
dragonslayer | Joined since 2013-10-25

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2015-03-25 09:22 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468...nampaknya manyak Patrons juga punting ini hali.....aiyoyo...ini macam Jelung manyak susah nanti...aiyoyo....Jelung tak tau mau bikin show lagi or not...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-25 09:19 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468...aiyo...ticket selling like hot cake....mgmt senyum.....aiyoyo...Patrons ala senyum or not....aiyoyo...locket launched oredy....sulah sampai mana.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-03-25 09:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo......buy at own risk lah....you finger enter the order mah...we all only kasi show bikin oni.....aiyoyo......mau tanya Tukang Tilik Oxfort Harvest lah if mau tanya TP.......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-03-25 09:11 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....Jelung sedang kuat makan ikan ikan....locket pun sulah lauching.....langit pigi sama dia....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-25 09:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....Jelung sedang makan bikin show ....makan makan...ikan ikan ....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-25 08:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....today mood ala baik sikit liao....boleh celita sikit lagi.....aiyoyo.....simalam punya soalan....ala belapa Jelung di dalam Oceanarium Asiabio......tarak olang dapat answer....aiyoyo....in macam tarak free ticket masuk Oceanarium given out today.....aiyoyo.....mali mali ...siapa mau tengok Jelung action ini hali.....kena beli ticket masuk Oceanarium Asiabio terkenal yang baru buka ini.....mali mali.....manyak ikan ikan berenang dengan Jelung Jelung terkini.....aiyoyo.....Jelung ala action kah ini hali.....mau tengok Jelung ala hungry atau tidak in hali.....aiyoyo......as usual Oceanarium Asabio tarak accept swipe credit card bila mau beli ticket......strictly COD term and condition apply.....aiyoyo...You Jump I Jump nanti susah lah....kena beratur nanti.......ha ha ha


2015-03-24 22:54 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Jolin...lu manyak hati takla bagus lor...ini macam cakap in kampani mau tutup liao......aiyoyo...lu sure or not......nanti Datin malah balu tau....nsnti kasi goleng kaw kaw kasi lu tengok balu tau....aiyoyo...bila mau goleng....aiyoyo...hali hali ini macam ding dong ....aoyoyo...tak boleh tahan leh...macam mau pigi toilet settle dulu....nanti balik tengok ala goleng or not....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-24 22:40 | Report Abuse

Aiyo newbie......sila baca celita betul betul......sulah manyak kali wa sulah repeat....aiyoyo...ini bulan tarak QR ....mau belapa kasi cakap balu paham.....QR keluar extended to bulan 5 oredy...kasi itu 14 bulan jadi 1 tahun...bukan 12 bulan jadi 1 tahun......aiyoyo......lu tunggu tunggu ini bulan....aiyoyo....tunggu sampai cows come home pun tarak keluar punya.......better dun tunggu........tak akan keluar lah.....aiyoyo.....ala paham boh.......aiyoyo......wa ingat ini bulan macam mau goleng punya bulan....aiyoyo.....boleh goleng or not ......aiyoyo.....kena tengok esok Jelung liao........go go go....get set....langit pigi goleng sama dia........ha ha ha


2015-03-24 17:50 | Report Abuse

Aiyo max....whistleblower tau siam longkang also lah...aiyo...only jalan tepi longkang......belum masuk longkang dia sulah siam ...aiyoyo......manalah boleh terkangkang....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-24 17:23 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Whistleblower...lu siam sini siam sana...also kena Muay Thai boxing juga...aiyoyo...lu kasi kuay kuay luluk sana wheelchair......tak payah buat apa apa.....kasi blow whistle ok liao....itu macam pun pi pi......lu ala tau tak........aiyoyo........wanna start rocket launching liao.......go go go get set .....langit pigi dia.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha....


2015-03-24 17:19 | Report Abuse

Aiyo max.......lu punya hidung...ala kasi pattern right boh.....lain kali ala kaya lah....kalau ala jual pattern right juga lor.....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-03-24 17:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.........itu apa hal ......ala wantanmee Jelung kat sini.......aiyoyo....wantanmee different jelung lah.......aiyoyo........kasi halau keluar itu jelung wantanmee dari Oceanarium Asiabio.......takla sama gene punya jelung.......nanti lawan satu sama lain.......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-24 16:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyo whistleblower....lu takla kaki pun boleh lari lagi kah....aiyoyo...pakai wheelchair pun boleh juga nampaknya.....aiyoyo...fast fast join the marathon....jangan lari salah direction.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-24 16:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....walao........Jerung keluar excercise aje........penonton pun dah high.........acar acar aje........aiyoyo........continue watching Jerung tomolo.........free tickets are available......but must answer the correct question baru boleh dapat free tickets.........soalannya macam gini........ada belapa jenis jerung di Oceanarium Asiabio?.........aiyoyo.......soalan di buka sampai esok pagi pukul 8:30 aje........aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-03-24 15:51 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....lucky........ngantuk........pigi tidur dulu.......tak apa.......Oceanarium ala buka manyak hali lagi.........bila bila pun boleh latang tanguk Jerung........aiyoyo.......kalau tak minat tengok Jerung.......boleh tengok finding the Nemo Aquarium pun ala.......aiyoyo.........ha ha ha


2015-03-24 15:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyo max.........itu loket cap apa......ala cap DAP kah.....aiyoyo.....sulah ready get set.... go go go kah......aiyoyo......asalkan boleh naik langit ok liao lah............ha ha ha


2015-03-24 15:22 | Report Abuse

AIyo lucky......lu manyak lucky ada masuk oceanarium.....aiyoyo...mau tengok Jerung action pun mau tunggu mah....aiyoyo....Jerung tak lapar......mana mau kasi show lu tengok.....aiyoyo...baru tadi makan tak habis habis.....aiyoyo.....ala sikit buncit.....aiyoyo......mesti mau tau tunggu mah....aiyoyo...why lu manyak takla boleh tahan kah.......aiyoyo.....like that find the toilet first.....come back after settle it oredy.........aiyoyo........hu hu hu


2015-03-24 15:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......para penonton sekalian......due to good response from the overwhelming people coming the stadium.........we decided to convert the stadium to an Oceanarium......aiyoyo......the latest Oceanarium is the biggest in Jalan Bursa........where.........we all can observe the Jerung Jerung swimming together with all sort of fishes you can find in the ocean........aiyoyo......ada nemo...starfish....angelfish......ketam.....lobster.....groupa.....stonefish ......aiyoyo....stingray pun ada......of course the main attraction are the sharks.......aiyoyo......aiyoyo sakit hati pun kena kerja lagi....aiyoyo.........sob sob while working in the Oceanarium........later Sunday go Crematorium,.......aiyoyo.......sedihnya hati tengok LEGEND ......Sayonaraaaaa forever liao.......Rest.......In........Peace........hu hu hu


2015-03-24 14:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......para pekerja Jerung Asiabio.....biarlah tertidur berbulan bulan di kubur.......mana tau bangun nanti........nampak durian musang king runtuh atas kubur........aiyoyo.....bagi lah sikit masa......pokok durian musang king pun mau hidup subur di tanah kubur.....aiyoyo.....sob sob lagi........air mata tak habis habis menitis keluar.....neighbour is mourning until this Sunday.......hu hu hu


2015-03-24 14:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo kakisaham yang mulia...dah beli ke...aiyoyo...mana tau ini kali lah....Jangan Tunggu Lama Lama...aiyoyo...nanti anak dara di ambil olang....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-03-24 13:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......wa manyak sakit hati mah.......aiyoyo.......whisteblower cakap wa sulah penat takla lagi nak layan .........aiyoyo.........wa only hati sakit tapi tak letih.........aiyoyo.......ini baby wa leh...........mana tak nak layan..........aiyoyo.......sob sob lagi........neighbour is mourning...........raised half flag.........aiyoyo......LEGEND passed away.......left legacy for the future people to read only........aiyoyo........sedihnya hati.........hu hu hu


2015-03-24 10:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ..para pekerja Jerung Asiabio sekalian....wa sekarang takla mood mau jaga kubu.......still in sad mood.......heart still sad cos of neighbour in mourning.......lu olang kasi in Jerung goleng sampai langit pigi..........wa tunggu sampai masa........wa pigi cari itu shark kasi ambil balik wa punya loan + interest....aiyoyo....wa Ah Long ada 5 contract sama itu Jerung.......interst rate at different rate......sob sob see neighbour in mourning......hu hu hu


2015-03-24 09:04 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......today still in sad mood.....neighbour in mourning........all in sombre mood....left the legacy of a Legend..........RIP.......hu hu hu


2015-03-23 09:52 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468....gongxi gongxi sama lu lor....dapat XO minum.....aiyoyo......hali ini gua ala sikit sad lah.....aiyoyo.........ala dengar itu celita takla bagus lah.......neighbour punya olang tua terkenal dah berhenti nafas......aiyoyo.........sob sob dengar it celita....aiyoyo.......hu hu hu in kali


2015-03-23 09:33 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....BBC News terkini......Jerung terkini continue the Jerung activirty.......goleng vsolar again........now broke another bumbung 24.5cts......hitting 25.5cts earlier......aiyoyo....makan ..makan...makan...ikan bilis again......go go go ...langit pigi sama dia....aiyoyo...walao ......dunno when baru mau start goleng other 2 goleng cts focus and Netx.....aiyoyo......BBC News report........ha ha ha


2015-03-23 08:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......BBC News terkini .......Update di medan perperangan Polarland......as Major General Max oredy reinforced the walls with his newly acquired skill....... tampal tampal tembuk.......he managed to reinforced the walls as tall as Taipei 101 over the weekend.......he is quite sure we are able to withstand the terrorists full force attack in the coming days.......aiyoyo......while we are still waiting for the spy to send us the report........we can only...... pray......pray.....and.....pray for the safety of our comrades fighting this war.........aiyoyo........spy bila mau balik ini.........aiyoyo.......BBC News report from Kubu Polarland.........ha ha ha


2015-03-22 12:41 | Report Abuse

Aiyo kakisaham yang mulia....dah gitu tunggu lama lama dah....tunggu lagi sekejab pun sama juga....tunggu lor....cuaca panas sekarang.......musang king pun tak selera nak tumbuh.....aiyoyo...kena jaga lebih sikit haru...siramlah air banyak banyak....tumbuh lah buah nanti....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-03-22 12:28 | Report Abuse

Aiyo kakisaham yang mulia......bo oian lah....salah pilih...apa boleh buat....dah pun cakap tertidur berbulan bulan.......aiyoyo....tunggu lah.....bangun nanti ada durian runtuh.....bukan lah rumput rampai atas kubur....aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-03-22 12:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo eric...lu hor sei lor....5584 tua huat....esos ada tambah lagi boh.....aiyoyo...huat ka beh jin chu.....ha ha ha


2015-03-22 12:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyo eric.....kpscb...wa bo liao lah......result ani kuan....have to wait lah....Mr Koh......aiyo.....half olang half cartoon liao.....aiyoyo...wa pass liao lah....wa talak cakap rm1 wo...lu mai luan luan kong hor .....aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-03-22 12:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyo kakisaham yang mulia.....Lao si .....nak kadi kita olang pilih mah.....wa pilih no 2.....Tukang Tilik pilih no 1 lor.....aiyoyo....lu pilih yang mana......ka ki decide lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-22 11:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo wahai kakisaham yang mulia.....welcome welcome mali sini........di mana ada ayamtua.......aiyoyo.........di sana lah ada biawak lu boleh pikul........aiyoyo.....soup biawak pun sedap juga.......aiyoyo...........ha ha ha


2015-03-22 11:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...baru dengar lao si pun lagu terkini.....jangan tunggu lama lama..aiyoyo.....nanti kena ambil olang....aiyoyo....lao si....really the best lao si in bursa....pakai lagu pun boleh hantar informasi...aiyoyo.....dulu....olang pakai pigeon hantar surat....sikalang...ala advance sikit...papai lagu punya......aiyoyo...salute sama lao si.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-03-22 11:03 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Major General Max.......lu bery bery sure itu spy will come back with report or not....aiyoyo.....terrorists mau attack lagi kah....dunno got upgraded their weapon or not.....meriam portugal pun can tear down the tembok....aiyoyo.....better build stronger tembok while waiting for 4469 fighter jet reinforcement latang....mau tahan tahan kubu sampai mati mati.....biarkan askar mati berkeliaran...tapi...kubu medti kita tahan.....aiyoyo.....tinggal last chance ....spy masih hidup lagi........aiyoyo......Mayday....Mayday......ha ha ha


2015-03-22 10:57 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....6cts is the best price to enter......according to Tukang Tilik Orfort Harvest......aiyo.....just wait.....dun buy now....cos ....Tukang Tilik said cannot push up yet....aiyoyo.....wait until Tukang Tilik TP hit is the best time to enter.......aiyoyo.....dun take the risk until hit TP......else stay there forever until cows come home ....aiyoyo......why cows still havent come home......aiyoyo
..cos kena slaughter oredy.......to pray pray ........aiyoyo....same as ayam and itik and kambing emas......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-03-21 11:41 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468......lu pigi LIMA ala beli fighter jet kah.......aiyoyo...........Tukang Tilik pakai peluru tembak takla boleh mati........aiyoyo......mau pakai fighter jet .....kasi satu biji air to surface missile mungkin baru boleh mati........aiyoyo......fighter jet bila boleh latang kasi reinforcement ini kubu pertahanan Polarland........aiyoyo........S...O...S.......kubu tengah attack by terrorists pakai meriam cap portugal....aiyoyo...itu meriam dah obselete punya.....tapi.....tembok ala runtuh juga......tapi ..nasib baik.....ada......Major General Max....tahan sama ini kubu.......tampal tampal lagi lobang peluru dan meriam......aiyoyo......next week kena attack lagi kah....aiyoyo...spy sulah balik tong san kah......aiyoyo....mana report mau latang..............aiyoyo........Mayday.....Mayday...........ha ha ha


2015-03-20 22:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...correct hor........AGM and Annual Dinner in the factory.....aiyo...also can take some recycle materials as sourvenir.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-20 20:42 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....what is the main recyle material that jag is producing now.....aiyoyo......anyone here know......aiyoyo...that day got one guy said he is selling scrap mayerials to jag....care too share what you sell to jag?.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-20 20:29 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Major General Max.......spy no report back ha.....ini macam xiong duo ji sao liao lah.....jiu shi yi shen liao lah.......sulah takla nafas liao ini macam lah.....aiyoyo...mau send another spy again to confirm the early spy still alive or not....aiyoyo...need rescue spy operation liao lah.....aiyoyo....now ceasefire for 2day....monday continue war games.....aiyoyo.........ha ha ha


2015-03-20 15:20 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Major General Max.....sori ya........wa ala sikit kerja mau bikin........lu kasi report BBC News live telecast.......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-03-20 15:09 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...BBC News terkini.....Jerung Asiabio.......sangat garang tengah goleng itu goleng ctr Vsolar...aiyoyo sulah naik sampai 24cts...sulah pecah bumbung itu hali 23.5cts.......cost oni 13.8cts.......wow........manyak ikan bilis kena makan.......aiyoyo.........manyak kenyang in Jerung terkini makan...........kasi realise profit pun ada RM5mil oredy........enuf to cover all our Polarland expenses......lagi ada lebih boleh pigi short trip pigi Disneyland for all shareholders.....aiyoyo.......go go go.....kasi goleng sampai langit pigi......aiyoyo.........BBC News Report.......ha ha ha


2015-03-20 14:44 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-20 14:11 | Report Abuse

Aiyo klse.......lu ingat war ala stop kah.....aiyoyo.......war still cotinue lah........takla ceasefire punya.........aiyoyo.........Kubu Polarland manyak senyap leh........sikik sikit juga bunyi tembakan terrorists.........macam hit and run guerilla type of war........aiyoyo......tak tau later ada full force attack lagi kah........atau....... itu terrorists sulah give up ini kubu kah........aiyoyo.....spy ...spy.....cipat cipat kasi hantar report......aiyoyo..... .ha ha ha


2015-03-20 13:57 | Report Abuse

Aiyoyo Whistleblower........wa takla direct goleng Vsolar lar......aiyoyo........wa pakai Jerung Asiabio pigi goleng lah........aiyoyo.........more powerful mah.........aiyoyo........indirectly ada juga untung lah........so call indirect shareholding lor.......aiyoyo...........kita semua juga indirectly goleng itu goleng ctr Vsolar lor..........aiyoyo...........whether you want it or not..........we are also Jerung juga lor........aiyoyo.....hope kasi realise profit after goleng session finish this month lah....aiyoyo...... March transaction is the.last month to reflect in the QR announcement in May........aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-03-20 13:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-20 12:44 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-20 12:33 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ozzie...dun you think cliq is a bit rushing to acquire whatever that is available for grab....aiyo.....SPAC is running out of time ...so grab whatever is available in the market in order to stay afloat......just like SONA also ....aiyoyo......time is running out to conclude the deal......else.....back to square one....you know what I mean right.......I ever read a posting by kcchong on spac quite something back...quite interesting too...aiyoyo...got time search his article too...for leisure reading too...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-03-20 12:11 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-20 10:59 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Simu...any possibility price drop below 20Cts after XR as many will dump mom.......and also OR to gain whatever profit available......aiyoyo....like that you may not earn if you still keep the mom leh.....aiyoyo...then in freezer again while waiting new biilion billion Right shares listing coming flooding the market.....aiyoyo......a bit of risk juga leh...but come again hard to predict also leh........unless oil Price recovered and timing just nice when listing new Right shares....aiyoyo...open for serious discussion only...those not serious one can dun reply....thank you....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-03-20 10:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ....BBC BReaking News on other matters......aiyoyo...Jerung terkini Asiabio sedang goleng itu Vsolar again.....harap boleh goleng sampai langit pigi...aiyoyo......BBC News report.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha