
Powerplay666 | Joined since 2020-05-30

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2020-06-26 11:17 | Report Abuse

zhm540, you are wrong. They convert it to medical. Read the announcements

zhm540 this is industrial glove not medical glove... with industry down, who will use the glove?


2020-06-26 09:41 | Report Abuse

My broker told me that the operators were deliberately keeping the price at 15 sen until the qr was released. They didn't want the price to fly without basis or else it will fall just as fast. But now, the news is out that their order book is maxed out until end of the year. No more reason for the price to drop suddenly if it starts to fly.


2020-06-26 09:38 | Report Abuse

This is not about operators la. Once the Pearl glove deal is locked in, you won't see this price anymore.


2020-06-26 09:03 | Report Abuse

The qr seems to have had a positive effect on the price. Some people actually read note 19 in the report.


2020-06-25 20:07 | Report Abuse

Their Q2 is from April to June. Meaning we will know the qr2 results probably around August. Only 2 months from now. Before that happens, the market would have caught up with the real value of this counter.


2020-06-25 20:04 | Report Abuse

If you have klse screener app, you can find it there under the Asia Poly counter. It's a pdf copy which titled Notes


2020-06-25 19:50 | Report Abuse

Their orders are maxed out to the end of the year. They have also increased the selling price. Please read the notes to the qr. Plexiglass demand only took off in April.


2020-06-25 18:54 | Report Abuse

willwin I stand corrected. Not a margin player myself. Always use cold hard cash.


2020-06-25 18:43 | Report Abuse

The devil is in the details. Please read the notes carefully!


2020-06-25 18:41 | Report Abuse

If you read the notes to the qr, under the sub heading of Business Prospects, it says that "due to Covid, the demand for acrylic sheets has increased and with a shortage of supply in the market, this has driven selling prices higher. Currently we have orders maximised to the end of the year. Management is confident that Fy 2020 will be a strong growth year for the Group."
So obviously, after March, they have gotten a deluge of orders. Their order book is maxed out till the end of the year.
Guys, the clues are in the notes to the report! Selling price has increased and furthermore the order book for 2020 is maxed out!


2020-06-25 17:18 | Report Abuse

AR out today means qr should be tomorrow. Fingers crossed for some good news..


2020-06-25 17:04 | Report Abuse

This qr is taking forever. Probably they will leave it right till 30 June to announce.


2020-06-25 09:37 | Report Abuse

BetterTomorow, yes I believe so too. They would see an upsurge from March onwards at best. So the full impact of the business will be seen only in Q2. But market always works it out ahead of time. So everyone will be looking for clues in this coming qr.


2020-06-25 07:40 | Report Abuse

menort, bro, how did you derive the rm2 value for AT glove?


2020-06-24 20:50 | Report Abuse

Been doing some rough calculations. Based on previous quarter profit of 1.59 million, assuming their profit triples for the coming qr (which means a 4.5 million profit), and conservatively the 4.5 million profit remains constant for the rest of the financial year, that will be annual earnings of 18 million. Earnings per share (eps) would be 18 million / 479 million total shares = 0.038 eps. Therefore,
PE ratio 10 = TP 38 sen
PE ratio 20 = TP 75 sen
PE ratio 30 = TP RM 1.13
So it will be very interesting to see what profit they earn for the coming qr. We should know very soon. Patience..


2020-06-24 11:39 | Report Abuse

For me, it's a gamble. If Pearl Glove deal happens, this will fly. Right now, the price slide is due to the uncertainty of the deal. But I'm willing to punt because the odds of the deal happening is higher.


2020-06-24 11:37 | Report Abuse

I also wonder why some people here spend so much time to give negative news. If I have no interest in the counter I would be somewhere else doing something productive


2020-06-24 06:46 | Report Abuse

Once the purchase of Pearl Glove is confirmed, you won't get 11 sen anymore. At least worth 60 sen.


2020-06-23 21:15 | Report Abuse

Margin call only happens when the market is getting overheated and share prices are flying. Hardly the case at the moment.


2020-06-23 14:51 | Report Abuse

I think qr is very close to announcement...


2020-06-23 12:44 | Report Abuse

tklim, bro, how did you derive those numbers?


2020-06-23 12:36 | Report Abuse

Those who spread fear usually the ones collecting


2020-06-22 21:19 | Report Abuse

What announcement you heard?


2020-06-19 10:12 | Report Abuse

martinking, judging by the volume in the last couple of weeks, I think market has already realised that. All that's left now is to wait for the qr anytime soon. However, their qr only covers Jan to March. The uptick in plexiglass demand only took off in March. The full upsurge in business will truly be reflected in the following qr when they release 3 months from now. But great time to collect now.


2020-06-18 10:12 | Report Abuse

Everything is red today, not just Asia P. Chill guys. Go grab a teh tarik or something. It will rebound when you least expect.


2020-06-17 20:49 | Report Abuse

alexsoto, anything is possible. We can only grasp at clues and indicators. Like I also mentioned earlier, I was tipped by my well connected friend to enter this counter at 7.5 sen for the medium to long term, which is why I am balls deep in at the moment. Let's see how this plays out.


2020-06-17 18:36 | Report Abuse

Yesterday and today a lot of convertible preference shares were converted to ordinary shares. From my fairly ok knowledge of accounting, this is a good thing. The preference shareholders obviously know the share price is going higher in the short to medium term and hence they choose to convert to ordinary share. Just my 2c.


2020-06-17 17:05 | Report Abuse

If any of you guys really want to know the demand for plexiglass, just call the sales person from Asia Poly office and make a fake enquiry for large order. From there, you will know the order backlog if it goes all the way to 2021 or not.


2020-06-17 16:43 | Report Abuse

Bro, this should not be played contra game la. Need holding power to see the returns.


2020-06-17 16:26 | Report Abuse

misk_72, where did you get this info?


2020-06-17 10:49 | Report Abuse

If 1st quarter managed to catch the wave and shows big jump in revenue and profits, then no need to guess about 2nd or 3rd quarter la. The trend will definitely be upwards by a country mile. Whether you want to jump in now or later when the price is already well up.


2020-06-17 09:40 | Report Abuse

Anytime now. Latest will be by end of the month.


2020-06-17 09:39 | Report Abuse

The market hasn't fully picked up on the plexiglass surge in demand yet. Once it does, this will be full steam ahead.


2020-06-17 09:21 | Report Abuse

Low volume so far this morning. The big boys haven't come in yet. Purely retail play at the moment. Good time to collect.


2020-06-16 17:40 | Report Abuse

@ben123jamin , if it hits Comfort levels, you and I will be smoking cigars every day. But on a serious note, I noted that even 3rd liner glove counter like HLT can rise from 12 sen in March to 70sen today. Wtf! All covid related play. Asia Poly has the right ingredients to follow too.


2020-06-16 14:42 | Report Abuse

ben123jamin wei bro, I didn't say rm2 la. But look at loss making glove like Careplus also can hit 1.50. If Asia Poly shows massive turnaround in their financials this year, then the upside potential is definitely very promising.


2020-06-16 10:44 | Report Abuse

Plexiglass will soon be the new glove. Market is suddenly waking up to the fact. This price is like glove price in march. You won't get again.


2020-06-15 22:39 | Report Abuse

I think this year is a turning point for the company. Huge increase in demand for plexiglass should see them see substantial profit and revenue growth this year. Coming Qr is probably good but won't be as good as the next qtr as plexiglass demand really took off after March/April. We can't predict the short term price fluctuations but I think in the medium term, this is definitely worth much much more than a 12 sen share. I'm holding for the long ride.


2020-06-15 21:48 | Report Abuse

I got this strong tip to go in from a reliable Dato when it was 7.5 sen. Chose not to at the time because of no volume and hardly any movement . Only caught it on the way up at 10 sen few days later when the action heated up. Definitely there's some news behind this otherwise nobody would be tipping this when it was at 7.5. Let's see how this plays out.


2020-06-15 15:53 | Report Abuse

Nowadays nta no longer the benchmark for the share price. Forward PE is the one people look at. If qr is very good, show year on year jump in profits and revenue, then this could go up to anything. Even mediocre counter like Howah Genting can also go up from 8 sen to 50 sen this year alone.


2020-06-15 11:00 | Report Abuse

Qr coming out very soon. Must be quite good. Even directors buying more shares


2020-06-13 22:09 | Report Abuse

Kimgold, perhaps you keep persisting with your predictions in the hope that you might get one right. I think that's your motivation now to keep posting here. Atonement to get it right for once.


2020-06-13 21:55 | Report Abuse

Kimgold, like you, I've made a handsome sum from gloves since April. I don't need to gloat about it like you. Even a 5 years old child could have gone in April and made money. But I'm very puzzled with your explanations which seems to be off in terms of the price against the time lines you mentioned. For example, last Monday was a public holiday so I don't know what bearish signal you could be referring to. And you are still dodging from the fact that Comfort tanked after the Topglove qr announcement, which is totally contrary to your confident limit up prediction.


2020-06-13 21:45 | Report Abuse

Kimgold, you forget your own predictions. You said Comfort would limit up after the Topglove qr came out. Comfort never went higher than 3.35 after that. I don't know where you got your rm4 from.


2020-06-13 21:34 | Report Abuse

Kimgold, I've been in the market since 1993. I've made money and lost money. That's my business and my money. But I would never make limit up or limit down predictions because there will be people who believe it and act on it. You seem to still maintain your air of authority of knowledge despite being already so wrong. That I don't comprehend.


2020-06-13 21:29 | Report Abuse

Kimgold, if you know your prediction has all the accuracy of a fake oracle, you shouldn't be making any predictions at all here. I just pray nobody listened to you last week when you confidently announced limit up for all gloves.


2020-06-13 20:51 | Report Abuse

Kimgold, I was reading your comments from last week. Before the Topglove qr came out, you wrote here to expect all gloves to limit up post qr announcement, including Comfort. And now you seemed to have turned 180 degrees. So last week it's limit up and this Monday it's limit down according to you ? I don't mind people voicing their opinions here as long as they stay with the same conviction. Yours changes by the week.


2020-06-13 14:49 | Report Abuse

2 things are happening between May till July (which is Comfort's next qtr to be reported).
1) they have increased their selling price multiplefold which they didn't do for the previous qtr just announced.
2) their 6 new production lines (in addition to the existing 49) will be adding to higher revenue

It doesn't take a genius to figure out how their next qr will look like. My 2c.