
eagle100 | Joined since 2015-07-30

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2016-03-04 23:09 | Report Abuse

Halia, Msia punya style ada itu tong simen, ada C4. Hong Kong punya style taruh dlm luggage bag. Campur2 punya stail...lu buat satu


2016-03-04 22:59 | Report Abuse

hahaha bro stingray, you also follow their lingo ah
Kick the cow harder, haha


2016-03-04 22:35 | Report Abuse

tak payah argue lah. DJ baru bukak, sikalang -1.78
Nanti besok pagi bangun tgk dia merah ke hijau


2016-03-04 16:27 | Report Abuse

Sbb kalau aku hint huruf M atau W itulah maksudnya - naik turun naik turun. Atau turun naik turun naik. Hahaha,itula masalah hint2, orglain faham lain.


2016-03-04 16:25 | Report Abuse

Buatan Msia - M tu boleh maksud naik turun naik turun. Cap Wau bulan tu bukan simbol MAS ke? Flight naik turun naik turun, itu interpretasi aku


2016-03-04 16:22 | Report Abuse

Halia, kesian lu. Gua sideline HSI, pegi main stock, tak payah pening2.


2016-03-04 16:19 | Report Abuse

Saham, masalahnya dgn hint2 duit, byk interpretasi. Pada aku stop operasi van jenazah maksudnya dah takda mayat utk diangkut kat H. Maksudnya H bagus.Sbb halia, 4468 round2 tu kan nak pungut jenazah.


2016-03-04 15:34 | Report Abuse

Wah bro rchi you had so many AAX ah? Walao, they gorenging like no tomm


2016-03-04 15:23 | Report Abuse

Oh connie, say liao mah. AA did share buy back at 1.59 to 1.60. That got everyone more excited. Then itu EPF boom bang buy, lagi ppl excited. Then FF also together2 buy, 3x excited.

Also, seems TP is RM2 above, with 1st flight stop at RM1.80. And more good news forth coming, so this sentiment plus other stocks like tidur or down.... There is a reason why ppl very confident of the 1.80 TP one.

I also a bit scared of pull back, so disposed half liao.


2016-03-04 11:07 | Report Abuse

dont worry wsly, sure got one, you go see now,hehe


2016-03-04 10:40 | Report Abuse

Yesterday nite crude up to 35 also, then later back down to 34.80++
Ding dong few times


2016-03-03 21:38 | Report Abuse

haha two bits
LV bag I know. I support LCW when he plays
LW tak tau lah


2016-03-03 20:55 | Report Abuse

halia, lu hari2 panggil van jenazah dtg, byk suey tau. Itu pasal nanti tak earn.

Panggil van nama lain, guna tak ong punya nama


2016-03-03 20:11 | Report Abuse

stingray, yesterday earthquake in Indonesia there, deep sea mah
If effect, should we kena first. See KLCI, strong2, ending only wave surut


2016-03-03 20:10 | Report Abuse

hahaha bro Duit, if you lembap I handicapped snail lor.
Until now, see the charts connie & twobits draw also pening.


2016-03-03 19:47 | Report Abuse

hehe, Stingray very naughty. You think leh? haha


2016-03-03 16:01 | Report Abuse

Beo Duit, you here ruoanya. After trading hours only count lah. Now all busy looking at narket


2016-03-03 14:55 | Report Abuse

Yes, yeoh, AA flight.


2016-03-03 14:34 | Report Abuse

Skpetro.....tapi. sori, guna hp skrg


2016-03-03 14:33 | Report Abuse

Halia, AA dan sekutu2nya. Dah terbang sejak QR keluar
Satu lagi skoetro sbb crude oil naik. Taoi yg ni aku tak main


2016-03-03 14:30 | Report Abuse

Guys, kalau tak oasti, mai main stock atau stock warrant. Ada yg tgh flying skrg, tgklah


2016-03-03 12:15 | Report Abuse

Ini halia, lu pandai 6th & 7th sense mah. Kita org tak pandai mah, ikut sikit2, belajar lebih pengetahuan pun tak rugi. Ilmu kira2 ombak2 aku pening, haha.
Itu semua expert2 kira, aku tengok aje


2016-03-03 12:10 | Report Abuse

Goody, I follow this thread wor:

Their charts : http://chrissyconn.blogspot.my/
But not updated with latest, for HSI. They give out figures in the thread.


2016-03-03 11:56 | Report Abuse

Ben, supposed this is wave 4, not yet wave 5. But drop that time dunno big or not, as in like Jan 2016 hard lah.

With the uncertainty up or down of HSI, I went to stocks and monitor back KLCI calls since yesterday. More profit there, those uptrending stocks.


2016-03-03 11:38 | Report Abuse

goody & ben, supposed it's gap down to 19800+ or 19400++, around there. Then HSI up again to 20000 for this round.
The big drop belum lagi, seniors say lah. See for yourself


2016-03-03 11:34 | Report Abuse

Westgun, AA not boring, nicely up, hehe


2016-03-03 10:58 | Report Abuse

Moody cut rates news out liao yesterday afternoon mah, not meh?
Or only today the China/HK ppl read the news found out?


2016-03-03 10:47 | Report Abuse

Sailang, lu mana ada recover loss, kan dah untung byk2 kat C semalam?
This morning didnt sell?
Kita yg rugi kat H pun ada recover loss dah kat C semalam


2016-03-03 10:30 | Report Abuse

Thanks sis connie. AA announce share buy back at 1.59, 1.60 which they did 1 round yesterday, maybe this will stop the pull back level.

Posted by connie > Mar 3, 2016 10:20 AM | Report Abuse

sorry eagle for the late reply .. i have a tp of 1.68 for this upleg ! after which expect to pullback at 1.56 (38F .. note this is the ratio i used for a 4th wave dip .. can also be 50F and hence to monitor) and then may push up to 1.78/1.80 level ! however, if the 4th wave pullback is below 1.47, i will recount ...


2016-03-02 19:30 | Report Abuse

saham, kan Duitkwsp dah buat chart post kat i3, ambil kanta pembesar tengok lah dan kaji

Atau buat chart sendiri, kaji


2016-03-02 18:52 | Report Abuse

Connie, when you free can help see2 AA, which wave it's flying at now?
Already uptrending since QR results out. But I fly in late, eagle wings got stuck in HOng Kong, haha


2016-03-02 16:02 | Report Abuse

lucky year, HQ last trading day - 25 Mar


2016-03-02 14:08 | Report Abuse

Connie one is christyconn thread. I outside, using hp. You refresh thread look for duitkwsp thread for duit one.


2016-03-02 14:02 | Report Abuse

The expanding flat looks like our KLCI chart, which since last week supposed testing 1700 but tak lepas2.


2016-03-02 13:59 | Report Abuse

Goody, look at Duit's chart at wave thread or connie's recount of EW chart. Connie's count today up to 20198, duit one somewhere there also.


2016-03-02 12:20 | Report Abuse

Popcorn, HQ inventory already out of stock. So we play among ourselves. Like KLCI CIMB put calls,many times where got follow true value, ppl goreng the price.


2016-03-02 09:34 | Report Abuse

4468 want to be contration eh? HQ inventory sold out, harder to move


2016-03-01 16:09 | Report Abuse

Go ahead with whatever your plan popcorn. Give you moral support only.
Busy looking at one of my stock, it start uptrend


2016-03-01 16:06 | Report Abuse

Dua2 pun masuk mah Halia. Lebih krg macam popcorn lah, main kecil2. Aku rasa dia main lagi besar dari aku.
For me, equity/stock have the biggest investments, itu betul2 worry kalau apa2.
Main index sikit2, more interesting, hari2 tgk stock stagnant , jatuh pun boring


2016-03-01 15:56 | Report Abuse

Yeah popcorn, doesnt look like bomoh, at least not like our KLCI bomoh, hahaha.


2016-03-01 13:22 | Report Abuse

Typo - pening


2016-03-01 13:20 | Report Abuse

Popcorn,what jatuh? Here too oenung kepala, dunno talking which counter
Stimes they even discuss what price to buy c17, make condusibg, lol.


2016-03-01 11:52 | Report Abuse

hiyaa , sailang, dont talk abt C lah. Wait they say you taruh them abt C. Talk H back lah,haha.


2016-03-01 11:46 | Report Abuse

Nolah kakisaham. If other threads,lets say I do same thing as you all, dah lama kena report dah. Especially stock thread, out sikit, salah info sikit dah kena. Tak percaya boleh cuba lepak kat sana

Posted by kakisaham > Mar 1, 2016 11:37 AM | Report Abuse

Woi...tak mau kait ka oi....ada naik tu....perahu H tengah goncang...dia punya penumpang sangat sensitif tu,biasalah orang rugi...ai yo yo


2016-03-01 11:40 | Report Abuse

Halia, kat thread lain2, termasuk stock, tak macam ni.
Kalau thread lain topic lari, dah kena sound kaw2 dgn senior.
Kalau mcm u all boom bang, dah kena sembur upside down. rasanya inilah sebabnya kau dpt flag.

Anyway, suka hati u all lah, sembang2 satu sama lain.
Kenalah kita yg H cari thread H lain untuk bincang betul2 punya, bukan merapu.


2016-03-01 11:31 | Report Abuse

Halia, nak lepak bukalah satu thread baru, nak cakap apa pun tak apa.
Dtg lepak tak apa, insult2 ppl some more, all day and all night, takda respect forumer lain.
Org tegur sikit marah2 pulak, dah lama dah tgk, ini baru 1st time sound.


2016-03-01 11:28 | Report Abuse

No lah sailang. Other put, call threads in i3 not like that, tak pening kepala baca post2 nonsense.

If KLCI H25 thread, talk abt H25 only, lagi specific. If C12 thread, discuss C12 only, once a while ppl will mention other . Only this HQ thread suka sgt campur aduk


2016-03-01 11:21 | Report Abuse

Ini thread HQ, H punya thread, tentu cakap pasal HSI turun2. Lu org mau cakap pasal C17 ke, apa2 C, sana tentu cakap naik2. Discuss in respective threads


2016-02-29 22:42 | Report Abuse

hahaha Duit, the intervention ... team sounds like our KLCI bomoh style.