
Cipta | Joined since 2014-04-24

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2021-08-20 15:57 | Report Abuse

if everyday up half cent continuously, it would take 215 Bursa Days to reach RM2. Wow,,.this year really can ar???


2021-08-18 11:59 | Report Abuse

Presently close according to DG due to Covid-19, now Agong orders the new PM to have confident vote as soon as he is appointed. Don't ask for 3rd jab now, Norheshame is busying finding excuse now.


2021-08-17 14:39 | Report Abuse

A season liar always a lier.
A live TV actually is recorded speech.
Never take leave but issue press media about his cirit birit leave.
Hardworking servant but 2 months holidays in New Zealand.
No politicing buy keep buying frog.
Focus on pendamic but never see initiative to overcome it even not allow others to give suggestion in parliment.

Above all are the symptom of early psychosis.


2021-08-17 10:20 | Report Abuse

Market raise after Mahaidin resign. If LU gang got gut to ask him #PMletakjawatan as earlier as possible. Pharma price now may over TP2.00.


2021-08-16 09:57 | Report Abuse

share price U-turn from hike of last week, is it because minister of U-turn SOP gonna take charge?


2021-08-16 00:03 | Report Abuse

Seem sobri can not get the mandate from his own president.


2021-08-15 19:29 | Report Abuse

Don't look down ashame baba, he has contact with Cybertron and many super power.


2021-08-15 17:02 | Report Abuse

Betul ke Kimsui, foreign workers more than Chinese population? Ha ha...where your statistik from ?


2021-08-13 15:37 | Report Abuse

Godofgameover, why the more you buy the more the price drop ?


2021-08-13 11:46 | Report Abuse

Yesterday 1mil share transaction, up 1 cent
Today 10mil share transaction, up 1 cent.

GodofGamble, are you dumping?


2021-08-13 10:02 | Report Abuse

yesterday 1mil share in first hour transact up 1 cent
today 8 mil share in first hour transact up 1 cent
why leh ???


2021-08-12 21:52 | Report Abuse

It like 115-15=115


2021-08-12 21:08 | Report Abuse

This is the same bacth of 14mil some1 say can sell to oversea and Highlands demang from private.. Some1 said Extra not really a True Exrra. But stock xlaku.


2021-08-12 20:59 | Report Abuse

Pharma only did 3.6mil Fill n bottled of its 12mil contract.

Pharma only successfully solo 5mil out of 14mil vaccine to status and private. The rest 6mil have to resell to gov. So there is not extra revenue from gov but stok clearance from existing 14mil .


2021-08-12 17:15 | Report Abuse

Cicakman. Since many LU gang kata Pharma worth RM2.00, sekarang masih Big discount. Buy buy buy !!!!


2021-08-12 16:39 | Report Abuse

I dah beri tips Godofgamble suruh dia buy buy buy, xtau dia ada sapu x ?


2021-08-12 13:09 | Report Abuse

morning session only RM4.68mil transaction. 1 cents varition equaly to RM53,525 profit if Big fun sold all in the morning. Wow, what a Big Fun seeing highly paid fund manager from Big Fund collecting cent by cent while retailers aim for dollar by dollar of profit.


2021-08-12 11:07 | Report Abuse

Openning 2 hours, only RM2.8mil transaction, seen big fund is not come in. Only retialers are doing pasar trade...


2021-08-11 13:26 | Report Abuse

I wish your dream come true Godofgamber. I suggest you keep buying everyday. At present price it is still huge discount to 2.00. Keep buying dont stop. Buy Buy Buy!!!


2021-08-11 10:32 | Report Abuse

@onhands I feel you. Quite heavy seeing death toll everyday even though to some politikus it is just a figure. What i am curious is despite crowd gathering such as durian fest, oversea trip, sheraton dinner, bunglo night meeting, ke sana ke sini, assembly and party, none casualty of our strong 70+ ministers so call high risk Old Man reported. Just wonder what vaccine they took? Or they have prescripted medicines which prevent them from infected or critical ill? Someone here got any clue to share that our members here can take precaution step?


2021-08-06 13:27 | Report Abuse

i3, i would like to add some mob to refresh my mind after heavy lunch..

Your new bought car break down after a few months of driving, the SC said it cant be fixed and beyond warranty. Will you buy the same brand again?

its not called a Booster

Its called a "New Vaccination after Six Months"

if like that ....
...when you sell your old car and get a new car its called => a Booster Car...

wun be called a New Car anymor


2021-08-06 13:20 | Report Abuse

@ mamatede Really? did the western paper reports on side effect of Pfzer, AZ, JJ, Moderna ? did Sinovac disclosed its side effect data? The news report also specified a few countries as example who facing surge of covid after high dose of population using the China vaccine. If it is wrong, why Sinovac doesnt sue them? Instead Sinovac have admited efficacy degrade after 4 months. (you may find the link scrolling above) Dont use dichotomy consipiration method to prove your points. Submit your scientific data for auguement.


2021-08-06 12:41 | Report Abuse

We have heard too many cases who taken jabs tested possitive after few days or infected after 2 jabs. KKM never disclose study on the vaccine efficacy even though life and money been taken away. We do not know the data how many ppl infected, ICU or die after 2 doses. Trnasparent is very important in fighting the pendemic!!!!


2021-08-06 08:50 | Report Abuse

Well done Iken da Nilai !


2021-08-06 08:27 | Report Abuse

Besides playing single word or name, what is your point ? @Jack


2021-08-06 07:56 | Report Abuse

Before covid 19, what vaccine did Sinovac invented? Could anybody share ?


2021-08-05 16:48 | Report Abuse

Too late but better than none
Conditional approval granted to Moderna. Source: DG, not me.


2021-08-05 16:03 | Report Abuse

@ikenduit I am follower of LU. I wish Pharma can reach RM2 segera, serta merta, secepat mungkin, asap so that my fellow chat friends here can escape from value trap. Yes, Trevor talked negative abt Pharma occationally but he provides fact and link as refrence to prove his case. But i didn't see any LU gang provide concrete evident but only hype of it will be, it can be, it should be...illution etc..proof your self now as like opposition told Mahaitint.


2021-08-05 14:09 | Report Abuse

President of Bstead appoints President of Pharma.
President of Pharma appoints CEO of Pharma.
Now the President of the group resign.
Expect chain reaction.
Perhaps time to busy sending resume instead of thinking of next Q. 14mil? let's the next guy headarch.


2021-08-05 09:47 | Report Abuse

Have Pharma sold any SeeNoWay to other countries?
Have Pharma finish selling vaccine to local which the management said got huge demand?
Pharma price had drop over 40% from peak since Bonus jssue announced.

Admin, please banish those spread fake news and.misleading info as well. As well as those launch personal attack.

P/s: I am interested to see Trevor post. He is entertaining. So statement of No one interested to see his post is not true. This is a misled statement like Mahiathin


2021-08-04 22:59 | Report Abuse

"Saya sebagai Sultan Johor bertanggungjawab dan diamanahkan untuk menjaga rakyat saya. Nyawa tidak boleh dijual beli.

"Saya selalu fikirkan penderitaan rakyat saya terutamanya mereka yang jatuh sakit dengan Covid-19 dan yang telah meninggal dunia.

"Keadaan penularan yang sememangnya membimbangkan kini menjadi lebih parah dengan merebaknya kes-kes varian Delta," titah baginda kepada Royal Press Office (RPO) pada Rabu.

Baginda bertitah, strategi menangani pandemik itu jelas iaitu melalui vaksinasi seramai mungkin populasi di negeri ini dengan secepat yang mungkin.


2021-08-04 19:09 | Report Abuse

Your football team goes to Olympic You won't start a few amateur players stating to give them training n gain experience. No team will say they send players to train in Olymp because this is not the right time to do so.

Back at home, many ppl are dying n creating many orphan . This is not the time to give local fab to learn how to make vaccine!!! We want fast! Fast! To save life. PN and especially KJ have made the wrong priority!


2021-08-04 18:22 | Report Abuse

@dimmu. U should ask @ risekita8


2021-08-04 18:08 | Report Abuse

Malaysia has lost her world no 1 glove producer ranking in 2021


2021-08-04 14:17 | Report Abuse

It has track record of making men LU everyday in 500 countries.


2021-08-04 12:52 | Report Abuse

Spaniah fly is well known to Malaysian now,, many men tertanya-tanya around. If Pharma can produce sure will have better sales n profit than SeeNoWay.
But 1st must make sure it is less poison and 2nd it must has efficacy . Otherwise will need minister to promote it on TV and paper.


2021-08-04 09:50 | Report Abuse

Thailand can product AZ vaccine, why we only able do repack and not product AZ?
Is Pharma facility not up to the task or because it has a non-profit agreement?



2021-08-04 09:47 | Report Abuse

AstraZeneca is committed to delivering billions of doses of its COVID-19 vaccine across the globe in a broad and equitable way, at No Profit during the pandemic.


2021-08-04 08:05 | Report Abuse

No, Trevor is popular here. Admin should keep him to attract more visitors.


2021-08-03 14:18 | Report Abuse

Please read the second last paragraph. Perhaps no need wait the q result. Amazing!


2021-08-03 11:07 | Report Abuse

Give your love and money to support Pharma and other Malaysian.