
agni23 | Joined since 2014-08-19

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2015-04-10 11:52 | Report Abuse


buying KNM is nothing but sheer greediness

keeping KNM is nothing but sheer madness ...

p/s: I will buy and keep at 35sen. see you guys there


2015-03-06 10:46 | Report Abuse

hmm ...!

Very obvious la ... the company is pushing up the stock to attract innocent players to take up the Rights Issue.

I believe the company has a sense more and more people dried up after CNY and no one willing to pump $$ into KNM and the O&G sector. Without creating some SANDIWARA ... who want to jump in ? Bursa should investigate this company for Unusual Price Movement as no announcement had been made when the share price suddenly goreng to 77sen and closed at 73sen yesterday.

Enough is enough la ...


2015-02-17 21:18 | Report Abuse

Ya, painful but we learnt.

At that year, I invested RM10k and left with RM1k indeed. I cut loss but since then, I bought at every bottom and sold at every top ever since. Just like last year, I bought at 39sen and sold at RM1.10 and gained millions.

What a story! Who cannot tell?? No need to pity or congratulate. No saint in Bursa, not even Warren Buffet wants this kind of attention


2015-02-17 20:53 | Report Abuse

My ego down the drain the day KNM plunged from a market cap of RM8bil to today slightly more than RM1bil despite 2 cash call for Rights in 2008 for more than a RM1bil and another Rights in 2012 for RM200m. So this company is in deficit market capitalization despite numerous cash calls.

Don't tell me 85sen or 90sen targets, I am not newbies. If you have the gun and the gun powder why not RM1.85 or RM2.85. Making baseless statement and completely non-sense!


2015-02-17 20:19 | Report Abuse

The Rights Issue is underwritten by Investment Bank. So with or without minority shareholders like us subscribing to it makes no different. KNM will get the money at the end of the day as the underwriting banks will subscribe all non-taken up portion. As a shareholder, there is no reason to ask another shareholder to subscribe.

Very obvious now that whichever Investment Banks that have participated in the underwriting process has swallowed poison and wanted it to be shared out. These corrupt bankers not just lazy but also didn't do their homework. Now KNM is damned sure the Rights will go ahead, but the bankers are now shitting in their pants.

It does not take a brilliant guy to figure out which bankers swallowed most poison, just see tomorrow which research house parroting or "mirror" the word by word of the licensed sucker whom has the entire network for weapon of mass deception.

We will see..... !


2015-02-17 17:35 | Report Abuse


Tonight I am going to sleep with RM1, and tomorrow my RM1 can only buy 84sen of goods, that is acceptable to you ? Certainly will not be fine with me. I have my channel for charity but certainly I am not doing it for KNM.

Warrants as a sweetener is always there and I can tell you the major shareholders will sapu all, as what he did in the last Rights in 2012, left nothing for minority shareholders (he will use the option to subscribe for excess shares to sapu the cheap warrants). YOU WILL SEE THAT THIS ROUND

Interest saving is just a gimmick ! they probably been chased to the bones by the bankers for loan repayment otherwise they may go PN17.

Improving gearing ratio did not make the company sexier ! unless the company is in dire strait to show to bankers / auditor that they are still solvent.

RAPID is long gone. I didnt see they secure any big packages. Probably some bones now left for them for the peripheral equipments

I am sure no analysts will write this because they are all licensed to suck the innocent shareholders.

Not everyone has a license to suck, but certainly you have it !


2015-02-17 17:19 | Report Abuse

See ...

Ah ... this is called licensed to suck ... !


2015-02-17 16:50 | Report Abuse

The ghost finally unleashed.

This is what I have been telling you guys not to chase this stock, otherwise all of us will be diluted OR need to pump in more money to fund this supposed to be a "grown up" company. Literally, your grown up kid after all is a small baby, still need mummy's milk to pay salary and bankers !

Outrageous!! This KNM has the cheek to come to shareholders to suck our retirement fund and yet every year they show profit. I remember some years back, they made announcement to come out with a huge dividend payout policy. They had been making profit this year and last year, where is the DIVIDEND ???? Either your profit is all FAKE (or cooked up numbers) or KNM did not adhere to its own policy. Securities Commission or BURSA should investigate this company, otherwise KNM is making a mockery of the system and cheating its own shareholders.

Since you guys like the Rights so much, deep into your pocket and take out more money for this KNM ... they will be mercilessly sucking your money !


2015-01-23 10:24 | Report Abuse

QE by the EU is just a smoke screen to cover up the problematic and fragile currency union that exists only on the German's will and expense. It was a deep rooted problem in many European countries with high labor cost and yet "unproductive" - typical European. To change that overnight will never be possible.

The QE, a stop-gap measure indeed designed by this Mr. Draghi is to lure back the Greek voters not to leave the EU this Sunday. WIthout the help of USA and China to simutaneously pump in money, the stimulus in EU will not have any impact globally.

Any stimulus package (or bond buying) by EU will only strengthen the US Dollar and weaken commodities (including the oil) price further.

If you guys really want to take plunge, go ahead !


2015-01-22 11:54 | Report Abuse

No such thing a Quantitative Easing in Europe will cause a big jump in KNM.

Let me remind everyone here. The QE did by USA back in 2008 till recently was not alone. It was echoed by China and the rest of the world including Malaysia. If without backing of China, the QE by USA was toothless, but in the same time China also wants to avoid a hard landing so they help the USA and the rest of the world too ... (thats why our houses triple in prices in 3 years !!!)

Problem in Europe is not new, the PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain) problems remain unresolved for years. Simple reason, they only have a currency in common and nothing else. It is extremely fragile that a change of government in any of the major members can threaten the bonding in the Union. USA did it because it is one country and EU will never succeed in copying that formula.

If you bet QE from EU, it will be hopeless. Further more, Greece will elect a new government on the 25th Jan (this Sunday) and the most popular manifesto is to leave the EU. See yourself the Swiss Franc/Euro movement. Smart money is going to safe haven like the Swiss Franc in case hell breaks lose in Greece. Some more talk about QE ... !

Do your homework !


2015-01-22 10:45 | Report Abuse

Friends and Foes,

Time to take profit ! Black hole is in full formation. Soon brokers will designate this counter to curtail excessive speculation.

This is a classic CNY run-up, take your meal and run ... otherwise you will be the meal of others.

Pushing this counter high is just to invite the appetite for dilution as the ghost of Rights Issue will come back to haunt us.

A smaller angpau is better than no angpau. Be greedy when oil price really coming back, but sadly oil price charting new low.

Take your money and RUN to the bank. Have a warm and pleasant Chinese New Year ...


2015-01-02 09:49 | Report Abuse


It is undestood that national oil company Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas), which has committed to spending RM50 billion on the refinery and petrochemical integrated development (Rapid) project in Johor, has asked its various units to revise their budget for 2015.

Petronas, which contributes to almost 40% of the national coffers, had urged the government to “tighten its belt” as the national oil firm was facing the possibility of lower earnings from falling crude oil prices.

Petronas group chief executive officer Tan Sri Shamsul Azhar Abbas said last November that the price range of Brent crude oil at US$70 to US$75 may be a “new era”, until the end of 2015, if not for the next two years.

Based on new oil price assumptions, Shamsul said Petronas was looking to cut as much as 15% to 20% of its capital expenditure (capex) budget for next year.


2014-12-23 17:06 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow and Friday will see further onslaught as many T+4 force selling will appear due to the black hole that sucked in innocent and greedy investors last week.

SUICIDAL to buy now !


2014-12-23 11:27 | Report Abuse

Yesterday run-up was due to oil price rather than a big surge in Dow Jones. Ringgit and many other Asian currencies had weakened against the US$, what that means is that Emerging Market funds are being pulled back to the USA (the safest haven now), that's why Dow is making new record.

Malaysia is the most vulnerable amongst the Asian countries as we are a major oil producing country. RM will be most hurt in the next 6 months and Najib will really need to think twice whether to continue with RAPID or downscale it as 60-80% of the items are imported. If we continue, our current account deficit is likely to widen and will hit the RM even further. With a weakened RM, it just means the total cost for RAPID will increase by another 10-20% more, will that destroy the existing feasibility ?? Dr. M took drastic steps to impose capital control back in 1998 was to stem the slide of the RM. If Najib didn't see this, he risks ruining the country into another steeper depression.

Don't be fooled that a surge in Dow is good for KLCI, instead it is really a bad signal. The key to recovery in Bursa is indeed oil price. But sadly, Oil will continue to trade sideways with a downside risk, so the KLCI, so KNM for the next 3-6 months.

KNM will have a bigger risk if the Rights Issue fails to take off due to a subdued KLCI and its share price below 50sen par.


2014-12-23 09:58 | Report Abuse

Ho ! Ho !...Ho ! Santa Claus robbed KNM and now giving present at petrol station ... cheap oil cheap oil ... refill your car now !!


2014-12-22 14:48 | Report Abuse

...WTI will drop next week, a separate Bloomberg survey shows. Fifteen of 35 analysts and traders, or 43%, forecast futures will fall through Dec 26, while 11 predict a gain in prices and nine said there will be little change.


2014-12-22 10:20 | Report Abuse

Black hole ... black hole ... RUN before you got sucked in .... many other good counters for punters ... this counter is not for investors, not for punters ... only for sucker. RUN


2014-12-19 14:24 | Report Abuse

I also not worried oil price is usd20, 40, or usd100 per barrel. I only fear company keep on asking for money! As a shareholder, I want to make good investment and receive dividend, but looks like investing in KNM is a negative dividend scenario!


2014-12-19 13:11 | Report Abuse

Sure can launch one.... they work hand-in-glove with syndicate to create a perfect black-hole to suck in innocent and greedy investors. Look at the share price, sure many jump in... ! god bless these ignorant investors looking for quick gains, but poorer at the moment they buy.... heeey


2014-12-18 10:58 | Report Abuse

Oh! Black hole in full formation now. Am sure many will be sucked in, for the concious investors they already taken profit. Let's pray for the latecomer and wish they're not the retirees whom depended on savings for a living! PRAY


2014-12-18 07:43 | Report Abuse

Don't get me wrong. Black hole formation is not a term in classical Technical Analysis but rather a description I felt strong and can be used in the current situation. Meteor Scientist defines it as an area in the galaxy/space where everything got sucked in and never come out... just the case of KNM now trying to create a false "run-up" to trap greedy investors.

Just beware and stay out!


2014-12-17 15:54 | Report Abuse

Sure no volume le... KNM must be running out of bullet to push up its own share price and investors do not want to follow and be fooled. Don't be surprised, a few days later OR after EGM you see Bursa announcement on share buyback. They tried to suck investors in and push it to 50sen. This is really a despicable act. !!!


2014-12-17 10:51 | Report Abuse

I believe LouLi. The ingredient for black hole formation is the price must run up! Haha... get prepare to watch innocent and greedy investors got sucked in.... EGM this Friday, sure some investors will bring eggs


2014-12-16 17:15 | Report Abuse

Warrants is the sweetener to the deal, always sounded like a carrot to attract reluctant subscribers like you. It is free and once you subscribe, it is like getting some discount to the Rights price you are paying. The warrants will later be traded too and ANYONE including you can buy and sell too.

My point is simple, KNM is going through an exercise with huge risk of collapse, why choose to buy it's shares now. Buy now and has to pay some more for the Rights, and if the Rights collapses, then KNM can go under PN17. Are there really no other O&G counters out there to bet on??? Really worth the risk??


2014-12-16 17:02 | Report Abuse

If you don't pick up the Rights Shares, certainly ok but many just don't understand the meaning of dilution. The Rights Shares can be up to 435 million, which means a dilution in the range of 15-20%. The share price will be adjusted down post Rights Shares listing and you are poorer by 15-20% thereafter. Imagine this, how can you be the same you when you didn't subscribe compare with the one whom subscribe? Certainly your holding become lesser in value.

The impact of the dilution is inflation. Today you have RM1 and you can spend and buy things worth RM1. Once you are diluted, your RM1 is worth 80sen. Are you ok with that??? Hahahah...


2014-12-16 16:50 | Report Abuse

For 20,000 shares, you entitlement is 4,000 shares. Depends on how they price the Rights Shares, say at lowest the par value at 50sen, then you gotta fork out RM2k to subscribe le.... the more you hold, the more you pay! Be prepared to get sucked into this counter mercilessly. The risk is if the price remains below 50sen and surely no shareholders will pay 50sen when they can buy at 43sen! Then the Rights Issue collapses and KNM cannot pay it's bankers and may look like a candidate for PN17... worth the risk?? hahahaha....


2014-12-16 14:31 | Report Abuse

The black hole finally arrives! Get ready every greedy punters, you will be SUCKED in....


2014-12-16 11:32 | Report Abuse

This is a classic dead-cat bounce. The perfect calm before the storm. The big down trend remains intact and the EGM is just this Friday, certainly some freebies for investors, otherwise the Managers get eggs on their face. Anyone buying now thinking of a rally ahead, please think 10X and prepare some extra money $$ for the Rights Issue. You will be sucked in ALIVE!



2014-12-05 09:58 | Report Abuse

Rights Issue will continue as long as there are risk taking bankers want to underwrite the Issue. If petty shareholders didn't pick up, the bankers will sapu all... but I guess now the bankers also pee in their pants if oil price continue to fall or staying low at this level... let's pray for the Rights Issue to call off and the share price will move up as many investors want to buy but hate to subscribe for the Rights!


2014-12-02 20:15 | Report Abuse

Anyone asking people to buy KNM is rather disregarding the very facts that KNM is a very dangerous counter right now. It is not just an oil and gas counter that was badly bashed down because of oil price more importantly EPF and many fund are abandoning this counter due to the cash call ie Rights Issue. If anyone buy now, the investor will be diluted if he chooses not to subscribe the Rights or ready to sink in more $$ to a very dangerous sector now. There is a very big risk that KNM cannot launch its Rights because the current price is below its par value, then KNM is running into a big risk of repaying its bankers.

Buying KNM is not a gamble. It is a suicide!


2014-12-01 10:24 | Report Abuse

Better KNM sell some assets to pay their borrowings than asking money from shareholders. Just cancel the Rights Issue and people will be more willing to invest at this low level. Otherwise, after buying this counter got to fork out more for the Rights Shares, who will ? EPF also lari !! This is the stupidity of the Management calling a Rights but never consulted stakeholders and failed to read the macro economic trend correctly ! STUPID


2014-11-28 16:18 | Report Abuse

all sophisticated fund like EPF long cabut already when they see o&g stock like KNM asking for MONEY $$$, now only left with petty shareholders like uncles and aunties whom kena trapped with no choice but to subscribe the Rights ... Pity these retirees ! all their savings suck by this debt-riden company !


2014-11-27 06:26 | Report Abuse

Saudi will be very stupid to cut production. Firstly they will lose market share to non OPEC members and secondly pushing up oil price only will benefit ISIS who is at their border now. A dollar more for the terrorists is another bullet to their foot. ... If anyone of you think OPEC will cut please think twice


2014-11-26 16:46 | Report Abuse

dear traders, what is more important is whether the oil price moves up or not after OPEC cut. Just cutting production is not good enough ...

If OPEC cut 1m barrel/day, this can easily fill up by other non-OPEC countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, USA, Russia and even Canada ... Once you give up your market share, you will never get it back so easily.

I dare to bet OPEC WILL NOT CUT !

Even if they cut, NO IMPACT on OIL PRICE


2014-11-26 14:58 | Report Abuse

sell now you can get 60sen

next week you gotta sell at 55sen

end of Dec, you gotta sell at 50sen ...



2014-11-26 14:28 | Report Abuse

ya ... ini kali cabut cepat cepat !

KNM has a habit of putting a lot of profit for the "unaudited" quarterly account and will surprise you when the final audited numbers come out next year, check their previous record friends ... what more they want are going through a corporate exercise, sure give innocent shareholders some sweets one ... then they kena, then they know ...



2014-11-25 14:21 | Report Abuse

Whether OPEC cut or not, it will not affect oil price ... it is the American and the European wanted to see a low oil price regime as long as ISIS remains a threat ! One of the effective way to cripple ISIS is to depress the oil price and make them bankrupt ...

If anyone expects Saudi Arabia to cut production and to shore up price, that's a lunatic idea. Saudi cost of production is US$20/bbl and they will be the last to be hurt by the current price @ US$75/bbl. Why they want to be a champion when they don't have to ...

If anyone believe a cut of production will revive KNM, that's even beyond logic ! Wake up everyone


2014-11-21 17:17 | Report Abuse

OPEC is becoming toothless lately with US Shale oil/gas coming to market ... There's just no reason why oil price need to be high as energy cost is a major factor pushing up inflation and causing pain to people around the world ...

If OPEC cut production just to shore up the price, their reduction of output can easily be replaced by US and in return their total income erodes more ... I dare to bet OPEC will not act that way as I believe many OPEC members cannot afford to cut production or sell less ... Russia not a OPEC member but a big producer, it is hard to imagine Putin will come to terms with lesser production. Whole Russia now on Oil, anything less will cause Putin his job !

Looks like the range of $60-80bbl will be the regime for sometime. As a consumer, we have reason to joy !!


2014-11-10 17:28 | Report Abuse

being positive is good, but must be relevant !

KNM ran up in the last few months when EPF was buying big time ... now EPF abandoned this ship, sentiment is somehow will be very bad in the next few months... not helping by US$80/bbl of oil

Worst still, KNM can call off the Rights Issue and one will wonder what will happen to their financial plan thereafter ... SAD SAD story


2014-11-10 14:00 | Report Abuse

not many like me, but I have to say again !

KNM must sell some of its assets la ... SELL this bloody borsig, since buying in 2008, the share price is like water fall .... SELL borsig and give dividend la KNM instead of asking us $$$$$ ....

Look at Noble Group, shooting up with special dividend today ...


2014-10-21 11:21 | Report Abuse

shale gas will last for 90 years ! and that means 2 generations at least. So you can forget about KNM for the next 30 years ....

By the way, KNM is asking money when the whole world is tightening ! They have not got a single announcement on RAPID, yet they dare to say to raise the money for RAPID !! If RAPID comes, all they need is working capital and banking lines. TELL me which bank will not give them LINES if they really got RAPID ?? why GO AFTER shareholders for hard cash ??? Just don't believe what you read from Analyst or the official statement of the company. ALL LIES !!


2014-10-15 09:40 | Report Abuse

throw la ...

This KNM is quite comical .. thinking with one little finger can tahan the crash of the market ... what a joke !


2014-10-13 17:31 | Report Abuse

low oil price is not favourable to KNM .. .thats why you saw selldown on this counter some time ago when the oil price started to come off ...

when oil price going down a lot of refinery projects not viable anymore ! i was a long time shareholders and back in 2008,
many of their clients' projects called off because the projects no longer going ahead !!!!


2014-10-13 17:26 | Report Abuse

Oil price is at 4 year low
Gas price lagi depressed !

KNM not securing new contracts ! If they win some and lose some is fine with me ... but now, they no sound at all ...

apa lagi "SOLID COUNTER" ??


2014-10-13 17:12 | Report Abuse

sentiment on this KNM counter really koyak ! breaking 80sen ... ya maybe a slight rebound tomorrow depends what happen to Dow tonight ! Again, this KNM did not make any announcement on RAPID or other contracts they secured. I doubt they have any contracts left ... haha ...

I hope they don't come to shareholders and ask for money $$ tolong tolong don't ask money from us !! I will dump this KNM if they ever come to ask for money from shareholders and not getting any contracts out there ! F***


2014-09-18 09:28 | Report Abuse

told you guys no long term buy, no contra and you all threw spanner at me ... even one "simple" clown called me chicken ... SEE BLOOD now !

must avoid this KNM at all cost until they in the mood of making BIG announcement !


2014-09-12 10:38 | Report Abuse

don't go long term, don't buy contra ....

If KNM continues not getting new orders to replenish the running out orders, don't expect every quarterly results will be positive again. What you see in last quarter results were gone now. Focus on the next results, if continue no announcement to secure big contracts, ask ourselves can KNM continue to show revenue and profit ???

Those busy to find out EPF buying or selling, should also check what big orders KNM secured since this year 2014 ? Tell me what is BIG in there ?

I want KNM to go back to last time, make announcement to buy another borsig or sell borsig, at least some excitement .. .rightly or wrongly ...


2014-09-10 11:42 | Report Abuse

I have said before that Casio Japan has every reason to take over the biz of Casio distribution from Marco. Now they begin at ground zero on a concept store basis. Certainly they wont do something stupid to hurt Marco as the network developed by Marco has depth and breath into small cities throughout Malaysia. Marco also wont be stupid to allow this to go on until they becoming non-relevant one day. .. The only way forward for Casio Japan is to buy out the profit generating biz of Marco OR Marco to sell its distribution network to Casio Japan, easily at RM300m. We as shareholders should get at least 30sen/share (the least) ...


2014-09-09 11:09 | Report Abuse

you really enjoying a simple clown life ... there you go !


2014-09-09 10:20 | Report Abuse

looks like this chatroom has no other things to share except to discuss on a daily basis whether EPF is buying or selling ... whichever way, buying or selling has no effect on the share price !!! and yet everyday someone throw out the statement to say EPF buying ... then EPF selling. After all EPF is not GOD la ... why worship them ??

basically, what happen to KNM now is simply "no-news, no kicker" ... Just that ... all other oil and gas companies got something from RAPID, but KNM somehow not showing anything like that ... we heard their partner Sinopec got $1.4b contract but have not heard how much KNM is getting ?? from previous experience KNM will not miss a chance to announce contract win ... so this time they probably missed many many many boats i guess, if not, where is the ANNOUNCEMENT ????

Am sure after i posted this, many will jump into say "wait" and "wait" surely "will come" "will come" ... then another bunch will jump in to say ..."up" ..."up" ...

what a clown show ...