
datuk | Joined since 2012-06-11

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2013-12-13 10:21 | Report Abuse

140 euro/min..chia kui!


2013-12-13 10:14 | Report Abuse

Waha...sweet dream ...makes us fool ..


2013-12-13 10:12 | Report Abuse

The sexy lady got bad habit .

Love to pant down people---regarless yr sex---hehe. $#@?


2013-12-13 09:43 | Report Abuse

It does not matter to me whether speculator is syn or not; but matter the most
the business performance of sexy lady



2013-12-03 11:02 | Report Abuse

holiday mood.....bursa is sleeping as well....until 3rd week..


2013-12-03 09:05 | Report Abuse

i think it should comes faster......ENY........


2013-12-03 09:04 | Report Abuse

chiak beh lioa !!! RM 3.50........it's a matter of time...


2013-12-02 15:57 | Report Abuse

Hjey ..kong he! Ni yu foo leh..hau si kwei leh..hehe


2013-12-02 12:07 | Report Abuse

steve......need the tipsy to spend kor teh seesion with you mah.....white kopi....tak main lah....hehhehehe!


2013-12-02 11:45 | Report Abuse

rm1.15..........CF is hinted that is his price base for the upcoming MP......BUY NOW !


2013-12-02 11:37 | Report Abuse

multiple proposals.......CF is trying to gives signal by koring nasi yg telah dikoreng on this morning....something ai punjut keluar lioa !


2013-12-02 11:35 | Report Abuse

in the very fragmented plastic stationery business that dominance by small players....CSL is no doubt.....mr "tuah kong" although its name sounded like Chinese sext lady....

the scale allow mr tuah kong to further enhance its competitiveness when comes to the bargaining of raw material negotiation and better management of the risk exposure in price fluctuation . .....so you can see the superior advantages enjoyed by csl in sexy industry when you are being "big" compared to others !

Hence, I a nutshell....the cutting edge of CSL is built on the foundation of fresher, sweeter and cheaper.....kor chea, kor ti, kor pi......like the Fujian saying.......

that's non patented product......as for patented products....the stories are differ altogether.....


2013-12-02 11:17 | Report Abuse

Big 5......


2013-12-02 11:16 | Report Abuse

rm0.21......to be penetrated...


2013-12-02 11:15 | Report Abuse

CF likes to refrying fried rice....hehehe......


2013-12-02 11:10 | Report Abuse

ho ser lioa ! MPs are expected to announce soon ! rm02.7.....ai lai lew !


2013-11-29 16:56 | Report Abuse

Waha....dia suka mainan masuk keluar n masuk keluar


2013-11-29 16:29 | Report Abuse

I buy lor...


2013-11-29 15:18 | Report Abuse

Fear not for buaya darat....buakieh mujarAat bila berada di sungai.....hehe


2013-11-29 12:25 | Report Abuse

hehehe......touching rm2.47.........no reference iioa....sky is the limit now.....


2013-11-29 10:52 | Report Abuse

rm0.205............is going to break soon.....hammer....


2013-11-29 08:58 | Report Abuse

the tango session is about to start in csl party.....dun miss the fun !!!!


2013-11-28 17:41 | Report Abuse

FreeThink.....perhaps i could gives you a small gift as a token of appreciation in reciprocal of our mutual respect relationship.

If you have made not enough in share market....ah tok give you tipsy.....buy CYPARK......can make great great $$$$$ very soon...but please no contra trade.....accumulate and away from share market......just do that......dun ask why ???


2013-11-28 17:31 | Report Abuse

i respect you ...freethink...for your ability in comprehending of what i wrote here.........my made-in china associate also yau tow when communicate with me via email !! hehehe !


2013-11-28 17:23 | Report Abuse

kelesi.......dun mix DSCOL with CSL.....although both are sexies...but bo siang altogether.........CSL pu 4 wah ping..........kan ter chor ter and chuan ter.........

as for DSCOL.....mo gan tai..... e lu c lew lew.....


2013-11-28 17:15 | Report Abuse

firepassion.....ta kang ki.......beh tong lah.........yu chi yu low mah.....chai 4 share market mah.......chai 4 nan ren mah !hehehe !


2013-11-28 17:13 | Report Abuse

aiyoyo.......with small cap like YLI pun naik main contra??? kai C !!!


2013-11-28 16:55 | Report Abuse

macam ade announcement these 2 dyas....watch out !


2013-11-28 16:53 | Report Abuse

csl ni made ppl ketagih...why not......main suka-suka pun dapat 5 angka kalu jual pada harga rm0.20......tapi paper gain niah....belum tindak.....

tunggu lama lama---asyik lama-lama...dah...dad.dah.......kuah teo mei tui lioa !!! beh tahan !!!!


2013-11-28 16:43 | Report Abuse

chinese sexy lady ......quite mi ren !! sekali kena........wang pu lioa !

tak caya .....ask waha......asik masuk keluar, masuk kelur saja....hehheehe !


2013-11-28 16:38 | Report Abuse

khng 482.......i think the most immediate task is to hit the first TP at rm0.27.......very pragmatic ....hopefully good start with mai chai.....that offer 38% return in less than 2 week !


2013-11-28 16:07 | Report Abuse

meverick88.......bj corp still remain intact..........but no contra ! this one i kamcheng with decision maker there.....know him inside out.....


2013-11-28 15:05 | Report Abuse

meverick88....benalac........sudah reflect its value.........need to growth profit further if you want any potential upside in TP.....my poinion niah....

CSL....still very much under value......BUY NOW !!!!!


2013-11-28 14:23 | Report Abuse

gua si man mah........sure itchy lor.... chinese sexy lady


2013-11-28 14:22 | Report Abuse

warrior......lu chow kui lioa.....reversal trend to rm0.27..........rm0.16.....man man tan lor..........afterall 2014.....is not too far lioa ! hehehhe!


2013-11-28 14:17 | Report Abuse

bo ar........slow fire cooking is not suitable for young chiese sexy lady .....beh sai.....kena goreng kaw wen.....and it must be follow by exponential upside ar.....hehehe ! kin lioa !


2013-11-28 14:05 | Report Abuse

waha......ah ni kin chew chow ar..? ah tok tauke lian.....baru ai goreng......man man lai......hehehe


2013-11-28 12:30 | Report Abuse

dear my diciples,

dam shin 7 chew ........4 lang ter pen shin ar......i got a friend fr nanyang.....he is very prevalent in craving for new thing......every time he visited fujian....i got sakit kepala.....need to host her with new CSL !!!!! haha..his nick name....and although i can build an empire..but i can't change his haman nature...haha...teo bo?

so ......understand by now ...when conusmer need new thing, i need to make the product life cycle shorter.......so scale is crucial ; able to deplete mould life faster !

with that, it means more new products can be launched.......this implies 2 things in my business.......inherit with less inventory cost and command a better average selling price......


2013-11-28 12:21 | Report Abuse

BTW......my immediate TP is rm0.27....


2013-11-28 12:17 | Report Abuse

dear my diciples,

doing business in this globalization era bo kan tang ar ! you got to be all arounded ar.....sould have comprehensive knowledge and expertise in legal, finance , technical, manufactuirng etc......but the most important is direction....yep....tuju haluan ....

my direction is to build a long lasting differentiation that could make my competitor look like chinese dun look like chinese, sexy...non sexy ..lady look like ta poh ! thus, i call my self chinese sexy lady....the only one on this planet....only one ! and only one !

My first secrete is to make the product life cycle as shortest as possible for no patented product.......gua ada skills......mould life can be depleted in six month.......tak caya....cabar lu name my competitor that same class with me.....turnover is more than rmb b ...sole.....BIG B ???? product gua macam fashion ....life cycle can be as short as 6 months !!!!


2013-11-28 12:05 | Report Abuse

waha....lu luang luang kong.......anyway..as long as gua paper gain lioa.....pu yau chin ......cheer.......more good thing ai lai lew !

perlawanan hanya bermula....saja....let me continue the fairy tale......


2013-11-28 10:29 | Report Abuse

waha...banyak kamsiah for yr sharing....anak and cucu and future cicit gua.....semua masuk CIS.....yau yin, yau sheng...ai pian chia a yeh....semua tak jadi kalu tak paham hua yi ar !!!


2013-11-28 10:25 | Report Abuse

my dear diciples,

with the ready market size up to the entire universe, the cost leader factor , the pro business tax system, the superior in plastic injection mould expertise, all in all reinforce altogether and realize the the scale of economy in my business.........

now .....i'm indon origin .....not ta lu lau....although i staying in hong kong.....bo siang ar....lang kong.....hero crated today and tomorrow.....i crated chiese sexy lady today and tomorrow as well......tak caya........cuba fikir the late deng....how he free out the framers to be realigned as an army of industry labor ....conquer the hole world....sole....world world !

Here are my secrete if compare to other ta lu player.........to be continued.....


2013-11-28 10:16 | Report Abuse

my dear disiples,

to bring yr poroducts to the world market bo si seow 4.... si tua tai chi ar !!!! again....i must express my kamsiah to the ta lu zi hor.....where the technical base of plastic injection mould here made lau y ......bo mei chow ar......we could prepare the mould at 40% of cost compare to germany and 60% compare to our ya ti from taiwan......the time of rasing new mould is less than 10 days.......


2013-11-28 10:08 | Report Abuse

my dear diciples.

......how could i not be grateful to the ppl here when the base of industry were so solid due to high quality of the education, the values of ai pan chia a yeh deep rooted in our hokkian rang....i'm bo bing and pai ser if you comes to know my home land nen kar hey !!!

....honestly speaking.... i must be buried alike if i can't penetrate into the world market with all the comparative advatanges inherited here........you see ......the kor ver men here are so pro business and the entire tax system are cater for us to conquer the world.....afterall, how i could i not kia su...not to export...when the entire universe has label dragonland as factory of the world ????


2013-11-28 09:54 | Report Abuse

my dear diciples,

........how could i find a better place than this belove dragonland with the existing huge domestic market and its inevitable future potential growth factor???

.....how could i not excited when every ingredient of becoming a cost leader in the industry are ready to tap in every corner of this almighty fujian land ......you see....the abundunce skill labours, engineers, technician or the so-called human resources are ready for you to tap......


2013-11-28 09:42 | Report Abuse

....i must express my sense of gratitude to the ppl of ta lu..for the opportunity given to me to start my busienss in the dragon land

and in the environment that enable me to realize my dream to achieve the sure win formula in business:

i) the growth factor ..business of today outweigh yesterday and business of tomorrow outweigh today.....that business must be recycleable......in line with the green ....


2013-11-28 09:33 | Report Abuse

Part 1 of that speech:

My dear diciples,

i got to be very blunt in my sppech and please forgive me if the content distort yr emotional and raise yr sense of regrete.......that's not my intention....trust me although my face and behaviour show otherwise....please....trust me !


2013-11-28 09:26 | Report Abuse

BTW.....b4 the script of that speech visible to others.....all new bie please buy csl now ! BUY NOW !!!!!


2013-11-28 09:24 | Report Abuse

waha....as you said......didn't drink on this morning but still with drucken mind inherited from last 9 ....kor teh session...hehhee !