DORAEMON_DREAMHUNTER | Joined since 2014-10-12

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2014-10-15 16:31 | Report Abuse

Yes there is...JLo


2014-10-15 16:29 | Report Abuse

Cakap sajalah lu org... slow learners... hihihi ... I just cant stop kikiki-ing... hehehe


2014-10-15 16:28 | Report Abuse

Walaupun lambat... kesimpulan akhirnya... jadi benar...

tapi... lembap sangat tu


2014-10-15 16:26 | Report Abuse

People like komnas , slm7212 and xxxx show that looiks is their ultimate captain


hehe ... their comments are not just coincidently in place

fools that so slow to get to the true conclusions that they're just saying

so so slow slow slow

memang layak jadi anak kapal captain looiks...



2014-10-15 16:18 | Report Abuse

Slm7212 ... u guessed?

U have been informed about it before

aiyooo ...

lu amnesia kah?



2014-10-15 16:15 | Report Abuse

Xxxx... about your opinion... many people including me have been telling about it in this forum...

and u have just derived that conclusion?

lu pegi mana sebelum ni?

tido kah?

kahkah ... so late in making the right conclusion...

kahkah... naive naive naive


2014-10-15 16:11 | Report Abuse

@truthseeker... I believe looiks is the ultimate captain for suma

no doubt about it...

one to be followed by suma investors...


Yeah CAPTAIN OF THE FOOLS.... kikikiki


2014-10-15 16:03 | Report Abuse

See looiks said september before...and now this komnas is saying september 2015
So when I made a joke just now about looiks and his september... someone is repeating my joke in seriously september 2015 ...komnas ... u must be looiks, arent u? Kikiki


2014-10-15 15:47 | Report Abuse

Reach 31 cents already .. haha... seems my people's prediction has matched again and again... except looiks' prediction...haha


2014-10-15 14:32 | Report Abuse

Wrong... when he says september ... he's still not wrong.... why? He's talking about 2015 lor...


2014-10-15 14:25 | Report Abuse



Furthermore, in the following chart, it is clear how lower rates of Fed-sponsored cheap-funding have enabled more and more mal-invested wells to drilled chasing 'only-increasing' shale oil... if rates rise (high-yield credit spreads broke 400bps today - the highest in 13 months) then the breakevens become even more expensive and that cost curve even more compromising to the marginal producer...


However, should the price drop below $85, and very bad things start to happen, not the least of which is what we warned about in May that "Shale Boom Goes Bust As Costs Soar." That was when Brent was $110. It is now at $85 and sliding lower.

As a further reminder, we noted two days ago that shaleis now in a bear market:


But that is nothing compared to the no bid market the (very, very levered) shale companies will find themselves in if and when, for whatever reason, Brent drops below $85 to a price where only Qatar is profitable on the global Brent cost curve.

So while we understand if Saudi Arabia is employing a dumping strategy to punish the Kremlin as per the "deal" with Obama's White House, very soon there will be a very vocal, very insolvent and very domestic shale community demanding answers from the Obama administration, as once again the "costs" meant to punish Russia end up crippling the only truly viable industry under the current presidency.

As a reminder, the last time Obama threatened Russia with "costs", he sent Europe into a triple-dip recession.

It would truly be the crowning achievement of Obama's career if, amazingly, he manages to bankrupt the US shale "miracle" next.


2014-10-15 14:22 | Report Abuse

If The Oil Plunge Continues, "Now May Be A Time To Panic" For US Shale Companies

Over the past 5 years, the shale industry, fabricated or real reserves notwithstanding, has been a significant boon to the US economy for four main reasons: it has been the target of billions in fixed investment and CapEx spending, it has resulted in tens of thousands of high-paying jobs, its output has been a major tailwind for the US trade deficit, and has generally been a significant contributor to GDP (not to mention various Buffett-controlled or otherwise railway corporations). And perhaps, most importantly, it has become a huge buffer to the price of global oil, as the cost curve of US shale is horizontal, with a massive 10,000 kbls/day available within pennies of $85/bl.

Goldman's explanation:

We believe that the vast reserves that have been opened for development through shale oil in the US have flattened the cost curve meaningfully, at around a US$85/bl Brent oil price. We estimate shale reserves from the top three fields in the US onshore (the Permian, Bakken and Eagle Ford) at around 91bn boe, which to put it in context, is equivalent to roughly one third of Saudi Arabia’s current stated reserves (ZH: this number may be vastly overstated). Most of this resource has become available in the past five years, with few barriers to exploiting the reserves. Production in the US as a result is growing strongly, by more than 1mbpd currently, and we expect this pace of growth to continue over the coming three years as capital continues to be drawn in to these developments. The consequence is that costs of production and E&P capex/bl should stabilise as the marginal cost of production remains stable.We believe that shale oil has become effectively the marginal source of supply, providing the bulk of non- OPEC production growth. This is also the key driver of our oil price view: we continue to expect Brent oil to stay at c.US$100/bl for the coming few years.

For once, Goldman is spot on (even if their Brent price target may be a bit off): with shale oil profitable only above its virtually horizontal cost curve, it means that a whopping 11,000 kbls/day are available as long as Brent is above $85red line" for all OPEC producers.

The red line is conveniently shown on the chart below:



2014-10-15 14:18 | Report Abuse

Since when does HS needs or cares about "his" supporters ?


2014-10-15 14:09 | Report Abuse

Thats why I told sang jero that it is not significant at what price he shoud enter yesterday ... I tod him yesterday , that even if he is successful to buy at a very near to lowest price that day... it doesnt matter..... why? Because it is very likely to buy it at lower price the next day... . Fortunately im right again today... just tembak..... but tembak ada reasons.... not a specific target... just general...


2014-10-15 10:02 | Report Abuse

Not reallyva phyco game... this is a real dumping... a honest dumping


2014-10-15 09:47 | Report Abuse

See already red 335 witin 1 minute after my last posting ..kikiki


2014-10-15 09:46 | Report Abuse

No need 1 hour lor .. I tell u in 5 minutes will be red ...kikiki


2014-10-15 09:43 | Report Abuse

RI is for sure... just the price... what to lose... its just your money , not company's money or HS... haha


2014-10-15 09:39 | Report Abuse

No debt ... no debt ... tapi capital zero lor...



2014-10-15 09:31 | Report Abuse

Sang jero has admitted that he's an idiot...


he said dont believe in him


he said he could be right or wrong

partially agree



2014-10-15 09:27 | Report Abuse

Better sell before its too late


2014-10-15 09:24 | Report Abuse

Ho ho horlucks ... my wish has come through... dow jones fell again for the 4th consecutive days ... yet now suma and bursa are green... hopefully only a technical rebound...hihi


2014-10-15 00:05 | Report Abuse

After 3 days down... today dow jones is now up 132 points ... bad news for me....

hopefully nott for long

and hopefully will be in big red again


2014-10-14 19:06 | Report Abuse

The article is wrong... no analysis at all... I think the writer may just refer to 5 years market movement historically... not worth it ... kikiki... u will se me is right .... kikikiki


2014-10-14 18:55 | Report Abuse

He said october because he is just like some others here who think october the market will rise
They are too naive... they're thinking in october
1. QE will stop
2. Interest rate in usa will up

they're so dumb... why?
1. Market had gone up before for 5 years because of QE ... so if QE is stopped... it should be the opposite
2. QE is supplying , printing more money... and to be loaned at very low interest rate to some rothschild, rockfeller, soros, some big multinational company like apple, jp morgan... they have take this oppurtuniy to borrow at very low rates and doing share buyback which costs hundred of billions ... yes less number of share... more profit per share... but in term of productivity... zero
3. So when QE stops... interest rate high... this will be doom for stock market
4. But me say we will have the 4th QE... why? Deflation
5. Will there be any interest rate hike .. in usa? Nope... because when the economy... world economy is down... less money velocity... even now money velocity is so so low... less manufacturing ...less activities that has good effect to financial and economically ... so the Federal reserves will still print more money... interest rate will not be upped. ... because this will mean the usd 17 trillion treasury of usa, the government of usa debt will increase amid recession .. so no increase in interest rate...
6. Quite confusing huh.... so
I) there will be more Qe
ii.) But interest rate will stay
Ok ... from above statements... and historically.... factor (I) and (ii) are good for stocks... yeah historically ... but nowdays it will be different case.... why?
Recession usa
deflation in europe
stagnation in japan
depression in france, spain, portugal, italy and few european countries
bankruptcies in greece and cyprus

thats why most commodities prices are at very low compared to few years ago
World market will be in bearish if we consider world economy
but too many money printed by usa and japan... and will be followed by europe .. plus usd 1.25 quadrillion derivatives which are actually useless.... a very big bubble. they're traded just because of confidence and casino type trade... banks will bankrupt because of these derivatives...ccompanied by stock market rigging by the federal reserves mostly... a d tnese so called globslists... are not making mistake.... they're actually planning it

so this is not just bearish
not just a correction
not just a pullback

this is a crash
the worst u will see in your whole life...

so what about suma... suma is just a drop of water in the ocean... yet water from longkang...kahkah

bubble bubble bubble .. many type of bubbles nowdays... and all of them surprising exist togther today... stocks bubble... bonds bubble ... derivatives bubble ... property bubbles .... haha if only u understand


2014-10-14 18:08 | Report Abuse

Again claiming had bought... duit satu lori tu ... or everyday buying only 100 units... bravo looiks ..he he he


2014-10-14 18:06 | Report Abuse

Today already 14th october... sudah mau abis ini october... looiks... tipulah


2014-10-14 18:04 | Report Abuse

Wah .. many suma owners here are very happy ... ha ha .. surprise surprise

mesti pecah 30 ...mungkin baru blh sedih?



2014-10-14 10:13 | Report Abuse

No debt ... no debt ... tapi capital zero lor...


2014-10-14 10:09 | Report Abuse

6 months ? Itu time suma bwh 20 lah...


2014-10-14 10:01 | Report Abuse

Lu org tunggu ya... tak lama lagi 1.25 quadrillion deravatives market runtuh

bukan million

bukan billion

Bukan trillion

sudah quadrillion



2014-10-14 09:59 | Report Abuse

Yes... deflation in europe .. stagnation in japan.... faked usa progress... real thing is they are in recession

another reason is some hype that federal reserves will increase interest rate

yet thats a false flag

another QE will come..... the vice chairman said about tighthening .... due to world economy ... thats just some BS from him.... the true reason is ..hiking interest rate will hike usa usd17 trillion debts ... which will never be paid ...period


2014-10-14 09:54 | Report Abuse

Tarak hal... yg ada hal ialah org yg rugi hari2 ...kikiki


2014-10-14 09:53 | Report Abuse

What a psychological argument that is ... haha .. I really know whats the purpose... negative ...kikiki


2014-10-14 09:48 | Report Abuse

Oil is abundant... yes population increases ... yet numbers of golongan pertengahan decreases.... less money power ... u nomanland toooooooooo naive ... just onevway thinking huh?


2014-10-14 09:46 | Report Abuse

Lu tunggu kalau ini klci tak boleh naik balik atas 1800 ... lu org mesti mati punya ...kahkahkah... and im bery bery sure ..kahkahkah


2014-10-14 09:42 | Report Abuse

Lu ingat gua Tuhan kah? Boleh kasi tau lu brp harga mau enter? Haha sang jero sedang panas.... rugi rugi rugi...kikiki


2014-10-14 09:39 | Report Abuse

Where is dreamhunter? Halo halo klci is now 1792 ..breaking 1800 ... hahaha your prediction will not break even in december ... is soooooooo wrong ...kahkah


2014-10-14 09:33 | Report Abuse

Thats limit down ...hahaha


2014-10-14 09:31 | Report Abuse

HL INDUSTRIES NOW ALREADY FELL BY 1.92 ...a real sign for macnufaturing prospects in malaysia


2014-10-14 09:13 | Report Abuse

Will break 30 cents ...haha


2014-10-14 09:10 | Report Abuse

U really want numbers dont u? My guess under 30 cents today pun boleh ...haha


2014-10-14 09:07 | Report Abuse

Kelapa sawit jatuh... minyak jatuh... copper jatuh... timah jatuh... minyak jatuh ... gas jatuh ... bil letrik naik ...getah jatuh.... zink jatuh... besi jatuh ... corn jatuh ... kopi naik ... retail jatuh ... harga barang naik.... kuantiti barang dijual berkurang ... gst ada dulu takde ... property weak ... harga rumah sudah peak... byk org tak msmpu lagi mau beli ... bukan malaysia saja tapi satu dunia... cuma segelintir org kaya yg mampu beli apa saja


The signs ... the omens ... suma suda ada .... apa lagi mau pikir..l


2014-10-14 08:58 | Report Abuse

We are now in deflation... some in recession ... few already in depression... so womanx idea ... wait for 2 weeks is not a good idea... u'll be surprised ... it will take a very very very long period of time

a big trap is in the air ... u will be stuck for yearsssssssssssssss


2014-10-14 08:54 | Report Abuse

How? Follow the likely probability ... no rebound for today...


2014-10-14 08:49 | Report Abuse

U want prediction?

ok... but not a specific prediction in term of today's price

like this.. a general prediction...

u belu ini hari harga merah dekat2 lowest....

tomorrow u dapat beli lagi low punya

the day aftet that lagi murah

lepas tu moyang day punya ... u dspat lagi murah....

so today's lowest price to enter is not significant... because.... I predict everyday...lower and lower

haha.... takkan itchy lagi kot... dangerous and unworthy the risk


2014-10-14 08:41 | Report Abuse

When market crash... big sharks become baby bilis... sure punya


2014-10-14 08:39 | Report Abuse

Sang jero... if u believe like hell for suma.. what can I say? U want to hold and tunggu... what can I say?

but market is bearish.... how can u determine which price to enter? U need to wait if there is good news about world economy... problem with mainstream they like to spin... bad news can be manipulated to be good... so u need to surf also non mainstream media for alternative srguments and facts... does the facts about usa economy is in good shape few months ago valid? Well if u study... u will see A TREMENDOUS DATA CONTRADICTION...

my ad advice to u sang jero... u dont touch this

u tak mau jari itchy? U tutup u punya screen trading...pegi bukan quran... bacalah ...kikiki


2014-10-14 06:41 | Report Abuse

@Ring ... good news ... down again dji 223 points ...kikiki


2014-10-14 06:39 | Report Abuse

Good news ... down jones fell yesterday for the 3rd consecutive trading days... by 223 points

oh boy oh boy .... suma will go red .... haha