
aphrodite | Joined since 2020-09-29 05:56:42

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2021-01-26 10:20 | Report Abuse

Too many people selling down, today is a no go


2021-01-22 14:44 | Report Abuse

Can reach gua, if everyone stops selling so low


2021-01-22 12:30 | Report Abuse

Looks like there's a possibility for rubberex to close near LU today


2021-01-15 16:10 | Report Abuse

Some people rely on charts too much. Lose money at a counter and they become sour


2021-01-15 15:56 | Report Abuse

You have to be patient when investing/trading Bintai... don't go all in at one price. I always start accumulating in the low 0.60's and 0.50's. It always goes back up


2021-01-14 17:06 | Report Abuse


You can lodge your complaint here.


skcheah can we report Jamban Pangsai to SC or BNM for manipulating the share price by releasing false information?
14/01/2021 4:31 PM


2021-01-14 14:23 | Report Abuse

JP Morgan's TP for Tesla was 90 USD lol stfu


Stockisnotfun Jp Morgan ass never lie!
14/01/2021 2:22 PM


2021-01-14 14:14 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the info! The 101.1 million is for the next xx days right?


limontea 04-01-2021 Shorties start shorting Topglov open price RM6.10.
14-01-2021 12.30pm Topglov close RM6.36

Shorties Quota = 327,906,324 units (4%)
13-01-2021 Total Net Short :222,976,300 units (2.72%)
14-01-2021 12.30pm total today shorted vol: 3.9mil units (0.048%)

=> Net Balance to short: 101.1mil units (1.23% quota left)

There is a deadline for shorties to return the tickets to the lender.
Time ticking...
14/01/2021 1:51 PM


2021-01-14 14:09 | Report Abuse


This was for 13th January. Some trading platforms will allow you to see the net short volume live


2021-01-14 12:09 | Report Abuse

If the operator wants to keep partying at this counter then they shouldn’t hurt retailers badly, they should know what to do


2021-01-14 10:39 | Report Abuse

The sell queue deters people from buying... Looks like many want to buy in but don't dare to go higher


2021-01-13 15:59 | Report Abuse

I think EPF is buying Tenaga for dividends too.. In the low RM10's is a good buy. Last year's dividend was RM0.92. If bought at RM10.22 (Today's price), the return is about 9%. Even without the special dividend, the return is still around 5% which is great.


2021-01-13 14:36 | Report Abuse

Short more please, I want to collect.


2021-01-13 14:31 | Report Abuse

If whoever is vaccinating me don't wear gloves, I would be angry


2021-01-13 14:17 | Report Abuse

Are you using Rakuten? It takes a bit longer.

Lifehuh Hello May I know if y’all have received ur dividend from Topglove. Cos I haven’t received mine yet
13/01/2021 2:15 PM


2021-01-13 14:13 | Report Abuse

Some people keep kissing JPM's ass hahahah


2021-01-13 13:51 | Report Abuse

Because some people will try to find a needle in a haystack, just to attack TG.


2021-01-13 13:47 | Report Abuse

Countries stockpile medical supplies, and it was reported that US is running severely low. I'm aware that US has always been getting their gloves from Kossan and Hartalega, but I wouldn't be surprised if they lift the ban on TG as TG has massively increased their production line in factories in Malaysia and overseas.


Mikecyc US is banned TG which represent abt 30 % of TG sales ... where did US get the supply since August 2020 ...
13/01/2021 1:41 PM


2021-01-13 13:38 | Report Abuse

This is the funniest lie. 'Oversupply'.

You should call up hospitals and ask if they have enough gloves or not. I have family working in the medical and glove industry, gloves are DEFINITELY in short supply.


gloveisover There's no short supply in glove. This news is made up by glove makers to con people. Oversupply already.
13/01/2021 1:35 PM


2021-01-13 13:23 | Report Abuse

TG 1QR profit is your investment's how many years profit?


Mikecyc Haha TG can last how long to manage make Profit above RM 2.0 billion per Quarter ?? another 3 months , 6 months ???


2021-01-13 11:09 | Report Abuse

Nothing PREVENTS covid. No one has ever said that gloves PREVENT covid. These measures are all placed to REDUCE the risk of infection from patient to healthcare provider, and from healthcare provider to other patients.

This pandemic has changed SOPs. They would be using gloves more post-covid, compared to pre-covid.

Stop spreading messages to derail investors from investing into a billion dollar-making company.

What a sorry excuse of a person.


Stockisnotfun No such new norm after covid because gloves is not the main essential prevent the covid. Mask is the one that offer great help.

No one say wearing gloves will prevent covid not even WHO saying that. Unless government force it after pandemic ended else the current profit can't be sustain.

If other countries really seeing the demand after covid ended, they might as well pre-book the gloves until 5 years under the pipeline which considering other countries might fight for it. Tan Sri only say so far only 2 years guaranteed full order under the pipeline.


2021-01-13 10:17 | Report Abuse

Later recovery stocks crash, don't come back here

Stockisnotfun Haha i love bursa because the market is so volatile. Now switch back to recovery stock already. Naysayers can still stay here no worry haha. We don't need you at recovery stock
13/01/2021 9:52 AM


2021-01-13 09:27 | Report Abuse

Feels like RSS will start to short banks. Bank Negara is going to cut OPR rate soon


2021-01-12 16:43 | Report Abuse

Hold liao, cannot sell. Scared can’t see this price again for a while


2021-01-12 16:42 | Report Abuse

So early sell meh hahahah. Later buy back, if not shoot up to 16 the heart will pain


2021-01-12 16:37 | Report Abuse

TG investors say no hahahaha 6.7 must sapu heh

BALANCE_VIEW Dont have to break 6.7!! Most of it from shorties !! They are averaging up !
12/01/2021 4:30 PM


2021-01-12 16:20 | Report Abuse

TG’s liquidity is much greater than Harta mah, which is why when harta goes up, it flies. When harta goes down, it crashes first


2021-01-12 16:14 | Report Abuse

Possible to reach 3.5, only when there’s a bonus issue


2021-01-12 16:09 | Report Abuse

Some people will find any excuse to bring gloves down.

If gloves are biodegradable then GG liao loh. Gloves have to have a VERY long shelf life so it can be stocked up, in order to make sure there is always glove in stock for emergencies and epidemics or pandemics.

If gloves had the capacity to biodegrade, it would mean they’re not strong. They need to withstand needles and from any sorts of wear and tear to prevent cross-contamination.

I am sure that down the line, it might be possible, but it’ll take a long time.

Snowpiercer But beware...after foreign workers.....next they will attack on environment....synthetic gloves are non-biodegradable
12/01/2021 4:01 P


2021-01-12 15:26 | Report Abuse

RM7 really too low lah


2021-01-12 14:59 | Report Abuse

All of us chip in our dividends then should be enough for few lots liao

Water Fish Burger (水鱼哥哥) dicky i give u money. come. if not u will jealous others ppl can hold top glove share. how much u want tell me lai dicky .
12/01/2021 2:53 PM


2021-01-12 14:47 | Report Abuse

I remember someone saying harta is trash, even the director don’t want to buy back.

Where are you now??

Harta is a great company


2021-01-12 14:09 | Report Abuse

Don’t think what will happen? I’m not saying there won’t be any business, it’ll just be less than before


2021-01-12 12:57 | Report Abuse

Business as usual but their cash flow will dwindle. Roadblocks and summons are enough to keep most people at home, and many will be tighter on cash. They wouldn't spend it as easily as before. I think most people will invest that money instead of putting it into FD


2021-01-12 11:39 | Report Abuse

Can’t believe people still choose to short sell TG during a darurat... They’d stand more of a chance attacking other counters


2021-01-12 11:19 | Report Abuse

I think rubberex will be able to reach at least 2.5 in the coming weeks. MCO and Darurat would mean every other sector will drop, cash will flow into the healthcare sector


2021-01-12 11:16 | Report Abuse

Ok lah if you want to run then run loh.. don’t cry when price increases


2021-01-12 11:03 | Report Abuse

EPF has been acquiring while you guys were dumping. The 40 million shares ‘disposed’ were lend for RSS.

Stockisnotfun Even EPF also dumped already lo. What more need to say? They know the news faster than you all la.
12/01/2021 10:54 AM


2021-01-12 10:55 | Report Abuse

Up then complain no chance to buy, down then complain game over... We are never satisfied hahah


2021-01-11 21:13 | Report Abuse

People keep talking like we don't know when to take profit, cut loss or average down lol


2021-01-11 20:37 | Report Abuse

Thing is, many people will anticipate a decrease in the price of other shares. They'll sell it off and hope to buy back at a lower price. In the mean time, some of their cash will flow to gloves as they know it will increase. So for the coming week, it will probably increase. How long this will go on though, I'm not too sure.

Long-term investors wouldn't be too worried about the yo-yo in price though, we know what TG is worth.

I doubt vaccine stocks will go up too much as well, their hype was quick to dampen.


BryanO thanks Stockisnotfun.
i think last year stock prices goes up when announce mco is mainly due to global cases spikes, it is unusual that we have this level of global pandemic creates panic, and there is no sight of when vacinne is available which creates huge demand for gloves.
in my humble opinion, now is a bit different due to there is no longer sudden spikes of cases goes up (we all had been get used to see the daily numbers since last year), and we have a firm time when the vaccine will be avai.

implementing MCO doesn't means that demand of gloves will go up, only the perception that covid cases will go up.

Park the effectiveness of vaccine aside as i m not a medical expert who can comment on it, if the vaccine works even though not as good as it claims, but it still works at some point to curb the cases.
maybe i m wrong
11/01/2021 8:20 PM


2021-01-11 20:13 | Report Abuse


Do you really think there will be many customers out and about? Commissions and incentives will be cut. People won't have all the money in the world to spend as well.

Use your brain please.

gemfinder Mco? Bisbes shops all stil open la. Gloves gapdown
11/01/2021 7:33 PM


2021-01-11 20:09 | Report Abuse

Agreed. Many recovery stocks are already quite high as well, considering that they haven't earned much recently.


anthonywml82 Recovery stock wont recover much..duduk diam diam di rumah watch gloves fly
11/01/2021 7:36 PM


2021-01-11 19:31 | Report Abuse

The closing was a chance for people to top up heheh. Up and up tomorrow!


11/01/2021 5:13 PM


2021-01-11 19:30 | Report Abuse

Still asking people to dump a company that is earning billions for a company that is earning millions... For TG, the sky is the limit


2021-01-11 18:30 | Report Abuse

Still got people say limit down, quite funny ah. Limit down also can, buy some more.

bose00 tmr limit down .. vaccine coming
11/01/2021 6:29 PM


2021-01-11 18:28 | Report Abuse

Tmr RSS confirm will do everything they can to stop the price from going up. EPF have already lend their shares right? Fly liao loh, tmr they top up


2021-01-11 18:19 | Report Abuse

MCO announced. Fly high careplus


2021-01-11 18:15 | Report Abuse

No MCO? Your friend siapa? You always talk cock, now you diam la


Icon8888 As I mention before no mco, no ppl believe. Speculator, this fake rumour on Mco might create by those so call guru. my fr working at putrajaya told me since elast wednesday, got roadblock, close shopping mall, not allow interstate travel beside business purpose. Possible a sell down tmr for panic sell again.
As you look at Friday transaction, all small potato chase high tomato.
10/01/2021 11:56 AM

Icon8888 Adui kesian chase high, no MCO laa.
As per my fr who work at MKN, only say propose to have MCO, but market macam over react alread. If Malaysia MCO, any benefit to glove?
Will it increase the business?
09/01/2021 10:50 AM