
holyspirit | Joined since 2020-05-23

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2021-05-04 01:25 | Report Abuse

OMG...they are still proud of their 7/11....lose out to Family Mart loh


2021-05-03 20:48 | Report Abuse

BJcorp want to push up their share price up therefore must inject good news...who knows maybe jalil joining has to do with one of VT strategy ....you wont know what kind of deal between this 2...So...if price up, make profit , run first. Don't let the shark eat you back


2021-05-03 20:30 | Report Abuse

@ lovetzy 慈济.....haha....lovetzy..you must be kidding me....do you know this 慈济 is for rich to show off? yes. maybe there are good poeple, .but seriously how many are " real " good people?
Or for the rich to repent?


2021-05-03 20:25 | Report Abuse

@kahhoeng ....haha..angpow???!!! hahaha.....i heard ..poor related relative don't even receive agpow from VT....and I heard YTL family was giving "E"angpow to friends and relatives...and YTL do charity with pure sincere heart without publicity...
Got heart to do charity , you don't need to tell the whole world...but let the world discover your charity and recognize you...thats charity....


2021-05-03 20:11 | Report Abuse

A rich man staying in the mansion and want to build unit for the poor...how much he knows about space?


2021-05-03 20:09 | Report Abuse

Like old saying: Charity start from family first, meaning help the unfortunate family members first ( Not by looking down on them)...


2021-05-03 20:07 | Report Abuse

Oh ya...too much crazy showing off and put FACE and publicity first will destroy your future that you had worked so hard for it...SAD


2021-05-03 20:04 | Report Abuse

Ancient Chinese dynasty story:....The King's empire always kena destroyed by the evil queen or evil concubine.


2021-05-03 20:01 | Report Abuse

Employing outsider meaning to tell the whole world ALL of your children are not capable. Sad, Some rich bosses don't really know how to " parenting " ...your children what they become today can be resulted of your uncapable wives ( who duty is to teach your children ) and while the man in the house earn hard for the family..and the man in the house also has to have control your power in the house and don't let the WIVES control you back!!


2021-05-03 01:35 | Report Abuse

If has deal with china...possible to RM 2.50 in short term to come ( my point of view). But of course there will be some healthy consolidate phase in the share price for upward adjustment to reach RM2.50


2021-05-02 20:49 | Report Abuse

Hope I am correct


2021-05-02 20:46 | Report Abuse

So …I believe Gloves business will still be making good return …and correct me if I am wrong, if the mutation of COVID has no vaccinations to fend it , we will be living with mask and gloves for a longer time to come.
And Rubberex might not need to worry about competitor like MahSing as I said, keep extra stock in hospital is better than not enough stock


2021-05-02 20:39 | Report Abuse

Like I said before about covid , medical items are essential and crucial including Gloves in the future to come. And we human kind , don’t need a war to destroy us but a spec of virus . We will not be sure what kind of new and interesting virus beside covid is growing among and around us due to the climate change , countries affected by war due to political unstable ( power and money ).
It is always better to store enough stock of medical items eg gloves in major hospitals , clinics and even households ( care for the sick) than having not enough of it.
So , I don’t worry about more supply but really worry when the supply is not enough .
Our world has change to a total stranger to me . Sad.


2021-05-02 02:07 | Report Abuse

Correct me if i am wrong.


2021-05-02 02:05 | Report Abuse

A good read. personally point of view, I don't think this covid is easily settled.
We are still long long way to go.....to go and be freed.
Therefore, Gloves will be an essential items in major Hospitals, Clinics, even household ( taking care of the sick one) in the future.
And don't worry about the new entry ( eg: MahSing) as rubberex competitor because gloves will be so important in the future to come that hospitals will prefer to keep more stock of gloves than not enough of it.
Don't forget, Those young one who kena covid and fast recovered, they dont feel any effect now but days to come when after 10 years onward or older they might feel some weakness in their body. And hopefully by then, no more new virus attacking human kind, if not , there will be more human life scarified because their body is weak to fend off new virus due to covid back then...


2021-04-30 17:12 | Report Abuse

@Albukhary: Agreed ....The only good glove company that kept humble and silent for a while... ...
Next week might be Rubberex show time :)


2021-04-30 16:40 | Report Abuse

My friend forwarded : if cannot control covid , PM will again implement MCO. Not sure how true.....


2021-04-30 15:49 | Report Abuse

Just wonder, ONG sold shares in rubberex and support his own Hextar?


2021-04-29 18:45 | Report Abuse

@ GemenchehLawyer : Thanks. Thought the same name...Didn't realized big shot like him has own blog to comment about stocks. Seldom Big shot did that. Strange.


2021-04-29 18:44 | Report Abuse

silent is the key...lets the stocks speak by itself.


2021-04-29 18:32 | Report Abuse

Found the above article about Him


2021-04-26 11:45 | Report Abuse

rubberex , too slow,,,:(


2021-04-26 11:40 | Report Abuse

rubberex must follow suit


2021-04-26 11:39 | Report Abuse

omg ....careplus pushing hard


2021-04-26 11:35 | Report Abuse

rubberex MUST go up today by 30 cents ...if not lose face to others glove counter ....


2021-04-26 11:20 | Report Abuse

Rubberex.....the only good glove counter that not moving much yet...therefore...it will outshine others....hope i am right....:)


2021-04-26 11:10 | Report Abuse

at 11.09 am .....volume is huge....price is up 1.52...i think it will break 1.65 today .....keep finger cross ...


2021-04-26 08:43 | Report Abuse

It has to break 1.65...then it will be all the way up....to 1.99 to 2.00......hope i am right


2021-04-26 08:41 | Report Abuse

@Cheap 1....Hahaha....You don't have to post here in chat group...we all knew the selling...


2021-04-26 01:43 | Report Abuse

@ Robertzz...agreed. Rubberex is the only Glove Stock has yet to move....therefore higher chance to see good share price movement in near future ....And yes...Germany has locked down till June


2021-04-23 03:32 | Report Abuse

@ HELPMRC....sorrry, I don't actually get what you have said....Can u elaborate more direct explanation ...Thank you


2021-04-22 19:37 | Report Abuse

maybe..but they have sufficient reserve for paying directors fees if not shareholders wont pass through the resolution right ?


2021-04-22 18:10 | Report Abuse

God bless the world and protect the young generation ....this time...the Covid is looking for our young generation


2021-04-22 18:09 | Report Abuse

Based on today virus rate ... i think there is possible MCO after raya if the rate not improve ...Kelantan already MCO for a week


2021-04-22 18:06 | Report Abuse

and if no bosses are disposing ...then....are they ready for a huge jump from next few trading days....? Since today the punters have already secure huge volume...


2021-04-22 18:03 | Report Abuse

hahah....I think everyone forgot about the demand and supply policy!!
If SELL is high, There must be demand to makan the shares, if not how to create such high volume.
Like what @Albukhary asked, high transacted volumn .....and the price is suppressed to go up....i am cracking my head to analyze....
and if no RSS, and if like @Luckyhunter said , boss is selling.....
My thought was : why directors sell when they want shareholders to pass the resolution to distribute $$ directors fees to them....very interesting ....anyone mind to discuss


2021-04-22 16:05 | Report Abuse

@ 754232,Sorry and don't mind me to say, You must be a very young adults and newbie and make some profit through some glove stocks limited up last run.....for a counter to hit limit up is not as easy as 123.
According to the volume reflected and trade pattern, Rubberex is suppressing the price to go up so fast so they can get hold of control most volume and thus for the next trading day, the price will go up steadily and contra player won't dare to RSS the stock.
Hope I am right.


2021-04-22 12:22 | Report Abuse

haha...rubberex show time always save the best for last


2021-04-22 12:03 | Report Abuse

@qetuoadgjl96....meaning No RSS for rubberex


2021-04-22 11:17 | Report Abuse

@ robertzz.....Thanks..for the RSS infor


2021-04-22 10:37 | Report Abuse

at 10.36am....rubberex is moving....show time i believe...


2021-04-22 09:23 | Report Abuse

At 9.22am, All others glove stocks are green and up, rubberex is still unchange......waiting for the right time to shot the rocket..... hope i am right :)


2021-04-21 17:50 | Report Abuse

Rubberex is the only glove stock company which i see not much moving yet. From the current covid situation, like what " Ohlincaufun " tai lo said, yes, many supply of gloves but the world is well absorb cause the mutant virus is yet to go away.So, i believe the demand of glove is still very strong. And rubberex, if i am not wrong , the share price will touch RM 1.57, next RM 1.65, Next RM 1.74, next RM 1.85 then it will stop to adjust contra players before it reach RM 1.99 or RM 2.03


2021-04-21 17:44 | Report Abuse

one more point, Treasury stock is often a form of reserved stock set aside to raise funds or pay for future investments. Maybe rubberex use the sales money to pay for land.


2021-04-21 17:41 | Report Abuse

@ robertzz: agreed what you have said. They are creating volume, no volume no game.
Correct me if i am wrong. From the knowledge of sales of treasury shares of i know is :
Shares are bought back from stockholders by the company and thus total number of outstanding shares on the open market decreases.
(Less shares in the open market, easy for punter to push up the price)
Hope i am right..


2021-04-20 03:54 | Report Abuse

May I know anyone here who is financial professional ? I would like to know Rubberex "Immediate Announcement of Changes in Treasury Shares" meaning they sell their company share holding and by doing this ,their share holders will increase their equity in the company,,,,what do you think why they do that? Cause they don't need money to fund their investment or they just want to reduce their company share cap? Kindly discuss....