
greedy44444 | Joined since 2020-04-22

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2020-12-01 00:09 | Report Abuse

Be patient guys...bright future ahead


2020-11-30 19:47 | Report Abuse

Excellent qr result...44 million profit. Still having sweet dreams ??

News & Blogs

2020-11-30 13:45 | Report Abuse

Con man at his best... naive followers pls wake up b4 you have to sell your house for your failed investment !!


2020-11-30 13:41 | Report Abuse

Con man at his best


2020-11-30 13:37 | Report Abuse

Adalah sangat menarik kita menganalisi Kanapa KYY bertukar nada dari " Cintakan AT menjadi Lawan AT"? Beliau mengatakan beliau telah disalahfaham untuk membeli saham AT. Sebagai seorang pelabur yang berpengalaman dan disanjung tinggi oleh pelabur di kalangan saham Malayisa, adakah KYY akan melakukan kesalahan yang sebegitu rendah" Low class mistake"? Takkan lah beliau hanya dengan "cakap saja" tanpa membuat kajian yang sepatutnya sebelum beliau membeli saham yang diperkenalkan oleh seseorang? Adakah KYY mudah dipengaruh dan membuat sesuatu keputusan tanpa rujukan yang teliti? Hanya KYY yang tahu, apakah " Udang Disebalik Batu" ?

Segala informasi yang disenarai oleh KYY bukanlah sesuatu RAHSIA dan ia adalah sesuatu yang umum kepada orang ramai, Takkanlah KYY tidak tahu AT belum menghasilkan " Glove" dan syarikat ini melaporkan kerugian berturut turut 7 Kuarter?

Lawatan KYY ke kilang ATS menunjukkan ATS akan menjalankan operasi pengeluaran "Glove" di masa depan. KYY dengan rombongan lawatan yang lain pasti mendapat penjelasan dari orang atasan tentang jadual pemasangan mesin. Kenapa KYY masih menekankan ATS belum menghasilkan SATU(1) medical glove? Ini sangat menghairankan terutama kenyataan sebegini disampaikan oleh sesorang tokoh yang berpengalaman dalam pasaran saham dan disanjung tinggi dikalangan pengikutnya.

Kesimpulannya, KYY bukanlah pelabur saham yang sebarangan, hanya beliau yang tahu apa Motif beliau bila menulis blog tentang AT(0072), tetapi sebagai orang luar yang membacanya dan mengetahui asal usul yang sebenarnya, mereka pasti bersenyum di dalam hati " aiyoyo,,, Anggur itu mesti MASAM kalau tidak dapat dirasakan atau MUKA BERUKAR MERAH Bila tidak dapat sesuatu". Saya biarkan pembaca blog ini sendiri mentaksirkan apa MOTIF beliau disebaliknya ??


2020-11-30 13:37 | Report Abuse

KYY vs AT (0072) - Apakah Motif Beliau Disebalik Batu??

KYY seorang pelabur yang terkenal di pasaran saham Malayisa. Beliau ada ramai pengikut setia. Bila KYY menulis blog tentang sesuatu, maka ia mendapat perhatian umum.

Kebelakangan ini KYY menerbitkan beberapa blog tentang saham Kaunter AT(0072) dan mendapat perhatian hangat diantara pelabur saham kaunter AT (0072).

AT(0072) mendapat perhatian pelabur selepas mengumumkan penglibatan syarikat dalam pengeluaran "Glove" pada akhir tahun ini. Pelabur setia AT(0072) mempercayakan AT(0072) akan menjadi salah satu Kaunter yang berselari dengan kaunter "Glove" yang lain di masa depan.

Apakah Motif KYY sekarang bila beliau menulis blog tentang AT(0072) Kaunter? Kenapa AT(0072) Kaunter mendapat perhatian KYY? Kan AT(0072) kaunter hanya "Penny Stock" dan sepatutnya ia bukan "selera" tokoh tokoh saham seperti KYY?

Mengikut informasi yang didapati di dalam, Inilah senarai blog yang diterbit oleh KYY tentang Kaunter AT(0072):

1. 13/11/2020 - AT Glove Production Capacity

2. 15/11/2020 - ATS is an exception to my stock selection rule

3. 17/11/2020- AT systematization is losing support

4. 27/11/2020- AT systemisation- what investor should know

Bagi sesiapa yang mengikut blog beliau akan mendapati blog pada hari 13/11/2020 dan 15/11/2020, kandungannya berpositif kapada kaunter AT(0072) , harga Kaunter AT melambung tinggi berikutnya. Ramai pelabur Kaunter AT(0072) senyam saja masa itu. Tetapi selepas dua hari, iaitu pada hari 17/11/2020, KYY mengeluarkan blog yang bertentangan depan apa yang ditulis oleh beliau sebelum ini, harga saham kaunter AT(0072) kebetulan menurun selepas blog beliau diterbitkan. Adakah ini satu kebetulan saham Kaunter AT(0072) naik turun ada bekaitan dengan Blog Beliau?

Pada 27/11/2020, KYY menerbitkan blog yang bertajuk " AT systemisation- What investor should know". Dalam blog beliau, ada beberapa TITIK yang kita perlu ambil perhatian:

1. Misled to buy some shares

2. Its total number of issued shares is 3.282 millions

3. On 27 February, the company issued 998 million shares aat 3.5 sen per share and 748 million free convertible warrants to the shareholder

4. The company has not produced 1 medical glove

5. The company has reported losses in every quarter in the last 7 quartes !!

News & Blogs

2020-11-29 21:10 | Report Abuse

By the time production out, vaccine already in the market, glove businesses become no more a luxury business.

News & Blogs

2020-11-29 21:06 | Report Abuse

Plantation companies needed to pay hefty windfall tax...glove companies only needed to contribute one lump sum to the backdoor gomen.


2020-11-29 21:02 | Report Abuse

As usual after RI, many opportunits will sell their holding for quick profit. Once finished selling, the price of Kgroup will go upward strongly.

News & Blogs

2020-11-29 12:30 | Report Abuse

Sour loser will never admit loss in the election...what a great shame !


2020-11-28 14:19 | Report Abuse

Syarikat ini memang mempunyai rekod yang bermasalah apabila melibatkan kebajikan pekerja.

Kalau pertengahan tahun ini, Top Glove telah didenda sehingga RM116 juta (U$D 40 juta) kerana gagal menjaga kebajikan pekerja, kes-kes buruh paksa, dipaksa bekerja lebih masa (“overtime”), gaji ditahan dan passport dirampas.

Top Glove sudah kena denda dan didapati bersalah.

Hari ini, mereka sekali lagi gagal kerana tidak melindungi kesihatan pekerja mereka. 1,067 pekerja positif COVID-19. Kes Kluster Teratai ini sudah wujud sejak 2 November tetapi kilang mereka tidak pun ditutup.

Sebab itu saya tidak ada rasa simpati kepada syarikat-syarikat besar.

Mereka kaut untung besar, abaikan kebajikan pekerja, mengamalkan buruh paksa. Apabila COVID-19 tular di Malaysia, mereka mengaut keuntungan supernormal sehingga mencecah siling harga pasaran (“market cap”) sebesar RM 77.59 bilion (sehingga 15 Oktober 2020).

Ini juga sebab saya minta mereka bayar cukai kerana keuntungan supernormal mereka iaitu Cukai Durian Runtuh (Windfall Tax).

Ada yang tegur,

- “YB, jangan ganggu syarikat ini. Nanti mereka keluar berniaga ke Thailand”. Jawab saya, cukai windfall ini hanya one-off sifatnya. Sektor perladangan dan IPP yang sudah bayar cukai windfall pun masih bertapak di Malaysia lagi.
- “YB, mereka jaga kebajikan pekerja kita”. Jawab saya, tidak.
- “Saddiq, mereka sudah bayar cukai korporat”. Jawab saya, itu waktu biasa. Hari ini mereka kaut keuntungan supernormal.

Saya percaya ini semua bukan satu alasan untuk syarikat-syarikat besar yang mengaut keuntungan besar (lebih-lebih lagi waktu COVID-19) tidak membayar cukai tambahan kerana mereka dapat untung luar biasa.

Prioriti saya tetap rakyat, bukan syarikat besar. Kalau “market cap” mereka cecah RM 77.59 bilion, mengapa Windfall Tax ini yang hanya kenakan sebanyak RM4.8 bilion ini tidak boleh dibuat?

Kalau tahun 1998 kita kenakan Windfall Tax kepada syarikat perladangan, tahun 2008 syarikat Independent Power Producer (IPP) pun kena bayar, mengapa tahun 2020 kita tidak boleh kenakan cukai ini kepada syarikat sarung tangan getah yang sudah jadi syarikat paling besar di Malaysia pada waktu COVID-19?

Saya tidak akan tunduk kepada syarikat besar. Mereka kaut untung di Malaysia, mereka wajib bantu negara lebih-lebih lagi pada waktu susah begini.

Saya tidak akan bela syarikat kaya. Mereka sudah rasa nikmat puluhan bilion ringgit keuntungan tetapi hanya derma RM400 juta kepada negara.

Bayar cukai durian runtuh ini pun hanya berjumlah sekitar RM4.8 bilion sahaja.


2020-11-28 11:45 | Report Abuse

Sell on news...the norms in bursamalaysia


2020-11-27 21:53 | Report Abuse

Then why Bintai, Solution, HWGB and Mtronic went up so much ??


2020-11-27 19:46 | Report Abuse

KLSE Screener KLSE Screener

Healthcare, construction, tech stocks seen to be on uptrend on higher development expenditure
TheEdge Fri, Nov 27, 2020 10:54am - 8 hours ago

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 27): Local stocks showed an upward momentum as Budget 2021 was passed with a voice vote at the policy stage in Parliament yesterday after heated debates.

Malacca Securities, in its equity note, said the approval would favour the construction sector as a proxy to the budget amid the higher development expenditure.

"The healthcare will continue to fare better, while the technology sector is expected to remain upbeat as the recent batch of corporate earnings remained solid," it said.

Under Budget 2021, the government has allocated RM322.5 billion for development expenditure (DE) which will continue to be channelled to programmes and projects with high multiplier effects to promote economic growth and support the livelihood of the rakyat.

The health sub-sector remains a priority, as it will receive an allocation of RM4.7 billion or 6.8% of total DE.

Bright future for Kgroup's new venture into medical businesses. The share prices surely will fly to the sky once Kgroup's medical devices and products fully in operation soon. Buy and keep now while the share price still cheap, you'll not regret your investment later.


2020-11-27 12:54 | Report Abuse

Seems many sellers not too happy with the qr report, big profit but the price also stagnant, must report big loss only move faster...move downwards for few days.


2020-11-27 01:29 | Report Abuse

Useless huge profit...only on paper gain, can't sell all because they're holding most of the shares. Why still need RI if their profit so huge ?


2020-11-26 20:02 | Report Abuse

Double joy for Kgroup... tomorrow fly


2020-11-26 00:35 | Report Abuse

If Kgroup classified as healthcare stock, surely the share price won't be a few cents anymore


2020-11-26 00:20 | Report Abuse

Get ready guys...grab opening price if below 7 cents


2020-11-25 23:27 | Report Abuse

Sometimes it's better ignore those commentators that you doesn't like. Reply more means more heartache because you never going to knock them down since they're all hiding behind the screen.


2020-11-25 21:25 | Report Abuse

Mahsing should also sell covid test kits and vaccine, just like Kgroup.


2020-11-25 21:22 | Report Abuse

Goreng stock is like this... after the music stopped, the price going south slowly. Better look for new goreng stock. Tomorrow should be Kgroup turn.


2020-11-25 21:00 | Report Abuse

Volume high but price didn't move much...who are the sellers ? Those rights with warrant subscribers ?


2020-11-25 20:19 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow Kgroup going to fly...can compensate for the lost on Topglov. Good profit guaranteed tomorrow.


2020-11-25 20:17 | Report Abuse

If open 6-8 cents, still cheap ? Tomorrow most likely close above 10 cents.


2020-11-25 19:58 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow mother and son limit up ? Buy early tomorrow morning !!


2020-11-23 02:13 | Report Abuse

Topglov limit down today ?? Their glove safe to use or not after so many of their workers confirmed with Covid-19 ?


2020-11-23 02:03 | Report Abuse

Seems no free expression here...someone ready to fukk anytime here


2020-11-23 02:01 | Report Abuse

fukk you whole day disgusting ! hai lou !

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2020-11-22 21:48 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 22): The Teratai cluster, which is linked to the world's largest glove manufacturer Top Glove Corp Bhd, now has more than 1,000 Covid-19 cases, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH).

Today, the Teratai cluster reported 504 new cases, pushing the current tally of total infections in the cluster to 1,457.

The ministry confirmed that the new cases involved foreign workers.

Based on data prepared by the ministry, some 5,762 individuals have been screened so far, with 1,310 patients undergoing treatment in intensive care units. To date, no deaths have been reported from the cluster.

News & Blogs

2020-11-22 21:47 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 22): The Teratai cluster, which is linked to the world's largest glove manufacturer Top Glove Corp Bhd, now has more than 1,000 Covid-19 cases, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH).

Today, the Teratai cluster reported 504 new cases, pushing the current tally of total infections in the cluster to 1,457.

The ministry confirmed that the new cases involved foreign workers.

Based on data prepared by the ministry, some 5,762 individuals have been screened so far, with 1,310 patients undergoing treatment in intensive care units. To date, no deaths have been reported from the cluster.


2020-11-22 00:08 | Report Abuse

After swallow ikan bilis that chased Inix, tch is waiting to do the same to ikan bilis that chase Mtronic next week. Beware !


2020-11-22 00:06 | Report Abuse

TCH waiting to dispose his shares to any ikan bilis that eager to buy Mtronic this coming week. Good luck to you !


2020-11-21 21:08 | Report Abuse

◤复管令SOP◢ 莲花感染群最多病例 雪402确诊居冠


2020-11-21 21:07 | Report Abuse

◤复管令SOP◢ 疫苗试验未有最终数据 卫部未决定注册和采购


2020-11-21 20:59 | Report Abuse

Are you very sure vaccine from Taiwan is safe to use ? KKM themselves also not sure which vaccine is safe to use, surely KKM won't give the necessary approval easily unless MVC could show prove on the safety of their vaccine.


2020-11-21 13:25 | Report Abuse

With kaki goreng tch at the helm of Mtronic, there's no surprise for me about the vaccine news, this is the easiest way for them to fried up the share prices. But it's not finalise yet as the company needed to get all kind of permissions from the authorities so the deal can be aborted anytime.


2020-11-21 01:10 | Report Abuse

New warrant going to goreng soon just like what they did to AT, XOX, Vsolar, PDZ and NETX. After those subscribers of the rights with warrant finished selling their holding, sharks going to goreng the mother share and warrant.


2020-11-18 22:42 | Report Abuse

No need to be too sensitive in other's comments... here is a free for all forum. Anyway big traders make their decisions not just rely on comments here. Don't think that the big players are too dumb to follow ppl's comments here in their judgement to buy or sell. Cheer up man and just hope for the best outcomes.


2020-11-18 22:31 | Report Abuse

Seems got someone still vigorously defend Topglov...pity him every day live in anger. Cheer up man, bursamalaysia is a place for fun and making tons of money, not to forget made a lot of greedy small fish bankrupt too.


2020-11-18 22:25 | Report Abuse

Must line up early to sell as the price move up too fast


2020-11-18 22:23 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow challenge 24 cents again ?


2020-11-18 22:06 | Report Abuse

Can go travel soon


2020-11-18 22:05 | Report Abuse

Final results from Pfizer Inc's COVID-19 vaccine trial showed its shot had a 95% success rate and two months of safety data, paving the way for the drugmaker to apply for an emergency U.S. authorization within days, it said on Wednesday.

The vaccine's efficacy rate, the highest of any candidate in late-stage clinical trials so far, pleased experts who had already said that interim results showing Pfizer's shot was over 90% effective were very encouraging.


2020-11-18 22:04 | Report Abuse

Final results from Pfizer Inc's COVID-19 vaccine trial showed its shot had a 95% success rate and two months of safety data, paving the way for the drugmaker to apply for an emergency U.S. authorization within days, it said on Wednesday.

The vaccine's efficacy rate, the highest of any candidate in late-stage clinical trials so far, pleased experts who had already said that interim results showing Pfizer's shot was over 90% effective were very encouraging.