
finfreedomp | Joined since 2021-06-18

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2021-07-10 21:19 | Report Abuse

short player short position more than 200 million shares, why investors lend the share, which will result in dumping and hurt them. some say, investors know the fundamental, understand the share will rebound back to the intrinsic value, they will not suffer loss ultimately, because they don't care short term price fluctuation. besides that, they earn interest on lending share, and have opportunity to increase investment when the share drop to attractive value.


2021-07-09 19:21 | Report Abuse

if short player continue to recover short position, highly likely that, it is bottom and correct timing. holding short position is just wasting interest and dividend cost. when no short sentiment in the market, the only direction is up


2021-07-09 11:39 | Report Abuse

short position 219.8 million shares as at 0708, 233.7 million shares as at 0707, 242.9 million shares as at 0706, 249.4 million shares as at 0617. if short player really recover short position, highly probably it is bottom already


2021-07-09 10:57 | Report Abuse

follow fundamental, if TG long term profit 4.1b, EPS 0.5, 12 PE and above, it worth more than $6. if profit 3.3b, EPS 0.4, 12 PE and above, it worth more than $4.80. if profit 2.5b, EPS 0.3, 12 PE and above, it worth more than $3.60. JPM predict everything will back to normal, so TG only worth $3.60, time will prove, we will back to normal very soon or we will have to live in new normal (cannot back to normal)


2021-07-08 09:42 | Report Abuse

Short position drop to 233.7 million share as at 0707, if short player really close position below 4, means it is bottom now, direction is going to turn. Please take note of other factors which will affect sentiment


2021-07-05 11:05 | Report Abuse

wait for turnaround signal, eg us lift ban, virus spread, supply and demand, ASP, quarterly result, dividend policy etc


2021-07-04 10:14 | Report Abuse

new fund is waiting and will buy undervalue share without hesitate, when turnaround signal show up, eg US lift ban, virus spread worsen, oversupply of glove is not serious, TG result show ASP drop is minor etc. The deeper it drop, the stronger it rebound


2021-07-04 10:04 | Report Abuse

why bother analyst's TP, they want us see, what they want us to see. so when they want to sell, they give good future. when they want to buy, they give bad future. please believe in fundamental, if TG has long term profit 3.3b, then EPS is 0.4, with 12 PE and above, it worth more than 4.80.


2021-07-02 22:45 | Report Abuse

If TG long term profit 4.1b, then EPS 0.5, 12 PE worth 6.00. If profit 3.3b, EPS 0.4, worth 4.80. Time will prove how much is TG worth.


2021-07-02 20:49 | Report Abuse

Low volumn, this is short player right hand sell to left hand fake value, not true market value. New fund will buy the undervalue share when it drop to their target price and when 4Q result is released, be ready to grab more cheap share


2021-07-01 21:32 | Report Abuse

according to 2020 annual report, 7.6b share is owned by 2510 holders (more than 100k per holder), 0.3b share is owned by 11661 holders (10k~100k per holder), 0.2b share is owned by 65908 holders (less than 10k per holder). short player is targeting substantial shareholder to suffer margin call, small investor only control 0.5b share compare to short position 0.25b share. so pray substantial shareholder fight back


2021-07-01 17:53 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Lim has 2.15b share x 0.18 = $387 million, able to buy 387/4.1 = 94 million share


2021-07-01 17:46 | Report Abuse

If TG continue to post good result and pay high dividend, how long can short player bear the cost as nobody is willing to sell at low price and abondom good quarterly dividend. But if shareholders loss confidence then short player will take the opportunity to recover short position (they are running out of time) and make profit against shareholders


2021-07-01 17:18 | Report Abuse

relax, volumn is low, virus (delta variance) is worsen instead of better, so short player has to do his best before September (announce result) to force margin call to recover short position.


2021-06-29 13:56 | Report Abuse

volumn low, nobody is willing to sell at low price. nobody is willing to buy now, because of ASP uncertainty. if vaccine unable to resolve virus spread, then glove will be thrive again. short position will has to recover at whatever cost


2021-06-26 10:29 | Report Abuse

Nobody know what will happen in this coming winter, lets showdown in this winter. This is why short player force shareholders confidence to collapse before winter so that they can recover short position, instead of persuade more to buy so that they can short sell more. We see what other want us to see, so please understand the reality and make profit


2021-06-26 10:10 | Report Abuse

Somebody said, virus less active in summer, winter is coming, time will prove


2021-06-20 15:44 | Report Abuse

According to analysis, a few years later, TG will value below 4 or 3, because glove ASP will back to 100 if virus disappear. If you feel TG will do nothing to improve competitiveness and profitability, please don't hold TG share. If you feel TG will R&D and diversify to improve EPS to compensate glove dipping ASP, then TG has good potential to grow stronger. Time will prove which way TG will go