Blog Posts
2024-02-27 07:32 | Report Abuse
Wellness: Out of 117 mn profit - 15 mn is interest income, 27 mn is other gain and 15 mn is fx gain so core profit is 60 mn. In addition you are assuming that they dont need any cash to run the business.
2024-02-27 07:24 | Report Abuse
Is this acquisition under parent listed malaysian company?
2023-05-31 21:53 | Report Abuse
Did anyone attend AGM and have notes. Highly appreciated
2023-05-31 21:42 | Report Abuse
Are there any AGM notes published?
2022-08-18 20:45 | Report Abuse
lot of it is fx gain moe than 10 mn
2022-05-31 11:08 | Report Abuse
Usually they publish notes of their AGM. I have not seen any this time. Has anybody seen or written notes of AGM
2022-05-27 21:24 | Report Abuse
Jking : Numbers look very disappointing at 21 mn versus your expectation of 25-30 mn. Clearly GPM got affected - did they comment on GPM and ASP in AGM? Can they raise prices?
2022-04-29 07:42 | Report Abuse
JKing: I missed that they have reduced workforce by 20%. Which Page is in AnnualRport. What I liked was its one of few companies where employee cost increased way lower than revenue growth?
2022-04-27 20:32 | Report Abuse
Hi EeRick lee : is ur previous comment after reading latest annual report. i did not see any comment regarding capacity expansion in teh latest AR?
2022-04-24 22:19 | Report Abuse
Dhando : 2021 has 13 mn FX Gain should it not be exceptional and 5.6 mn of gain on PPE - it should also be one off. If I take out these 18.6 mn - profit should be 78 mn & its mkt cap is 811 mn so PE is 10.4 X according to me?
2022-04-24 15:20 | Report Abuse
Dhando : 8x PE you are assuming 25% growth profit or this year? I have not followed the company for long time - is this the first time they are doing buyback resolution as many companies I have seen taking resolution but not doing it?
2022-04-21 16:57 | Report Abuse
This business has very high NPM, low capital expenditure- Fixed Asset and working capital also reasonable - why they are able to achieve this. Do they have technology or is it because they focus on niche area?
2022-04-21 13:03 | Report Abuse
I dont know if there is private message function in kise as I dont want to bother other participant with so many questions
2022-04-21 13:02 | Report Abuse
Dhando : I have lots of questions and I cant find any analyst report, so bothering you again? rWhen there is so much demand - why they have only 3-4 customers? Are these customers introduced by Wistron or are their own? Are they having capacity issue and in future they need to spend to expand and growth will increase?
2022-04-20 20:16 | Report Abuse
I have been new to this company. I found above discussion useful and I have some questions. So they are OEM supplier for Wistron and ODM they have only two customers Sony and Yamaha. If I read 2020 Annual Report : 212 mn RM sales is towards Wistron which is 27% of turnover - so its customer C. Page 78 shows revenue from Top3 customer is A : Sony & B is Yamaha? Are investors not worried about customer concentration risk. Any thoughts on how can they grow the business as they must be already key for existing 3 customers, hence its hard for them to grow unless they find some new significant customers. Lastly over the last 3-4 years the company net margin has improved from 4.7% to 8.4% (GPM up from 10 to15%)- any reason why it has improved and is it sustainable? Appreciate responses and do the management share any investor presentation as I cant find any research besides financial reports?
2021-08-19 20:54 | Report Abuse
I am new retail investor. It seems 1st half results have significant fx gains - which no one can predict will be there in 2nd half? How do you think about seasonality - 3q and 4q vs 1st half? Last year 3q was very good but not 4q?
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Humble investor : Many thanks for sharing video. Very useful