boleh tahan lah tu..ramai yang x tahan minggu lepas awai makan dah.Istiqomah ifollow!


2013-11-17 13:09 | Report Abuse

Insaallah,,amin! semoga perjalanan diiringi doa esok.mulakan melangkah dengan bismillah,sedekah alfatihah kat kedua org tua kita samada masih hidup atau telah tiada insaallah selamat dan berkat perjalanan dan segala usaha yang kita buat...doakan terbaik buat kwn2 semua.Assalamualaikum.


2013-11-17 13:04 | Report Abuse

Tq bro azta!


2013-11-17 13:02 | Report Abuse

makan lewat sikit x pe,,hih.awal lagi kul 2.55 tu,,haha


2013-11-17 12:56 | Report Abuse

kain sarong tu kalau dah ketat sambung jer ngan kain pereca,,hihi,,pmcorp naik x pe jgn airback ikut sekali,,hahah...anak ayam naik reban biasalah ikut mak ayam,ada yang lentuk tengah jalan,mati pun ada,,yang liat sikit tu bertahan sampai kereban..jaga2 biawak dah la jgn sampai kena baham...huhuh.biawak nie cari peluang jer,lalai jer sikit musnahlah jwpnya.,>>Jentik2 sikit>>


2013-11-17 12:39 | Report Abuse

Ayam tua pekena ubi kayu,,ifollow sup ekor,,lentuk liow lah jawapnya,,hih,mertua ngan bekas mertua bergaduh last sekali ifollow,ayam tua ngan sheikh jer dapat untung,,,hahahahh,,jangan marah ah,nanti kena jual.sayang kat kengkawan semua.cubit2 sayang!!


2013-11-17 12:29 | Report Abuse

Rumah kampung atap rembia nie sejuk,aman dan damai..x yah pakai aircond, cukup tahun ada jer hasil kluaq,,,hihi,,rumah batu beraircond jarang2 yang kluaq,,hasil x mengalakan.,susah dulu pendapatan,,hihi,aku ikut apa orang tua cakap..heh


2013-11-17 12:16 | Report Abuse

Pukul anak sindir menantu,,,hihi,,


2013-11-17 12:01 | Report Abuse

<<<الاستمرار في التركيز وليس ليشتت انتباهه>>>>> stay focused and don't get distracted.


2013-11-17 11:59 | Report Abuse

Biaq jadi padi jangan jadi lalang,,,hihi,,


2013-11-17 11:30 | Report Abuse

Ayam tua ngan ifollow kalau mau datang midle East kasi tau gua,,,aku tunggu lu olang k..hihi


2013-11-17 10:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by AyamTua > Nov 17, 2013 10:26 AM | Report Abuse

investing 101: talk good about something hard to move but bit of controversy will gain traction! :-) like making love, dont just open and do it .. must have bit of hotness elements ... press this button, press that button .. hehehheheeeeee
>>>>>> Bab nie aku mmg setuju sangat,,huahuahuahua..tekan button syok,,jangan marah ahh,,


2013-11-16 18:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by mikekong55 > Nov 16, 2013 05:28 PM | Report Abuse

abdulhalim, coming thurday/friday you'll be the happiest man , one hand holding milo drink the other holding tudor gold bar with a broad smile on the face.have a striking pose then. enjoy your weekend with your love ones come back next week.

>>>> Together we will see later,, either move forward or backward., no matter what I have make a profit already ... acting on his own without seeing another person. I was holding.


2013-11-16 17:19 | Report Abuse

Banyak perkara yang tersurat disebalik yang tersirat.


2013-11-16 16:59 | Report Abuse

ifollow@ before investing I'm ready to face the possibility of profit and loss in my investments. I realize the 10 investors only one person gain. be sorry if the facts were wrong. I learn from mistakes, always seeking knowledge, to be a good investor. I do not follow other people before making a counter research that I want to invest. self-study and follow a hunch ... hihih


2013-11-16 16:50 | Report Abuse

Jangan dok usik ayam tua tu,,hihi,biaq dia berehat.haha


2013-11-16 16:43 | Report Abuse

I agree with you David, not everyone on this forum are good people. but the bad and the good things that make our own assessment. do not look far in any of the oceans, look around you, if your father did something bad you certainly can judge, follow the good things and avoid doing the opposite. we have common sense and knowledge, use to filter all views and criticisms. as investors we have our own right and we know which direction. our own profit and loss that determines it. do not act according to others .. set your heart and your goals.


2013-11-16 16:25 | Report Abuse

pukulan tua nie lain sikit,,,simpan senjata,,,hahaha


2013-11-16 16:20 | Report Abuse

IF you stand for a reason, be prepared to stand alone like a tree, and if you fall on the ground like a seed that grows back to fight again...


2013-11-16 16:02 | Report Abuse

ayam tua tu liat isi dia,,,kalau setakat rebus sekejap tu x terjejas pun daging ayam tua,,ayam tua nie kena cara masak dan ramuan baru boleh lembut isi,,,,,hihi,,sendiri mau ingat lah,,,


2013-11-16 15:49 | Report Abuse

azta,,,comment sikit!,,hih,,ikut ombak lagi ka? hihi


2013-11-15 15:01 | Report Abuse

ayam dara kunyah lembut,telan x rasa,,kunyah jer dh lepas,,ayam tua nie feel lain cikit,,kunyah lama,syg nk telan,,hihihih..