
alien79 | Joined since 2013-06-05

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2013-07-03 16:44 | Report Abuse

u say 85.....means today 85 or buy 85 or sell 85 ?? next time say clearly la......btw...tomorrow wat price??


2013-07-03 16:41 | Report Abuse

my money macam kena liquid nitrogen........kena freeze cannot defrost.......1 part of me ask me to cut lost and go buy/park other share....1 part of me ask me to forget this money in INGENCO since i still got capital and carry on with other trading activities........



2013-07-03 16:21 | Report Abuse

u got say meh? so.....when can we make money ??


2013-07-03 11:34 | Report Abuse

getting fed-up and more fed-up with tis company shares.......dun really know what are they thinking and their's like they wish for the price to remain status-quo.....=.="


2013-07-02 17:14 | Report Abuse

my average at 0.12 to cabut?? if wanna average down, need another RM 72K (@0.09) to average it down to 0.10 cents....or RM 108K just to average down to 0.0975...........

worth to take risk or not? if can get back...sure ok....but if kena sangkut more ?? die more faster........T_T


2013-07-02 16:31 | Report Abuse

T_T.....................T_T.......................T_T.....3 years....T_T


2013-07-01 17:10 | Report Abuse

if boom again tomorrow.......tis INGENCO, I will keep in fridge and forget him.........until 2 years later only take out to see.......=.="


2013-07-01 16:05 | Report Abuse

yes....wat ahsook say is downwards but unknown upwards limits....if u wanna talk bout the management of MAS...just 1 word to describe them..."sucks"....!!! but we dun care bout management, we just wanna have chances to make some profit...but GLC is much safer than any other private company which have unknown risk + limited upwards....especially on penny stocks...

do u think we have a chances of seeing MAS (such a big GLC) trading at below 20 cents? I dun think so....

no matter how bad a GLC performed....govt is always there to help them (won't close shop la..) Just dun fall in love with MAS...if u ask me MAS can buy to keep forever?? "BUY" can....."KEEP FOREVER"??....better keep in FD lor.......


2013-07-01 15:43 | Report Abuse

can buy ?? sure can buy la.......!!! but not guarantee to profit in short term.........!!! when ??? i also


2013-07-01 15:20 | Report Abuse

because they have nothing else to sell......unless they try to gain some extra "fast" income by providing "EXTRA SERVICES" with their huge flight staff..........sure got many people fly MAS in very very short term.....:P


2013-07-01 12:43 | Report Abuse

i think majority of people know what went wrong at MAS.....and MOST people who knows bout it have their own idea to "HELP" MAS survive....we can all "discuss" until forever after for the plan to "TURNAROUND" MAS....the most important thing is....will this "strategies" be adopted by MAS management OR politicians ??

the only thing we can do now is.....predict when/where the share will move to new level and how we can make money from it ? no point discussing the thing we cannot control.....? true ? just my 2 cents..


2013-07-01 12:17 | Report Abuse

Tarita....i'm scared of u.........last time u say boom to kill all small u ask small players to buy.....when will u say boom to kill us again?? scary....=.="

i can hold for very long....but when seeing people boom to kill.....i can lose my


2013-07-01 10:10 | Report Abuse

ubah govt........then can expect all GLC to shoot to the moon(i mean the share trade in new high)


2013-07-01 10:04 | Report Abuse

70 cent?? i think 17 cent also very hard la.......=.="


2013-06-30 22:21 | Report Abuse

hoping for JACKPOT strike


2013-06-29 21:34 | Report Abuse

i tot MAEMODE is engineering company providing automated machinery?? how come doing mobile apps pulak??


2013-06-29 21:30 | Report Abuse

in my opinion(just 1 cents and not 2cents) long as BN in power, MAS will not, no danger for those in hold of the shares...

IF 1 day BN lose power......different story....and I believe MAS will do much better to turn into profitable airlines cos either through complete overhaul of management or sell it private entity....both move will surely give positive impact to the company in the long run......then the price will surely move higher to where it belongs......

so....those who are higher percentage to make money....just dunno when only.....mayb 3 years....mayb 5 years....mayb 10 years.....=.="


2013-06-28 22:34 | Report Abuse

for tis case(MAEMODE), u might see this company being taken down from BURSA LISTING without the suspension being lifted.......

or......they might be negotiating the payment terms with the AH LONG b4 being lifted from suspension (means very very long time).

those who still have shares in tis company can only wait for news......see whether ur number strike jacpot or not?? kena JACKPOT ?? or kena MAKAN ?? lol


2013-06-28 17:49 | Report Abuse

gratz all.......may it go higher and higher.......!!! lol


2013-06-28 17:48 | Report Abuse

true.......i was hoping for AA to takeover tis company.....the last share swap do give hope/open the door for takeover chances, which i think very good in order to revive the MAS again.....

the only way to save MAS now is to sell it to private company for complete overhaul.....but i still prefer they sell it to TF (AA) than to let it fall into the hands of least it still MALAYSIAN COMPANY........=.="


2013-06-28 17:00 | Report Abuse

u really sucks........bullbear.....=.="


2013-06-28 16:53 | Report Abuse

hopefully la..............


2013-06-28 16:40 | Report Abuse

fake rally again.......?? =.="


2013-06-28 13:40 | Report Abuse

geez.....only 2 way can come out from this episode......
1) delisted terus....end of story....
2) suddenly got someone come out and say " i will restructured the company and take responsible for clearing the debt"...suspension lifted....share price shoot to the moon......

it's like putting ur bet on BANKER or PLAYER......but the betting is closed now....just wititng for the result nia.....=.="


2013-06-28 12:06 | Report Abuse

if u say about complain......MALINDO is getting massive complain due to service standard, non-informed cancellations and flight delays....any airline also will kena complaints........but in service line, we know sometimes there are irate/iritating customers due to "VERY HIGH" the baby which is prevent from boarding in vietnam due to health hazard....theres always 2 side of coin.....


2013-06-28 11:21 | Report Abuse

if talk about business competition....IF u wish to venture into ANY business tat is FREE from ANY competition/rivalry, then I wish u good luck in finding those type of business......IF u wanna invest in a share that is free from competition, just invest in need for u to do research/hardwork everyday just to get info.....

competition/rivalry exist in all business (except monopoly by govt) and we just have to see how the prospect company handles the pressure and overcome it......doing business is not like doing simple math....they will have to predict what will happen in the future of the business involved also....

and remember those analyst are the one who say tat AA is just worth less than RM 1 few years back......and if u just invest based on their predictions on all stocks......good luck to u.....:)


2013-06-28 11:05 | Report Abuse someone work very hard to get AA info everyday....even far away/remote info also go......but I still dun get why he so work up on AA ??


2013-06-27 17:46 | Report Abuse

AAX will need at least 3 years to prove itself whether they can compete in big league.........they way TF handles the company, do not expect any dividends or huge price increase during the initial 3-4 years(even if they making profit).


2013-06-27 10:55 | Report Abuse

he tries very hard here to write down AA.....I still wonder why he so hardworking to dig up a lot of AA news if he's not interested to buy AA ??


2013-06-26 12:37 | Report Abuse

I think he try TOO HARD to write down AIRASIA shares.........I wonder why......=.="


2013-06-26 10:29 | Report Abuse

how now? buy more la............if dun want buy AirAsia, then buy MAS difficult meh? geez......too much info will definitely cloud ur sensible judgement especially if u dun understand the nature and model of the business.......=.="


2013-06-25 13:02 | Report Abuse

I also wish MALINDO can continue to prosper so tat the people can enjoy more freebies, cheap air tickets, more affordable travel..........but if looking at business competition, MALINDO "might not" last for long against AIRASIA........


2013-06-25 11:00 | Report Abuse

high level service + low fare = long term strategy = high cost + lower profit/even loss = dead........=.="


2013-06-21 11:23 | Report Abuse

instead of buying the shares (which will be worthless after taken off BURSA + lelong), I think u all should just go and lelong their assets.....u might be able to bring back the company back to life.....=.="


2013-06-21 11:15 | Report Abuse

tis company cannot have 2nd chance liao(unlike others which can still be save due to restructuring)........tis 1 going into more hope.....


2013-06-12 21:44 | Report Abuse

1 thing for sure.......MAS will not hit below 0.200 for sure.....and i dare bet it won't stay under 0.280 for very very long......


2013-06-12 10:14 | Report Abuse

definitely agreed with deadwood.....anyone who gets involve in the share market are of their own one FORCED u to buy any shares. most people who come to forums intend to get some info/tips and make their own decision on stocks to buy/sell. if u think others make the wrong judgement, then go on to look for next info OR provide useful info for others(I seriously doubt the MILIONAIRES and TOP EXPERT would want to share info here without the BENEFITS/REWARDS).

so, if u want to call me LOSERS/MORONS, I let it be cos to be honest, i'm just a small player compare to those EXPERT out there.... :)


2013-06-12 09:14 | Report Abuse

arv18....i think u are being too stressful due to previous loss in MAS ?? I have said it b4 tat I'm NOT against anyone or intend to pick a fight on anyone....just here to share opinion.

IF u think tis share is going bankrupt, then ignore those who still love tis point make urself so stressful due to others loss ??

and I din say I'm a genius....just tat u are trying to be the expert. BUT.....did anyone here who trade just based on certified/qualified expert from trading house/banks ??

again......GOOD LUCK to those who still holding the shares.
And those who HATE tis shares to the bone, just delete it from ur watch list and move on.wish u luck on shares trading also.


2013-06-11 22:52 | Report Abuse

by the way....good luck to those who still hold MAS shares...although i do not think 30 sens is a good value for MAS, i still hope u all can make some money......

BUY at own risk, WIN or LOSE is your own money, no hard feelings.....:)


2013-06-11 22:39 | Report Abuse

arv18, I think u are the 1 who missed the point...i just point out the calculation based on ur example(about how u miscalculate)....

bout the company financial standing, i do agree with U tat MAS is in trouble (IF u read my previous msg,u will know why).

and yes.....I'm no expert, and I dun have any qualification to teach u no offense.

for your info, I DO NOT HOLD any shares in MAS now after i sold it for few K's profit at the 1st day of MAS-OR trading day.....

I just here to have a proper discussion and i do not intend to pick a fight with anyone...just offer my views on the share only.... :)


2013-06-11 16:46 | Report Abuse

<<<<<<<Posted by arv18 > Jun 7, 2013 11:28 PM | Report Abuse

let me illustrate my point for the "small players".

Suppose you have RM1500 in February 2013 (earlier this year) to invest? What to do? You also buy MAS. Also could buy MAS. But you want to make money really really badly. Let me show...

Suppose you use a broker like HLe-broking or Maybank (so brokerage is cheap)

In Feb, AeonCR - 10.68. so you buy 100 shares. Spend RM1068 + RM10 +RM1 etc...

Cost around RM1079 (still have around RM400 cash for beer money) .... Today AeonCR closed 16.72

Therefore Theoretical Gain = RM 1672 - RM1079 = RM593 (in % thats is a 54.96% gain in 3 MONTHS!) - Wow! Still got CASH to SPEND lorrr!

in Feb, MAS - 0.695. wow! cheap cheap you think. so you buy maximum. 2100 shares (so sad, no beer money!).

Cost is RM1469.50 (still have only RM 20 for one glass of beer for yourself, so sad) MAS closed 0.33 SEN

Therotical Gain RM 693 - RM 1469.50 = -766.50 (Loss of 52.52%) AIYOH!!! no spare money for beer to drown sorrow lorrr! >>>>>>

i think the calculations of MAS is not correct..
based on pre-cash call price 0.695 and after cash call 0.375 - 0.405 and free 4 X MAS-OR (0.10).

IF u SELL everything on MAS-OR(0.10) and just keep MAS on listing day, means the total you have now is RM 840 (before minus commission) + RM 693 (based on 0.33 price) = RM 1533 - RM1469.50(cost) = about RM 63 profit.

by the way....there is too much possibility which i will not dwell since the price of MAS and MAS-OR have already shown in their graph. :)


2013-06-11 16:18 | Report Abuse

agree with deadwood......if u see the potential and willing to hold for long term, waiting for lower price or buy now will not make any difference....but for those who intends to buy and hoping the price to shoot up in near terms....tis just very hard to happen for now.....:)


2013-06-11 16:03 | Report Abuse

based on current and history of political culture in MALAYSIA, such measure will NOT happen. tat is why i say "EXTREME" measures which i dare say, no CURRENT POLITICAL FIGURE would dare to take.....

so.....just pray for miracle...otherwise, just continue hold and hope...


2013-06-11 15:55 | Report Abuse

yea...0,27 is possible at tis moment if considering the pre-cash call price


2013-06-11 15:53 | Report Abuse long as just paper lost, is still ok.......there still chances to go higher than 60 sen.........just dunno when....unless our govt do the extreme measure,like selling MAS to private firms or putting someone with passion to turn it around without the interruption of politics....

without those measure coming, all the current investor/share holder can do is.......HOPE........


2013-06-11 15:13 | Report Abuse

AA is on different platform than MAS..and AA can easily making money due to different style of management and creativity.....on the service part, different people, different view..

IF we are talking bout the company shares,profitability, future direction.....AA do stand out far ahead than MAS.

actually, it's not hard to turn MAS into profitable company due to support from govt, BUT when everyone trying/forcing themself to have a SAY in managing a company, that company will not go anywhere and the losers are investors and govt themself.


2013-06-11 14:34 | Report Abuse

MAS is not totally a lousy counter/company....but for now, with such a decision making team, interruption from UNION, interruption from POLITICS....MAS "very hard" to turn into profitable company...

any BUY on MAS shares now will need a very long holding power until the scenario change. on SHORT TERM, i only see downwards at the maximum of 28 sens(fair value for the moment)


2013-06-11 13:49 | Report Abuse

no matter who helm the MAS now, to turn the company around into profitable company year by year will require a very tough decision (which will not abandon halfway). And any good measure to turn it around at this moment will not happen due to interruption from the MAS UNION.

The conclusion is, as long as MAS UNION is powerful enough to have a talk in any decision making by MAS management OR MAS management always have to accept/altered their stance with UNION view.....MAS will not be a profit making company.

so, the only way MAS can start making money is when they implement the re-structuring, job-cutting, saving cost, and any steps without fear and favour of the UNION.


2013-06-07 10:30 | Report Abuse

oh gawd.....!!! cannot find the "delete" button on the trading page...try to "delete" INGENCO and only look at it after 1 year time....hopefully it won't stay at the lowest 35 sens when I review it 1 year later........=.="