
dudu | Joined since 2015-06-22

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2016-11-07 14:09 | Report Abuse

iloveshare128 : Again, i am not saying that RGB is a bad company... what I wanted to say is... even if you want to buy a good share, you should buy at cheap price (with margin of safety)... RGB's growth may be there, but it could have been over-exaggerated with its "highly-goreng" price now.....
You no need to say others thing, just say what share you recommend is enough.


2016-11-07 14:05 | Report Abuse

And when asking what share to recommend that fulfil your share selection criteria, you just give excuses. Come on show something.


2016-11-07 14:00 | Report Abuse

When Cold Eye silently collected RGB (I guess around 10sen or lower), did he openly recommend this stock to you and I? When he has accumulated enough shares, he openly recommended this share and it is time he is looking for a good price to sell...
Just read back what are you are saying......Cold eye give talk for free. You are only thinking he is going to do sell after his talk. Who is real narrow-minded thinking ???

When you always thinking people cheating you, how can you be success?


2016-11-07 13:13 | Report Abuse

They have no ability to foresee the prospect of the company and only focus on his mathematic sifu.


2016-11-07 13:09 | Report Abuse

Paperplane , If RGB reach 0.30, still will people jump out continue saying。。。0.19 overvalue.....0.23 overvalue....0.25 overvalue.....0.30 overvalue....but they never think company keep on growing and show better and better results.


2016-11-07 12:59 | Report Abuse

When Cold Eye silently collected RGB (I guess around 10sen or lower), did he openly recommend this stock to you and I? When he has accumulated enough shares, he openly recommended this share and it is time he is looking for a good price to sell... please think of the logic yourself... at 10sen, yes, RGB is undervalued, at current price... hmmm... i have told you the valuation...
Even cold eye did not openly recommend, this stock still will going up due to future value of this company. 不要以小人之心,渡君子之腹。你将永远原地踏步。以你目前的思维,相信你在股市还没有任何成就。

I strongly believe you are too young to understand investment world. Maybe after you prove yourself your philosophy is working (only you know base on your investment return), then only give advice to all of us.


2016-11-06 12:25 | Report Abuse

iloveshare128 : many experts here claimed they are better than KC Chong.. that is funny.. haha... does KC Chong use EV/EBIT or EV/EBITDA a lot? the answer is definitely yes... so you guys are smarter than KC Chong sifu in terms of calculating intrinsic value...
Again I can confirmed with you......calculating intrinsic value by using P/BV, EV/EBIT or EV/EBITDA is not the best way. I rather focus on FCF, future growing, dividend grow to assess future value than rely on calculate existing or past intrinsic value in my stock selection.

When you work as an analyst in investment bank, P/BV, EV/EBIT ,EV/EBITDA ect ...become more important to report to your boss and also articles publish to the public. Without this beautiful calculations, your analysis report seems no standard. But this can't help much in real investment return. By right, other things that are more important.......understand company business, future business progress, top management attitude, even visit to company's top management to understand the business and the boss attitude are much more important.

If you attend and listen to cold eye talk this Saturday, you will understand what I say here. Why cold eye so successful ? He only apply
G – Growth 成长
D – Dividend 股息
P – Price (PER) 价值
P – Profit 盈利
R – ROE 股东回酬
C – Cash Flow 营运现金流


No even touch P/BV, EV/EBIT ,EV/EBITDA. Maybe as what you say "KC Chong use EV/EBIT or EV/EBITDA a lot " is more successful than cold eye in investment world.


2016-11-04 17:02 | Report Abuse

Close 0.22。。。。2 days close with Hammer....... 美到。。。


2016-11-04 14:31 | Report Abuse

When people asking me this share can buy ar ?
What is the target price ?
I already know you are entering to share market with wrong perceptions.
If you want to buy shares just because want to sell it in short term for fast money, you are more tend to gambling in share market. Even though you earn money this time, how about next....next....and next time? For sure you will loss your money some days. When asking "this share can buy" or "what is the target price" means you didn't look it seriously in your investment. You are too rely on my buy call decision. By right, you should read the RGB's articles we post here and go study further for reconfirmation before making any decision. Money is the most important thing for investor. Don't simply put your money in share market without in depth study. Your money, only you can decide. Never ask others because he or she may be an lousy investor than you are.


2016-11-04 13:32 | Report Abuse

kql0003 :dudu tai lo, still can buy ah ,22c


2016-11-04 12:59 | Report Abuse

Uncle Lim get big pay got reason lah...... regardless to genting make big money. you go 打听打听


2016-11-04 12:46 | Report Abuse

tooky61,some sensitive issue can not openly disclose here. As you says management get to enjoy big pay and big esos. I can not directly commend here.

Just give you hint : Genting Boss Uncle Lim also receive big pay every year (highest in Malaysia).

Regarding dividend pay out.....financial yr 2016 dividend pay out no issue lah. But need patient a bit......can not too detail disclose.


2016-11-04 10:00 | Report Abuse

冯老师傅的教诲 :




2016-11-03 17:50 | Report Abuse

Little snake big big, technical movement need to get your advice lah.......


2016-11-03 16:53 | Report Abuse

0.215 close.......sui sui bo zao zui


2016-11-03 15:35 | Report Abuse

0.21 压不下 ??再来 big volume dump.....mari mari.....


2016-11-03 12:50 | Report Abuse

Iloveshare128, of couse i won't talk about others share here. We can talk the share you recommend in that particular share platform. Show us your opinions is working and convince us to accept? We even don't know who you are and you didn't even recommend a single good share for us.


2016-11-03 11:56 | Report Abuse

When challenge iloveshare128 to show which share worth to buy, (we want to analyse) he straight silent. So many theory and math but 无用武之地。


2016-11-03 11:15 | Report Abuse

iloveshare 128, I am so curious to know what share worth to buy now?
And what share you have in hand?
Do you mind to share? Then I will know better your position.


2016-11-03 11:09 | Report Abuse

I don't know who is KC Chong. But I know investment is not only mathematic.
I share my sifu investment philosophy as below , no difficult mathematic, simple calculations, but can do successfully in share market. But can you?


G – Growth 成长
D – Dividend 股息
P – Price (PER) 价值
P – Profit 盈利
R – ROE 股东回酬
C – Cash Flow 营运现金流

Give you this baby.....


2016-11-03 10:54 | Report Abuse

P/BV & EV/EBIT are good methods to know if a share price is overvalued or not.. i agree that cash flow, dividends and growth are important too.. did i say they are not important? they are equally important.. but what I wanted to say is, I prefer to look for shares that fulfill as many criteria as possible (good cash flow, low EV/EBIT, low P/BV, good dividend, etc)...

1) I want to ask you what share fulfil your above all criteria?
2) Your sell call is just because EV/EBIT and P/BV no fulfil?
If that is the story, you are based on EV/EBIT and P/BV to decide your investment.
And seems like all math teacher is super investors. Hihi......


2016-11-03 10:46 | Report Abuse

EV/EBITDA is even much better than EV/EBIT.


2016-11-03 10:33 | Report Abuse

EV/EBIT is slightly slightly slightl better than PE, but it doesn't bring much different to reflect the potential of one company.

EV/EBIT is still not low... => Of course lah baby, because for evaluation purpose EV/EBIT is almost similar to PE.


2016-11-03 09:41 | Report Abuse

iloveshare128 : P/BV and EV/EBIT is a good way to calculate its intrinsic value...
Even though Cold eye 77 years old, he keep on improving investment method. Still using P/BV for calculate its intrinsic value ?? Laugh die people lo...
















2016-11-02 20:30 | Report Abuse


记住,要不动如山,严重高估时才卖出 !!


2016-11-02 16:22 | Report Abuse

tooky61, you are absolutely right. 这3项是其中最重要的。P/BV这个已经是10年前被淘汰的分析指标。


2016-11-02 15:37 | Report Abuse

Other than bluechips : OFI, Hupseng, VS, Hevea, Liihen, Luchem, Esceram, suncon ect. if you use P/BV, how to ride on the up tren of these shares?


2016-11-02 15:23 | Report Abuse

if you want to apply P/BV, I recommend you Kekseng, Planitude, GOB, Asiapac, E&O, Orient, OSK, FACB, KSL, Trop, bjland and landmark. All these fulfil your requirement. But you invest at your own risk.


2016-11-02 15:01 | Report Abuse

publawyer678 : NTA of nestle RM2.81, share price RM79.00
If Nestle were to trade at the same P/BV as RGB, the share price should be <RM5.00 and not RM79.00. Understand?

Yalor, unbelievable !! Nowadays still got smart investors using P/BV to evaluate company meh?


2016-11-02 14:52 | Report Abuse

look at P/BV and enterprise multiple of RGB, obviously it is overvalued at current share price... u buy now, very high chance to be trapped......

Referring too many investment bank analysis, where they usually look at P/BV. P/BV can not apply to all field of business. 投资分析不能死死用 P/BV。而且这个P/BV在投资上不是很有用的分析指标。随便几拿只股好像Nestle,Dlady,QL,Kawan来说,用P/BV来做标准,根本是盲点处处。


2016-11-02 14:37 | Report Abuse

When gadang's price up tripple from RM1.2 to RM3.30 within 14 months, still got a lot of people buying. No body says it is over value and high chance to be trapped. Whereby gadang is a construction company, construction income margin is not stable. So PE should no be high, even PE10 is consider high.


2016-11-02 14:20 | Report Abuse

0.22 also overvalue? O.22 please trapped me gaogao....lah


2016-11-02 14:19 | Report Abuse

Yungi, I also as greedy as you are.


2016-11-02 12:09 | Report Abuse

dudu... unfortunately, RGB is no longer considered a "因低调而被市场忽各" share... it is a hot counter now...

对 hor。。。这股应该是说 ”之前太烂而被市场忽略“ 。。。还是说。。。“之前太多人中遭而连各大投行和投资导师也不敢介绍给学员”。。。I like all these comment....hehe...


2016-11-02 12:03 | Report Abuse

haha... when remisier like Alex Yu starts recommending ppl to buy.. it is time he is selling for his clients... too obvious...

I see. Thanks for your info. But I won't simply sell. Let others people sell first lah. I am not sensitive to trade now. 最近学到只吃鱼身。


2016-11-02 11:09 | Report Abuse

Yunqi Dangerous lo 。。。。

Very very Dangerous lo 。。。。。。hoho。。。hihi。。。haha


2016-11-02 11:06 | Report Abuse

冷眼 : 那些业绩可圈可点,但领导人默默耕耘,往往底子坚实,但因低调而被市场忽各,股价被低估。投资者如果勤做功课,不难发现这类股票,在别人不买时从容买进,长期持守,可获厚利。



2016-10-31 21:28 | Report Abuse

短期涨接近2倍,还要买 ? 还没起的低价比较适合我。


2016-10-31 20:21 | Report Abuse



2016-10-31 19:34 | Report Abuse

Benjamin 888, do you buy any RGB since last conversation?

No lar, I can beat the market just because I follow cold eye, buy good shares at low price. Never buy at high price like gadang. This is always true.


2016-10-31 17:45 | Report Abuse

char1234 RGB.......if other counter, hv flown to 15pct to 20 pct profit already.......its not first time testing 22 ........

Really can understand RGB FA and TA ??
Sure its not first time testing 22 ??


2016-10-28 20:39 | Report Abuse

Thanks excelyou.


2016-10-28 13:35 | Report Abuse

You can view it at iTrade@CIMB.。。。。。

Must login right?
If we can view at iTrade@CIMB, no need to ask you lar.......


2016-10-28 10:54 | Report Abuse

excelyou-san, can you attached CIMB report?


2016-10-27 20:53 | Report Abuse


What i can say is 。。。company is in good shape now。


2016-10-27 13:56 | Report Abuse

又在i3见到fattycat....hihi.... MATB我不认得呀......
其实最怕的是卖了好股,买烂股。 " opportunity cost " 这种是师傅人马说的话。


2016-10-27 10:29 | Report Abuse

Back to 2 years and before, RGB's FCF only achieved 20+ mil, but sleepy can foresee it's FCF increase double to 40+ mil today. He bought that time. No doubt, he is really super investor.


2016-10-27 09:21 | Report Abuse

I understand you never follow any of his stock picks, but what I would like to say is that you are super investor in investing RGB. Don't you?


2016-10-26 19:22 | Report Abuse

Sleepy123, are super investor as what KYY said.

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