
Chinasamy | Joined since 2014-08-28

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2014-12-01 11:04 | Report Abuse

LoL. For those that are scare and don't believe in this counter please don't buy. If you are still holding then sell. Good Luck in your other counter's investments. :-)


2014-12-01 10:56 | Report Abuse

Please think of long term. At least hold until next year. Selling at current price will not do you any good. Be optimistic please. Today DRB bleed and its fine for long term investors. This does not mean that it will never go up again until forever. Think about it.


2014-12-01 10:51 | Report Abuse

LoL. To those still holding keep on doing that. Don't sell at this dirt cheap price. What? You think DRB will go bankrupt???LoL

Only weak holders will sell. Don't be panic and easily get influence by others to sell.


2014-11-28 10:25 | Report Abuse

If you want to know whether EPF is selling or not just look at the selling pressure. If the price continue to plunge, then EPF is 'farking' selling. No one is selling at this moment except the 'ccb' EPF.


2014-11-28 02:06 | Report Abuse

LoL. Dia org tadak tau la apa itu stock investment. Ari2 dalam forum tanya bila mau naik dan bila mau goreng. Dalam 1-2 minggu atau 1 bulan beli sdh mau profit gain dalam paper berjuta-juta. Ini mcm senang ka??? Kalo itu mcm senang tak payah kerja semua org. Lagi baik kasi hentam semua harta dalam ini saham dan lps itu sdh boleh jadi kaya-raya. Haha. Drop 1-2 cent sdh consider 'LOST IN THE BLUE SEA'???? What a real joke!!!!
Takut kalo jgn kasi invest stock. Parking duit dalam rumah.



2014-11-27 17:06 | Report Abuse

You all are really funny. If the price doesn't move then wait since you have already decided to bought into this counter. You think what? So fast can 'goreng' until 20 cents??? Price appreciation needs time for at least a few months. For this counter, just ignore the buying and selling trends. Buy, hold/wait and sell at your own TP. Frankly, my TP is 0.25-0.30 and please don't expect this to happen by tomorrow or next week itself. At least keep until year end or next year. LoL


2014-11-24 21:35 | Report Abuse

Quarterly results should be definitely good. Somebody big behind is controlling the price between 0.81-0.85. Apart from that, this somebody is collecting everyday at low and sell to buyers at high before pressing down again to collect. In short, morning they will sell, and afternoon they will collect. Just monitor their trading style or pattern if you are in doubt. This has been going on for quite some time now. That's the reason for the daily 'u-turn' as quoted by some of you here. They seems to be waiting for something before allowing the price to reach a new high. We shall see.


2014-11-24 21:09 | Report Abuse

Current price is already quite stable. Just waiting for momentum to push it up. Need some time and patience. ASEAN fund and directors continue collecting. REASON??? You think about it. FYI, nothing is fundamentally wrong about this company. Let's hope for the best!!!


2014-11-24 20:55 | Report Abuse

Bonia is not a dividend stock. It is a growth stock. Just hold and wait for price appreciation. Nothing much can be done now if you have bought in high previously but to hold and wait or average down to the lowest possible. Directors and ASEAN fund had bought in a lot. Just follow them. Something must be coming up. To me it's quite cheap now.


2014-11-21 15:19 | Report Abuse

LoL. True enough. But I have been holding DRB strongly for long time and will continue to do so. Wish to see that it reaches 2.60-2.80. I couldn't even remember my countless times of buying at every new lows :-)


2014-11-21 15:07 | Report Abuse

Some funds were buying heavily at 1.97-1.99 last week with a few 100k units at one go, thinking that the price should be stable by then, but amazingly it went lower again to 1.92 level. LoL. DRB Boleh!!!


2014-11-21 14:59 | Report Abuse

No doubt about the fundamentals of DRB. But if the retarded 'EPF' keeps doing the same thing, suppressing the price, even with good quarterly results like the previous one, DRB will not go anywhere also, unless they change their 'farking' mind to back up this counter again. Retailers wont be able to keep on supporting the price forever each and every time DRB plunge to a new low.


2014-11-21 14:11 | Report Abuse

After recovering to 2++ level, hopefully this 'chau kau' EPF don't start to unload again.


2014-11-21 14:07 | Report Abuse

Once EPF stops the selling spree, the price of DRB will be stable thereafter. This 'knn' EPF is one of the major culprit that has caused the big fluctuations in the price of DRB all this while. Everyday buy/sell for no reason whatsoever even at loss. Sometimes EPF's counters are quite risky to go on board. At times, this 'muthafarker' out of nowhere can unload like nobodies business. Acquire '100k' but dispose '500k'. 'CCB'. Today mostly all down. Just 'top up' my last batch of DRB yesterday. Highly confident that the coming quarterly result will be at least good enough to push it back to 2++.


2014-11-14 14:52 | Report Abuse

LoL. Ini ari market banyak merah. Tak boleh pakai punya. Boleh muntah darah ma. Next month baru mau kasi tengok balik sama ini market. :-)


2014-11-12 12:56 | Report Abuse

Relax guys. Those 'knn ccb' MARA counters all down way below entry prices (e.g Asiabio, Nihsin, Sanichi, etc.). Don't you guys see the trends being played here and there on every counters. Bought high, but average down as the 'ccb' press down. Hold for a little longer. Prices will eventually exceed the initial price that the 'ccb' MARA bought in before announcement via news. Kalo takut, just sell and cut loss.


2014-11-11 17:03 | Report Abuse

Kalo besok pancut naik 2 cents, saya guarantee semua orang mesti cakap mara banyak pandai niaga itu saham. Common guys, bukan mara saja control price. Ada lagi banyak jerung lain dalam ini ASIABIO. TUNGGU!!!


2014-11-11 16:51 | Report Abuse

Ini saham kalo hentam, kena tunggu. Kasi simpan. Jangan kasi ikut itu jerung play up and down. Dia org lain ma. Control and accumulate ma. Kalo turun ada duit top up la. Kalo turun tadak duit, duduk diam diam kasi tunggu.


2014-11-11 16:47 | Report Abuse

LoL. Drop 1-2 cents mau takut ka?? Kasi hentam lagi kuat. Baru top up tadi. Kalo besok ini macam punya style lagi, saya mau hentam lagi kuat. Ini saham kena tunggu la 3-5 bulan. Baru invest ini hari besok mau jadi jutawan ka?


2014-10-29 17:08 | Report Abuse

duitKWSPkita: LoL. :-)


2014-10-29 16:58 | Report Abuse

LoL. DRB its not solely about 'Proton'. If one thinks that its all about the damn 'Proton', then better don't ride on this counter.


2014-10-29 16:50 | Report Abuse

Relax. 'Every dog has its day, and so does every counter has its ups and downs'. That's normal. It's impossible to expect a price hike everyday. Need to come down first then only can reach a new subsequent high. I have faith in this counter ever since the first day buying it.


2014-10-29 15:23 | Report Abuse

Relax. This counter is for mid-long term. Just hold and watch the show. Profit taking activities are normal. Give you chance again to buy.


2014-10-29 11:22 | Report Abuse

Bro slowly 'naik'. Cannot everyday 'kick so hard' later the price will be unstable due to considerable profit taking activities. Form strong base first.


2014-10-28 23:20 | Report Abuse

I foresee a similar price movement in this counter with that of MMC Corp. Down until really bottom then surge up like nobody's business. Seems like touching 2.80 in months to come.


2014-10-28 23:12 | Report Abuse

Heng ar. Big boys keep pushing up. Legs were trembling having thought that the dawn will be haunting us when fell below 2 last week. Luckily accumulated 'Kaw Kaw' at 2 to see that today we all 'huat' big time. Will continue to hold tightly until it shoots up to 2.60-2.80. Political counter. LoL.

'Malaysia Boleh = UMNO Boleh = DRB Hicom Boleh'



2014-10-24 22:27 | Report Abuse

Will focus on other cheap counters right now. No point looking at this counter for the time being. Let's hope for the best.


2014-10-24 22:13 | Report Abuse

Take it as a 'fix deposit' for 1 year. Just hope for good dividends. Holding quite an amount of lots in this counter. Paper loss due to con act? To me no sweat. I can still manage to hold on, be it for few years until that old dog goes to h***. This kind of old dog can be described as 'pariah old dog' among the dogs. LoL.


2014-10-24 22:04 | Report Abuse

LoL. Ask that old dog to go f*** off. Just hold on to your shares. The plan will never succeed. If that mongrel press down the price further, just buy more. Sell it back to him later on. To me, at this juncture, patience is important. Just hold on to your shares. Don't have to do anything. Let it be for this moment. The price will definitely stay there at 1.50-1.60 for sometimes. Don't even need to check or monitor.


2014-10-14 15:25 | Report Abuse

I guessed that many people also bought in to average down.


2014-10-14 15:23 | Report Abuse

'Whacked Hard' at 2.03 in the morning. In again if drop further. Downside seems to be limited already. Got funds supporting the price already.


2014-10-13 16:56 | Report Abuse

yea. 'New lows' are forming. LoL.


2014-10-13 16:45 | Report Abuse

Just hang on. Average down is the only way provided that you have the $$$$. Or sell to cut loss first and buy back later.


2014-10-13 16:40 | Report Abuse

panic selling because big players pressing down


2014-10-13 16:25 | Report Abuse

waiting at 2 to whack 'kaw kaw'. LoL.


2014-10-13 16:22 | Report Abuse

Yea. Wait for awhile. Maybe buy at 2.00-2.05 in more lots to average down. Don't be panic.


2014-10-12 00:07 | Report Abuse

why worry about dow jones dropping or not?just hope for the best of the merger and expect lucrative special dividend. At this moment, just ignore the current price of this counter. Please look at 2.82. drop buy, and if drop further, buy even more. whack hard. LoL.


2014-10-10 19:19 | Report Abuse

Many of them are just buying for the dividend. Not for long term investment. That's why. Wait and be patience.


2014-10-10 12:10 | Report Abuse

Panic investors like to dump their shares at dirt cheap prices when big players pressing down or block at certain price levels. This is what we called booby traps. We can follow them sometimes but not all the times because at the end we are the one losing unless you know their plans. They are buying in huge blocks but we are only buying in lots or lesser. Don't be panic please. Hold onto your shares.


2014-10-10 11:32 | Report Abuse

Yes. Dividends can still get. Just ignore whatever the price is going to be for now and in future. We are looking at 2.82 as being valued. Not the waves of 'up' and 'down' played by sharks. LoL.


2014-10-10 11:12 | Report Abuse

For those who want to go in more, now is the time before sharks swallow everything in the range of 2.60-2.70. We are only medium fishes, and anything below 2.70 is consider bonus.


2014-10-10 10:59 | Report Abuse

When people are rumouring on the merger, many people were afraid to go in. Now merger is on, still people are panicking when they are valuing the share at 2.82. LoL. Do not see any logics.


2014-10-10 10:54 | Report Abuse

Shareholders, please don't fall into traps!!! Anything below 2.70 is a bonus. Why afraid to buy more or sell your shares in panic?? LMAO


2014-10-10 10:51 | Report Abuse

lol. People are buying now and you sell. Yea. Wolves are waiting to snap your cheap shares.


2014-10-07 17:31 | Report Abuse

Yes. With current market sentiments, whack hard when people are dumping so that you can sell them expensive later on when they are buying back. Plan your entry price and TP price. This counter got hope and it will shine. That's all I can say.


2014-10-07 17:03 | Report Abuse

Last minute sell down due to bad market sentiments. Panic selling by small players. Hold or buy more if you believe in this counter.


2014-10-03 11:17 | Report Abuse

No more RSI chart. Totally negative now. Statistic should not be -ve. Got a feeling that its going to move up next week after the holiday.


2014-10-03 11:13 | Report Abuse

Directors tak takut, why we need fear. Directors have been buying in alot at 1.14-1.18 range. Something must be coming up.


2014-10-03 11:03 | Report Abuse

lol. the more it drops, the more it will increase later on. Time to buy in now.