
bjaya | Joined since 2012-07-27 19:13:00

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2021-12-15 22:42 | Report Abuse

Possible because UK Omicron has just been confirmed doubling every 2 days. Experts say at this rate, almost no one would be spared. Depends on where you stay. Mild symptoms though, but due to the high infectivity across the board, health care would be crippled by those who suffer more than mild symptoms.


2021-11-17 10:12 | Report Abuse

This may mirror Hightech to surger after split then consolidate


2021-02-26 05:51 | Report Abuse

Look at Genetech’s latest QR, nothing impressive but price performed sterlingly. Investor buy a piece of the future growth which I believe is happening too in Penta.


2021-02-17 20:51 | Report Abuse

Yesterday pre-closing fake rise hence today’s price drop. Today the opposite happen; so tomorrow sure up ?


2021-02-15 16:55 | Report Abuse

U turn already. Reach 0.40 will down again to 0.22 or 0.23.


2021-02-10 11:26 | Report Abuse

Patent dia memang ini mcm antara 22-40 sen. Go in now as the risk is extremely low.


2021-02-05 11:48 | Report Abuse

Does Esceram have any competitors ?


2020-12-10 11:03 | Report Abuse

This is a main downstream player supporting most of the ambitious big brothers of the glove industry.


2020-12-08 16:47 | Report Abuse

US recorded a jaw-dropping 1 million cases in the past 5 days. It took US 100 days to reach the first million when statistics started to be tabulated in January 2020. Now it takes only 5; largely due to the recent presidential election. With the just past Thanksgivings & the coming Xmas, who knows how many more ? It is almost everyone for himself !


2020-11-20 17:35 | Report Abuse

Private placement for further expansion & high profile display of plant setting up; a real potential growth stock or an otherwise trap ? Caveat Emptor.


2020-11-20 17:29 | Report Abuse

DIckyME will have to wait another 2-3 years perhaps for another share split or bonus issue to touch RM 4 . Happy waiting.


2020-11-13 19:17 | Report Abuse

Funny though; vaccine to Covid-19 is what the the cross is to the vampire. But in actual fact, medical personnel who administer the vaccines would still need gloves when injecting the vaccine.


2020-11-12 17:50 | Report Abuse

This vaccine's efficacy sounded so much like the normal influenza flu vaccine which does not last long and has to be taken regularly.


2020-11-10 21:19 | Report Abuse

Effectiveness of the vaccine remains vague; 6-12 months? And among the recipients some may still get the Covid19 ; as in some among the recipients of yearly flu & influenza vaccines still succumb to the flu. What’s the diiference then between these 2 vaccines ? Perplexing !


2020-11-10 21:08 | Report Abuse

Effectiveness of the vaccine remains vague; 6-12 months? And among the recipients some may still get the Covid19 ; as in some among the recipients of yearly flu & influenza vaccines still succumb to the flu. What’s diiference then btw these 2 vaccine ? Perplexing !


2020-11-05 18:52 | Report Abuse

Bottoms out already. Time to get in .


2020-10-27 22:43 | Report Abuse

Lines of driver in JB hauled up to court & fined 10 k each . Good income for government but intimidating for Heim , Carlsberg & others alcohlic beverage industries


2020-10-15 17:39 | Report Abuse

Be cautious as price always moves ahead of fundamental. Look at the recent Topglove QR announcement in which price drop instead of up even after the stellar announcement.


2020-09-25 15:38 | Report Abuse

Raised ASP would be fully reflected in the coming QR. Expect an explosive one !


2020-09-14 23:14 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow’s AGM begins unusually earlyv@ 9.30 am. The 1st 30 minutes of trade ‘d tell a lot abt the what’s to come out of the meet.


2020-08-24 18:30 | Report Abuse

Just when you least expect it, it would just spring. QR out this week I suppose and its prices are not reacting these past few days means no bad news but good news instead ! Worst scenario:- No surprises and it is just behaving like a normal growth stock would; not too bad either.


2020-08-23 22:11 | Report Abuse

Rubber trees have to be cranked up to squeeze out every drip of latex to meet the seemingly unending demand. Btw, di we have enuf glove production to supply the world .


2020-08-22 19:12 | Report Abuse

Instead of formulating a vaccine, finding an effective treament for Covid 19 symptoms ‘d be more pragmatic .


2020-08-22 19:04 | Report Abuse

If and when a vaccine is found and begin to administer on a globsl basis, the number of uninfected person getting the injection is thousands more than the current number of infected patients. With each jab needing a pair of glove, it is another bonanza fotr the glove industries.


2020-08-21 18:52 | Report Abuse

One of the few lower liners of health related counters with healthy fundamentals which have not touch limit-up. Next week coming ? Let's see .


2020-08-18 22:11 | Report Abuse

During the recent runs I scored limit-ups on Careplus, Ocncash. Esceram & Luxchem. Bcm may be my next limit-up , hopefully tomorrow. Peers pressures are pushing it up bit by bit these few days.


2020-08-18 21:34 | Report Abuse

Once vaccine is ready to be administered, the number of healthy persons to be vaccinated is thousands more time than already total numbers of infected and the dead . Imagine each vaccination needs a pair of glove. Do your maths and stay calm . Vaccine or no vaccine, glove industry is still on a mad bull charge.


2020-08-18 11:22 | Report Abuse

Keep it for medium term at least; a potential two-bagger or more


2020-08-13 19:18 | Report Abuse

Sputnik is a placebo to spook the US.


2020-08-12 22:09 | Report Abuse

Sputnik was the 1st projectile launched over the US soil by the Soviets during the cold war to spook America. If was just an impressive short flash , nothing more.


2020-08-10 22:21 | Report Abuse

Holding well today despite the bearish mood. Should be galloping upwards tomorrow due to the Supermx's catalyst.


2020-08-06 23:08 | Report Abuse

With omnipresent peer pressures around for limit ups, BCM would soon succumb to this pandemic of limit ups; perhaps commences tomorrow


2020-08-06 23:05 | Report Abuse

This act is perhaps a prelude to limit up or limit ups. It conspicuously happened to Comfort, Luxchem & Oncash . More perplexing were the quantity thrown was insignificant. It was as if to trigger a sell down b4 the same directors scoop the battered shares again. Hold your BCM tight tight!


2020-08-06 13:26 | Report Abuse

Golden time to reload more now


2020-08-02 23:21 | Report Abuse

Coming Q will reflect Apr, May & June ‘s performance as 1st Q.


2020-07-24 23:08 | Report Abuse

PAT against revenue registers a whopping margin of slightly over 30%, way above TG & Supermx ‘s 21% & 16% . Fantastic. Excellent !


2020-07-23 22:58 | Report Abuse

Q2 can easilt register a PAT od a million RM; then Q to Q would have register a 50% increase in PAT. And now that iptrend has been establishef, one may consider add more. ( at your own risk of course)


2020-07-20 12:52 | Report Abuse

DEvastating floodings in central & southern China created havocs in the supply chains of many industries; including mask and other sanitary products


2020-07-17 17:38 | Report Abuse

Monday should commence to rev . Get ready


2020-07-12 15:26 | Report Abuse

Topglove would unseat Maybank in market cap if it were to climb another RM 11.00. Like wise Harta if its price surge another about RM 9.20. Is n’t it food for thought to either initiate a profit-taking or fanatically add oil ?


2020-07-02 13:36 | Report Abuse

VTinkle, like u I partially profit taking. I reroute the money to OCK & Tadmex, attempting to fall big tree with small knife


2020-06-09 21:20 | Report Abuse

Q3 ended 30/5 whose report is to be presented lightningly 11 days later on 11/6. Smell something ?
Not a rat of course I suppose ! Perhaps the sales figures was so overwhelming that TP can afford to carry forward part of Q3 sales into Q4. Who knows the coming Q3 sales may only reflect March & April performance ? If that is the scenario get ready for a bumper Q4 too.


2020-06-07 13:52 | Report Abuse

3Q ended 30 May ,result to be announced 11/6. So swift & efficient? Or am I getting the dates wrong ? Can someone pls enlighten ? Tq


2020-06-02 07:42 | Report Abuse

Mask has become a new piece of upper garment to be worn over the face . Everyone now has one each of under & upper wear.


2020-05-29 21:45 | Report Abuse

Air sirap would be selling like hot cake then


2020-05-29 17:44 | Report Abuse

Today's trading volume represent a whopping 68.5% of its outstanding shares. Incredibly high !


2020-05-27 20:54 | Report Abuse

Because he has just bought into Harta. Let’s hope he is right


2020-02-13 22:50 | Report Abuse

Huathuatlai, no guarantee, but at current price, the risk is low


2020-01-28 18:33 | Report Abuse

Stay calm ! This virus will go off as quickly as it came; just like before.