
holyspirit | Joined since 2020-05-23 10:48:07

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2021-05-29 12:52 | Report Abuse

@skcm2017: fully agreed.
Lets make $$ together.....:) :)
all the best again this LOCK DOWN time .....


2021-05-29 12:49 | Report Abuse

@Albukhary : Enjoy your analysis ....Thanks


2021-05-29 12:47 | Report Abuse

refer to :@JK22 But but but... only Malaysia case increase .. Other countries are recovery. Malaysia can use some many glove kah.

for your information:
1)Five million weary Melbourne residents returned to lockdown on Friday (May 28).
2)Taiwan Covid cases and death toll are both increasing fast.
3)South Korea reported today 29 may = 533 new cases and 5 death and the rate is not going down.
4) 4,803 new cases and 34 new deaths in Thailand as 29 May 2021.
5) 703 new cases and 48 new deaths in Mexico on 25 May
3,056 new cases and 411 new deaths in Mexico on 29 May.
Mexico has increase tremendously from 25th May.....


2021-05-27 09:04 | Report Abuse

honestly....if punter or syndicate already push up careplus so high ...now syndicate taiko sould be able to see rubberex is the next best target to play...hahaha....just my view...hopefully i am right ...
bless morning and be safe everyone


2021-05-25 21:06 | Report Abuse

yes....1 peoson need 2 doses.

if 1st dose injected already, u need to wait 22 days for 2nd dose. ( This apply to Pfizer only , AZ or Sinovac I don't know )


2021-05-23 07:39 | Report Abuse

lovetzywrote: I will always be holding it, no worries. (to those who think I'm wrong, we will see, in the end, let's see who is the wrong one.)

Haih....this is not about wrong or right ....playing in the market ...not to just buy and hold forever ....u can hold 1 year. 2 years or even 10 years....the question is : did you make anything ?
maybe you are rich, u don't mind holding even the company didnt pay dividend or no capital appreciation.
if the money u put in FD, u can earn some interest. Or you sell at high and buy low, u can make few round....OMG...pride and stubbornness wont bring you no way...good luck.

Or maybe i am wrong...you are so rich you don't mind buying a share and make zero ...and holding forever ....Berjaya need this kind of people with this kind of mentality to make them rich....:)hahah

Good luck to you.


2021-05-21 03:25 | Report Abuse

And some news leak out that china already detected some variant covid in their country but didn't stated which part of china.....
And i think...sad to say...china will be the next big breakout coming this winter..Hope i am wrong


2021-05-21 03:21 | Report Abuse

I read some news.. in fact Taiwan has no vaccine and currently their covid is rising...They are fighting for Pfizer too, cause their people reject AZ and they do not wish to take Sinovac


2021-05-21 03:19 | Report Abuse

@Albukhary: agreed


2021-05-21 03:12 | Report Abuse

@ lovetzy:
Did you manage to sell when the price is higher ? I know you are new comer.
If you did , congrats...you can buy another round at lower price but be very careful to watch the market. If you didn't, then i hope this is a good lesson for you to learn.

Our Government is capable or not capable to curb this covid...i believev this few days was enough to tell you. Same goes to share market. Listen and study more...you can't based on your own believe, this is money game and money hard earned , so be extra careful. After all we are here to earn some decent money. ( unless you are old snake )
Hope you stay safe and healthy always .


2021-05-20 16:24 | Report Abuse

@BuffetOnWeed haha....i am faithful for my own analysis ... haha...hoping for the best...


2021-05-20 15:47 | Report Abuse

Thanks guys.....my pleasure to read all of your opinions...thanks for sharing...
praying you all to stay safe and healthy ...
and we all make good decent $$ ....god blesss......


2021-05-19 20:48 | Report Abuse

@robertzz....what do you think rubberex Vs careplus? From the report i have read ( hope i am not reading wrong), rubberex is smaller cap than careplus but in term of revenue both are about the same. What is your analysis ? Hope you don't mind to share when you are free and take a look. Thanks in advance. And love to hear from others opinion and discussion too


2021-05-19 20:30 | Report Abuse

@skcm2017 : congrats .....guru not me...is taiko Robertzz ,BuffetonWeed, AlBukhary and others too :)


2021-05-19 04:34 | Report Abuse

haha...selamat malam lo ...Pandu 1..sweet dream to the moon


2021-05-16 06:33 | Report Abuse

"the game now is only about how our government handle MCO..like i said before..we need a total MCO like last time to excite the market once again like last year.."

correct me if i am wrong...i am so sorry to say, MCO doesn't make the gloves stock move, is the
" tai Lo Covid " does.

and sad to say, Malaysia government is way beyond to become a good government and care for "Malaysia" and the people and the growth ...We have so many islands...they can easily send the people coming back from India or others countries to isolate them in one of Malaysia island like Australia ( last year Australia did that to control the spread of virus)
Malaysia will never take the "true" initiative to do anything better...only good will be enough.


2021-05-16 05:20 | Report Abuse

If there are no covid, there will not be a MCO....How each government cope with covid situation will surely reflect the country efficiency, corruption level , educational standard, and so on....this is in fact a good time we can see how others countries react to covid...look at Israel PM ( Benjamin Netanyahu, strong educational background )
“It's not a race against other countries. It's a race against the virus,” one Israeli health official said.
Too bad, majority of Israelis has vaccinated but they are having a war with Palestinian. Hence, we can see and learn how the politicians handle covid and war all at the same time....like i said ...the politicians = Power, pride , money...


2021-05-16 05:02 | Report Abuse

How government cope with MCO is another issue totally,,,,,people till need food , still need daily necessities to survive... hospital around the world still need medical equipments, medical appliances ...including masks and gloves


2021-05-16 04:59 | Report Abuse

agreed...yes...supply and demand ...thats how market works...


2021-05-15 03:34 | Report Abuse

@robertzz: Thanks for your infor...i went to check the news


2021-05-14 08:18 | Report Abuse

We are going to fight this Covid for longer time to come....


2021-05-14 08:17 | Report Abuse

yes....agreed...That's why chxxx is heavily research on Flu virus.....cause flu virus can mutated easily based on weather or environment ..SARs also from chxxx....and very sad to hear that this time round : Covid19 might be man made ....to inject human DNA protein into the " SARs "virus and turn it into deadly weapon and release to enemy country...and to collapse their health care support... Hopefully I am wrong ...hopefully this covid is NATURAL and not "MAN MADE"....
Anyway...the world has changed...due to power , money and pride...


2021-05-11 12:06 | Report Abuse

Received from another group:

As regards Tan Sri Lim's (Kossan Rubber boss) 3rd brother's death, this group from Pulau Ketam went for a dinner at Sekinjang n this was how it happened. A few of them are still in ICU. Just for your info. So, be extra careful n stay safe.

Not sure how true....


2021-05-11 12:05 | Report Abuse

據新聞報導,今日有三個在印度工作的中國人,由印度經尼泊爾返回國內,抵達重慶市時,初部檢測都是陰性, 但醫生仍有懷疑,於是幫他們進行CT電腦掃描,發現他們的肺部有病變,並確診是印度的三重變種病毒, 証明這種印度超級變種病毒,可以避過現在的檢測, 而大部份的關口都只是靠一般普通測試, 而香港及大部份的國家,不會強制入境人仕進行CT掃描,亦沒有足夠時間及資源去做。 如果估計正確、相信第五波超級病毒大爆發,即將出現在香港及全球!


所以不再有嗅覺 或 味覺喪失等前驅症狀,它直接攻擊肺部,縮短了發病時間。

但是 X光檢查顯示 中度胸腔肺炎!
鼻黏膜篩試常顯示 COVID19 陰性!



經常用 洗手乳或肥皂洗手。

from reliable source. Sorry all ... too long can't translate in English. :(


2021-05-09 06:23 | Report Abuse

Jalil is a business / finance corporate personnel ....not a super star. I don't think it is necessary and need to appear so often..( if he did, don't you think something is not right)
Yes bjcorp might go up....there is always a buyer and there is always a seller..( demand and supply theory ) be careful , u cant see who is selling and who is buying ...after end of market if director done deal on that day only bursa will announce the next day on end of market day.
you get what i mean.....???


2021-05-09 06:15 | Report Abuse

One more thing : Pls don't be naive....always thinking Jalil appear on FB lah, TV lah...is good. This is called publicity and marketing.

Remember, read more corporate news, study and research more...u will realize what jalil did ,,, all the appearance in public,TV or FB or anything social media are very fake.
Did you realize, good and strong company doesn't do what jalil did and they can really produce good revenue to the company and shareholders.


2021-05-09 06:09 | Report Abuse

@ lovetzy...U must be a newbie in share market..Please.do more share market homework ...you are a very positive , cheerfu and persistence person. But this kind of character won't survive long in this share market. If you are already investing your saving in BJcorp....u must learn how to run and take profit and must learn how to stop loss if any negative movement happen.
Remember , Bjcorp is not a potential and strong and good company for you to have sentimental value on it.
you will be realized it when you have keep the shares for more than a year and still back to square one, then it will be too late cause you might have earn some profit in others good companie's shares out there ...be wise...profit ...run....and buy again on weakness and be careful not to let the shark bite you back.
Bless you


2021-05-08 06:01 | Report Abuse

Like i said B4....got profit ...run fast...
go down bad bad...dare to take risk = Buy, got profit again...run faster...


2021-05-08 05:45 | Report Abuse

@skcm2017 : Agreed..:)


2021-05-07 09:59 | Report Abuse

@skcm2017: congrats... i saw your posting yesterday, buy on weakness....i think you have made some $$ today :)


2021-05-07 09:16 | Report Abuse

Thanks in advance ,Robert


2021-05-07 09:16 | Report Abuse

@Robertzz: Good morning robert....just asking cause came to my mind, did you check recently at bursa page for any short selling of rubberex? can share here? ( sorry , am running errand can't access to bursa page)


2021-05-06 10:08 | Report Abuse

Hope jalil turns out to be a genuine one for VT....bless u


2021-05-06 10:06 | Report Abuse

Jalil got a lot of connections thats why VT likes him.


2021-05-06 10:04 | Report Abuse

haha...let me join the fun...

Jingle bells, jingle bells
VT coming all the way
Oh, what fun it is to build house for the poor
My hero jalil will open sleigh, hey
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Berjaya all the way...


2021-05-05 21:15 | Report Abuse

haha....nasi lemak sound better cause they have eatery business...


2021-05-05 21:12 | Report Abuse

haha...maybe Vt doesn't mind losing money to jalil after many years if jalil didnt preform and screw up by selling all assets....maybe Vt just want publicity ....cannot lose out to top glove boss mah


2021-05-05 21:06 | Report Abuse

Thats is the different between educated boss with highly knowledge or start from nothing ( no qualification ) ...pls compare others good potential companies...how their management run the show ...then you will realized what are you investing...for BJcorp...profit , run , no sentimental value.
Infact VT should appreciate what he has today....be a good and humble man and not involve so much social media like her famous daughter..they are not operating Hollywood


2021-05-05 21:00 | Report Abuse

omg...happened in the company so many times.. outsiders just said things that boss like to hear , boss listen, then after few years ...screw up...outsider said bye bye but already pocket full $$$$


2021-05-05 20:58 | Report Abuse

Maybe jalil talent is to sweet talk thats why VT like him


2021-05-05 20:57 | Report Abuse

oh dear...so many young newbies here....like i said , profit , run ...if not the shark bite you back.
no sentimental value for bjcorp....not a profit making company because the owner always wants to hit fast money and later leave the shit to others...look at their management team...where in the corporate world in Malaysia companies implemented ( MUST WEAR) Batik ???
Bjcorp is not a fashion company, if it is..then i perfectly understood maybe to promote Batik as new trend in their future sales project ...
what a joke for batik !!!!


2021-05-05 12:45 | Report Abuse

If the current vaccine cannot work for the new mutation, then we will be living in fear with mask and gloves for longer time to come ...oh dear


2021-05-05 12:40 | Report Abuse

@Robertzz: Thanks for the news...was shock to hear the Renowned infectious diseases expert Dr Rajendra Kapila, 81, dies of Covid-19 even though he got both doses of the Pfizer vaccine in the US. Meaning , the current vaccine cannot fend the mutated covid as I was worried about...omg


2021-05-05 04:13 | Report Abuse

@Robertzz: Agreed.


2021-05-04 01:39 | Report Abuse

OMG....even i saw Francis Yeoh at Lot 10 with just only 1 Body guard to walk with him and he is always smiling and doesn't show people how big shot he is....and he is definitely not blocking the lift specially for him to tell people he is VVIP ....omg...Francis yeoh is way riches than VT and Francis Yeoh is so low profile


2021-05-04 01:35 | Report Abuse

And always talking about doing charity ...actually to show off to get attention or seriously doing good deed? Like i said before... doing charity is not for you to tell the whole world but to let the whole world recognize you and appreciate what you have done.


2021-05-04 01:32 | Report Abuse

And I saw it with my own eye when i was in time Square, So many body guards to escort VT and even the don't know number what wives's daughter ( who married to NAZA) so damn langsi... she thinks she is so pretty and walk like a royal princess but she didn't realized she is too short to walk like princess Kate or paris hilton as she was always compare in her social media ( i heard)omg


2021-05-04 01:26 | Report Abuse

exactly....nowadays, who will walk in to 7/11? Everyone looking for Family Mart or 2nd choice will be News.com when they suddenly want to buy things, drinks or bite to eat