
happytradingz | Joined since 2014-06-16

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2014-09-15 19:29 | Report Abuse

Come October -- LOOIKS will tell you NOVEMBER - by then operations finish lor!!!! He.. He...


2014-09-15 19:27 | Report Abuse

LOOIKS - you keep on lying ok - he... He... I keep catching you BOY!! Few more days few more days now quickly say October. Now explain 45 cents please. I want to hear another lie.. He.. He..

Give another good lie mate! He.. He..


2014-09-15 19:22 | Report Abuse

LOOIKS lie again!!!! Now buying time up to October to finish his operation.


2014-09-15 18:08 | Report Abuse

Hey small BOY LOOIKS - where you hiding now mate!!! Continue with your lies


2014-09-15 18:04 | Report Abuse

Step 5 – The Demise

In this stage, the stock slowly drop and keep dropping for weeks and months till all the selling dry up.

There is no more “good news” or is usually the case, no news on the stock at all.

All the stock pumpers have left the stock and they are promoting a new hot stock to new investors.

All we know, based on the pumper’s subject line, was that any chance for more gains on the stock pretty much went up in smoke the moment they came out with a new stock pick.


2014-09-15 18:01 | Report Abuse

If the update or alert contains as many “probable” and “projections” points as hard facts about the company – chances are, it’s a stock pump and dump.

Finally, if you’re being promised hundreds of percent gains if you just hold out through another day or a week or two, – or better yet, asked to double down when the stock drop – chances are, it’s a stock pump and dump.


2014-09-15 17:35 | Report Abuse

"Paperwork" - RUBBISH!!!!


2014-09-15 17:34 | Report Abuse

Too much he.. He... Masuk Tanjung rambutan better


2014-09-15 17:33 | Report Abuse

Can LOOIKS give his daily lies .. He.. He... And the do his "paperwork"... He! He! And then tell his technical support team to support at 45 cents .. He! He! Oppppsss - already broken 45 cents and also red numbers.

All the he.. He... And train ride .. He. He... Wait for few more days for the past Two weeks.. He.. He.. Liar.... What happened!!?!!?!!!


2014-09-14 22:57 | Report Abuse

NANCY - if all of us sell in the forum sell at once - you think it will affect the price of SUMATEC? What a joke you write! Write something that make sense please.


2014-09-14 18:24 | Report Abuse

If you want to criticise others, then go ahead but respect yourself first and do it factually. Don't just talk coke!


2014-09-14 18:22 | Report Abuse

Travotakeong - then you better give a damn about telling FACTS next time ok. DONT MIDLEAD PEOPLE with false information .

Konon TSHS don't have to report to Bursa - what rubbish! I hate liars!!!


2014-09-14 18:13 | Report Abuse

Nice to see little children behaving like children. Don't worry - we will find out soon


2014-09-14 16:59 | Report Abuse

Who gives a hood? Another intelligent answer from a genius. Why go around the question and always avoid. If you don't have the knowledge to answer, better to stay quite. Silence is golden for people who lack this skills.


2014-09-14 16:54 | Report Abuse

Again talk coke. Jump price here and there - on what basis ? No wonder drop also so fast. Can anyone justify the price of RM1 since most people here claim to be very intelligent!

How will SUMATEC be valued at RM1?


2014-09-14 16:51 | Report Abuse

Since you very smart Noraini - what is fair value of SUMATEC now. Don't talk about past as past they never announce the oil, RI and exit PN17. Now they announce everrthing - what is fair value? Why go around the question and always avoid and talk nonsense. Question is so simple, why cannot answer?


2014-09-14 15:32 | Report Abuse

So far - NOBODY - has given real fair value. Why not write substance so we can all share and see what we are buying!!!


2014-09-14 15:28 | Report Abuse

AMBZ - you talk coke a lot! Never give good answers / you think you very smart but really very stupeed. People use forums to share information - whether good or bad - that is main purpose. Even good or bad news we would like to know. Nobody want to hear all good news and then end of the day go to Holland - similarly nobody want to hear all bad news and miss the boat !!

We must find out what is going on! If it never drop so badly I DONT THINK A LOT OF FORUMERS will make noise. Most people even loyal SUMATEC supporter are stuck now. Tell me why then!!!

Don't just talk coke all the time! Make some sense sometime. This forum is for is to share information. If I know what the bosses going to do and what price it is going to be, I wouldn't bother asking anyone here.


2014-09-14 14:00 | Report Abuse

Yk John - can you tell me what is fair price of SUMATEC. Do you know? If we put in more money in this coming week, will we make money or lose in 6 months time?

You must compare with other stock to make sure you pricing is correct. Otherwise what basis you use? Otherwise, why some counters in bursa are RM20, RM10, RM5, RM1 and still people buy and some at RM 0.05 also people don't buy!


2014-09-14 13:24 | Report Abuse

Sorry I meant to say Hibiscus oil reserve is 792 million barrels. Shareholders is 892 million shares.


2014-09-14 13:21 | Report Abuse

I am no sure why people agree so simply - I am looking at who can tell me what is the real fair value of SUMATEC - I also checked other companies to compare. Yesterday Star paper show SUMATEC market capitalisation higher that Alam Maritime. Is this possible with current business. If yes, can you or the owners show is how?

I also read others making comparison about SUMATEC and Hibiscus - I read this - can anyone based on the reserves and market capitalisation of Hibiscus share and SUMATEC oil reserve versus Hibiscus reserve, tell me whether the price can reach RM1 or above?

Quote......Marksmenship Just very interesting for you guys who have been holding;

See REX announcement below:


And go to page 21 - and you will ,see the reserves of the well that the found oil in March 2014, which they will start production in early 20145

Summary: Oman

RIH: 31% (after DOC) Masirah Oil Ltd Offshore 4,743 mmboe Source: Hibiscus Petroleum; Aker
Geo and Pareto Asia (28 Feb 2012)

If Hibiscus owns 35% of Lime, then Hibiscus net in Masirah is 16..7% and this will give them ownership of 792 million barrels of oil (792 mmboe). WOW!

Now you work the maths on what price it should be once the start production early next year. I read they market share is now 892 million shares in total.

Each shareholder gets 0.88 barrel of oil - ha! ha!
12/09/2014 09:45"""unquote

Hibiscus price is RM1.50 - their oil reserve is RM792 barrels on Oman alone.
Their shares in market is 892 million.

Now can anyone here please do some real calculation and extrapolate yo see how much oil does SUMATEC have and how many shares and what should the price be??


2014-09-14 12:53 | Report Abuse

Travoltakeong - please know your facts before you write and try to teach others. Please do not mislead others as many have done here. We must always help each other with facts. We are ikan billis and the guys who are laughing at us are already rich and they know how to take more of our money!!

ANY SHAREHOLDER LET IT BE DIRECTOR OR JUST INVESTOR WHO HOLDS 5% in the company MUST make announcement within 7 days of purchase or sale. Even of 1 share!!

The minute you become 5% shareholder of a listed company - you must announce any purchases or sale.

Directors must announce anytime even of they do not hold 5% because the have vested interest.


2014-09-14 12:46 | Report Abuse

Why didn't the bosses do anything about this then? And why the CEO just say - oh it's just price fluctuation. HOW MANY IKAN BILLIS suffered that day??? Very good CEO to say that. If it is price fluctuation, then please as CEO fluctuate the price back to where you think it should be or tell us what is the good price.


2014-09-14 12:43 | Report Abuse

Calvin - I agree with you - a lot of people are caught. Even they want to get out they cannot. That is why these operators are so good at the way the play the share. You get caught so fast. Because everything happen so fast.

See - it took only 1/2 hour to wipe out all of profits of so many people over few months of not years!!! 1/2 hour is all it took to drop from 62 cents to 40 cent!!!


2014-09-14 12:36 | Report Abuse

I also check the week volume - it is dropping every week. Why? If you as find managers or owners thing this is a very good price to buy, you should be picking up at this price and volume should be picking up. But it is not the case. The truth the volume dropping and price dropping.

Is this price still expensive for them to collect of they sincere. The owner say he want to buy at 55 cents and made public announcement about this few times. Why not buy now and make public announcement so that everybody confident with him and the company. This way sure the price move up. I read announcements and everytime directors selling. If I want to show confident - I as directors will buy now from open market and announce to public that I am collecting because I know the price is cheap. Why is this not happening - 2 weeks now no announcement like this and the counter keep going down. That means someone keep selling. Now who got so much shares and keep selling that the price keep going down.


2014-09-14 12:29 | Report Abuse

We know one thing - one week past and it drop 2 cents already - last week close 46.5 cents. This week close 44.5 cents. What is going yo happen this coming week? Is this going to go up or down?

If they are getting out - then end of week the price and volume will tell you. So far, the price and volume telling they are getting out - not in. If getting in - the price should be moving up - maybe every week 1 cent also is good enough. But now every week going down. For how long??? And if they finish their operation, then what?


2014-09-11 14:17 | Report Abuse

And Focuz - you miserable small boy everybody don't like you here, get lost you Rascal!


2014-09-11 13:40 | Report Abuse

Action my foot! Con man LOOIKS !!!


2014-09-10 19:35 | Report Abuse

Go and read all their posting past 2 weeks and compare what happen each day. Very scary!!!


2014-09-10 19:32 | Report Abuse

So that you will not trap any more people - ok boy!!

And good night mate!


2014-09-10 19:31 | Report Abuse

don't worry LOOIKS - tomorrow I state posting all your lies one by one!!!


2014-09-10 19:30 | Report Abuse

KP8888 - you and LOOIKS are all the same you guys keep strongly promoting even when the counter is going down. By the way people wrote now, we know who are the evil ones.

AND YOU DONT HAVE TO TELL ME TO CHILL! You can do it yourself. Your postings are all fake too. You belong to the same group.

Tomorrow drop we will know. All the so call good night. Everyday dropping and telling people to chill! Pooodah!


2014-09-10 18:15 | Report Abuse

LOOIKS WHEN HAVE YOU EVER SAID TO PEOPLE BE CAREFUL???? Stop lying please. You sound very pathetic trying to justify yourself. If you claim you know something and want to help people In this forum - then you will help sincerely and warn them when price was going to drop. Not keep telling people to keep buying when the price keep dropping!!!

Everyday you come up with so call "good story". Yesterday was going to more soon and support of 45 cents won't be broken. And you said instruction by the boss. So stop lying and trapping people here. Karma will get you.


2014-09-10 17:46 | Report Abuse

Maybe LOOIKS say wait few more days now because they want to finish selling. That is why. Yesterday he said support 100% at 45 cents. Today what happened???



2014-09-10 17:41 | Report Abuse

LOOIKS - anybody can keep saying wait tomorrow wait next week wait next month. Why didn't you warn you friends here that the price was going to drop so badly. What is your motive.

After so many days drop - sure one day will go up. No need for you to claim glory because you said wait. How many people list money or trap because of your so called cho-cho train. You keep lying and very thick skin. Already said so many inconsistent statement and yet you can still tell people to wait.

Now you want people to buy some more????? You been asking people to buy everyday by telling them train moving soon. And everybody end up trap because everyday it drop further. I think you are not a friend here. You are an enemy within.


2014-09-10 16:24 | Report Abuse

I don't think he is sincere. He always change his words


2014-09-10 16:13 | Report Abuse

Another lie! I don't even need you money. Just stop lying. You want me to repeat all your postings here for the past 2 weeks? How many people you trap because of your false postings LOOIKS?? You got no conscious?

You post as though you OWN the company!!!


2014-09-10 16:05 | Report Abuse

Now become 5.5 million!!


2014-09-10 16:05 | Report Abuse

Looiks don't talk rubbish again - what about the 4.6 million at 44.5 - yesterday you say block at 45 cents. Everyday you change your story!!!


2014-09-10 11:42 | Report Abuse

Looiks please buy the 5 million shares at 45 cents - you said train moving soon. So how?


2014-09-10 10:15 | Report Abuse

Why defend someone who continues to lie. Ask him to proof himself lah since he boast and talk so much!


2014-09-10 10:11 | Report Abuse

Looiks - please eat 45 cents - you must be hungry! Since your lie about train moving didn't come true, now what about your eating lie?


2014-09-09 15:42 | Report Abuse

That is why when I ask honest question - I got shot down and LOOIKS attack me personally. Now I know why!!


2014-09-09 15:38 | Report Abuse

Where is LOOIKS ??? Please advise what is the train doing now. Yesterday you say moving up. Is this moving up?


2014-09-09 09:46 | Report Abuse

So now where is LOOIKS and his train???


2014-09-08 23:36 | Report Abuse

No point fighting - if price drop this week, then we know where we are going. It cannot be dropping for 2 weeks.


2014-09-06 15:50 | Report Abuse

Why don't SUMATEC website put up something like this so we can understand better. Who can talk to the PR people?



2014-09-06 14:08 | Report Abuse

Well said Fam Jenny on Focuz !!! I 100 % support you. You are very correct!


2014-09-06 11:45 | Report Abuse

Focuz - you are a big joke! You go into hiding for so long when the price was crashing and now you surface to claim glory. No wonder so many people think you are A small boy with no brains and substance.

Don't come to claim glory there is no glory yet. Now I agree with all the people who wrote stuff about you. Now I agree it is true. You have never written anything that can make sense anyway.


2014-09-05 23:32 | Report Abuse

Ha! Ha! Good night everyone!