
earlyretirement | Joined since 2021-04-13

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2022-03-21 12:17 | Report Abuse

I have been hearing landbanks but nothing else. Correct me if I'm wrong.


2022-03-21 12:17 | Report Abuse

I wanted to have trust with all those lands that you guys talked about but I have not seen any results out of it. It's as if the business cannot be run at all. I wonder whether it's worth waiting for another year or so with CEO come and go (worst, if VT appoints himself to be one).

I have been hearing landbanks about nothing else. Am I wrong?


2022-03-21 11:04 | Report Abuse

Seriously, you guys still believe BJLand still got chance to revive? Even Jalil is escaping. Not that in think he can stay long when he was appointed. Haven't we given BJLand enough time amid all these dramas?


2021-07-29 16:59 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818


2021-07-27 14:31 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818


2021-07-23 13:19 | Report Abuse

Action speaks louder than words. From recent developments, I see Jalil is more of a talker so far. He can talk all he wants until the moon merges with the earth but I won't believe a word until I see what he said turn into actions. Otherwise, he is just VT's puppet/scapegoat. Definitely not super hero. Not hero. Nothing. Just an appointed CEO who has a job to do (besides talking). And no, VT is not charitable at all. He is a businessman. Not the trustable one. Not then, not now. In short, I don't believe a word from Jalil and VT until I see some real actions. (Yes, I know what stockraider will say but just save it ok? Agree to disagree please. It's not that difficult)


2021-07-21 13:42 | Report Abuse

Should have commented earlier but was caught up with work - my opinion is Jalil should have obtained the Board's approval before he made public announcement on matters as such. It looks very bad that another news came the next day clarifying that the Board has yet to deliberate the plans. I think the message sent by the Board was that "Hey, please clear with us before you tell it to the public like that".

Regardless whether the Board was earlier made aware of it or not, or whether the plans will eventually be deliberated and approved later in the Board Meeting ~ this is what I think :

It's very imprudent of Jalil to have done such a thing especially he's not a newbie CEO. It looks bad on both him and the organisation when the next day's news clarifying that the plans have yet to be deliberated at Board came out. It's also misleading and irresponsible to the public. We don't need a high profile star CEO. Just do your job and do it right. I am in a work position where I know how the Board works so I can tell you it isn't right that things are done this way and I hope this will be the last time he did it.

The whole event since Jalil came on board looks to me more "highlights" than actual work being put in. Yes you may ask me to fly kite but I'm looking for an opportunity to just cash out to recover the principal and leave. I honestly have no high hope in this whole thing unless I see actual action being taken.

Just my humble personal opinion which I believe I'm entitled to here. So don't attack me with foul language here. We are all adults. Learn to agree to disagree.


2021-07-01 17:19 | Report Abuse

Stockraider, do yourself a favour, just stop that God thing about VT and superhero thing about Jalil.

People are laughing whenever you made that remarks and you didn't know about it. I'm not a bad person, otherwise I would have let you go on and on and let people laugh more.

I genuinely wish BJCorp and BJLand the best as I am heavily vested in BJLand but let's just focus on facts and logical discussion shall we?!


2021-07-01 16:41 | Report Abuse

From stockraider :
"God" already summon "Super" jalil & "Good Samiritan" VT do a good wealth building job for us mah!

I salute you stockraider, I really do. I don't see this level of faith anywhere else except in you. Yes, you maybe right, I retire too early and don't know a thing!

You just reminded me how important to focus on hard facts. And no, I didn't get that from you.

Good luck everyone. Peace!


2021-07-01 13:40 | Report Abuse

I made the earlier comments because stockraider promised a big turnaround after end June, I remember I replied saying he has to justify if nothing happens because he was so sure and he "attacked" all differing opinions along the way.

Now stockraider said it will take time and patience to turn profits and we shouldn't expect things to happen so soon in end June. Why then in the first place he was so sure about end June and went down so hard on those disagreeing. I guess even after years, Stockraider will say it will take time and patience to turn profits and just have faith in superhero Jalil.

I hate to say this but I have to and it's not meant to attack anyone, just my opinion : VT is not a saint and Jalil is not a superhero. VT being VT will not change in his way in maximising profits for his own empire. It's Jalil's job to run the business so if he succeeds, he is not a superhero, he's just hired to do the job. And he is accountable if he fails.

Nothing will change if all factors remain the change (or almost the same). Believing this to be otherwise is called madness.

Just my humble opinion. No offence. Peace.


2021-06-30 15:39 | Report Abuse

I think what happens next is rather clear......


2021-06-30 15:39 | Report Abuse

I have been keeping an open mind in observing the heated debates from different camps here, for as long as I can but I think there's enough for me.


2021-06-30 15:37 | Report Abuse

Stockraider has been quiet since 23/6. I remember the end June promise that he made that superhero Jalil will save the shareholders. Guess no one is saved after all.


2021-06-25 17:23 | Report Abuse

Is it end June already now? Nothing seems to progress.


2021-06-15 11:40 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818


2021-06-08 12:37 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818


2021-06-03 19:03 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818


2021-06-02 16:03 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818


2021-05-24 09:38 | Report Abuse

Thank you @py1818


2021-05-21 17:07 | Report Abuse

Quite a number of last minute buying before closing.....


2021-05-21 14:51 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818


2021-05-21 12:15 | Report Abuse

@miniminer I agree with you on the sentiment part, hehehe......


2021-05-21 12:14 | Report Abuse

@Lam LH "IF" privatisation really happens and not another wolf cry...


2021-05-21 10:45 | Report Abuse

Funny, when the price goes up, it's because the prediction was right and when it goes down, it's because it was "talk-down". This is interesting.


2021-05-20 08:50 | Report Abuse

Thank you @py1818


2021-05-17 10:10 | Report Abuse

I salute you @stockraider on your faith in BJLand, VT and Jalil.

I have no issue on the bullish opinions here as I myself holds a considerable amount of BJLand.

And I tried so much to be open-minded to both camps and value the different opinions.

But your views on Jalil as superhero and VT becoming Buddha-liked are a little worrisome to be honest.

I want you to be right because then I can get back of the situation and I will not look at anything to do with BJ again...

But I hope you will still be here to justify when things are turning the opposite in end June. This is only fair.

Again, I hope you are right, for my own sake.

Just my opinion. No offence.


2021-05-17 10:05 | Report Abuse

@py1818 Thank you!


2021-05-06 13:15 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818


2021-05-04 21:50 | Report Abuse

Thanks as always @py1818


2021-04-30 08:54 | Report Abuse

@py1818 Thank you but the numbers look a bit odd. Wed closing at 0.325 right?


2021-04-28 17:16 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818


2021-04-27 17:13 | Report Abuse

Thanks again @py1818


2021-04-26 09:19 | Report Abuse

Thank you @py1818 as always. You don't deserve the negativities that have been said to you here. I am sure they are people here who appreciate your sharing. Everyone has a right to one's opinion, and those unkind verbal attack is uncalled for.


2021-04-21 23:37 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818


2021-04-21 09:15 | Report Abuse

@py1818 You are definitely not the bad hat here. Quite the opposite. I thank you for your daily bulletin and sincerity.


2021-04-20 15:06 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818 for the diligent sharing.


2021-04-20 08:45 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818


2021-04-16 14:45 | Report Abuse

Thank you @py1818


2021-04-16 10:13 | Report Abuse

It's like dompeilee vs lovetzy/stockraider


2021-04-15 22:54 | Report Abuse

Thanks so much @py1818


2021-04-15 16:14 | Report Abuse

Thanks @dompeilee


2021-04-15 16:07 | Report Abuse

Thanks miniminer. Main goal is to recover capital or minimise loss, and leave Bursa for good. My luck is not good in Bursa except for purchase of Maybank. I have always been in SGX since years. Thought to test water in Bursa and kena pulak. I will weigh and see.


2021-04-15 11:59 | Report Abuse

@AA555 聽起來,你是認為收購可能性大。誰是三點多巴仙的小股東?誰是餘下的十巴仙?


2021-04-15 11:21 | Report Abuse

Reached support 0.34 already


2021-04-15 09:32 | Report Abuse

Thanks @py1818 for the video clip. This kind of sharing is meaningful.


2021-04-14 23:49 | Report Abuse

Thanks a lot @py1818


2021-04-14 14:49 | Report Abuse

Lost steam already. Better add oil...


2021-04-14 11:32 | Report Abuse

Now all selling before going for lunch....


2021-04-14 11:31 | Report Abuse

Not strong enough to push through 0.37. Profit taking coming in. Or rather, loss cutting....


2021-04-14 09:09 | Report Abuse

but I am happier to be wrong, haha