
bullbear777 | Joined since 2014-04-30

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2014-08-27 12:18 | Report Abuse

Major shareholders selling instead of buying! Bullish???


2014-08-27 08:53 | Report Abuse

Alamak just heard.


2014-08-26 19:50 | Report Abuse

Never mind lar Jacky8926 you cannot accept the basic facts and result. Kalau Madiba tells me something next time I juga diam diam ok. Tak payah susah susah to share.....


2014-08-26 18:05 | Report Abuse

PE ratio a whopping 75X already. Zero earnings growth, last quarter earnings deteriorating and worst than previous quarter...........how to be bullish lar based on this result Encik rafhan?


2014-08-26 17:45 | Report Abuse

Alamak! Snookered again......so much churning just to come out these guys. Bad closing and result tak boleh pakai langsung. Company hardly making money, my uncle coffee-shop can make more than Mpay aiyoyo. Terrible...........


2014-08-26 10:16 | Report Abuse

churn like crazy haha roll-over again sampai bila operator ini aduh!


2014-08-26 08:32 | Report Abuse

leslieroycarter anybody who has bought Suma since 7 Aug on the way up would have been completely wipe up by the last 3 days price action....betul...stay vigilant...Mpay ada profit cabut first......


2014-08-26 08:26 | Report Abuse

3 kali rollover for those insiders that masuk on 7 Aug above 30 sen, every 4 day roll-over. Bigger volume required each time to take themselves and induce buyers to masuk. Kira and u will know. Next rollover this friday.....create the volume to attract suckers. No updates from Madiba since she cabut 33 sen.


2014-08-25 11:07 | Report Abuse

Bursa CEO Tajuddin warns this morning about over-speculation on penny stocks...better be careful before Bursa limits broking funding lines to penny stocks. All of sudden the buying volume may disappear........ zzzzzzzzzzz


2014-08-24 11:20 | Report Abuse

Wishful thinking and over speculation can cause you great harm kalau main hentam saja shooting in the dark. I prefer to preserve my cash.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


2014-08-22 15:08 | Report Abuse

zzzz balik tidur. Bangun only if madiba say so. She out since 33 sen 2 weeks ago bro bonus. No news since then maybe no more good news already lah bro.


2014-08-22 10:55 | Report Abuse

Al Fatihah....10.55 am. MH17


2014-08-21 15:59 | Report Abuse

If u had bought last 7 days and have not exited, u will still be in the red despite it bouncing up 7.5 sen today...dead cat bounce.


2014-08-21 15:55 | Report Abuse

yawn...going no where since may. Boring lar.


2014-08-21 08:59 | Report Abuse

Ufis u r scary bro. I just follow madiba cos takut lose money but so far so good. When she has good news I will let you guys know but of course let me load in first lar just like when she says take profit at 33 sen I pun cabut cepat cepat and then let u guys know. I think she is pissed with so many haters in this forum bad mouthing her despite her good intentions. Sigh...u follow you reap the rewards, u curse her well u know u were wrong and deep in the red.


2014-08-20 22:35 | Report Abuse

U may be right there Bull13. X think she has that many to sell from 33 sen all the way down haha!


2014-08-20 17:15 | Report Abuse

Bull13 on 11 Aug you scolded madiba when the price was still trading above 30 sen this....

Aug 11, 2014 02:39 PM | Report Abuse

Who the fook is madiba? I dare him to sell down if he is so powerful! .... "

I think that madiba got pissed with u and MC88 lar ...now jatuh mendadak since then sampai 25 sen! X scold or threaten her anymore lar.


2014-08-19 23:17 | Report Abuse

yawn...will go back in only if madiba tells me. Already 6 sen from her selling price......kena sabar saya,


2014-08-15 19:36 | Report Abuse

WOW WOW WOW!!! spot on madiba. Terima kasih banyak banyak for the advance warning last saturday. Dah jual semua nasib baik.....phew!


2014-08-15 10:02 | Report Abuse

Tiada orang ada prediction except madiba. So boring now might as well recap last saturday posting by her

" Hello boys.

Focus Malaysia is working in cahoots with certain staff in RHB and certain fund managers to mis-lead the investing public so that they can off-load and profit from this speculative buying. Mpay and major shareholders are taking firm action against focus malaysia and also selling down their shares next week. Please do not be trap into it by buying at this moment. I am taking my profit. The TRS contract has not been secured. Take care all.

Note: Bullbear is correct.

London 1.20 pm Saturday
09/08/2014 20:21 "

She was seriously spot on tapi kena marah juga! I x blame her for avoiding this forum. Many rude and nasty people around sigh! Saya tunggu siapa lagi file selling...she said major shareholders? So there should be more than 1....the Bumi?


2014-08-14 10:53 | Report Abuse

X disturb madiba lar she nice lady but u can see everytime she say something people all taruh her kau kau ansd so rude to her although in the end proven right and those that listen make money. Even leslie cakap 'stop barking here ' to her...not nice lar. I pun takut oo jadi messenger but i x mind cos i get first hand news yay!


2014-08-14 09:18 | Report Abuse

Aiseh man leslieroycarter, madiba give us advance warning saturday for us to take profit u say she give us bad call and u scold her. Now price dah jatuh and those that dengar happy like me. She gave me advance warning I thank her.

X forget madiba say shareholders selling so I think there should be more filings coming ya. Kalau the bumiputra partner juga jual mana ada trs contract???. Saya pun tunggu nak beli balik tapi kalau shareholders are selling, I better stay out. No malice intended.


2014-08-13 11:56 | Report Abuse

topaz sorri sorri i kena kau kau from certain people earlier v rude to me just bcos i pass msg and share from madiba. i got geram sikit. my apologies semua.


2014-08-13 11:20 | Report Abuse

ini lah yang terbaik from the original madiba directly herself last saturday posting

"" Hello boys.

Focus Malaysia is working in cahoots with certain staff in RHB and certain fund managers to mis-lead the investing public so that they can off-load and profit from this speculative buying. Mpay and major shareholders are taking firm action against focus malaysia and also selling down their shares next week. Please do not be trap into it by buying at this moment. I am taking my profit. The TRS contract has not been secured. Take care all.

Note: Bullbear is correct.

London 1.20 pm Saturday
09/08/2014 20:21


Habis cerita now 0.285 jatuh 2 sen and millions to sell too. Sigh....siapa berani pergi beli yo.


2014-08-13 11:06 | Report Abuse

sudah pening de now hagi say i am madiba but madiba is a sweet chinese lady and i am a malay man, boleh ka 1 malaysia? now madiba is groot. who is who saya pun tak tahu. all in know is i am bullbear777 ha


2014-08-13 10:36 | Report Abuse

Oh shit how come i x know wan haha. Now u guys taruh me just bcos i am the messenger. Nv mind lar i am bullbear, the messenger for the mad lady but unfortunately i kena juga 4 sharing her msg aiyoyo


2014-08-13 10:19 | Report Abuse

Read gua punya late evening post yesterday about the msg from Madiba.. Just got confirmation again. 3.5 mil sold by Chew this morning, remisier checked direct deal. Double check with broking firm chew sold & buyer not the bumis as even the bumis are selling and all will be filing their sale later. Looks like the end game boys.....


2014-08-13 08:53 | Report Abuse

MC88 please do not be rude to me. I am only a messenger and sharing what Madiba email me late last night. If you think you can outsmart and outbuy the CEO Chew and other major shareholders selling please go ahead. As for me I follow Madiba and have exited. You can buy million this morning as per your request.


2014-08-13 00:00 | Report Abuse

Nv mind u decide lar kukumanis. I am only the messenger. Time will tell lor.


2014-08-12 23:39 | Report Abuse

Alamak bro give her a break lar u see the hell she gets everytime she post something ......they treat her so bad lar i pun takut nak post. X kill the messenger ok. u decide urself bro.


2014-08-12 23:28 | Report Abuse

TheInsider I just got the email from Madiba so you decide yourself.


2014-08-12 22:44 | Report Abuse

4u2c just heard the reason why its overdue

" Customs will scrap the tender and directed by MOF to award it to a crony private company who will then enter into a fresh agreement with Global Blue. Neither Mpay or Iris will get the contract it seems. If Mpay Chew files a sell tomorrow morning instead of a buy and Iris does not move up either then that confirms the tender is off. That is why there has been no announcement from both companies and why Chew's nominees has been selling since Friday. "

This is the email I got from you know who.....


2014-08-12 09:10 | Report Abuse

kalau trs contract is on why would mr chew wan to sell lar? surely he will be buying instead kan?
His nom and himself just cari makan off the focus & rhb boys lar like mad lady said. But beware contra sellers and date sudah sampai hari ini dan esok, can the share hold up with so little buying volume and contra sellers plus chew selling???


2014-08-12 08:29 | Report Abuse

if the Ceo Chew starts selling better cabut cos his nominees all sudah cabut last two days. If Chew buys then only I buy back. Simple no need to think so hard.


2014-08-11 23:15 | Report Abuse

Why so blur one...the price action by his nominees last 2 hari selling since Jumaat fake news come out is already indicator plus mpay company deny getting contract plus now he file to sell more tomorrow onwards...apa lagi mau? I just terima kasih to mad lady again for informing me last Jumaat I cabut 33 sen happi take my profit. Boleh tidur best malam ini. I am still waiting for her msg about the disqualification...no news yet but looking at all the selling it does not look good I think. Lucky still got people getting con by that focus news to buy some more. I ingat mereka ini kena tipu dari focus dan RHB like mad lady said.


2014-08-11 22:27 | Report Abuse

Wah if qualify already still need to sell to Bumi mei? If he sells to chinese buyer then whats the story haha. Where got main shareholder wan to sell if got solid good news??


2014-08-11 20:39 | Report Abuse

Nominees sold first lar no need to report . U think the CEO so stupid to let you know in advance he is selling unless he has to?. Of course his nom sell first lar. Tmrw I bet he sells and not buy.


2014-08-11 19:05 | Report Abuse

Good MC88..the CEO Chew can sell 126 mil to you if you want aiyoyo....dia punya orang since friday dah jual dah including today .....that is why the volume so high on friday and today. Prices x keep going down despite the bullish focus news lar. Why u think the price came off so sharply on Friday and today close at the lowest.....tomolo u go and buy some more and help tahan his further selling k. U must know something that even Mr Chew the CEO does not know ya. When shareholders starts selling its the end game. Now I know why mad lady take profit!


2014-08-11 17:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyo as I mention before market closing the major shareholder is ......SELLING lar!!!


2014-08-11 17:04 | Report Abuse

I think the contract is off when major shareholders starts selling ya. Last time they keep buying now they keep selling....habis lah cerita...I hate to say it but that mad lady was right again.


2014-08-11 16:59 | Report Abuse

Who else can sell so much when the whole bloody market is buying?? Not a good sign when major shareholders sell.......sigh!


2014-08-11 16:44 | Report Abuse

Just heard....confirm siapa yang jual and its not good! News out later.


2014-08-11 13:45 | Report Abuse

Siapa itu besar jual? Madiba taking profit? Major shareholders selling? atau both?? Why they sell if focus news is so bullish ya??? Pelik lar. Something not right!


2014-08-11 10:58 | Report Abuse

Aiya u guys all think Madiba magician lah... Sell de must drop immediately mei haha. Siao! Saya cuma tanya kalau focus story is valid why is it still not making new highs today now? By right major shareholders should be mopping it all the way up right? So r major shreholders buying or selling thats the question?


2014-08-11 10:15 | Report Abuse

aiya u think Madiba got so much power and followers to over-ride focus malaysia and slam down the shares mei ? By right if the focus story is true the stock should be at least new high by now above 38 sen...si siapa sedang jual u should ask and is Madiba profit taking so strong to prevent the rise haha?


2014-08-11 08:26 | Report Abuse

Never mind I just listen to my you know who. If you want to make 2 sen to lose 10 sen later go ahead. People put news in to goreng so they can sell. Madiba all this while bullish on the stock you guys curse her until she disappears. Now looking back we all know she has been proven right and inform us kindly she is selling , its her right to take profit lar. For me I am more concern about whether Mpay is going to be disqualified from the tender. How much will it be worth then. Good luck to all.


2014-08-11 00:16 | Report Abuse

Chelseazola u need to get yourself updated fast before you put more $ in or risk losing your fortune being ignorant of the latest situation. If Mpay confirm disqualified from tender (awaiting news from Madiba) I takut to even imagine what the price will be? No time to even sell and no one to sell to... limit down by the time disqualification news is confirm and out.


2014-08-10 15:42 | Report Abuse

Sunshine I actually bump into this lady coincidentally in an overseas function months back and have been in touch privately via email. Thats all I can say.


2014-08-10 14:56 | Report Abuse

Old news lar. Madiba who has been the most bullish on this stock all this while way ahead of us just said she is taking profit on this news. Pssss....... There is more to come.... something about Mpay being disqualified because they broke some Customs tender guidelines. She will tell me more tomorrow she said. Aiyah!