
jasonred79 | Joined since 2020-09-10

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2020-12-31 10:40 | Report Abuse

RM2.99 I was happily collecting genting and genting c91 and c94... when it started shooting up due to pfizer announcement is when I started to sweat, and I was like "do I chase or wait for it to come back down? ... I haven't finished collecting!" ... now at RM4.50, I have mixed feelings... I bought a decent amount, but I still have a bit of spare ammo sitting waiting to be fired and I feel like it's such a waste...


2020-12-30 22:57 | Report Abuse

I say tomorrow TG will be green, touch RM7.


2020-12-30 17:53 | Report Abuse

lol, what's with the competition between digistar and metronic on these boards? They're both goreng counters with no fundamentals?


2020-12-30 17:52 | Report Abuse

"Years of doing business gain trust and respect !!"

... and all of it thrown away by exploiting their workers...

You think CBP will be lifted, considering that even our Malaysian government is going to find TG guilty of exploiting their workers? ... don't dream lah. ... what will happen is other nations will join in on TG ban.


2020-12-24 20:42 | Report Abuse

@lalongboy, well, yeah, if maybank's can only sustain it's current profits for 1-2 more years, and at the end of that it's profit will fall by 90%... yes, that's a fair valuation for maybank.

The whole point is... you think that TG is going to be making these kind of profits once the pandemaic is over? ... or anywhere near to these levels? No, their profit is going to drop 90%, back down to pre-pandemic levels. ... probably lower in fact since every tom dick and harry is building rubber glove factory and we will eventually be facing a massive supply glut. ... of course, during the pandemic, demand will be higher than supply. But after pandemic?

Maybank meanwhile is more likely to not just sustain, but to grow it's profit, year by year, from now until far into the future.


so stupid. Let me explain to you simply. Ah Chong has a monthly salary 10k, so he puts down his annual income as 120k. ... then in 2015, he strikes lottery RM1 million. ... does that mean that Ah Chong should put his annual income as 1,120,000 per year? ... no of course not. Duh. Ah Chong's annual income is still 120k. ... the 1m was a one time event. ... how much is Ah Chong's net worth now? ... it is his old net worth, +1m. Simple. ... it is a COMPLETELY different story if Ah Chong gets a new job that gives him a new monthly salary of 85k a month, that scenario really does mean his annual income has increased to 1m a year.

... Also... haha... first time playing share? ... go google "jasonred79" and see what turns up related to share market. hahahaha....


2020-12-24 17:33 | Report Abuse

Be careful that short selling comes back on January 4th. ... I feel like Genting can go back below RM4, since I see there's a fair number of short positions on genting already by ETFs, which will go into overdrive once RSS is allowed again.


2020-12-24 17:29 | Report Abuse

you guys do realize that kanger only has a contract with the hunan changde city branch of sinopharm medical?
GI Healthcare is the one with the contract with the main company.

That's why the conference meeting was attended by GI Healthcare, our government, and the chairman of Sinopharm. ... and kanger was not invited.

Kanger Vaccine Dream is DEAD.

... Well, as Ularsawa says, you can still have Bamboo Dream.


2020-12-24 17:25 | Report Abuse

@TraderInvest YOU ARE RIGHT!!! Tomorrow metronic will be RM3, guaranteed! ... unfortunatly, tomorrow bursa is closed, so you can't buy or sell anything. And when bursa opens on Monday, Metronic will be back below 10c...


2020-12-24 17:22 | Report Abuse

@trend818 the reference price deducted 0.15 for the 15c dividend.

... it wouldn't have made a difference whether they kept the cash or gave it out as dividend. ... it's simple:

TG before covid RM1.50 per share.
TG super profits during covid: (RM2 per share) (assuming they make 16b covid profits).

TG after covid-> RM1.50 + RM2.00 = RM3.50 per share.


Even if TG makes 24b covid super profits, that's only RM3 per share.

I don't know why you all think that, TG before covid + covid super profits = TG worth RM10 per share. I don't understand how you get that math.

Unless people think that covid profits are sustainable once pandemic is over? ... Or you believe that pandemic will last for many many years to come?


2020-12-22 14:03 | Report Abuse

@stockisnotfun you found a genting warrant with big discount? really? I see quite a few with low premiums, but nothing with a discount.


2020-12-22 13:31 | Report Abuse

yeah I called up kanger a few times. No one picks up the phone. If any of you have any luck contacting kanger, let us know lol


2020-12-18 23:58 | Report Abuse

"Just a PR problem"?


Anyone want to make a quick RM5,000? Take up my dare.

The Top Glove accomodations were just released from EMCO... I dare you to move yourself and your family to the Meru area and live there for 1 month.


It's not just the foreign workers who are affected, dudes. The people living nearby are affected and live in fear. The hospitals are overloaded.

TopGlove has seriously farked up this time.


2020-12-14 18:16 | Report Abuse


... I got a lot of bullets right now and I want cheap genting

no, seriously, been hoping for it to drop back to 4, but no such luck so far... sigh...


2020-12-10 21:11 | Report Abuse

RM6 by end of year cannot lah... probably on the day that vaccine starts being administered, that one can lah...


2020-12-10 14:36 | Report Abuse


No one here scared of covid cluster in those apartments ah??? SELL TO ME CHEAP DARN YOU ALL!!!

silly genting going green instead of red now. ... I cry. I cry hard.

... and yes, I am trying to get people to sell it to me cheap... hahaha...


2020-12-09 17:35 | Report Abuse

I start queueing to buy at RM2.99 ROFL!!! ... no wait... system rejected. Offer below limit down. BAH.


2020-12-08 23:07 | Report Abuse

darksamurai, if you but 6k at 0.12, and you top up 6k at 0.100... and it falls to 0.08... then what do you do next?


2020-12-08 21:37 | Report Abuse

Jedi_1639, and all, let me explain: This counter is syndicate controlled. 100% being gorenged. And let me teach you how these syndicates work. They are not trying to make punters rich... it's the opposite. Syndicates are trying to take away your hard earned money.

If you didn't know this, then you should not be in the market.

Let me repeat, syndicates goreng shares in order to make all you players poorer and make themselves richer.

Did anyone here think syndicate goal is to make themselves rich, make you rich, everyone get rich together? ... WRONG. Syndicates goal is always to take money away from all the punters and put that money in their own pockets.

@jedi_1639 Now you have a better idea why it keeps dropping?


2020-12-08 17:22 | Report Abuse

Jojo888, moneykj did not say "digistar will go above 13.5"... he said "digistar will go above METRONIC"
When you watch F1 race and say schumaker will beat Hamilton, the meaning is schumaker will be faster than hamilton in THIS race, not shcumaker will be faster than hamilton was last race. zzz.

So, yeah. Digistar up, metronic down. Digistar will beat metronic within this week, very very likely.


2020-12-02 14:26 | Report Abuse

@limit_up_soon dude. Anyone who watches this counter, it can go from 17.5-18 with 10m selling at 18c, then in 3 seconds, it goes 18-185 with 10m buying at 18c. and flips back and forth several times within 1 hour. It is obviously completely manipulated.
Anyhow, that name is not anything special... as I said, you google can already see which companies he works at, and which position. It is not "big secret" that cannot say the name, this is publically published knowledge. ;)


2020-12-02 14:06 | Report Abuse

@limit_up_soon dunno about xox, but if anyone here wants to google "Yuet Chyn Wong" you will see some "interesting" companies... hahaha...


2020-11-30 17:46 | Report Abuse

@jbond007 oh? maybank PBB tenaga were all whacked in the pre-market closing bids just now?


2020-11-30 17:46 | Report Abuse

@npra1985 @noobie123. OK, I pubically told everyone, if you don't want to listen it is up to you guys. if you are too lazy to do something as simple as take the announcement to your lawyer and ask, then you deserve what you get. In the end, no point arguing yes or no, the truth will come out after sinopharm vaccine is given approval and various deals are negotiated.

NPRA1985, you already bought your shares, why you make so much noise here? Why don't you go away, I am also not interested in YOUR stories.

I'm just giving a warning to everyone else, and unlike you, I am offering hard evidence, which is bloody simple, take the announcement and ask a lawyer to confirm what it means. As for you, you are just saying "oh, it is USUALLY like this, or I THINK it means such and such". Whether you want to believe me or not, it's fine. But I'm just hoping some people here will actually ask a lawyer about this issue and find out the truth for themselves.


2020-11-30 17:33 | Report Abuse

@npra1985. dude. There are plenty of other lawyers. You don't have to believe me. Just take kanger's bursa announcement and bring it to ANY lawyer, and ask them if what I said is true.

Fairytales? lawyer that doesn't exist?

If you don't believe me, ask ANY lawyer. If you think that every single lawyer in the world is also talking fairy tales, then I got nothing more to say to you.


2020-11-30 16:37 | Report Abuse

@noobie123, I sold off all my kanger shares already, since lawyer confirmed that kanger doesn't actually hold the sinopharm license.

On the other hand, to be honest, I've been trying to contact Kanger... not for investment purpose, but to ask them whether they are taking pre-orders for their freaking vaccine! (as I said, I don't think they are getting the full sinopharm access, but I do think they would get SOME allocation from changde branch). So far I can't get in contact with anyone...

If anyone know how to get in touch with them in order to buy their vaccine, please post here or PM me.

FYI guys... one thing you guys might have overlooked... Khairy said Malaysian kids are not getting the vaccine in 2021. ... but... Sinopharm is one of the few companies which has already started testing vaccine on kids (since september). .... so you can imagine what those rich people with children are going to be doing... (kanger! shut up and take my monies!!! gimme that vaccine!!!)


2020-11-30 14:18 | Report Abuse

I brought the Kanger sinopharm hunan changde bursa disclosure to a lawyer and asked him to take a look. Indeed... kanger signed an exclusive right contract with Sinopharm Medical Hunan Changde (city of changde), which is a subsidiary of Sino med Hunan (province of hunan), which is sub or sinopharm miedcal, which is sub of sinopharm group. Hunan changde did not sign as a representative of the main group, but only on their own authority. Which means that kanger only has exclusive rights for Malaysia just for the city of changde's branch of sinopharm. It is the equivalent of signing a contract with the Ipoh, Perak, branch of KFC or whatever company. Sinopharm main group (excluding hunan changde) can still sell through any group they like in Malaysia.


2020-11-30 14:11 | Report Abuse

@noobie123 GI healthcare is a tiny shell company that was only formed this year. It's made up of some very rich and powerful people though, and they had a meeting between head of Sinopharm main group and our government. ... which Kanger people were not invited to...


2020-11-30 12:55 | Report Abuse

When Sinopharm gets approval, most of the marketting and distribution rights for Malaysia will go to GI Healthcare. Kanger only signed with Sinopharm Medical Hunan Changde.


2020-11-23 23:27 | Report Abuse

or slightly smaller. anyhow, their own website inform that they hunan changde is a subdivision of hunan division.


2020-11-23 23:26 | Report Abuse

@widadinvestor, thanks so much! using google translate: "The company now has 30 employees and 5 medical professionals."

@rockrziq, Sinopharm Group Hunan Co. Ltd and Sinopharm Hunan Changde Medical Device Co., Ltd are NOT the same thing. Hunan changde is a much smaller sub-division.


2020-11-23 22:48 | Report Abuse

Wasnt aware that hunan changde is the logistics and distribution arm. Where did you find that out? AFAIK, Sinopharm medical Hunan is the hunan division of sino medical, and hunan changde is the sub-branch in the city of changde.

Dunno why npra1985 thinks I'm in topglove... I was in TG put warrants, which I lost money on cause I went in wrong time and sold wrong time. And I already announced that I sold all my metronic, I even told what price I sold at on the day that I sold. zzz.

Sure guys, call me cuckoo if you like.


2020-11-23 21:45 | Report Abuse

As I said, you don't have to believe me... just take the official document released, bring it to a lawyer, and ask him whether what I said is true or not. just get it from kanger homepage or from Bursa.

If you don't trust that lawyer, find another lawyer and get a 2nd opinion.

... it's true... don't simply trust the words of some guy on the internet that you've never met.

Take the official documentation and bring it to any legal expert and get their advice.


2020-11-23 21:41 | Report Abuse

@huatkopi88. No. When you sign an exclusive product contract, you sign with the main company who owns the patent. Kanger has done the equivalent of, instead of signing a contract with Subway Malaysia main company, they signed with Subway SS2 branch.


Sinopharm Hunan Changde is not signing as a representetive of Sinopharm Group. The contract is ONLY between Kanger and Sinopharm Hunan Changde.

Anyonw who doesn't believe me, go to a LAWYER, and ask him what the agreement actually means.

@NPRA1985, what does metronic have to do with Kanger?

anyhow... all of you can do what you want, I already sold all my kanger and am running like hell. Sooner or later, what I said today will be confirmed, that Kanger's signed vaccine agreement isn't worth crap.


2020-11-23 20:28 | Report Abuse

the exclusive contract is ONLY with hunan changde. Sinopharm main group is free to sell to anyone they wish in Malaysia.


2020-11-23 20:27 | Report Abuse

he Board of Directors (“Board”) of Kanger wishes to announce that it had on 29 September
2020 entered into a Collaboration Agreement (“Agreement”) with Sinopharm Group Hunan
Changde Medical Co. Ltd. (“Sinopharm Hunan Changde”) (“Party”) (“Parties”), to establish a
collaboration between the parties in the area of distribution of Covid-19 vaccine and medical
equipment (“Products”) in Malaysia which are developed by China National Pharmaceutical
Group Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Sinopharm Group”) group of companies, subject
to the terms and conditions which are mutually agreed.


2020-11-23 20:26 | Report Abuse

Sold all my kanger today at 19.5c... kanger's contract is only with the subsidiary company, sinopharm hunan changde. They have NO agreement with Sinopharm Group, the main company.


2020-11-22 20:51 | Report Abuse

"“Many investors believe that the Covid-19 vaccine is likely to be available in the country around March 2021.

“Many of them expect once the pandemic is stabilised and the CMCO removed, the snap election can happen as soon as January 2021,” he said. "

... what?

He expects vaccine is AVAILABLE in march 2021, and he expects the snap election to be JANUARY 2021???
Time travel?

After vaccine is available, we will need several months to vaccinate everyone... how to have snap elections 2 months before the vaccine is even available???


2020-06-26 20:42 | Report Abuse

I don't actually like this flood of entries into glove market.
However, Kanger's case is acceptable.. because most of their production is being directly sold directly to CHL.


2020-11-18 23:00 | Report Abuse

limit up is +30 sen for counters below RM1


1 day ago | Report Abuse

"On the other hand, another half of me thinks that this counter is purely speculative since the beginning."

dude... metronic is a LOSS MAKING COMPANY. Every quarter also bleeding money. That's why it was trading at 2.5c for so long.

It's definitely NOT a FUNDAMENTAL company.

Of course, there's always the chance that it will turn around and start making profits. But, so far, there have been no profits incoming.

So yeah, of course it is purely speculative!

And everyone who has watched this stock knows that it is pure goreng, syndicate controlled price movement 100%.

Anyone who thought the price movement was based on fundamentals instead of GORENG, please just quit trading and go study up before you return to trading.

When the syndicate was pushing the price UP, everyone was happy to join in and play the syndicate's game.
When syndicate dumps the share and it crashes, everyone is all "wah, how come the syndicate manipulates stock price like this???"


2020-11-25 16:42 | Report Abuse

AARGH LOL!!!! I missed the timing on selling my genting c94... my cost price for that was 0.085 lol... it's now fallen all the way to 0.365, but it was 0.450 at it's height... that was +429% profit ROFL... really feel stupid for being greedy and hoping for it to go even higher. hahahaha.


2020-11-18 14:00 | Report Abuse

@nklye actually it does make a difference about profit and loss... but that's more of a long term thing. In the LONG TERM, a company's share price will reflect it's profit or loss. In the short term, it's market forces.
The trouble is, at it's fundamental, metronic is a loss making company. It does have lots of net cash, but it bleeds money every month, and you never know whether Pang is going to siphon out that cash or more likely he will use it to buy shares and goreng his other stocks.


1 day ago | Report Abuse

unlikely to rebound any time soon. even if syndicate pushed it back up to 15, would punters be willing to buy in at 15c? More likely punters be selling right.
Always remember, the syndicate's goal is to sell to punters at high prices to profit. If no one is willing to buy from them at high price, pushing it up just wastes their money.


2020-11-18 13:51 | Report Abuse

@wayne29, well, some people got locked at 0.20... .... the last time the syndicate pulled this trick, they dropped it all the way to 5c, let's see what happens this time though.


2020-06-25 16:48 | Report Abuse

As I said, only the syndicate knows whether will go up or down. EVERYONE KNOWS this counter is syndicate controlled. No point discussing fundamentals, discuss TA, etc, only 1 thing matters, "does syndicate want up or down?"


2020-11-17 19:11 | Report Abuse

@aisha, got link to that? I can't find that.


2020-11-17 18:04 | Report Abuse

The partner for the PP is still "TO BE ANNOUNCED" though... that's... sort of worrying. ... what if the PP partner really is NAJIB RAZAK? :O


2020-11-17 16:22 | Report Abuse

what is in 15 mins?