
humanmask | Joined since 2014-10-29

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2014-11-22 22:04 | Report Abuse

If you are not lazy, you will also find out your ancestor are ape, and you are relative to Monkey and reptile, and hey, they are all called animals, and by the way, they all lives on earth! Nonsense.


2014-11-22 22:01 | Report Abuse

I also found out your father is a man! Oh Yes! and?


2014-11-22 22:01 | Report Abuse

Oh yea, I just found out your mother is a women! So?


2014-11-22 14:32 | Report Abuse

Even the blogs are used to spam here and there. There more these people do it, the worst off the company.

One is keep false allegation, one is keep open the other side can of worm. The more it goes and stubborn, the more both side gets it. Even newspapers are starting to see "BOTH ARE NOT TELLING ALL STORY", both took part doing deals, solve both side fairly. Stop abusing the company.


2014-11-22 14:29 | Report Abuse

All in the knowing and execution by Chong, if any of these are breached, he is first to get it. Until too far exposed of his finger print in executing all these, his staffs still keeping incriminating Chong with all the allegation with no documents support, spamming every where. Sick or what?


2014-11-20 11:40 | Report Abuse

All Chong and Tey spammers here Vote each other out. Good.


2014-11-16 12:49 | Report Abuse

Connect1, imagination will kill people including self. It creates phobia and emotion, nothing else productive. Worst off, self destruction.

You think too much from operation mind point of view. 3 fellas all name gone. Nobody willing to do any business as long bad names are there, don't think the 2 investors will want to link their other investments with this bad name either.

Investors by career does not lump other investment into company they have dispute. Have you ask any of them? Ask any other investors, they all the same - not good, they go. Open mouth, you will find imagination is way out compared to real world. They have no sentiment, only ran the investment by hiring professionals to match their investment returns, it's all the American Fortune 500 companies do - grow by M&A, professionally ran, capital gain. Look at Peter Lynch or Carl Icahn. They ask Apple or Dell for M&A, restructure, etc. to create value and capital gain, selfishly, as they have self interest in share price. Dividend doesn't impress them. If not fit ,they sell and go, nothing else.

This is same to small shareholders, we sell when price is up, doesn't matter how good the company is.

Whenever they found not suitable, they divest and invest other place. For them it's not rocket science. Large investors they gang up form funds, raise funds, and invest as private equity. Some people cannot accept non organic growth, some people wants it, the funds got many choices in their world, they go with those they can work with.

No matter what, making assumption and allegation without discussion is not right way to negotiate. Negotiate comes with putting down pride, talk, and give and take. No angel, neither pure evil. It's just perception and anger. Put a gun and talk, as public sees it, do you think anything fruitful except more worst? This is the beginning, imaging more to come. It's no end.

There is no end to mind block by the outsiders, those non interest people instigate all the nonsense, for them which is worthless compare even to small shareholders who spend money investing in the shares.

If you ask me, all the board shall resign, starting with 3 of the fights, settle the problems all 3 created asap. Then all shareholders value would be preserved. All the nonsense has to stop before it burns 3 together with other small shareholders, even the board gets drag into this and no choice they already cross over the line for selfishness, they will drag in deeper. All collateral damage. For what? Face?

I know small shareholders care the less, except the share price. Selfish enough, it's investors nature in hope share price to go up. Think deeply, or there will be more EGM and nonsense every month. The one started fire, will only lead to more fire, natural law. think about it.

If company does not solve problem leaves small shareholders no choice, they will exercise their rights to equally vote out Chong on 28 November. Likely another EGM follow by another EGM, no end. Gone company.


2014-11-16 11:43 | Report Abuse

This chong staff is too imaginative. Have he civilized use mouth and ask? make what assumption?

Chong credibility is gone, zero, he self made himself to this, sad. The way he handles problem is shocking. Face problem, don't want to say reckless. Only solution for company is he must put down his face, talk to his board room fight, and go off from board and management. Let professionals handles.

2 investors have their other investments to take care. Open mouth and ask, why so difficult? If they are forced to defend, no choice also because force by Chong, once they take charge of company, very likely immediately they will step down and hire professionals to run the company, and sell to other investor. New investor may do GO, buy off Chong by force. But what for go this path?

Chong does not understand investors mentality. Can work together, work; cannot, they just sell to Chong or if Chong has no money, sell to other investors and they go invest else where. As long as they are invested, it's their job protocol to do deals and increase shareholder value by capital appreciation - share price goes up. They are professionals in "investment" not "operation", means they can go anywhere which wants them to invest. Their gain is share price goes up and do business deal, not waiting for dividend.

Chong is surrounded by non interest people, gave him phobia and evil advise else he won't burn people ended up burning himself. Put down face, open mouth and ask, he may avoid walking into own grave. Macro view, there is always another EGM to fight again and again. Non interest people only watch movie and shouting adding fuel, nothing else. Interest parties are shareholders, including small people with open eye, may watch clearer than the 3 fellas.

Small investors goes down with him for no reason. All 3 should talk, resign together, and give solution. Temper? Pride? Face? Those will be total lost if this goes on, and yet another EGM, and another EGM, and all energy playing this fools game. Tarnish each other credibility day by day.

wake up.


2014-11-14 16:46 | Report Abuse

Lucky sold most, keep profit shares to watch the show.
Nobody is buying today, so speculators sold. Price back to 1.75 normal before rally.


2014-11-13 15:04 | Report Abuse

The star report is contradict to Chong press in other newspaper. The more he talks the more skeptical people look at his accusations. Am totally confused. He told media he denied, then in his press he said admitted taken but it's a loan. The link does not match. Asked for loan agreement he did not show. What nonsense? total integrity disastrous.

Only way is he buys more shares then take company private to retire. Else with him there as public company facing press and minor shareholders, how to convince people with no integrity anymore?

Problem is later funds sell down, he needs to buy even more shares or else collapse, he lost everything. So I think price may goes up today and tomorrow, and crash next week. Still got chance to sell higher.


2014-11-13 09:55 | Report Abuse

Until Friday, 3 monkey realize all funds selling, they are buying, super high price. Then price 1.80 1.70 1.60 again. Hahahahaha


2014-11-13 09:54 | Report Abuse

Lucky I sold almost all last few days.
oh oh! Funds ran, Chong buy, Tey buy or sell? All kena funds trap liao. Run lor!


2014-11-13 09:42 | Report Abuse

This Chong staff Joerakmo is as out of mind as Chong. If not ass must be whore or pig. Nothing good comes out. Post nothing "objective" then ask people post something objective. Hopeless animal.


2014-11-12 16:18 | Report Abuse

Everyone sell, Chong and TPY buy, all happy. They vote for each other out, game over.


2014-11-10 21:59 | Report Abuse

copy from ITALKS




Chong explain more wrong more and more confusing. Show media the agreements, don't verbal accuse people or explain himself. Days ago deny, now confess taken? Itself is wrong doing lies! Doesn't matter A lend to B, C took money and kick back A 10 million, truth is it's Chong board room fight, and dishonor, frame and blame his investors. Mistake is a mistake, truth is truth, the 3 better start talking before they bring company down because of their own fight.

Even if Chong light the fire, they should solve this ASAP or else small investors will go vote them out, especially the one using company to light fire on his behalf.


2014-11-10 21:51 | Report Abuse

Chong staff is here again. Old story told twice. Media got fooled once, not twice. Past.


2014-11-07 15:47 | Report Abuse

Fred idea is new! Good idea! Majority "minority" vote all out!

I think Chong scares and buy, afraid not only TPY and Ooi but most afraid fund managers and small investors grill him and vote him out of board. Fight anything but not fight with money. TPY should sell and let Chong hold lor. We all also sell to Chong lor. Let him hold everything. Buy higher please!


2014-11-02 12:13 | Report Abuse

言而无信, 非君子也. 人人得而诛之.

人言可畏, 孽源于恶人先告状, 祸根也. 谁人? 张某也.
没有因,何来果? 一切起源于张某, 事实就是事实何需编造故事?
心中有数, 何必污蔑?

唯有黑白证据, 事件"完整"公诸于众, 真相得以伸张正义.

交易终归于信, 取舍双方天经地义, 交易方如何运用交易获利, 张某嫉妒俺?
张某看不开, 反悔过桥抽板, 变本加厉, 摆曲陷害, 设计嫁祸于人, 魔鬼也!

法不外乎以"源"为"本", 根源清晰, 张某摸黑带冤者, 含血噴人,天地良心, 人神公愤.
良心责备, 小人短暂得意何须狡辩, 给予时日必自焚! 问问自己良心再话不迟.

事源张某当年取得投资者挽救, 双方达成协议以物换物, 如今断章取义, 非人也!
哪怕张某没有吸收先贤的教诲, 回头是岸, 没有给自己留后路, 也得给子孙后代积德.

哪怕太迟了, 可悲.

In summary, many questions remain puzzle. True "complete picture" would only be prevail if put on together. Truth is truth, there is no need for story telling. Justice with the blessing of mother nature, humanity and guilt shall haunt the sinful. Almighty shall do his work.

The origin of sin. When it started and why:
1st, why investors spent RM100mil in year 2012 to bail out Chong's rival shareholder before oil project?
2nd, why Chong announce oil project short while after investors came in, before end 2012? Was there an invisible pressure or "deadline" given to Chong by his "old rival shareholder"?
3rd, why investors who paid such big investment were prevented from joining Protasco as Executive Director? Intentionally so existing board members couldn't hear the "truth" and see "full picture" and fooled by Chong for this saga to happen? Or along the way, it lead to such?
4th, natural law of justice, a fair trade, the vendor uses their trade money for whatever they wish, where as Chong gained his freedom and profit for his existence and position today. Twist the fact after took his prize, Chong frame and blame his trade. Disgusting! Pieces of puzzle reveal intention beyond selective accusation, as if Chong knew everything. Or really he knows only 2 years later, that Satan saved him 2 years ago?

No matters the outcome, guilt shall play its part to haunt the sinful. It's matter of time. Sad.


2014-10-31 14:56 | Report Abuse

Nicholas, it would not have Chong if TPY did not help him, then no share price, you may not even looking at this shares.

The story starts with Chong started to ask investors TPY to buy out his old shareholder. Then only TPY came in invested RM100mil and both Chong and TPY traded off Chong rescue with oil project. Then has oil story, share price goes up. That's the origin of everything.

Study original of sin, this is the original of sin. Unless you did not like share price goes up, else you should know what is the origin of the problem started by who and when. If TPY is bad, then you would not be here since share price would not be up, Chong would have been dead 2 years ago.

That's the conclusion of media so far. We were misleaded earlier, no clear already. Still don't get it?


2014-10-31 12:58 | Report Abuse


话说当年张苦苦哀求投资者挽救收购对手,交换达成协议不舍得承诺,或不要承诺,将计就计,设计陷害投资者,恩将仇报. 张隐瞒事情背景, 选择性摸黑用金钱阴谋论涂塌对手, 张吉平不过是时事造就的魔鬼,身不由己,证明当今社会道德沦亡. 唯利是图, 悲哀.


2014-10-31 12:18 | Report Abuse

1.55-1.60 is cheap enough, buy some lor.


2014-10-31 12:18 | Report Abuse

Don't need to rush, either one side may sell their shares. Or maybe settled before even finish EGM. who knows? If bought high earlier, cover some, if goes up, sell lor.


2014-10-29 16:28 | Report Abuse

不做愧心事,为何怕人言? 三番五次阻止对手说话,非君子也.


2014-10-29 13:56 | Report Abuse

Let me keh poh answer Nicholes. There are many type of people. Some kiasi some kiasu, some boh kiasi some boh kiasu, some mix. So kiasi and kiasu also many type of people confuse enough.

So the kiasi people saw shadow, they ran far far away without even knowing what is right or wrong, true or not true. These type of people its a blessing to let them go faster! Very classical examples. School children is most pure and natural you can see from their reaction. When 1 student being bully, some funny students may join in bully for the trill. When someone look at sky for long time said saw "something", some keh poh people also start watching sky suddenly like UFO flying all over. When one guy shout "run Alien coming to catch us", some people also run without knowing what is going on! Like that lor.

So some bad people know human weakness, if got balls they fight enemy face to face lor. Why bad talk people in newspaper, scare other people and do many back side bad mouth.That is the purpose and motive of some bad people trying to scare other people so divert attention mah. When thief shouted "thief is there!" What most people do? People watch at the thief's finger pointed direction lor. Some hero even walk over beat that innocent target few punch before he can talk! You never watch moview meh? Learn lor dirty tricks.But don't use lor. Lame.

Sometime more experienced boxer will take punches first, until the mad person has nothing else to hit, then only show his colors. History will record the events and facts as final judgement. The strong will stand up and grow, the evil will fade away in peace or end up miserable. Why rush into conclusion?

公道自在人心,邪不胜正,让上天惩罚黑心肠的恶魔,何必凭表里提早下定论? 如果公司有问题,可以卖了您的股票,股市是公平的平台,不需要硬撤有心人硬加的指责.未免太过粗俗阉?