
fakegoldfish | Joined since 2018-05-24

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2018-12-18 16:30 | Report Abuse

@vincentbravo INDEED the pariah management of Bahvest that BLEEDED the company for 5 years continuously! MY bets are this counter will be thoroughly INVESTIGATED its a matter of time & I hope the culprit that are involve in the insider trading will face the full wrath of law in New Malaysia. Hopefully SC will DESIGNATE this counter to prevent syndicate from operating this stock & continue to hurt those innocent investors...


2018-12-18 15:49 | Report Abuse

@vincenbravo YES tempted to buy BUT I ask myself why catch a falling knife? Rem operator of this stock are MERCILESS...it may actually go lower from here so better be safe than sorry! After all CASH is KING now plenty of great blue chips at super discounts, why invest on a stock that have been loosing for past 5 years?


2018-12-18 14:07 | Report Abuse

@OOwa Those are posting from 31 July 2018 stock price was at RM1.20


2018-12-18 13:24 | Report Abuse

Jul 31, 2018 10:35 AM | Report Abuse

@jjrock Sabah are famous for being the Wild Wild West. Those days counter such as REPCO could be manipulated from 50 cents to exceed RM250 while counter such as AOKAM could be goreng from few cents to exceed RM30 per shares. Probably at faraway Sabah it is easier to deceive gullible investors. You seem to rely a lot of mining report BUT have you conveniently forgot you are actually relying on the same management of Bahvest that have successfully bleed Bahvest for past 5 years? What are the chances the same management will deliver a decent profit to match current trading prices? Don't get me wrong I am not saying this stock are dead. Perhaps it may really rain gold in Sabah since you are so bullish...LOL.

Maybe prices may hit triple limit up to RM2.80 if that pleases you. To me it is risk & rewards factors. But for me Bahvest at current prices does not have any intrinsic value & does not offer any safety margin. Maybe your age profile suits your risk factors while as a retiree I am not keen in embarking on such risk. All my earlier comments above serve as a warning. I have never blame anyone for anything as the saying one can never buy the lowest & never sell the highest. Yr statement on there are no diff between investors & speculator amazed me. I invest to make profit & not to impress anyone. How others view me are irrelevant to me & are the least of my concern!

POSTED ON 31 July 2018. As I said before NEW FOOLS, OLD FOOLS & REGULAR FOOLS which one best used to describe Bahvest shareholders? Look who have the last laugh? Eat your heart out guys....LOL but then you can't stop those fools if they insisted on swimming with CROCODILES & SHARKS....As Albert Einstien famous quote:“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.


2018-12-18 13:15 | Report Abuse

OH dear what happened to this stock? Why drop so much? Cornerstone investor dumping non stop? IS this related to the exCM fugitive son that are missing in action? IS there any pending investigation from authorities? Can someone please shed some light pls?


2018-10-23 12:33 | Report Abuse

Ya its so funny to read the comments here, obviously there are loads of REGULAR FOOLS in KLSE & that is how BAHVEST management thrives on regular fools of KLSE by ramming the stock up & down by issuing warrants, esos, and all the traits of a CONMEN stock. Fully agreed with one commentator that if the management are unable to deliver profit for FISH what makes you all think the same management will deliver profits on GOLD? Why are there so many delusional so called traders or investors that are rushing in to swim with SHARKS & CROCODILES? As usual those counters in faraway Sabah always suffered PUMP &DUMP fate, its a matter of time the musical chair will stop for BAHVEST, good luck with swimmming with CROOOOOOOOOOKS...LOL Lets see how expensive opportunity cost will be for these REGULAR FOOLS!


2018-08-29 13:59 | Report Abuse

@jjrock Hey dude what's wrong with the share prices? Has the selldown got anything to do with MUSA AMAN to be charge in court soon? IS it raining gold in Sabah order? Don't be surprise if it die a slowly bleed to 70 to 80 cents level, any idea why Tabung Haji are selling if there are so much gold? I ask you because you write as if you are MR KNOW ALL....so old uncle like me need to seek your guidance....LOL


2018-08-23 16:53 | Report Abuse

@jjrock You are a fast learner, now at least you realize you are swimming with crooks. The same management have been screwing their shareholders for past 5 years, so what makes you think they will deliver a set of sterling results to rewards shareholders? Endless ESOS & issuance of new shares enough to screw everyone already...LOL but anyway here is wishing you it rain GOLD in Sabah ya!


2018-07-31 11:05 | Report Abuse

@jjrock I consider myself an Old Fool & have no wish to be a regular fools thus the word of caution. Cheers!


2018-07-31 10:59 | Report Abuse

@jjrock 3 types of fools: Old Fools New Fools & Regular Fools.


2018-07-31 10:46 | Report Abuse

@jjrock I wish you all the best in your speculation with the crooks, happy punting, Cheers!


2018-07-31 10:41 | Report Abuse

@jjrock Everyone are entitled to their opinion, only time will tell if Bahvest will be able to deliver the desire profit as time shall be the best proof.


2018-07-31 10:35 | Report Abuse

@jjrock Sabah are famous for being the Wild Wild West. Those days counter such as REPCO could be manipulated from 50 cents to exceed RM250 while counter such as AOKAM could be goreng from few cents to exceed RM30 per shares. Probably at faraway Sabah it is easier to deceive gullible investors. You seem to rely a lot of mining report BUT have you conveniently forgot you are actually relying on the same management of Bahvest that have successfully bleed Bahvest for past 5 years? What are the chances the same management will deliver a decent profit to match current trading prices? Don't get me wrong I am not saying this stock are dead. Perhaps it may really rain gold in Sabah since you are so bullish...LOL.

Maybe prices may hit triple limit up to RM2.80 if that pleases you. To me it is risk & rewards factors. But for me Bahvest at current prices does not have any intrinsic value & does not offer any safety margin. Maybe your age profile suits your risk factors while as a retiree I am not keen in embarking on such risk. All my earlier comments above serve as a warning. I have never blame anyone for anything as the saying one can never buy the lowest & never sell the highest. Yr statement on there are no diff between investors & speculator amazed me. I invest to make profit & not to impress anyone. How others view me are irrelevant to me & are the least of my concern!


2018-07-23 16:12 | Report Abuse

@OOwa well I have been out from market since 2017 in view of GE & patiently waiting for the overdue correction esp impending trade war, anything wrong with that dude? Been thru 97/98 Asia Financial crisis & 08/09 Lehman crisis, why can't you take this as a friendly warning dude. Did I mean you any harm? Ever heard a sell call is always in good faith? Anyway if you are such a great trader by all means punt your wealth away since you are so genius in market!


2018-07-23 11:41 | Report Abuse

@Oowa GREED BREED GREED that is human nature...


2018-07-23 11:40 | Report Abuse

@hero666 I so happen to know the owner & operator of this stock & we got in couple of years ago at below 40 cents but have reaped profit before the last crash. Yes I do not own any of Bahvest now. So whats your problem dude?! You can continue ue to speculate & I have my freedom to comments, anything wrong dude?


2018-07-23 11:36 | Report Abuse

@jjrock ask yourself are you an investor or speculator? What are the fundamentals value of Bahvest a loss making company for the past 5 years? What are the rationale paying for a piece of share that is trading at all time high? Have you conducted a site visit to Bahvest Sabah? Have you visited their fish farm? Have you visited the so called gold mining site? Are you delusional in paying RM1.20 for a piece of shares that has been loosing money past 5 years? Do you seriously think Bahvest are worth that much? You don't have to agree to my opinion but perhaps you may take my word as a caution, since I meant you no harm, good luck & happy investing. Lets see who have the last laugh. My guess are you are probably a traders & not a long term investors.


2018-07-20 16:08 | Report Abuse

Operator will drive prices to this level 1.40 more or less & operator will start feeding everyday. You will take note they print ESOS non stop. Will MACC start investigating the injection of the gold concession into BAHVEST? MACC should investigate how Bahvest are closely related thru proxies to Musa son Hafetz who are now missing in action. A loss making company for past 5 years with a market cap near RM850 million! Little wonder why operators could sustain with so many delusional greedy investors? Good luck guys if there are so much gold in Sabah why wait till now? Greed breed greed...


2018-06-06 12:30 | Report Abuse

Will new govt in Sabah lodge MACC report on goldmine injection into Bahvest?? Will investigation can commence soon? Next Monday first Sabah assembly convene, probably vote of no confidence against Musa Aman. Most probably after that all loop sided concession awarded during ex cm tenure will be investigated.


2018-06-01 12:02 | Report Abuse

Operator doing ESOS non stop surely they have to pump & dump. Sendir goring sender shiok.


2018-06-01 10:15 | Report Abuse

Market cap at RM730 million, as if the gold mine belongs to Musa Aman grandfather, if MACC do not investigate the injection of goldmine concession into Bahvest then it will be a black swan event under the new govt.


2018-05-24 14:11 | Report Abuse

Staronline Police looking for ex CM Musa Aman. Shit will hit the fan sooner!


2018-05-24 13:50 | Report Abuse

Did the injection of the gold mine concession into Bahvest go thru Sabah State assembly? What are the chances of new Sabah govt investigate the whole concession?


2018-05-24 11:29 | Report Abuse

Bahvest management never for once deliver profit for past 5 years! That tell you what kind of management they have, gold or no gold shareholders always got screwed. ESOS non stop taking shareholders for a ride!


2018-05-24 10:41 | Report Abuse

MACC lead by Azam baki in Sabah. IF CM are arrested, gold concession will be investigated by MACC & probably maybe revoke. ALL Musa Aman previous concession be it FMU or any concession are to be review by MACC. Run before panic selling start!