
elbrutus | Joined since 2015-02-08

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2015-06-02 19:52 | Report Abuse

sorry wrong forum...1000 apologies


2015-06-02 19:51 | Report Abuse

a slight indifference occur d share will drop to RM1.00..what type of logic is that...exactly what what i commented above.


2015-06-02 19:49 | Report Abuse

@greatinventor...there r quite alot of people who...like d cantonese dialect says...SEK SEK SIEW SIEW PAN TOY PUI...betul tak ???


2015-06-02 17:01 | Report Abuse

welll....all good things must come to an end...but...i strongly believe is...TEMPORARY..only...so guys dont frown n aiyo...2morrow will be a better day...u seee..


2015-06-02 16:27 | Report Abuse

but looking at current trend...whoever operates if there r one or two...or more r controlling d share movements....in ur opinion best atau tak baik...ur views pls


2015-06-02 16:12 | Report Abuse

@alex3388..would ve preferred a steady increment over a short period of time....not so much hype n speculation.


2015-06-02 15:43 | Report Abuse

@AT...why d u mention that....its gonna be damn exciting soon...mind sharing wt all of us ???


2015-06-01 15:51 | Report Abuse

@alibabacoming...honestly tell us what do u gain coming here to give advice when u bloody well know that surrounding u r all stautch IFCA supporters n believers !! right guys ???


2015-06-01 15:43 | Report Abuse

one stray dog goes away..head drooping down another pariah comes along n starts barking like mad..watch out doggie doggie...the catcher may be here anytime...aus passient mein bruder


2015-06-01 15:21 | Report Abuse

we dont need to be LCLY...others might be jealous...but then again ...do we really care?? ha5


2015-06-01 15:20 | Report Abuse

guys can we pls pipe it down abit....stock shares r like human...very SIEW HAY...in cantonese....too loud alot ppl might be offended..sunyi2 lebih baik...kira wang pun shiok mah....ok


2015-06-01 14:08 | Report Abuse

@Bilis Bilis ur passion in monitoring our KLCI up n down movement together wt IFCAMSC price seems very interesting yet complicated...a simplilied version would ve been most greatly appreciated in future for d layman sake..tq........btw r u a minority shareholder or perhaps someone holding a substantial amount of this stock share ??? RSVP .


2015-05-31 20:11 | Report Abuse

at RM1.42 IFCA pe only 25,48.....ok what...what do u guys expects....0.5...0.85....can ...get...after bonus issue 2 for 1...


2015-05-31 20:08 | Report Abuse

guys look at MYEG pe...high very high OR low very low...u gauge n tell me mahal tak mahal...n i reinterate dont say got govt backing etc etc etc...


2015-05-31 18:32 | Report Abuse

@greatinvestor...always ve confidence in IFCA share price...never a doubt...what really worries me deeply is d present market conditions....so unpredictable yet so tempting..hope 4 d best


2015-05-31 18:19 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat nice 2 see u r over here...my home ground...tell u wont believe my ave price is 0.80ctsn not 1.80...since u seen so coc....k sure IFCA is overpriced n next price level is 0.85 ....when may i know d date or day ??? like i say b4 u answer me i shall pose u another query...what says u ??

News & Blogs

2015-05-31 18:12 | Report Abuse

enough said...bye2 guys ..no hard feelings pls...cheerio

News & Blogs

2015-05-31 18:08 | Report Abuse

@cooling..then whats about MYEG...after x still at RM2.50 approx..is that not overpriced ? n dont say they got govt backing !!! just cos IFCA is in d news these couple of weeks...u guys come out n jerit...tipu...mahal...not justified...come on man give them a break..


2015-05-31 18:05 | Report Abuse

guys..in my 30yrs++ playing d stock mart..ve seen my share of casatrophies...really scarry esp d 1997 financial collapse...but then again why r we still here dabbling in shares n still believing...FAITH n THE URGE TO SUCCEED...n primarily to make MONEY..not alot but cukup to enjoy life.... cos since d day we r born we struggled....i sincerely believe all humans deserved that very bit.

News & Blogs

2015-05-31 17:56 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat...me i wont cry cos u know why...i ve oredi got half my profit in pocket...what i worry n cry louder is due to u buggers CRYING WOLF all over d bloody place causing new IFCAMSC investors to panic ...serves no purpose at all bro..why u spread panic i dont ve d faintest idea n lastly what do u get or achieve by doing this act ?? goodness gracious


2015-05-31 17:48 | Report Abuse

present scenario...current share price at AM1.42..pretty justified based on 1st QR...if...only IF..their targetted objectives listed above by AT r met n achieved....share price reaching RM2 or more is commendable...justified....well deserved.


2015-05-31 17:29 | Report Abuse

guys...own judgement...IFCA 1st Q 2015..revenue 32m..PATapprox 10m...omg..ini macam co. mana mahu cari...QED

News & Blogs

2015-05-31 16:59 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat..d moment u realised that d present cabinet kena sinka...not only ifcamsc will kena cukup2 perhaps..u n i n most probably our next generation will kena sinka too...n u think its bloody funny n sinka...then continue to sinka here n there..then we see who has d last laugh n being a sinkalan...ans..u got a chance babe!!


2015-05-31 15:50 | Report Abuse

couldnt agree more wt AT...ve alittle bit of faith in MR Ken Yong n team...i strongly believe they r performing to their best of ability n that my frens cannot n shud not be far off.

News & Blogs

2015-05-31 15:43 | Report Abuse

@F22Raptor..que sera sera..4 me i use my own judgement n a little bit of six sense i ve n purchase a particular stock...i normally dont hear all d devils cry...if it drops..sayang..if it up ...hip hip hoorah...thats shud be d way..peaceful within oneself...period !!!!

News & Blogs

2015-05-31 15:25 | Report Abuse

@F22Raptor this fellow like in cantonese says...know alittle bit want to be representative....he doesnt knows 2013 what happens then in myeg then he mumbles reconmend in 2014..people talk north he talk coc,,,,k not south..


2015-05-31 14:53 | Report Abuse

@alex3388 n greatinvestor ......a 1000 likes

News & Blogs

2015-05-31 14:51 | Report Abuse

could ve make at 200k then...but like a sinkalan analsyt..where can...surely now can lo..shares they do move in mysterious ways bro...so dont just blah2 here blah2 there...u n i only men on d street so dont just simply nod ur head n says ya lo when u know nuts...sorryyy

News & Blogs

2015-05-31 14:47 | Report Abuse

@fortunebullz..was refering to 2013 period when even gst was not implemented yet...how to share wt govt..


2015-05-31 14:39 | Report Abuse

good take bro...time will tell...no pt arguing wt non believers..

News & Blogs

2015-05-31 14:34 | Report Abuse

@fortunebullz...same issue wt MYEG..way back in 2013..fr d horses mouth..silang buy at 0.80 cts..analsye d stock...wtf...only servicing roadtax simple errands for govt nta only 16cts then..how to buy...see now...was it not a even bigger scam than IFCA ???....reason we d boat is cos we ve simple minds..so make only simple money...dont
red eyed over ppl make money there..ok..in other words diam2 cukup n dont be a smart ass.


2015-05-31 01:33 | Report Abuse

@gaussian....u seems very confident that IFCA will touch RM1.00...mind sharing d exact date that it might touch that level...cos if u answer me i shall pose u another query...ok


2015-05-31 00:58 | Report Abuse

oic...btw i strongly believed that once committed stay focus cos like an old english saying...ROLLING STONE GATHER NO MOSS


2015-05-30 23:43 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75...in written mandarin no understand...any serious discussion..kindly translate..tq


2015-05-29 18:32 | Report Abuse

wintoni results like shit...in d jamban n yet share price still go up to 36.5 cts...where got meaning eh ???...can someone enlighten us perhaps...tq


2015-05-29 10:13 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75...good morn...looks n sounds more like ........SMALL MEN SYNDROME


2015-05-28 22:37 | Report Abuse

@alex35...i strongly believed that for d last 5 years Mr Ken Yong n his management team has truly worked their socks off to be where they r today n my bro...that is only d tip of d iceberg....god bless them if they r successful ...u dont need to wait for 15 - 20 yrs to touch ur 1st million....2 3 yrs down d line wt bonuses 3 for 1 u r almost there....remember PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE...n wt IFCAMSC u need to be...ask KEN YONG ..he will 100% agrees wt me...i know that
...btw MRNobody n ckwong86 i m not daydreaming...


2015-05-28 21:15 | Report Abuse

@ckwong86...precisely d point..firstly we r not gamblers...secondly n being loyal...if u ve bought 1000 shares of GENTING BHD in 1971 n 1000 shares of PUBLIC BANK BHD in 1985...u r now a multimillionaire...thats what ROYALTY can do for u my fren...tq


2015-05-28 21:01 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75..bro...like AT we do what we can...in these untidy times...IMDB probs. politic haggling...try to lend a helping hand for our IFCA bros who r at a loss ...TA FA all these technical notes i catch no ball but being a person who has his share of eating midnite porridge...we try to silence those who ve intent to smear our campaign...Mr KEn Yong i believe is a Hakka..n i truly trust my kind...tq


2015-05-28 20:42 | Report Abuse

ditto... FRONTKEN forum as well...if u dont mind...danke schon !!!


2015-05-28 20:40 | Report Abuse

@MrNobody....AT is here to provide some consoling words..like a good pastor he is...buying into IFCAMSC stock is on our own accord...nobody pointed a COLT45 at my or our heads n demands to buy this stock.. or else i ll make ur day...we r all not born yesterday..as such we make our own call...if it is a good n appropraite one why not invest...in my opinion..so far so good...so for everbody sake n not further make urself looks foolish...pls pee....off fr this forum like a real man n let all IFCA believers n followers ve their day...OK bro ????


2015-05-27 13:05 | Report Abuse

ACHTUNG...all parties...can we actually give all this unnesarry arguments a rest....day in day out argue here silang each other there ...in d end whoever wins...got prize get meh ? come on relax eh n be nice to each other..suggestion.. want to deliberate subject..got one nice one...!MDB...proposals to our govt ..how to tackle n solve this mega problem..that will be more useful..right ? ..instead of haggling over IFCAMSC !!!...pls give it a rest..my 2cts opinion..if.dont like dont accept...pls dont show me d 2 fingers...tq


2015-05-25 15:36 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75...that was what to be meant in d very 1st place ! amongst all IFCA bros. PRIME.OBJECTIVE is make dough to better our lives...if gaduh can cari makan register me immediately....they never ceased to amaze me lah....mein gott !!


2015-05-25 15:14 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75..was in this forum since FEB or MAR 15...now only i really notice alot alot alot of ORANG KECIL..n women ,,,if they deemed themselves to be...bloody hell


2015-05-25 14:52 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75...me tarzan still here...as said b4..always like ur style bro..always


2015-05-25 14:47 | Report Abuse

@solidcross..look here.. Share888 is not being a little boy..cos 1st if he is one he cannot trade stock shares..n 2nd..anybody who invested in a stock harap to see d best outcome from it...but u guys r pouring cold water wt all unnecesarry comments...ppl says hear these comments pun TOO WAH LAN....get into ur thick skulls..u motorheads n bugger off...to say it politely..


2015-05-25 13:45 | Report Abuse

@ hats off to all my FELLOWSHIP OF THE IFCA RING..


2015-05-25 13:42 | Report Abuse

@bennij n Share888....today lunch serve me DRAGON MEATalso got no taste...ha3... u know why..?? cos alot of bloody parasites hanging around my table..


2015-05-25 13:35 | Report Abuse

@Share888...want to tell u to RELAX bro...but cannot..me here same2 like u...get kacau by alot of negative ppl here...if i know magic i will definitely make them to shut up