
DreamHunter | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2014-08-08 23:18 | Report Abuse

All in all, the fact that HS' name is being linked to practically everything under the Malaysian sun just means one thing ... that his name is right now flavour of the month ... yet another logical reason for buying into Suma or keeping with Suma ...


2014-08-08 23:13 | Report Abuse

dis-assembly and re-assembly are routine mechanical operations ... no big deal ...


2014-08-08 23:10 | Report Abuse

Maybe I am talking to a hantu ...


2014-08-08 23:09 | Report Abuse

Why complicated? Once dis-assembled, it would be just like transporting anything else, like cars, trucks, whatever ...


2014-08-08 23:02 | Report Abuse

You did not hv much confidence in Suma 1 month ago either ... But now you hv completely reversed your tune ...

Just like the man said, money talks ...


2014-08-08 22:45 | Report Abuse

No it won't ... Satisfied?


2014-08-08 22:44 | Report Abuse

Anyway, I don't really give two hoots about PDZ right now ... Don't have any more cap to go into it anyway ... Just keeping in touch with current developments ...


2014-08-08 22:41 | Report Abuse

OTOH, 2 rigs were transported from Croatia all the way to Kazakhstan ... So, there ya go ...


2014-08-08 22:39 | Report Abuse

But then, the economics and logistics of it might make buying ships in Ukraine, Russia or Kazakhstan cheaper than transporting them from Malaysia, I don't know ... Gotta ask the shipping, shipbuilding and logistics guys, I guess ...


2014-08-08 22:35 | Report Abuse

Train and trailer can carry dis-assembled ship parts by rail and road to port city ... then ships can be re-assembled again ... If there's money it, bet that it will be done by someone ...


2014-08-08 22:26 | Report Abuse

In business, anything can be made to sound related to anything else ... It's just a matter of strategising and integrating ... Plus a bit of creative spin, of course ...


2014-08-08 22:23 | Report Abuse

Of course ... oil always thrives on conflict ... becoz conflict introduces the factor of uncertainty into the oil supply markets ...


2014-08-08 22:14 | Report Abuse

TomTom8388, just one year with Suma has helped me to make up for an entire lifetime's losses ... The rest of my investing life from now onward will be a dream ...


2014-08-08 22:05 | Report Abuse

Greedy for a chronic bleeder? I think I'll pass ...


2014-08-08 21:58 | Report Abuse

Suma Mother will whup SONA Mother next week ... Believe you me ...


2014-08-08 21:55 | Report Abuse

LooiKS, anyone can be good in geography these days ... just learn some googlegraphy ... LOL


2014-08-08 21:50 | Report Abuse

VictorValdez, exactly. O&G will likely be the core of HS' up and coming conglomerate. But it will probably not be limited to O&G alone.

There does not have to be any hard and fast boundaries in a diversified empire, as with MMC, DRB-HICOM, or even Hong Leong Industries and YTL ...

If HS can build up PDZ and sell it back later to someone for a tidy profit, that could be another scenario. QLC has also done that kind of thing more than a few times ...


2014-08-08 21:42 | Report Abuse

HS is building a fully integrated petrochem complex in Mangystau Province, LooiKS ... and that is situated quite close to the Caspian Sea shoreline of Kazakhstan, IIRC ...

The framework agreement for the Mangystau methanol plant was one of two FAs involving HS and his Markmore Energy, which signing was witnessed by PM when he was on an official visit to Kazakhstan in mid May ...


2014-08-08 21:37 | Report Abuse

shark la, paus la, buaya la, hantu la, bota la, jin la, pontianak la ... tak habis-habis cerita karut ...


2014-08-08 21:34 | Report Abuse

Much the same way that HS moved his first additional rigs from Croatia to Kazakhstan ...


2014-08-08 21:33 | Report Abuse

By rail, I guess ... or rather mix of rail and road ... dismantle the ships into small transportable parts ... then re-assemble then again when they reach their destination ...


2014-08-08 21:25 | Report Abuse

I would look at PDZ if I had more cap ... Whatever the reasons are, there're obviously some interesting looking movements, and that is what is most important ...

But I'm all done now ... wholly taken up with Suma WB ...


2014-08-08 21:17 | Report Abuse

Maybe can use PDZ ships to ferry LNG, methanol, other petrochems etc. from future HS-owned petrochem complex in Manygstau Province across the Caspian Sea and onward across the Black Sea and Aegean Sea to Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy ...


2014-08-08 21:01 | Report Abuse

He must be from the old school ... the school that creeps up on one's chosen female, clubs her on the head and knocks her out cold, then carries her into his nest in the cave ... LOL


2014-08-08 20:56 | Report Abuse

YK bangin Eric? Dear oh dear. What is Suma world comin to, one wonders ...


2014-08-08 20:49 | Report Abuse

Stuff all the fears, worries, anxieties, doubts, whines, moans, cerita hantu etc. etc. etc. ...


2014-08-08 20:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-08 20:47 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-08 20:47 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-08 20:44 | Report Abuse

'hope the war will end by this weekend & sumatec continues uptrend.pray for what u think'

Dude, which war is this that you seem to be so convinced is affecting Suma really badly, one wonders ...


2014-08-08 20:41 | Report Abuse

Dudes, this is the real world. You want green every day? Try the Amazon, tropical Africa or Malaysia's very own Banjaran Titiwangsa ...


2014-08-08 17:40 | Report Abuse

'hi connie, all hunters are here not only to hunt for 'food' from KLSE but oso to 'hunt' u, hahaha'

Dude. A hunter is not supposed to tell his potential prey what is really on his mind. But, aaaaahhh, I guess you're still a young hunter ... LOL


2014-08-08 17:34 | Report Abuse

You see, WB pickin up again ...


2014-08-08 16:50 | Report Abuse

Have fun while counting your money and gauging your honey ...


2014-08-08 16:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-08 16:47 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-08 16:46 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-08 14:47 | Report Abuse

Eastern Ukraine is not even a limited conflict ... It won't escalate beyond a certain level ...

If it does, God forbid, then Russia will simply walk in and annex all of Ukraine ... and merge Russia and Ukraine into Greater Russia ... while Belarus will just happily follow suit and join the club ...


2014-08-08 14:44 | Report Abuse

War between who? Care to elaborate?


2014-08-08 14:41 | Report Abuse

'Maybe time to sell everything and go holiday'

Well, nobody is stopping you ...


2014-08-08 10:24 | Report Abuse

'all ppl in this forum are ikan bilis only. cannot do much on the share price. Just can keep talk and talk but can't do anything on the share price.'

KS_99, but you can't be so sure, can you? Your statement is rather grand, pompous and sweeping, but it might not be that accurate in actuality ...

For all you know, there could be hundreds of thousands of players and investors out there who're just reading this forum for guidance every day, but without actively taking part in the discussion.

You just never really know ...


2014-08-08 10:16 | Report Abuse

Conn, did you see me transformed into Ah Boon last nite ... visiting you in your dream ...


2014-08-08 10:10 | Report Abuse

'looking not good as DOJI is immenent appearing...with US Obama now preparing for another invasion air strike in Iraq..take profit for those who have already in.Dont be greedy..What goes up definetely will come down.'

Ha ha ha. Nice try, but it ain't workin. Dude.


2014-08-08 10:04 | Report Abuse

Well, from my own personal observation, over the last several months, WB has been maintaining a gap with Mother of 4 - 8 sen ...

So, worst case, WB 50 when Mother 58 ... best case, WB 50 when Mother 54 ...

50 no sweat ... today looking a bit difficult ... maybe next week ... or the week after that ...

It will come ... Matter of time ...


2014-08-08 09:58 | Report Abuse

'short erm = 'short term'; 'tap' = 'tak'



2014-08-08 09:57 | Report Abuse

Apa nak kecoh sangat red or green ... short erm aja tu .... buat naik blood pressure aja tap pasal-pasal buat apa ...

Just concern oneself with the long term ... It is ... richly, luxuriantly, verdantly, prosperously GREEN ...


2014-08-08 08:39 | Report Abuse

Last Friday, I sold 250 big lots of Suma WB @38.5, then bought 460 big lots of IFCA-MSC WA @20. Ingatkan nak main canggih konon, bikin profit kiri kanan, konon.

Tengok itu petang apa jadi? Suma WB up, IFCA-MSC WA down. Kelam kabut gua beli balik Suma WB@40, offload IFCA-MSC @19. Congak-congak, dekat RM7k net loss.

You see, that's what often happens when trying to be too clever. Nasib baik, the following Monday Suma WB up to 44 ... Cover balik Friday loss ...

Tapi sudah kurang profit lor ...


2014-08-07 18:01 | Report Abuse

I'll say some chants and transform myself to him tonite ... See if it works ...


2014-08-07 17:58 | Report Abuse

'Ready to doom'

Come see me some time. I hv some good medicine for your doom and gloom feeling ... LOL