
auditorandconsultant | Joined since 2020-10-18

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2021-02-16 09:12 | Report Abuse

The Syndicates/Sharks play with Left Hand Out, Right Hand In.

Everyday same tactics, it is so so boring now. They have no other creative method to lure investor from selling their WA already....




2021-02-16 08:36 | Report Abuse


Good effort. Let us all HUAT CHAI together...

Patience is the key. Knowledge is also important to avoid some barking human from keep distracting and misleading people around us.

HUAT CHAI to you.


2021-02-16 08:32 | Report Abuse


I do not know why that fella loves to BARK everyday ...maybe his owner feeds him everyday....

Thank for defending our stands...

To all investors who are looking for opportunity to earn from Arbitrage, please ignore Pretty_Life



2021-02-16 08:31 | Report Abuse


Good justification which is very much prudent.

This is indeed a good chance to earn via Arbitrage and many investors do not even know. Our roles here is to ensure that correct and reasonable information is made available to everyone so that the cakes are shared to everyone and NOT ONLY Syndicates/Sharks

BUY CALL - Buy and Hold till the Redemption Date


2021-02-16 08:28 | Report Abuse


If you are not buying BIMB WA, please leave this chat room.

And you are misleading everyday. Since when I quoted and said RM1.04?

I just agreed with PaperPlane calculation and justification.

Please do not be so childish and keep misleading people.


2021-02-16 06:02 | Report Abuse

RM1.04 is still a prudent number

My side calculated based on Optimistic and Pessimistic Scenario, arrive at RM1.08 as the Intrinsic Value for the WA without taking into consideration the Premium

As such, the current value of BIMB WA of RM0.385 is very much and too undervalued. I do not think the Warrantholders will approve for such redemption consideration. Not to forget there are Foreign Warrantholders who bought this WA at higher value.

In conclusion, WA holders should be demanding more.

This is another reason why Sharks/Syndicates keep on disturbing and distracting or creating fear among all other WA holders who do not understand the underlying concept and the substance of this proposed transaction.

BUY CALL - Buy and Hold and Do Not Sell


2021-02-16 06:02 | Report Abuse

RM1.04 is still a prudent number

My side calculated based on Optimistic and Pessimistic Scenario, arrive at RM1.08 as the Intrinsic Value for the WA without taking into consideration the Premium

As such, the current value of BIMB WA of RM0.385 is very much and too undervalued. I do not think the Warrantholders will approve for such redemption consideration. Not to forget there are Foreign Warrantholders who bought this WA at higher value.

In conclusion, WA holders should be demanding more.

This is another reason why Sharks/Syndicates keep on disturbing and distracting or creating fear among all other WA holders who do not understand the underlying concept and the substance of this proposed transaction.

BUY CALL - Buy and Hold and Do Not Sell


2021-02-15 21:52 | Report Abuse

Envestor, our group increases our stake everyday is to show our COMMITMENT towards this MONEY BACK GUARANTEE scheme.

Do you think we have a lot of money to play or fool with?

We are very serious because I called to IR Department to speak to Sarina for more than 4 times already

We are very firm.


2021-02-15 21:50 | Report Abuse

Envestor, please go to KLSE and download Announcement on 29 Jan 2021.

Remember Conversion of WA to Ordinary Shares is TOTALLY OUT OF SCOPE and IRRELEVANT in this Corporate Exercise

So please ignore the price of Mother Shares and Premium

fzy1388, 很多是大鳄的爪牙。我被他们对付因为说实话,但是我见招拆招。


2021-02-15 21:42 | Report Abuse




2021-02-15 21:38 | Report Abuse

上面我已经很清楚的说明了,强行收购,内部重组,和套利这几个字眼。Conversion of WA to Ordinary Shares is NOT RELEVANT and OUT OF SCOPE, so stop talking about Mother Shares and Premium.

如果你还是冥顽不灵, 我只能当成你不是人了。

The above comments given by me include VWAP for the last 5 days, my Group Stake as a commitment to the Arbitrage (Money Back Guarantee Investment) and Example to show that Conversion of WA to Ordinary Shares is NOT RELEVANT.


2021-02-15 21:37 | Report Abuse




2021-02-15 21:36 | Report Abuse

上面我已经很清楚的说明了,强行收购,内部重组,和套利这几个字眼。Conversion of WA to Ordinary Shares is NOT RELEVANT and OUT OF SCOPE, so stop talking about Mother Shares and Premium.

如果你还是冥顽不灵, 我只能当成你不是人了。

The above comments given by me include VWAP for the last 5 days, my Group Stake as a commitment to the Arbitrage (Money Back Guarantee Investment) and Example to show that Conversion of WA to Ordinary Shares is NOT RELEVANT.


2021-02-15 21:31 | Report Abuse

Pretty_Life, please do not speak Non Sense again, kindly refer to Announcement Made on 29/01/2021

Take note everyone, this fella keep on misleading when he or she does not want to refer to Announcement on 29/01/2021 to face the FACT and REALITY



2021-02-15 21:27 | Report Abuse

Again, congratulations to my team again for their efforts and thank to the Syndicates for selling their WA to my team members. Our stakes have been increasing again to 9.91% as of 15 Feb 2021.

As at 09/02/2021 - 8.45%
As at 10/02/2021 - 9.04%
As at 11/02/2021 - 9.50%
As at 15/02/2021 - 9.91%

The above result shows that we are serious in taking opportunity to earn more from this corporate exercise. Reminder again, Arbitrage is different from normal conversion of WA to Ordinary Shares because this involves mandatory redemption by BIMB Holdings to ensure completion of its Internal Reorganisation.

BIMB-WA-VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) for the last 5 trading days

As at 08/02/2021 - RM0.3702
As at 09/02/2021 - RM0.3806
As at 10/02/2021 - RM0.3958
As at 11/02/2021 - RM0.3890
As at 15/02/2021 - RM0.3901

Average of the 5-Day VWAPs = RM0.3851

Due to the above higher VWAP, there is no one including Syndicates or Sharks willing to press down the VWAP because the highest the VWAP, the higher the Redemption Consideration to be paid by BIMB Holdings.


Take example, even though today (15/2/2021) closing price is RM0.385 and assuming just now evening BIMB made announcement that tomorrow is the Price Setting Date, the holders of WA will still be rewarded with the price of RM0.3851 even though the share price at the closing was RM0.3850 only. Furthermore, Mandatory Redemption via the Corporate Exercise means there will be NO BROKERAGE FEES, NO TAXES incurred by the WA Holders because this is an Arbitrage and the Issuer (BIMB Holdings) will handle everything and WA Holders only need to wait for MONEY to be deposited into your accounts.

Please be informed that the above is an example as the Price Fixing Day will not be in February 2021 after I reconfirmed again this afternoon (total calls made to BIMB = 5 times this months)

请大家别中大鳄的圈套,因为这次的套利机会根本不会跟母股的价格和 Premium 扯上任何的关系,母股就算是低过4块钱,也无关,因为母公司将会为了内部重组,不惜任何代价跟凭单持有者强行收购,最后定价是在最后定价日的前5天的平均VWAP。请看看我们组合的总体持有%,这个肯定不是玩玩的,大鳄非常的自私,想一个独吞全部的套利机会,故而制造出很多骇人惊闻,包括继续派爪牙制造和传播不正确的讯息,派人来假意投诚我们,封锁一些好汉在这里传播正确消息的权益,现在联合媒体也用上了,大家是聪明人,不用我解释那么明了吧!总之一句,大鳄慌了,大家继续把他们团团围堵,逼着大鳄为我们所用,一起赚钱。


2021-02-15 21:27 | Report Abuse

Again, congratulations to my team again for their efforts and thank to the Syndicates for selling their WA to my team members. Our stakes have been increasing again to 9.91% as of 15 Feb 2021.

As at 09/02/2021 - 8.45%
As at 10/02/2021 - 9.04%
As at 11/02/2021 - 9.50%
As at 15/02/2021 - 9.91%

The above result shows that we are serious in taking opportunity to earn more from this corporate exercise. Reminder again, Arbitrage is different from normal conversion of WA to Ordinary Shares because this involves mandatory redemption by BIMB Holdings to ensure completion of its Internal Reorganisation.

BIMB-WA-VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) for the last 5 trading days

As at 08/02/2021 - RM0.3702
As at 09/02/2021 - RM0.3806
As at 10/02/2021 - RM0.3958
As at 11/02/2021 - RM0.3890
As at 15/02/2021 - RM0.3901

Average of the 5-Day VWAPs = RM0.3851

Due to the above higher VWAP, there is no one including Syndicates or Sharks willing to press down the VWAP because the highest the VWAP, the higher the Redemption Consideration to be paid by BIMB Holdings.


Take example, even though today (15/2/2021) closing price is RM0.385 and assuming just now evening BIMB made announcement that tomorrow is the Price Setting Date, the holders of WA will still be rewarded with the price of RM0.3851 even though the share price at the closing was RM0.3850 only. Furthermore, Mandatory Redemption via the Corporate Exercise means there will be NO BROKERAGE FEES, NO TAXES incurred by the WA Holders because this is an Arbitrage and the Issuer (BIMB Holdings) will handle everything and WA Holders only need to wait for MONEY to be deposited into your accounts.

Please be informed that the above is an example as the Price Fixing Day will not be in February 2021 after I reconfirmed again this afternoon (total calls made to BIMB = 5 times this months)

请大家别中大鳄的圈套,因为这次的套利机会根本不会跟母股的价格和 Premium 扯上任何的关系,母股就算是低过4块钱,也无关,因为母公司将会为了内部重组,不惜任何代价跟凭单持有者强行收购,最后定价是在最后定价日的前5天的平均VWAP。请看看我们组合的总体持有%,这个肯定不是玩玩的,大鳄非常的自私,想一个独吞全部的套利机会,故而制造出很多骇人惊闻,包括继续派爪牙制造和传播不正确的讯息,派人来假意投诚我们,封锁一些好汉在这里传播正确消息的权益,现在联合媒体也用上了,大家是聪明人,不用我解释那么明了吧!总之一句,大鳄慌了,大家继续把他们团团围堵,逼着大鳄为我们所用,一起赚钱。


2021-02-15 21:04 | Report Abuse

Everyone can just ignore Pretty_Life already. It seems like he or she likes to talk non sense.

How to relate the mother share and premium when we are not talking about the conversion of warrant to mother shares under normal circumstances.

We are talking about Arbitrage and even if the mother shares go down to below RM4.00. It does not matter because the issuer, BIMB Holdings will still redeem it because BIMB wants to ensure the successful completion of Internal Reorganisation to split Takaful to be a separate stand alone entity.

I think this Pretty Life is talking non sense and his or her syndication is of the lowest standards I have ever seen.

Remember and reminder to all, Arbitrage is different from the usual or normal conversion of Warrant to Ordinary Shares.

Pretty Life and some other people above are MISLEADING you people. Because this is an ARBITRAGE.


2021-02-15 21:04 | Report Abuse

Everyone can just ignore Pretty_Life already. It seems like he or she likes to talk non sense.

How to relate the mother share and premium when we are not talking about the conversion of warrant to mother shares under normal circumstances.

We are talking about Arbitrage and even if the mother shares go down to below RM4.00. It does not matter because the issuer, BIMB Holdings will still redeem it because BIMB wants to ensure the successful completion of Internal Reorganisation to split Takaful to be a separate stand alone entity.

I think this Pretty Life is talking non sense and his or her syndication is of the lowest standards I have ever seen.

Remember and reminder to all, Arbitrage is different from the usual or normal conversion of Warrant to Ordinary Shares.

Pretty Life and some other people above are MISLEADING you people. Because this is an ARBITRAGE.


2021-02-15 17:05 | Report Abuse

In this game, no one will be losing except BIMB Holdings because BIMB Holdings will be paying us based on the VWAP 5 days preceeding the Price Fixing Day

This is Arbitrage, WIN WIN situation, so no need to worry. We will continue to ensure that we spread positive news and information to avoid retail investors from panic selling. Because no need to sell, end of the day BIMB Holdings will buy from us.

Pretty Life is brainless, talk non sense non stop

Tomorrow we continue to queue and form a block to the Syndicates or Sharks... This game requires PATIENCE. For sure we are better than the SHARKS because the Sharks cost is too high already


2021-02-15 17:05 | Report Abuse

In this game, no one will be losing except BIMB Holdings because BIMB Holdings will be paying us based on the VWAP 5 days preceeding the Price Fixing Day

This is Arbitrage, WIN WIN situation, so no need to worry. We will continue to ensure that we spread positive news and information to avoid retail investors from panic selling. Because no need to sell, end of the day BIMB Holdings will buy from us.

Pretty Life is brainless, talk non sense non stop

Tomorrow we continue to queue and form a block to the Syndicates or Sharks... This game requires PATIENCE. For sure we are better than the SHARKS because the Sharks cost is too high already


2021-02-15 16:59 | Report Abuse

Pretty Life is brainless one

just ignore her

Good job already because we delay the time for the Sharks to collect cheap WA


2021-02-15 16:58 | Report Abuse

Pretty Life is brainless one

just ignore her

Good job already because we delay the time for the Sharks to collect cheap WA


2021-02-15 16:45 | Report Abuse

Pretty Life, please open your eyes big big

Where is the >10 million army at selling price RM0.40

All are fake and because all of us are smart enough and do not want to be fallen into the victim of panic selling, so now Syndicates and Sharks have to give up already

Pretty Life confirmed is from Syndicates or Sharks already .....

Laugh die me ..selling army at RM0.40



2021-02-15 16:45 | Report Abuse

Pretty Life, please open your eyes big big

Where is the >10 million army at selling price RM0.40

All are fake and because all of us are smart enough and do not want to be fallen into the victim of panic selling, so now Syndicates and Sharks have to give up already

Pretty Life confirmed is from Syndicates or Sharks already .....

Laugh die me ..selling army at RM0.40



2021-02-15 16:22 | Report Abuse

The selling pressure is a fake signal and illusion

If the syndicates wanna sell they will sell the WA last week already

The Syndicates form a block of more than 10 million selling army at RM0.40 to create panic and tension among retail investors who are not firm in their decision

I hope everyone will keep on buying and holding. Let's us give pressure to the Syndicates




2021-02-15 16:22 | Report Abuse

The selling pressure is a fake signal and illusion

If the syndicates wanna sell they will sell the WA last week already

The Syndicates form a block of more than 10 million selling army at RM0.40 to create panic and tension among retail investors who are not firm in their decision

I hope everyone will keep on buying and holding. Let's us give pressure to the Syndicates




2021-02-15 15:19 | Report Abuse

Just buy and hold

Only selfish syndicates wanna mislead ppl to sell now because we could see the syndicates could not move at all

Buying pressure is strong

Then selling pressure at 10 mio at 0.40 make me laugh non stop

Lousy tactic


2021-02-15 14:56 | Report Abuse

Pretty life is a liar... Pretty life want ppl to sell then collect at lower price

Your tactic is too lousy d


2021-02-15 14:41 | Report Abuse

pretty life

Don't mess up everything

Time will prove that I am right




2021-02-15 14:38 | Report Abuse

You are childish and funny.

Among all syndicates, your syndication is really the lousiest

Everyone will just ignore your nonsense and keep buying and holding only


2021-02-15 14:29 | Report Abuse

pretty life

Your comments can't be a bit creative ar

Takkan you don't have anything quality to say alrrady

Only one reason... You are from syndicate and your role is to mislead ppl by spreading wrong information. And you always lie

That is the only simple reason


2021-02-15 14:28 | Report Abuse

To all lousy syndicate agents

Please stop all the nonsensical noise and topic that will mislead retail investors

This is a way to earn from arbitrage and your big bosses behind are so selfish that wanna earn alone

The cake is so big and yet you ppl wanna earn alone. Damn selfish

Everyone please continue to buy and hold. At the end we are the winner to decide the redemtpion price


2021-02-15 14:26 | Report Abuse

To all lousy syndicate agents

Please stop all the nonsensical noise and topic that will mislead retail investors

This is a way to earn from arbitrage and your big bosses behind are so selfish that wanna earn alone

The cake is so big and yet you ppl wanna earn alone. Damn selfish

Everyone please continue to buy and hold. At the end we are the winner to decide the redemtpion price


2021-02-15 13:30 | Report Abuse

simple reason

Even my niece who used to look at me doing trading tell me That this is a trick To create fear among all retail investors

In short, syndicates wanna collect cheap BIMB WA before pushing up

Use logic and brain then u will know


2021-02-15 13:28 | Report Abuse

Paperplane we all go to lodge report to government authorities with the help of okdo

He knew lot of gov officer... No play play ONe


2021-02-15 13:25 | Report Abuse

everyone just hold and don't sell

If can queue at 0.39, 0.395

Sure the syndicate could not afford wasting time here.. Bco time is Limited and BIMB WA is limited also

Sooner, the syndicates will be compelled to buy even it is expensive


2021-02-15 13:21 | Report Abuse


let's go to lodge police report and report to KPDNKK

If you raise petition, please let me know.. I will bring more supporters


2021-02-15 13:20 | Report Abuse

Those who trust the press media contents which are bias towards the syndicate are totally brainless

No one even the sharks or syndicates want to get lower VWAP when they could aim higher

The sharks and syndicates have no other methods already but to abuse or misuse media to continue create panic among retail investors or mislead investors

Everyone please continue to queue and buy and hold, Syndicate has no time already because the price fixing date is coming soon after Feb




2021-02-15 13:16 | Report Abuse


You are totally brainless

Press also you believe and you think twice before commenting

No one even the sharks or syndicates want to get lower VWAP when they could aim higher

The sharks and syndicates have no other methods already but to abuse or misuse media to continue create panic among retail investors or mislead investors

Everyone please continue to queue and buy and hold, Syndicate has no time already because the price fixing date is coming soon after Feb



LuckyWinner I think this name should be renamed to LousyLoser


2021-02-15 10:11 | Report Abuse

The Syndicates/Sharks have come out with their tactics already.

Now, they use the media/press (e NanYang Press) to inform retail investors not to be be fallen into a victim of BIMB WA. They quoted GameStop and Top Glove as examples.

I think the writer does not know what is Arbitrage at all. They used Apple (GameStop and Top Glove) to compare with Orange (BIMB WA).

In this case, I should use Diamond for BIMB WA. It is so funny that they even use the press to manipulate market which indirectly mislead retail investors. I hope everyone stay calm and continue to BUY and HOLD.

The intention behind is that Syndicates/Sharks need to collect more WA before pushing them to higher price.



2021-02-15 10:09 | Report Abuse

The Syndicates/Sharks have come out with their tactics already.

Now, they use the media/press (e NanYang Press) to inform retail investors not to be be fallen into a victim of BIMB WA. They quoted GameStop and Top Glove as examples.

I think the writer does not know what is Arbitrage at all. They used Apple (GameStop and Top Glove) to compare with Orange (BIMB WA).

In this case, I should use Diamond for BIMB WA. It is so funny that they even use the press to manipulate market which indirectly mislead retail investors. I hope everyone stay calm and continue to BUY and HOLD.

The intention behind is that Syndicates/Sharks need to collect more WA before pushing them to higher price.



2021-02-15 09:48 | Report Abuse

use your brain Pretty Life...I will ignore your message from now on wards

Up and down is normal at this stage because Syndicates wanna collect more tickets

if you do not know go play card need to play share already

It is so obvious that syndicates purposely put a block because syndicates wanna collect more ticket..that all


2021-02-15 09:30 | Report Abuse

Talk non sense again

Your view is too swallow..... Share of course got up and down....

Syndicate is controlling buying and selling pressures because wanna collect more before pushing up

I think after scenery, you are another one really need to go back to school to study more

Anyhow say 0.005 very very childish


2021-02-15 09:26 | Report Abuse

Ignore pretty_life

This fella always mislead people

Not first time this fella mentioned 0.005

Explain please since you said you are so pro. Explain

Pretty_life talks non sense again

If every time u talk non sense, next time no one is going to trust you anymore


2021-02-15 08:28 | Report Abuse

Then the policy here is not transparent and not fair if the admin block or ban MalaysianIB_HongKong just because someone reported him abuse.

How if he is really a syndicate?

How aut those who spread wrong and irrelevant information to mislead investors?

个人觉得不能有双重标准 this will constitute double standards problem


2021-02-15 08:13 | Report Abuse

KL Lee... Bow we are not talking bout the mother shares...

We are using the mother share forum to also talk about it's warrant that is a good arbitrage opportunity

Please do not mess up and then indirectly mislead ppl

Again I reiterate... We are talking about the arbitrage from internal reorganisation involvng redemption of BIMB wa


2021-02-15 08:10 | Report Abuse

Just take example here

Arbitrage. I think 90% investors know bursa do not know

That why Lo... Only can become a normal person

Only can become a person who always mislead people by sharing wrong information

Especially some of our friends above...

This is lousy especially when I have experience dealing with IBs from around the world.... Note some lousy syndication here


2021-02-15 08:06 | Report Abuse


When see things do not just see one face...



When everyone is thinking like how you think,, I think differently bcoz this is an arbitrage where by the syndicates will earn more when the Vwap up.. All huat

The HK IB is a friend of one of our top 30 warrant holders.....




2021-02-15 00:59 | Report Abuse

FYI, the MalaysianIB_HongKong, LipakSungguh, fzy1388 and I have been blocked before.

I heard MalaysianIB_HongKong

I hope that the admin here be fair and be more transparent.

I understand that the power or ultimate controller of this i3 is situated in Hong Kong.

Please be fair and transparent. Orelse, everyone will be lodging complaint and i think the reliability and confidence of Investors will be lost when this platform is not fair anymore


2021-02-15 00:54 | Report Abuse

@paperplane, thank for being fair in your stand.

FYI, the MalaysianIB_HongKong, LipakSungguh, fzy1388 and I have been blocked before.

I heard MalaysianIB_HongKong

I hope that the admin here be fair and be more transparent.

I understand that the power or ultimate controller of this i3 is situated in Hong Kong.

Please be fair and transparent. Orelse, everyone will be lodging complaint and i think the reliability and confidence of Investors will be lost when this platform is not fair anymore