
anbz | Joined since 2012-12-23

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2014-08-26 22:00 | Report Abuse

Good business starts with smart, informed decisions. And with electricity prices set to rise further, switching to solar power could be one of the brightest decisions you make.

Essentially, anyone with a large roof space can take advantage of solar power. If you are a business, farm or commercial property owner considering installing a large or commercial size solar system, Nu Energy gives you the peace of mind that comes with experience.  

over 40,000 solar installs nationally20 years experiencemember of the Clean Energy Councilspecialists in commercial-grade solar PV systems for schools, farm buildings and enterpriseswide range of solar power systems to suit your budget or output needs

Installing a solar power system from Nu Energy on your premises or farm buildings offers a wide range of benefits:

reduce energy usage and costreceive credits to off-set energy costs via state feed-in tariffs*protection against the rising cost of electricityeducate community and future generations about the benefits of sustainable, eco-friendly energy sourcesmake a value statement to enhance your brandinghelp Australia reduce greenhouse gas emissionsmake your premises more sustainable and potentially increase its value

Nu Energy commercial solar power systems are easy to use, require little maintenance and provide a cost-effective alternative to increasingly expensive traditional energy sources.

It pays to go solar with Nu Energy!

Call us now on 1300 768 225 to learn how you can start saving with solar.


2014-08-26 21:59 | Report Abuse

19.9% holdings in NuEnergy.... sikalang semua olang celita CBM gas... haiya ada lagilah lain punya celita

ini NuEnergy is also a SOLAR POWER EXPERTS baca sendili, bawah ada link wa kasi.... solar energy is the future ma... yg paling paham the importance and urgency of solar power betul2 cakap punya ... bukan usa ... tapi germany, china dan india (cuma india... modal dia tak cukup ... bahan paling penting ialah argentum... itu melayu panggil.. perak le)...


2014-08-26 21:49 | Report Abuse

Pendapat wa senang saja... sapa2 yg jual tadi petang at 10.5 cents memang boloh...except kalau mereka mau kasi turun harga@contra2 saja2@belum baca artikel2 dan point2 penting dlm ini forum... selain dari itu 3 sebab... memang boloh sampai tulang sum sum... itu dna boloh situ dia duduk .... boloooooooooh


2014-08-26 21:40 | Report Abuse

Company mau jadi besar ... volume besar perkara biasa ... cuma nampak besar... pasal ini company belum besar... bila org sudah paham ini bukan company yg akan selama lamanya kecil...itu masa kalau glotec kasi double dia punya number of share pun takde org pandang pelik... itu org australia kurang modal... so ini peluang glotec tak tinggal ... dulupun wa ingat... sumatec.... dekat 4b shares tak blh pegi mana2... so sekarang 5.38b ... wa tutup mata saja... pasal wa baru paham erti potensial... semua org ada pendapat masing2 dan persepsi masing2.... so kalo lu tanya wa sekarang ...blh beli kah ini share unit base macam monster ... wa kata no hal ... tak percaya tak apa ... kasi kaji sungguh2... mungkin satu hari lu blh paham.. apa yg wa pikir wa paham... mau beli jangan ikut2... mesti kaji... mesti firm...., nanti lu syok sendili... orang lain tengok lu helan... lu duduk dalam dunia tersendiri... pasal lu sudah masuk apa term omputih panggil ...CONTRARIAN INVESTOR ...


2014-08-26 21:22 | Report Abuse

Sugar cane dah bukan can dah


2014-08-26 21:20 | Report Abuse

Ok let me tell u all something about methane... if what I remember from my SPM days... form 4 and 5 studying chemistry....

one group of hydrocarbon is called alkene.... in malay... alkana... derived from arabic

one carbon atom..., C .... can make maximum bonds with 4 atoms..... in this case when a carbon atom.... bonded with 4 hydrogen atoms..., H ....... u'll get CH4 ..... this is the most simplest hydrocarbon .....

now the 2nd member of alkene family is ethane .... which consists of 2 C atoms ...and 6 hydrogen atoms.... each of the carbon atoms , C, make a single bonding with each other... so each of them still have 3 bonding to make... whatelse... each of them make 3 bonding with 3 hydrogen atoms...
so their formula is H3C-CH3 ... or written as CH3CH3 ... or simply C2H6

now the 3rd, 4th and so on have increasing number of C ... they are propane, butane....ect...

More C in a hydrocarbon molecule... means more CO2 ... carbon dioxide produced when the hydrocarbon experienced combustion.

So methane is the simplest alkene with the lowest number of carbon, C... which is only one C atom... so less pollution ... in a world where industrial development take place and increasing number of cars... such as china... u need platinum or palladium... I forgot which one ... may be both ... as metals used in exhaust pipe to reduce pollution...whats more if it is just ordinary petrol? While platinum is now between 1415 usd to 1500 usd per ounce ... and palladium has skyrocketed to usd 890 per ounce ( the only producers of palladium are Russia and South u have ukraine-russia crisis... and continuous workers, miners strike in south africa ... it will only drives the price up)

So methane is a cheap solution

if u need the other family of hydrocarbon. ?.. u have alcohol ... need C ... need H .... need just exactly one OH molecule ( combination of oxygen and hydrogen)

So u can derive methanol from methane.... in this is such a big industry....

but eventhough our discussion is about methane... hydrocarbon molecules are not deposited naturally just with the same family of hydrocarbon or same member of a family of hydrocarbon... I bet u can also extract ethane, propane, butane, propane, hexane, hepatane, octane..... blah2 blah blah... just need the right technology to extract them also ... but may be with my ignorance...mostly may be is methane?

see the percentage of hydrocarbon used in brazilian cars, vehicles... is...... I think it is about 80% ... 80% of them are ethanol derived from sugar can !!!

what a better solution if u use methane or methanol in Malaysia? Ini bukan bisnes kecik2 ayam... sorry just simpulan bahasa....ini bisnes import export ... bisnes new sector u can develop your country


2014-08-26 20:40 | Report Abuse

I noticed ... there are more issues ... more projects ... which are now excecuted or in vicinity of NuEnergy Resources Ltd... which are not direcly owned by Glotec... but remember Glotec owns 19.9% shares in NuEnergy ....Africa is one of them.... hopefully not only me but also the others will share the information other NuEnergy Projects and Concessionaries Through Out The World which do not include Muara Enim 1, Muara Enim 2, Muara Enim 3 or Rengat CBM gas reserves .... all of these... which not directly related to GLOTEC... yet indirectly.... GLOTEC owns 19.9% of all of these... and these are by passively owned by Glotec at 19.9% ... ALL THESE ARE STILLLLLLLLLLL NOT DISCUSSED YET

do u smell what The Rock is cookin....

Bleblebbbblow.... susah le wa mau tulis teriakan ntah apa2 yg mengujakan dari The Rock....


2014-08-26 20:09 | Report Abuse

@Kakak iparku yg dihormati Abang AyamTua ... I have some new thought

Since the past 2 weeks what I hope and dream have significantly...



Seems to me , not only this is a very precious equity I can keep so so so long...

Not just , this GLOTEC now is unique entity in the whole Bursa

The only coal bed methane gas producer counter in the whole of Malaysia

Not only it has already aquired 19.9% of NGY of ASX that own thousands of hectares of CBM reserves

That GLOTEC is not just a passive shareholder of NGY ... yet beside MUARA ENIM 1 methane gas reserves where GLOTEC owns 19.9% share.... GLOTEC IS ALSO the operator and 60% owner of MUARA ENIM 2 AND MUARA ENIM 3 through NGY

The best part is GLOTEC IS the main OPERATOR FOR "RENGAT CBM RESERVES" through NCE and NCES in which both are owned 60% by GLOTEC... and NCE and NCES are both together control 100
% operaration in Rengat ... meaning , GLOTEC is 60% operator in rengat and 19.9% owner of Rengat.

The methane gas produced will certainly have 100% demand in adjecent states in Sumatera.... while if Glotec or NGY choose to sell at higher price , resulting in higher profit... they can always the already established pipe line system that connect to Jakarta and Singapore with 1.2 trillion cbc ft gas handling capability.

Whats better is, GLOTEC THROUGH its 60% owned...NCES ... can if they decide to be Independent Power Producer / IPP ... by generating electric from methane gas for Indonesian domestic demand.

Last but not least... I'm guessing that Dato Seri Dr Goh Tian Chuan almost 20% majority shareholder of GLOTEC... who is actually EX HEAD OF ..... GAMING AND TIMBER OPERATION of a subsidiary of already delisted company , REPCO BHD which they rigged and manipulated sky high to 1997

Yes there are 5.38b shares of GLOTEC.... a very enormous number ... well thats excellent for a high taste first class sharks, that do not have intention to make small profit as it are happening to too many counters... this has the probability to be The Most Unbelievably Goreng Ever In Bursa Malaysia History ... yet with so many fundamental pontentials.

So ... with the last point written... I am wishing the best for Dato Goh 's sharks team... hopefully they will control in vast aquisition or disposal of Glotec's share.... in full control ... so their plan to rig it so high will be succesful. In this regard let the weaks and disbelievers miss this opportunity... while we do not pray for that.... that is what will happen . So tomorrow if the price doesnt move up... it is for the sake of the sharks. And I am with them now... just as an admirer, a supporter... one who will ride back on their plan. I hope u understand my stand.

your sincerely

adik iparmu tanter anbz


2014-08-26 17:27 | Report Abuse

Ayoyo amaa apaa ... apa ini?... ini cinta monyetkah, cinta tupaikah? ... ayoyo sami kasi pusing pusing sama kamu dua orang 25 kali itu api juga... apa itu pusing pusing ... itu orang india jugak punya raja satu hari punya kongres


2014-08-26 17:19 | Report Abuse

Two five or two five... bill- ah leggy cow neck moon-sold knee? Two five or two five ...

halo tokey... bagi saya itu leg lembu, neck lembu, knee lembu...

apa. ? Semua SOLD out ?

Glotek lembu ada?....

Kotek lembu kotek lembulah...

give me 2 kilos hah....


2014-08-26 17:08 | Report Abuse

But the story by The Star has too many contradictions ... as if the writer add many false information ...... like what has been explained by their management in bursa announcement


2014-08-26 17:05 | Report Abuse

Main saham memang penat ... kerap kali buang masa dan duit ... hehehe


2014-08-26 16:40 | Report Abuse

Close 11 or 11.5?


2014-08-26 16:39 | Report Abuse

Now not enough sellers... say sharks


2014-08-26 16:35 | Report Abuse

Ok... enough say sharks... waitin at 11 or eat at 11.5....


2014-08-26 16:33 | Report Abuse

Not enough bleeding... goh and team were expecting many more going to dump.... please dump more so sharks buyin order is fulfilled. ... may be waiting for tomorrow's forced selling for whom bought on thursday?


2014-08-26 15:48 | Report Abuse

For now... with not so much data from my screen... the average transaction is at 0.1104


2014-08-26 15:36 | Report Abuse

Cepat dong jualin if u really think nggak ada hasilnya.... ingat ini T3+1+1 .... bisa turun... juga bisa naik tak terkawal jika yg pingin jual murah sebenernya udah abis jualin


2014-08-26 15:29 | Report Abuse

Thats why it cannot move as fast as the others, big accumulation is a must... because huge number of shares 5.38b ... goreng of the century in plan


2014-08-26 15:27 | Report Abuse

Do not believe tp is 30 cents... its multiple of that ... but for short short term... mungkin sik


2014-08-26 15:25 | Report Abuse

Mungkin aja org yg jualin at 11 sen, org yg sama beliin at 11 sen juga...bikin kaget sama yg lemah... krn mereka itu samada bayarin brokerage fee yg sangat spesialan murah atau tanpa brokerage fee , cuma ongkosnya duit setem dan wang clearance dong


2014-08-26 15:21 | Report Abuse

Tester... nanti gue tanyi-in sama bapaknya vimax


2014-08-26 15:11 | Report Abuse

Made in canada 100 percent


2014-08-26 15:10 | Report Abuse

Nggak deh... kawannya gue supplier terbesar di malacca ... nggak ada tandingannya


2014-08-26 15:04 | Report Abuse

Kimax wa nggak supply dong... harem zadeh... bisa ke neraka gue


2014-08-26 15:01 | Report Abuse

Vimax cuma RM160 ... 30 puluh butir dong


2014-08-26 15:00 | Report Abuse

Gambir loe mau nggqk vimax... gue pemborong sik... pil biru ... guarantee lepas makan, loe mau lagi


2014-08-26 14:55 | Report Abuse

Itu bukan org tungganglah... semalamkan loe habisin jack daniels on the rock ...


2014-08-26 14:45 | Report Abuse

I rembember ibu jeni... when csl was 20 cents.. and your call and high expectation for csl .. is it TA or FA ? Or is it PA-TA-h ?


2014-08-26 14:16 | Report Abuse

Encik rais yatim masih boleh naik?


2014-08-26 14:13 | Report Abuse

Rais ...ini glotec memang lambat naik

kena jilat lama lama baru boleh naik

kalau barang cepat naik

nanti terpancut sebelum naik

rais punya cepat naik ke lambat naik

rise ( bahasa omputih) kan maksudnya naik

nak makan rice kenalah tunggu dulu padi naik

rais pergilah website lain klik2

nanti da naik

barulah rais datang balik


2014-08-26 13:41 | Report Abuse


********* |▔╲    


naik glotec

naik kotek

mana satu lebih baik

nak jumpa cik Mrs Tay Teck

supaya boleh belek belek

nanti boleh terus masuk bilik

macam2 boleh track

satu badan aku bagi tag

Last sekali aku connect

keluar gas methane hidrokarbonik

ini awek memang unik

muka cantik

dua saiz double D punya betik

sungguh bahagia sedut putik

sampai terdiam semua cengkerik

harga turun harga naik

jangan pula anda panik

nanti cepat habis sebelum climax

Tak perlu makan tonik

pasal ini barang memang baik .... hehehe



2014-08-26 13:23 | Report Abuse


********* |▔╲    


Beribu2 tikus

Sudah nak mampus

masing2 sudah kurus

pasal duit sudah putus

due date contra sudah nak lupus

dato seri goh ex repco blues

sedang tunggu mau angkat yg pulus yg mulus

Ini bukan taktik confucius

Taktik ini bikin orang confuse

sikit masa lagi keluarlah brutus

kasi hantam semua ahli kongres

sama2 julius

baru le GLOTEC boleh lulus

naik naik tak putus putus


2014-08-26 13:09 | Report Abuse

Nope... I didnt tell that... I told them to either defend 40 or 44 ... and I also told them, that " if " it reach 35...its a bargain... I didnt tell them that it will go under 40 or telling them to buy under 40 ... ok hopefully your dream to make ayamtua your husband will come through ... haha


2014-08-26 12:58 | Report Abuse

No comment ... hehehe


2014-08-26 12:47 | Report Abuse

Cemburunya gue sama loe kakak ayamtua... sepertinya 2 laki2 ganteng sedang rebutin loe ... hahaha


2014-08-26 12:46 | Report Abuse

Her husband... if his husband... u know what sex is ibu jeni ... yet no one can confirm about it now... this includesibu jeni herself .... lari lari


2014-08-26 12:40 | Report Abuse

Why ibu fam jenny always talks as if ayamtua is his husband?

may be she soooooo thirsty and keeps imaging bapak ayamtua ...

loe... bapak ayamtua... kalo saja ibu fam jenney pelukkin loe... amat bisa sekali remuk tulang

temulangmu... ya loe kan cuma ayam ... patah loe ... kabur loe sebelum ibu jeni hempapin loe


2014-08-26 13:43 | Report Abuse

Nanti bila naik banyak... tolong kejutkan ye... wa want to sleep again


2014-08-25 23:42 | Report Abuse

I knew... asx ngy announcement... but mine crash


2014-08-25 22:56 | Report Abuse

Ngyl... itu links u gave... with pdf files... I can download... yet when I want to read it ... it crash... why huh?


2014-08-25 22:53 | Report Abuse

Itu ayam... wa mau LTOT .... lembaga tabung orang tua ... ayam kalo kna sembelih, waris pun takda... no one to manage their stocks hhehe


2014-08-25 22:48 | Report Abuse

Terence Goh ... u punya rumah di taman dato senu sudah jual belum? If not yet... I can help u by posting your hp number here ... hehe


2014-08-25 22:39 | Report Abuse

Suruh itu robert kuok's rival masuk dulu.. .. sy mokhtar


2014-08-25 22:09 | Report Abuse

Good chat there hotdog ... but im not good at chart ... could u explain it here?


2014-08-25 22:06 | Report Abuse

What does the cantonese article said about that "proton" and "fair value" words?


2014-08-25 22:04 | Report Abuse

Got translator or not?


2014-08-25 21:53 | Report Abuse

And the cbm gas reserves in sumatera will not be the last exiciting news for gloctec

I bet u will be hearing more of good news this year


2014-08-25 21:50 | Report Abuse



2014-08-25 21:24 | Report Abuse

Kukumanis...please read dato seri goh's background