
alexsee | Joined since 2014-06-16

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2021-06-15 12:46 | Report Abuse

mostly they got warrant for free by subscribed right shares .. and they bought pp at very low price and sold with handsome profit.. so.. is not that important for them to take out lot of $$ just to push up above 0.4 and let ikan bilis escape the trap... i think they will maintain below 0.2 for a period until ikan bilis cannot tahan and sell their shares with huge loss.. then they will collect back again at low price before real push up


2021-06-15 10:36 | Report Abuse

kan dah kata.. dia orang pp beli kat 0.165. mesti lah cepat2 jual dapat profit.. nanti mereka boleh issue pp @0.10 lagi mah.. trick sama repeat je.. senang skim cepat kaya... kesian ikan bilis tengok volume tinggi, ingat tu lah lowest support... susah nak jatuh lagi.. mereka mau goreng limit up.. cepat2 beli terus masuk trap ... gd luck.


2021-06-15 10:25 | Report Abuse

oh dear 0.195 pecah.. apa macam yg beli 0.195 & 0.2 manyak2 tu ?? mau cut loss ka? tak sudi? nanti 0.15 mari leh.. oh.. 0.25 pun boleh mari.. eh..


2021-06-14 15:03 | Report Abuse

yes.. once 0.19 broken.. will see 0.15.. then they can issue pp again at 0.1


2021-06-11 16:52 | Report Abuse

they can issue pp or right issue again at very cheap price after sold off their current pp..


2021-06-11 15:26 | Report Abuse

jangan lupa dia org pp @0.165.. boleh buang sampai 0.165 atau lower..jangan ingat mereka tu baik hati akan push limit up kasi u jual harga tinggi.. korang tak akan push.. maka.. tunggu la..hihi


2021-06-11 15:16 | Report Abuse

apa hal jadi? kanan ke kiri.. create fake volume attract mangsa ka? oh...


2021-06-04 09:20 | Report Abuse

today no big buyer ah? rehat ka? okay.. lets drop back 0.045 or 0.04..kthanxbye


2021-06-02 16:40 | Report Abuse

buy and sell are same group people.. left to right hand... just want to create ikan bilis panic buy trap.. so they can sell their right shares


2021-06-02 12:31 | Report Abuse

sudah mau goreng2 ka ? volume besar nya.. siapa beli tu?


2021-06-02 10:32 | Report Abuse

push up to sell pp ... okay.. i still wait at 0.15...may get or may not get..


2021-06-01 17:55 | Report Abuse

fasten your belt tightly ...tomorrow onwards another round throwing to pp price @0.165.. or even lower 0.15.. waiting below 0.15 to average down if you still have confident.. else cut loss and say goodbye to your hard earn $$$...


2021-05-25 13:53 | Report Abuse

the problem is the pp investor who bought at very low price than market already sold their shares immediately with handsome profit when the pp is listing in market. They will do this trick again and again... minority always loser..


2021-05-20 15:29 | Report Abuse

dont be surprised if it close at red later... hoping not ..


2021-05-11 11:55 | Report Abuse

everyday drop 0.015 ... 15 days this company habis cerita.. dont buy to average down.. wait 0.15 or below... let them play among themselves.. sure they will maintain at low price.. so they can issue pp price at below 0.2 .. at this moment minority no power to play with them


2021-05-10 16:30 | Report Abuse

this company is not for "invest", only for speculation.. so it doesn't matter its result is good or bad.. cos the operator/majority is controlling the share price... if drop to 0.15 maybe can add some.. and keep.. see how low they dare to throw .. 0.1? or 0.05?? or 0.005? haha... comes.... let's them throw to extremely low.. then there is the chance to buy low and wait for real rebound.. may take months for price consolidation.


2021-05-10 16:06 | Report Abuse

see, they are starting selling at 0.215.. cos nobody wants buy at 0.22.. they have a lot of tickets to clear off.. minority no power to play with pp " speculators".. cos they always can get lower price than market.. just let them play themselves .. buy and sell with their own.. keep your tickets in fridge for months.. this week have high chance go below 0.2 .. 0.2 support is weak.. no one interested with this kind of unfair "speculation"


2021-05-10 15:48 | Report Abuse

beware operator will pull off the fake buying q and sell down to 0.2 just in few minutes :)


2021-05-10 15:46 | Report Abuse

mostly they will set next batch pp at below 0.2... maybe 0.18, 0.16, 0.15... so share price will drop more once listed they will quickly sell for profit.. still believe in stock market? minority forever loss.. but patience will win the game..


2021-05-07 17:01 | Report Abuse

today cannot get 0.21... nvm... next week can get below 0.2.. they are going to set coming pp price lower than 0.2..


2021-05-07 15:05 | Report Abuse

come.. i want more discount... 0.21 mari2


2021-05-07 12:39 | Report Abuse

i will not buy at 0.235.. cos i believe it wouldn't rebound so fast.. need time to consolidation.. i am waiting to add more if afternoon got super discount sales at 0.21 - 0.215.. which is the years lowest.. but be prepared it can drop to below 0.2 if the rest pp price is below 0.2.. so don't buy too much.. slowly buy batch by batch with big discount.. then hold and wait for big rebound..


2021-05-07 12:21 | Report Abuse

2/10/18 7:1 consolidation from 0.14 to 1.00.. then slowly drop back to now 0.235... 7 times loss for those still holding since 2018. ...besides pp.... alert right issue too..


2021-05-07 11:56 | Report Abuse

see.. they are waiting water fish to buy their 0.235 now who think 0.235 is low enough which close to pp price 0.23... if no buyers to buy 0.235. they will cancel all the buying queue at 0.23.. then sell at 0.23.. even slowly sell down below pp price to scare off contra kaki which bought above 0.24 to cut loss so they can buy back their tickets at low price.. even sell below pp price, pp investor will not loss.. cos yesterday once pp listed.. they already sold a lot at 0.25 with handsome profit..


2021-05-07 11:42 | Report Abuse

be careful... anytime single day can drop 5 cents... and close at lowest.. with high volume.. happened many times.. then maybe can average down, wait for rebound and sell quickly to lower the lose. contra/margin.. kena cut loss..


2021-05-07 11:12 | Report Abuse

if right issue 0.07.. then most probably will slowly drop to 0.07 or even lower... many example out there..


2021-05-07 10:45 | Report Abuse

if next batch pp below 0.2.. they will throw to below 0.2.. easy money for them.. kesian "real investor"... kena con.. just issue pp at price much lower than market.. after pp listed.. quickly sell for handsome profit.. bursa doesn't set any rule to prevent this kind of speculation..


2021-05-03 16:36 | Report Abuse

0.23 tak mau jual? 0.20 tak mau jual? 0.19 pun tak mau jual? 0.18 lagi tak mau jual.. ok 0.16 .... simpan peti sejuk...


2021-04-28 21:42 | Report Abuse

can they sell the pp just right after they subscribed it? or they must hold a period where selling is not allowed?


2021-04-28 15:11 | Report Abuse

kesian siapa beli pagi ni @0.23..


2021-04-26 12:18 | Report Abuse

is not free OR... the mother's price was adjusted 0.005 lower.. which is the OR's price.. now unable to sell.. so technically.. is losing 0.005..


2021-04-23 10:06 | Report Abuse

hello, dear sharks... u not enough collect at 0.26-0.28 meh? today can break 0.3 mah? already loonggg waiting lor... ok... be patient...


2021-04-22 15:29 | Report Abuse

boom... surprised ??


2021-04-22 10:49 | Report Abuse

is the price adjusted today? yesterday closed at 0.06, today trying open at 0.055.. and the issued share increased to 3 billions


2021-04-13 09:16 | Report Abuse

0.18 sudah mau tak boleh tahan.. 0.16 mau mari ka? surprise ?? stock market is just life.. up & down.. if side way.. too fun


2021-04-13 09:06 | Report Abuse

last friday no cut win, today people busy to cut loss.. dont worry be happy :)


2021-04-12 16:09 | Report Abuse

when most people thinking and excited waiting it go to 0.25 on last friday since 0.2 was a "strong" support.. but.. it was the chance for you to take profit.. so today got $$ to buy back low.. eh... nobody can predict accurately.. dont worry.. just wait again and again patiently


2021-04-12 09:05 | Report Abuse

eh.. mana 0.225? sudah tak ada ka? 0.18 mari lagi ah? so kind..


2021-04-09 16:56 | Report Abuse

just retrace little or is the turning point to downtrend below 0.2 next week? eh.. hmm.. oh....


2021-04-08 17:19 | Report Abuse

@pineapple123.. cos it is cheap at year low.. and mother is at strong mode.. small knife cut big tree :)


2021-04-08 17:00 | Report Abuse

selling pressure still very high.... anyway.. just got mine PA at 0.04 ... wait and see


2021-04-08 16:38 | Report Abuse

one shot throw... close red ka ?


2021-04-02 09:20 | Report Abuse

alamak..greedy told my mind can change queue sell at 0.215 instead of 0.21...almost can reach the queue to sell first batch at 0.215.. who knows.. only the buying power only last for first 5 mins.. then a throw coming .. okay.. needs wait again.. today's games macam sudah habis.. #kthanxbye


2021-04-02 09:07 | Report Abuse

a blink2 again big throw in a second..


2021-04-01 21:04 | Report Abuse

why semua " Land " punya company goreng2 hari ni? #mkland #Jkland #L&G #BJLand... land land land...


2021-04-01 20:56 | Report Abuse

too many times once touch 0.21 then drop back touch 0.18... huge resistance at 0.25 since last year september.. many attempts to break it.. but failed... well.. below 0.2.. is consider low compared previous more than 0.3.. if sell now.. later need chase high..


2021-04-01 16:52 | Report Abuse

sudah mau close market baru beli...


2021-03-31 11:22 | Report Abuse

aiyo.. semalam tak jual kat 0.2... hari ni balik 0.18 ka ?? eh.. siapa yg beli 0.19 -0.2 stay strong.. hold tight2.. don't let go.. dont cut loss..


2021-03-30 15:26 | Report Abuse

buy 0.19 sell 0.2 later OR sell 0.17 later? eh.. #art of trading #put your bet


2021-03-30 15:20 | Report Abuse

opps... a blink... blink...