
focusinvestor | Joined since 2017-08-18

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2017-10-19 09:51 | Report Abuse

@Felda settlers, very sad to say your vote can be bought with share price. By right which party to vote is based on their mission, vision and ability to form a good government and implement good corporate governance in their administration and taking care residents welfare.

Posted by Felda_settlers > Oct 19, 2017 09:26 AM | Report Abuse

FGV no RM 2.5 don't expect 90% votes from us.


2017-10-19 09:01 | Report Abuse

@FGV_ do you think he is dare to call for press conference ?, i think he learned from pass mistake to call for press conference and expose on internal affair and subsequently impact FGV share price badly. As a CEO, he cannot jump the gun and act above PM. At least it is a good lesson learn for him.

Posted by FGV_ > Oct 17, 2017 05:10 AM | Report Abuse

Among FGV top management only Z is media friendly not Khairil, Azhar or Sulaiman. Will Z give press conference on his comeback this week?


2017-10-13 16:16 | Report Abuse

@Good_buy, I always consistent with my posting whether the share price is up or down. Fact is fact and Fundamentals will be a strong basis to rely on. FYI, you are wrong to claim that i miss FGV gains. I bought at 1.57 and sold at 1.82, haa haa. I foresee it will drop again once Q3 result announce.

Posted by Good_buy > Oct 12, 2017 12:21 PM | Report Abuse

Agree. focusinvestor talk bad since last week. He miss FGV gains.

thenewbee Haha from the surge of 1.7 to 1.85 ? Those who didn't join earlier said that there is no hope in this counter. Other people already buying banyak lo. Retrace few Sen? Opportunity to add on lo, for me the breakout just started, it will at least touch 1.9-.2 before the reversal . Healthy correction today slow and steady
12/10/2017 12:06


2017-10-13 16:05 | Report Abuse

@Ring, have you read the latest annual report ? How many % of LLA fees as compare to revenue ? very small percentage.

Posted by Ring > Oct 13, 2017 12:38 PM | Report Abuse

Haha all profit goes to LLA only survival need new assets injected


2017-10-12 12:00 | Report Abuse

@Chaostrader, i post about this before that to retail trader they prefer Z to comeback, but for institutional investor they are looking at big picture. Fundamental will be a basis of their investment.

Posted by Chaostrader > Oct 11, 2017 07:49 PM | Report Abuse

LTH juz disposed 240k shares...that's not a vote of confidence!!


2017-10-09 11:25 | Report Abuse

I wish Z not to be back to FGV. Let Datuk Azhar turnaround the company. Datuk Azhar approach is convincing and more talented as compare to Z.


2017-10-05 13:47 | Report Abuse

@meisarel the market perception still think that Datuk Wira Azhar is the right person to helm FGV as of now till he proof him self with a better result in either Q1-2018 or Q2-2018. We need to give him time, do not expect miracle result in Q3-2017 or Q4-2017 as the turnaround for giant company may take sometime, look at MAS as an example.

Posted by meisarel > Oct 5, 2017 01:34 PM | Report Abuse

Hopefully, Azhar is the right guy to clear this mess and put all things back on track.


2017-10-05 11:08 | Report Abuse

@carilembu, you are right, if the manager tidur then replace with the new one and ask the new manager to work harder and bring profit to the company. If you follow FGV development, they are replanting to replace old trees and also planting on acquired land at Miri and Kalimantan. Replanting/Planting new trees will take time to realize the fruits and it is not like planting today and harvest tomorrow.

On Z matters, I am not sure why retail trader insist on Z coming back ? Is he a really good CEO ? I said this because from institutional investor perspective, whether Z coming back or not will not have impact to FGV. What really matters to them is whether Dato Azhar will drive FGV to a better result. For institutional investor, company fundamental will be a solid ground for investment.

Posted by carilembu > Oct 4, 2017 04:09 PM | Report Abuse

lu mau fgv 2.50, lu minta bn buat apa. Jibkor sudah kasi azhar jadi chairman mah, lu shareholders pergi paksa dia kerja keras, jangan buang duit labur projek talak untung, buang manager tidur kasi ganti manager kerja kuat kasi keluaran minyak sawit naik, Tanah manyak luas, tentukan semua keluar hasil, balu fgv untung besar mah. Bila untung besar, fgv bukan saja boleh naik 2.50, sampai 10 pun boleh.


2017-09-28 14:37 | Report Abuse

I still believe the share price is under value and will be up very soon. DI result and GE-14 is not the only factor to push share price up/down. Price movement (up/down) and sustainability will be very much dependent on institutional investor acquisition for a long term investment.

Some people said no effect of Datuk Azhar appointment and him buying FGV share, but I still believe he is doing some changes and will drive the business for a better growth as compare to previous leader. Effect of the changes cannot be seen overnight. Hence, positive movement usually translated in a better financial result. Q1-2018 or Q2-2018 will be a good financial result to watch-out.


2017-09-21 14:53 | Report Abuse

To me very simple, if the chairman acquired some share in open market, indirectly tell me that the price will increase.


2017-09-20 14:38 | Report Abuse

Heard some positive news....wait for announcement


2017-09-20 10:03 | Report Abuse

agreed with you @GoodCompanies, well said.


2017-09-13 14:13 | Report Abuse

According to previous press statement, non of FGV BOD will be the members of DI panel. Hence, the evaluation, fact findings, resolution is from neutral party but still within FGV Group.

Quoted from THE STAR on 4th July 2017 :-

“The board has established an appropriate panel from within the FGV group, whereby the members of the panel shall not consist any of FGV directors,” the group said in the statement.

“The board shall only provide the necessary announcement when the panel has presented its findings to the board and a resolution has been reached.



2017-09-13 11:44 | Report Abuse

@AdCool, I think Azhar is doing a right thing to delay the result, he just joined last Friday and please do not expect him to deliver DI result in 2-3 days. He need to know in detail of the case, fact finding and recommendation from DI panel before he can announce the result. He know that whatever the result will impact him indirectly as a Chairman and FGV as a whole. Thus, he need to be prepared to face all the consequences.


2017-09-08 16:26 | Report Abuse

New Chairman still young and previously people are talking about him taking over FGV CEO seat when he resigned from Malakoff. But, now with a surprise appointment as a Chairman, he may probably form a new management team with a strong direction moving forward to put back FGV on track. Hope price will reach RM 3 before GE 14.


2017-09-08 15:57 | Report Abuse

@Maceve you are right, Z is inmaterial considering the new Chairman good track record in corporate world and has been CEO in a few big corporation prior to this appointment also his experienced in Plantation Industry during his tenure with Sime Darby.


2017-09-08 15:49 | Report Abuse

emmm....look like next week will up again with another news.


2017-09-07 09:59 | Report Abuse

agreed with @dam82, they really need someone capable to run the company and generate profit.


2017-08-23 10:10 | Report Abuse

On Monday, SIGGAS drop to 0.95 but recover back and close at 1.10.


2017-08-21 10:22 | Report Abuse

rich, according to FGV Annual Report 2016, FGV owned 55,297 Ha of Landbank in Malaysia and 22,578 Ha of Landbank in Indonesia. The remaining 362,747 Ha is a leased Land from Felda. Hence, your calculation of (400,000 Ha <> 988,421 acres) x RM 125k is not valid.

Posted by rlch > Aug 20, 2017 11:39 AM | Report Abuse

1 hectare=2.47105 acres. If 400,000(actual far more) hectares total acreages FGV has is 988,421 acres. If time RM 125,000 per acre we get FGV valuation at RM 123.5 billion.


2017-08-18 11:13 | Report Abuse

No politic here pls, interested to read only stock related posting