
BuyWithConviction | Joined since 2015-11-17

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2018-01-25 16:41 | Report Abuse

Suspended but fixing of final price goes on for a few more days I think.


2018-01-25 16:23 | Report Abuse

How to spot Icon8888 and his gang of clone IDs:

Firstly, they talk big like they can see tomorrow. They need to do talk big to make it sound like you will surely make money if you follow their advise. Actually that is how every scam works, tempt you with the prospects of fast and easy money. Actually Icon8888 and his clone IDs are probably day trading on the CWs and are trying to manipulate innocent readers to buy and help push up the mother share. So not surprisingly, if you check the comment histories of Icon8888 and his clone IDs, their calls are often wrong because they need you to buy as they sell and vice versa.

They are very sensitive to readers giving fair views. If anyone sounds negative on AA, they will try to discredit and harass them with lies and nasty posts. If bullying doesn't work, Icon8888 will then use his clone IDs to spam with rude words and vulgar language.

Icon8888 and his clone gang will make big claims that they are making money, readers notice they are never back by any old posts, this is because their big talk are mostly lies. The fact is Icon8888 and his gang called a sell on AA early last year already and so they can only watch as AA rose to 4.27 this morning.

Icon8888 and his clone IDs will never advise readers to do own research and make own decision because they need to manipulate you to follow their calls blindly. For the same reason, they will never ask you to be careful of traps because they need you to fall into their traps! That is why they keep harassing anyone who warns readers to do own research and make own decisions.

Lastly, you can recognize the crooks from the low quality of their posts and upbringing - Icon8888 and his clone IDs often posts with rude language and vulgar words. Barking whole day seems to be their main ability.

Readers should beware of IDs that fit these description


2018-01-25 15:21 | Report Abuse

ringgit at 3.8970, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2018-01-25 14:21 | Report Abuse

Probably need new positive news to get a rally on the stock. Believe it is a matter of time only. For now, lets hope it holds up well or rises a few sen. The continued stronger ringgit isn't actually very good for FGV as an exporter.


2018-01-25 12:11 | Report Abuse

Well said richardlee!
There is a saying for this: be careful what you wished for...because it might really happen! Icon8888 is getting his wish, he should be very happy and say thank you instead of hiding behind his clone IDs to bark vulgar posts at richardlee.

Pity Icon8888 and his gang of clone IDs. Icon8888 made another bad call to sell last year and so now missing all the action as AA surge pass 4.00 to reach 4.27 this morning. Also, they now cannot scam innocent readers here so easily anymore as their dishonest activities have been exposed. So now all they can do is bark nasty and vulgar posts the whole day. Those who follow big picture keep making more money and when the crooks bark, we only have to CNP V2, easy job.


2018-01-25 11:37 | Report Abuse

FGV up a few sen. Hope it can stay up and not reverse like yesterday. Maybe waiting for positive news before flying. Big picture positive medium term. Can maximize gains if got holding power.


2018-01-25 10:31 | Report Abuse

Today limit up? I hope so too but no crystal ball. Hehe


2018-01-25 10:27 | Report Abuse

I agree with you, wow, wow, wow!!!

FGV also up 2 sen!

Big picture + tactical portfolio management = happy investors


2018-01-25 09:28 | Report Abuse

AA up, FGV up, everyone happy!!! ........except crooks and those who listened to Icon8888 last year to sell out.


2018-01-25 09:27 | Report Abuse

AA up 12 sen!!! Big picture upgraded AA just before run up and reiterated buy this morning, so far so good.

Posted by Buy with Conviction > Jan 25, 2018 09:03 AM | Report Abuse
AA held up yesterday after recent spike. No crystal ball but it looks like it could move again soon. Big picture for the stock is positive and market dynamics remain conductive for equity.

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Jan 18, 2018 09:00 AM | Report Abuse
On AA, its price movements recently is showing strength and further good news is expected with its coming results next month. Big picture suggests recommended weight at 50% - 60% (from previous 30% - 60%).

Posted by richardlee > Jan 18, 2018 09:11 AM | Report Abuse
Done, weight back to 55%. Can't do more since heavy in FGV and its CWs too!


2018-01-25 09:20 | Report Abuse

AA up 3sen!!! FGV holding up, getting ready.


2018-01-25 09:03 | Report Abuse

AA held up yesterday after recent spike. No crystal ball but it looks like it could move again soon. Big picture for the stock is positive and market dynamics remain conductive for equity.

On FGV, the sharp reversal yesterday could be due to renewed selling by major shareholder. Usually a bad sign but who is the buyer? Volume not low. Suspect we could see some action on the stock soon.

As usual, not an expert and just sharing views. Always best for readers to do own research and make own decision. There are crooks using clone IDs to talk big on this forum and readers need to be careful of their traps. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2018-01-24 17:10 | Report Abuse

Today was a bit disappointing. At first the guesses looked right with FGV rallying and AA like it was going to rise a bit too but at the end of the day both also closed down. Fortunately down a bit only, volume not low though. Hope no bad news and will recover tomorrow. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Evening! Hehe


2018-01-24 16:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh down 3sen even. Not good. Medium term big picture still positive. Hope for the best! Hehe


2018-01-24 15:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh, what a reversal from the strong opening this morning. Shows that day-to-day movements need crystal to predict.


2018-01-24 14:58 | Report Abuse

Yah last time Icon8888 and his clone gang attacked me every time I mentioned big picture. Icon8888 says it doesn't work and wanted to stop me from mentioning it. He thought he could bully me. Lucky Investo came and then richardlee and many others came along to help.

I think the crooks are in other forums too (maybe other gangs) but they know if they attack, then we will be forced to defend and attack them back. Soon have to clean those forums too and they will have to bark everyday too. So they learnt their lesson to respect other people's views there. Good for everyone.


2018-01-24 14:44 | Report Abuse

Interesting angle. Lets hope so.


2018-01-24 14:42 | Report Abuse

Oh, we got a few unhappy clone IDs posting nasty and vulgar posts again. Pity them they are not like most of us who are so happy and laughing. Guess they are either clone IDs to the crook who can't scam on this forum anymore or those losing money in stock market...........or both.

As a caring society as we be happy and laugh, we must always remember our less fortunate readers. Lets help them with some charity - maybe give them some big picture tips! Hehe


2018-01-24 11:15 | Report Abuse

Profit taking on AA several times this morning and each time recover back to unchanged. Looks like positive signal.


2018-01-24 11:07 | Report Abuse

No crystal ball. Hope for a few sen today, if get more like this morning it is a bonus.


2018-01-24 10:52 | Report Abuse

Slowing down after initial morning push. Hope it trends steadily up until it is ready to run.


2018-01-24 10:07 | Report Abuse

Expected a good day but the surge this morning surprised even me. It shows the surge when it comes may be fast and furious, giving no time to react. For now, slow and steadily up, I hope.


2018-01-24 09:59 | Report Abuse

Another one of those unhappy IDs, he is either is a crook or listened to Icon8888 so is missing out on AA rally. Lucky very few left, now even clone iDs many say they happy (thanks to richardlee brainwashing them). For those still losers, my charity to you is a good tip - follow richardlee's trades, he is laughing to the bank. Maybe you will start being a winner too soon and won't have to make nasty posts anymore. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2018-01-24 09:16 | Report Abuse

2.09!!! Next target of 2.15 is just one big push away.


2018-01-24 09:07 | Report Abuse

Looks like could be a good day, monitor the volume this morning.


2018-01-24 08:58 | Report Abuse

Looks like could be another good day for FGV. Big picture continues to be positive. Hoping for another few sen up with rising volume. Waiting for some good news for the next surge. No crystal ball but hoping for the best! Hehe


2018-01-24 08:56 | Report Abuse

Looks like another good day for AA. No crystal ball and can be wrong but big picture is very positive for AA underpinned by market dynamics which remains ok for equity. AA price momentum suggests some thing is happening. I would stay highly invested.

On FGV, it is holding up well and moving up steadily. Hoping for some good news to move it up higher. Believe it is a matter of time because of improving fundamentals and big picture on the stock is also positive.

As usual, not an expert and just sharing views. Always best for readers to do own research and make own decision. There are crooks using clone IDs to talk big on this forum and readers need to be careful of their traps. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2018-01-23 21:26 | Report Abuse

I hope so too! Hehe


2018-01-23 17:00 | Report Abuse

Ok, again the power of tactical portfolio management for all to see. AA a bit of profit taking but holding up very well after yesterday's surge. FGV however continue to inch up slow and steady, awaiting catalyst for run up....I hope, no crystal ball. Making money again today, all those following big picture happy and laughing. Crooks exposed by readers or those who sold too early last year won't be so happy and so will bark nasty or vulgar posts the whole day. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Evening! Hehe


2018-01-23 16:35 | Report Abuse

Slow and steady, looks like going to be a good closing.


2018-01-23 16:26 | Report Abuse

Hope FGV close up again. It is not running again yet but if everyday rising steadily, this is good time to get in cheap. No crystal ball, just sharing views.


2018-01-23 16:13 | Report Abuse

No crystal ball so don't know if rebound or fall more tomorrow but big picture is positive so I am buying more on weakness and hoping for the best. Anyone who thinks it is a sell, no worries, it is your right and this is a free world, doesn't bother me and thanks for sharing.


2018-01-23 16:09 | Report Abuse

FGV up 3sen, no volume so it doesn't look ready to run yet. For now slow and steady. Hope for the best. Hehe


2018-01-23 16:07 | Report Abuse

Oh, we got unhappy clone IDs posting nasty and vulgar posts again. Pity them they are not like most of us who are so happy and laughing. Guess they are either clone IDs to the crook or those losing money in stock market...........or both.


2018-01-23 15:06 | Report Abuse

Oh, we got unhappy clone IDs posting vulgar posts again. Pity them they are not like most of us who are so happy and laughing. Guess they are either clone IDs to the crook or those losing money in stock market or both.


2018-01-23 14:40 | Report Abuse

When we are happy, laughing and making good money, we must always remember those who are less fortunate and so unhappy than us until they are barking nasty and vulgar words. Lets try to help these poor IDs by giving them some charity - some good big picture tips! Hehe


2018-01-23 14:25 | Report Abuse

Well said richardlee! I think Icon8888 and his gang of clone IDs don't know what to do with you anymore. You make them look so stupid and force them to expose their bad intentions to readers on AA forum. Congrats AA forum! Hehe


2018-01-23 10:28 | Report Abuse

Some selling first thing in the morning in AA, well absorbed for now.
FGV continues to rise, no volume confirmation yet, hope for a steady climb for now,


2018-01-23 09:15 | Report Abuse

FGV up 2sen, a good start. Look out for the volume.


2018-01-23 09:04 | Report Abuse

Given strong momentum yesterday, AA should be up again today. No crystal ball and can be wrong but suspect something is happening. The strong ringgit helps too. Stay invested, best yet to come.

FGV should be rising more today. It will only surge when there is volume confirmation. Improving fundamentals and GE stock.

As usual, always best for readers to do own research and make own decision. There are crooks using clone IDs on this forum and readers need to be careful of traps. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2018-01-22 23:24 | Report Abuse

Well said richardlee!
There is a saying for this: be careful what you wished for...because it might really happen! Icon8888 is getting his wish, he should be very happy and say thank you instead of hiding behind his clone IDs to bark vulgar posts at richardlee.

Pity Icon8888 and his gang of clone IDs. Icon8888 made another bad call to sell last year and so now missing all the action as AA surge pass 4.00. Also, they now cannot scam innocent readers here so easily anymore as their dishonest activities have been exposed. So now all they can do is bark nasty and vulgar posts the whole day. Those who follow big picture keep making more money and when the crooks bark, we only have to CNP V2, easy job.


2018-01-22 22:14 | Report Abuse

Well said richardlee!
There is a saying for this: be careful what you wished for...because it might really happen! Icon8888 is getting his wish, he should be very happy and say thank you instead of making vulgar posts to attack richardlee.


2018-01-22 20:34 | Report Abuse

No volume today but managed to close at 2.00. This is good sign. Could be positioning slowly for a run up later. Always do your own research and make own decision. For me, i would stay invested in FGV for now.


2018-01-22 17:08 | Report Abuse

Wow AA closing 4.14!!!, some thing is happening. Big picture just upgraded last week!!

FGV closing at 2.00!!!!. Up 2.5%!! That is the power of big picture + tactical portfolio management for all to see.

Proven many times over more than 1 year on many stocks that can make good money through knowledge and hard work (some luck helps) in stock market - anyone can verify our track record by checking out Investo or richardlee's trades by looking at their comment history, cannot bluff like Icon8888 and his clone IDs, talk is cheap. Don't take the easy way out to scam innocent readers here which is shameful and wastes your education (could be illegal too). Keep eye on big picture and Happy Evening! Hehe


2018-01-22 16:49 | Report Abuse

Congrats all on AA forum who still have lots of AA. Those who sold in early 2017 can only watch the action now and also bark all day.


2018-01-22 16:48 | Report Abuse

Reached 4.15!!!, Big picture upgrades just before run up.

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Jan 18, 2018 09:00 AM | Report Abuse
On AA, its price movements recently is showing strength and further good news is expected with its coming results next month. Big picture suggests recommended weight at 50% - 60% (from previous 30% - 60%).

Posted by richardlee > Jan 18, 2018 09:11 AM | Report Abuse
Done, weight back to 55%. Can't do more since heavy in FGV and its CWs too!


2018-01-22 16:20 | Report Abuse

Coming back again, now at 4.10!!!!


2018-01-22 15:31 | Report Abuse

That definitely helped. It is going to be a retail and technology company? Not anytime soon but investors like the direction. Strong ringgit also another catalyst. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2018-01-22 15:28 | Report Abuse

4.04!!!, Big picture upgrades just before run up.

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Jan 18, 2018 09:00 AM | Report Abuse
On AA, its price movements recently is showing strength and further good news is expected with its coming results next month. Big picture suggests recommended weight at 50% - 60% (from previous 30% - 60%).