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gkkjohn | Joined since 2010-10-24

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2013-11-29 17:24 | Report Abuse

I agree with you LS.The acquisition of Versatile must be completed first before the price moves. They are shuffling their cards now. Felda wants to make easy money just like PNB with iris in 2 years.TSJ also think the same. The royalty also think the same. We, the shareholders think the same. Now, be patient. Wait for the Moment. Meanwhile, don't play Contra if you don't want further delay in the upward swing.


2013-10-28 12:15 | Report Abuse

Felda will qualify for the dividend to be paid on nov 28 if they acquired and paid for the shares before nov 6. Every little count and the timing is very important. So, be patient, guys and gals.


2013-10-28 12:08 | Report Abuse

Wait for the announcement that Felda has paid up for the 25% of iris paid-up shares first which should before 6 nov. Then see the price zoom.


2013-09-25 21:10 | Report Abuse

PNB also want Iris shares to move up. Two years ago, they bought 10% of iris paid up capital at 15.5 sen per share. PNB is not known to invest in Ace Market conter.


2013-09-25 17:55 | Report Abuse

Only when the shareholders give aye to Felda on next mon EGM, will the price move to a higher level. Wait and be patient.


2013-09-07 22:39 | Report Abuse

Vinvin, they must go through the formality first, approval will be given subsequently. This is a win & win & win situation for all parties concerned. Allow time for price to move up, be patient.


2013-09-07 15:48 | Report Abuse

Vinvin, let's assume this. We use 06.09.13 closing price as reference. You have RM 21000, and can buy 100000 Iris mother shares. If it hit TP @ 28sen, you will make RM 7000 theoretically or approx 33%. I have also RM 21000, and I buy the warrant B @ 12.5 sen. I will get 168000 shares. If it hit at 18 sen, my profit will be 9240 or 44%. See the difference. Even we have to wait for 6 month or a year, it is still worth it, considering that bank interest is only 3% per annum.


2013-09-07 15:22 | Report Abuse

Vinvin, Iris is making profits in excess of 20 mil annually
the last couple of years and also giving out around 5% div each year. It is ready to move into main board. Otherwise PNB will not take up position in a counter in Ace Market. They bought at15.5 sen per share more than a year ago. Right now, they are making about 40% at current market price, and will go up to about 80% when Iris hit TP at 28 sen.


2013-09-07 13:49 | Report Abuse

Vinvin, when mother share moves, the son tag along, not necessarily at the difference of the conversion price. Remember that warrant B was not given free, you have to pay for it at 5 sen per share.


2013-09-07 11:59 | Report Abuse

Buy warrant B will be better option. Close at 0.125 against mother share at 0.21 on friday.If mother hit TP at 0.28, then warrant B will at least be 0.18. It is approx 50 percent gain compare to 25 percent gain when buying mother share, right.?


2013-05-21 07:12 | Report Abuse

Watch-out for Iris Warrant B. The Mother will be proud of its incredulous jump. I jump and you also jump better