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2014-02-19 14:27 | Report Abuse

Jualbeli -Too high and too fast. May not sustain long at 1.00. Do your calculation again. Buy back on weakness. Make money already now so it is time to strategise. wait and see.

News & Blogs

2013-11-03 08:12 | Report Abuse

agree with king kong 73. average salary of AVP in banking earn RM 20K per month. If you are not, then you are in the wrong line. The result of these transformation doesnt come out over night. some are already and successful but you guys dont want to accept it becoz it is introduced by the ruling government where everything they do are wrong and no one praise becoz of stereotyped mindset against them.

News & Blogs

2013-11-03 08:01 | Report Abuse

Cuba isi jawapan di bawah ini (sila jawab dengan jujur di
hati kita masing-masing) :
1. Allah menciptakan TERTAWA dan .......
2. Allah itu MEMATIKAN dan ......
3. Allah menciptakan LELAKI dan .......
4. Allah memberikan KEKAYAAN dan ......

Majoriti kita akan menjawab:

Yakin jawapan anda itu betul? Untuk mengetahui adakah jawapan di atas itu benar atau tidak, mari kita sesuaikan jawapan tersebut dengan rangkaian firman Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala dalam surat An-Najm (53), ayat: 43-45, dan 48. sebagai berikut:

"dan Dia-lah yang menjadikan orang TERTAWA dan MENANGIS." (QS. 53:43).

"dan Dia-lah yang MEMATIKAN dan MENGHIDUPKAN." (QS. 53:44).

"dan Dia-lah yang menciptakan berpasang-pasangan LELAKI dan PEREMPUAN. " (QS.53:45).

"dan Dia-lah yang memberikan KEKAYAAN dan KECUKUPAN." (QS. 53:48).

Ternyata jawapan kita umumnya BETUL hanya pada soalan no. 1-3.
Tapi, jawapan kita untuk no. 4 (kalau jujur) umumnya mesti KEMISKINAN (jwpn yg salah)
Jawapan versi Allah dalam Al-Qur'an bukan KEMISKINAN, tapi KECUKUPAN...

Maa syaa Allah..!!!

Sesungguhnya Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala hanya memberi KEKAYAAN dan KECUKUPAN kepada hamba-Nya..yakinlah !
Dan yang "menciptakan" KEMISKINAN adalah diri kita sendiri. Hal ini boleh berlaku kerana ketidakadilan ekonomi, malas, boleh juga kerana kemiskinan itu kita bentuk di dalam fikiran kita sendiri. Itulah hakikatnya, mengapa orang-orang yang sentiasa bersyukur, walaupun hidup susah, ia akan tetap tersenyum dan merasa CUKUP...
Jadi, marilah kita melahirkan rasa KECUKUPAN di dalam hati dan fikiran kita, agar kita menjadi hamba-Nya yang selalu BERSYUKUR.. baik dalam kegembiraan ataupun kesedihan dan kesusahan. Kerana di dalam kesusahan dan kesedihan pun adalah rezeki dr Allah SWT..
Semoga BERSYUKUR kita bernilai ibadah..
Aamiin Ya Rabbal 'aalamiin.' 

News & Blogs

2013-11-03 07:57 | Report Abuse

Fenomena kenaikan harga barang pernah terjadi di zaman Rasul saw dan sahabat-sahabat r.a. bertanyakan kepada Baginda saw:-

“Wahai Rasulullah, harga-harga barang banyak yang naik, maka tetapkan keputusan yang mengatur harga barang.”


Jawab Baginda saw; 

"Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Dzat yang menetapkan harga, yang menyempitkan dan melapangkan rezeki, Maha Pemberi rezeki. Sementara aku berharap dapat berjumpa dengan Allah dalam keadaan tidak ada seorang pun dari kalian yang menuntutku disebabkan kezalimanku dalam urusan darah maupun harta.”

(Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, Turmudzi, Ibnu Majah)

(1) Sesungguhnya Allah Dzat Yang Mentakdirkan Semua Harga. (Tauhid Af'al)

(2) Sesungguhnya Kenaikan Harga Tidak Mempengaruhi Rezeki Seseorang.

Rezeki, ajal maut & jodoh pertemuan adalah rahsia ALLAH. Yakinlah, rezeki yang Allah tetapkan tidak akan bertambah maupun berkurang. Meskipun harga barang meningkat, itu sama sekali tidak akan mengganggu rezeki kita yang telah ditetapkan.

Firman Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala :

“Dan kalaulah Allah memewahkan rezeki bagi setiap hambaNya, nescaya mereka akan melampaui batas di bumi (dengan perbuatan-perbuatan liar durjana); akan tetapi Allah menurunkan (rezekiNya itu) menurut kadar yang tertentu sebagaimana yang dikehendakiNya. Sesungguhnya Ia Mengetahui dengan mendalam akan segala keadaan hambaNya, lagi Melihat dengan nyata.

(Surah Asy-Syuura, ayat 27)

والله أعلم بالصواب

wa ALLAHu 'alam bi as-sowwab

News & Blogs

2013-11-03 07:53 | Report Abuse

akito- pembalasan pasti datang untuk orang yg kencing orang lain. orang yahudi kata 'kami lebih rela ditindas oleh bangsa kami sendiri jika itu lebih baik untuk anak cucu kami satu hari nanti agar mereka tidak menuduh kami sebagai bodoh.." Persoalannya adakah kencing itu benar2 wujud. Kita sendiri tidak sedar sedang dijajah oleh jiran kita sendiri tetapi melihat bangsa sendiri sbagai pengkhianat tanpa bukti. Akito, berbaliklah kepada apayg agama kehendaki nescaya kamu akan selamat dunia akhirat. Allah itu Maha mengetahui perancangannya.Tak perlu risau hal kencing2ni. Tahulah Allah uruskannya. Bukan wang ringgit, harta, pangkat, minyak, gula,, GST yg kita skan bawa mati. Semua yg ada didepan mata kita adalah mencukupi sptr dlm ayat al quran yg di atas. Bersyukurpah, pasti kamu dari golongan yg bertaqwa. Kamu akan faham maksudnya satu hari nanti.

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2013-11-03 00:17 | Report Abuse

akito and tc2012-come to my place where we are the minority within the block and help me to clean up the dog shit n pee infront of my gate everyday by my 'lovely neighborhood' though they know us well..and yet they still come for the open house as if nothing happen. so who is the one has no sense of shame, no pride no dignity whatsoever. someone is inferior of our progress actually.
akito- ask yourself who get all the benefits and mileage of this PR pack? definitely not us, right. get mature with yor politics...

News & Blogs

2013-11-02 23:53 | Report Abuse

Cuba isi jawapan di bawah ini (sila jawab dengan jujur di
hati kita masing-masing) :
1. Allah menciptakan TERTAWA dan .......
2. Allah itu MEMATIKAN dan ......
3. Allah menciptakan LELAKI dan .......
4. Allah memberikan KEKAYAAN dan ......

Majoriti kita akan menjawab:

Yakin jawapan anda itu betul? Untuk mengetahui adakah jawapan di atas itu benar atau tidak, mari kita sesuaikan jawapan tersebut dengan rangkaian firman Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala dalam surat An-Najm (53), ayat: 43-45, dan 48. sebagai berikut:

"dan Dia-lah yang menjadikan orang TERTAWA dan MENANGIS." (QS. 53:43).

"dan Dia-lah yang MEMATIKAN dan MENGHIDUPKAN." (QS. 53:44).

"dan Dia-lah yang menciptakan berpasang-pasangan LELAKI dan PEREMPUAN. " (QS.53:45).

"dan Dia-lah yang memberikan KEKAYAAN dan KECUKUPAN." (QS. 53:48).

Ternyata jawapan kita umumnya BETUL hanya pada soalan no. 1-3.
Tapi, jawapan kita untuk no. 4 (kalau jujur) umumnya mesti KEMISKINAN (jwpn yg salah)
Jawapan versi Allah dalam Al-Qur'an bukan KEMISKINAN, tapi KECUKUPAN...

Maa syaa Allah..!!!

Sesungguhnya Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala hanya memberi KEKAYAAN dan KECUKUPAN kepada hamba-Nya..yakinlah !
Dan yang "menciptakan" KEMISKINAN adalah diri kita sendiri. Hal ini boleh berlaku kerana ketidakadilan ekonomi, malas, boleh juga kerana kemiskinan itu kita bentuk di dalam fikiran kita sendiri. Itulah hakikatnya, mengapa orang-orang yang sentiasa bersyukur, walaupun hidup susah, ia akan tetap tersenyum dan merasa CUKUP...
Jadi, marilah kita melahirkan rasa KECUKUPAN di dalam hati dan fikiran kita, agar kita menjadi hamba-Nya yang selalu BERSYUKUR.. baik dalam kegembiraan ataupun kesedihan dan kesusahan. Kerana di dalam kesusahan dan kesedihan pun adalah rezeki dr Allah SWT..
Semoga BERSYUKUR kita bernilai ibadah..
Aamiin Ya Rabbal 'aalamiin.' 

News & Blogs

2013-11-02 23:48 | Report Abuse

Fenomena kenaikan harga barang pernah terjadi di zaman Rasul saw dan sahabat-sahabat r.a. bertanyakan kepada Baginda saw:-

“Wahai Rasulullah, harga-harga barang banyak yang naik, maka tetapkan keputusan yang mengatur harga barang.”


Jawab Baginda saw; 

"Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Dzat yang menetapkan harga, yang menyempitkan dan melapangkan rezeki, Maha Pemberi rezeki. Sementara aku berharap dapat berjumpa dengan Allah dalam keadaan tidak ada seorang pun dari kalian yang menuntutku disebabkan kezalimanku dalam urusan darah maupun harta.”

(Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, Turmudzi, Ibnu Majah)

(1) Sesungguhnya Allah Dzat Yang Mentakdirkan Semua Harga. (Tauhid Af'al)

(2) Sesungguhnya Kenaikan Harga Tidak Mempengaruhi Rezeki Seseorang.

Rezeki, ajal maut & jodoh pertemuan adalah rahsia ALLAH. Yakinlah, rezeki yang Allah tetapkan tidak akan bertambah maupun berkurang. Meskipun harga barang meningkat, itu sama sekali tidak akan mengganggu rezeki kita yang telah ditetapkan.

Firman Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala :

“Dan kalaulah Allah memewahkan rezeki bagi setiap hambaNya, nescaya mereka akan melampaui batas di bumi (dengan perbuatan-perbuatan liar durjana); akan tetapi Allah menurunkan (rezekiNya itu) menurut kadar yang tertentu sebagaimana yang dikehendakiNya. Sesungguhnya Ia Mengetahui dengan mendalam akan segala keadaan hambaNya, lagi Melihat dengan nyata.

(Surah Asy-Syuura, ayat 27)

والله أعلم بالصواب

wa ALLAHu 'alam bi as-sowwab

News & Blogs

2013-11-02 22:05 | Report Abuse

akito - so PR components are so noble and free of sins? U want the proof ? Trust you will never admit it even we produce it on your plate. Janganlah mengatakan orang lain sebagai pendusta sedangkan kamu tidak memperlihatkan bukti2 yg nyata dan saksi2 yg beriman, ditakuti kamu akan menjadi penfitnah yg mana balasan siksaannya sama sptr kamu membunuh saudara seagama kamu sendiri. tidak perlu mengadu domba atas kesalahan org lain walau kamu mengetahuinya kerana Allah itu Maha Adil dan Mengetahui. Hanya kerana minyak naik 20sen dan GST yg awak sendiri belum faham mekanisma nya sudah begini jadinya kamu. Apa kata kita ambil musibah ini sbg ujian Allah dan kita ganti dgn peningkatan iman kita 20% dari sblm minyak naik 20sen dgn berpuasa sekurang2nya Isnin n Khamis utk jimat duit lunch. badan jd slim dan hati pun tenang dari kita asyik meminta hak2 kita ie makan minum nafsu harta dll sedangkan hak kita pada Allah tidak pernah kita revisited and relooked. Lets see who are lining up for overseas vacation this coming Matta Fair and yet we complaint evwrything is expensive. Ever thougt that who get the most benefits from this Pakatan pack Akito? Thats why they dont dare to support yor comment here except u and me. Becoz we are the majority with minority voice becoz of divide and rule agenda. The Almighty will show the truth soon. Meanwhile He is testing our iman on how we respond on these tests.

News & Blogs

2013-10-31 13:39 | Report Abuse

...government had signed a three-year deal to import sugar at the price of US$26 (RM81.80) per 100lbs.
a deal to purchase sugar at a higher price than market rates then which was US$23.42 (RM73.70),..

The price is higher than USD23.42 as the price is locked for forward hedging price by suppliers based on this commodity price fluctuation historically and antipicating future price. It can even go higher than US$26 (RM81.80) PER 100lbs in 3 years as per previous track record.

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 07:52 | Report Abuse

Thanks to the Almighty that at least I can see some of us know what we are talking about here. Me too, I have been in overseas, worked with the Min of Finance (during DSAI era, Tun M and Tun A) with a very low pay and never get free assistance from them though I am a bumi and a son of a hard earned farmer because I believe with work hard to succed, like everybody else, to the level I am now without any complaint. Let's focus on building this country our future generation. Let the history become a guide on the mistake we should not repeat. Just remember, this country was once called a 'Bumi Bertuah' many years before the westerns came (the reason the westerns came and concur us). So let pray, regardless of our belief, that the era of prosper happen again in this country with our trust to the leaders appointed by the people.

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 17:42 | Report Abuse

Fireball- you still dont have the answers on the list of 'questions to ponder' we wrote up there , right. because you dont have the basis to support for the answer.
who said we want you all to leave the country? why overly sensitive? it is only you, Fireyourball who said that. I dont think you are willing to leave even you are given a choice because you have everything here: ask anything and someone will give you, vote anybody you like and they will serve you, curse anyone you like and no one will attack you, and tell any story you like and everyone will follow you - in this bolehland. You can still walk freely on the street after doing all that. lets build the nation together with the true spirit and pride. On equality as you mentioned earlier, are you willing to sacrifice and ready to give your 75% economic controls to all of us on so called 'we are equal'? If we talk about equality, lets not lopsided on others and all should be equal.

kelvinnonggbk - we dont like overspending, wastages and nontransparent government either. we cant tolerate it and they should take serious punishment to the person as a lesson and not 'for show only'.

ooi teik bee - changing the government is not like changing our shirt. and not even a 'try and error' kind of thing. we did it already at Penang 8 years ago as 'mau cuba mau tahu' and it ends up we are even sufferer. Now selling keropok lekor infront of my grandma's house at balik pulau also can't anymore though we used to do that over 20 years. and many 'fireballs' keep coming buying the peoperties we cant afford to pay even for the deposit. So nasi sudah menjadi bubur. but at least the Almighty still bless us by giving the bubur to eat. but what if one day we dont have anything else to eat s all has been taken by the government, bit by bit, on the pretext of development. so we expect us have to 'balik' and leave the 'pulau' we live for 500 years...? You think about it.

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 15:29 | Report Abuse

Just questions to ponder. Who got the whole tax incentives on companies listed in Bursa Malaysia and registered in CCM? Who get all the benefits of all the pakatan pack? And yet we blame others for not giving but we keep asking more. This is the problem when we deal with 'no money no talk kind of a person' as if we can bring the money along to the grave. When they getting a bit poorer, they blame others except themselves.
Look it this way. When my people dont have enough money to buy a car, we buy a second hand kapcai bike to commute to work. We dont blame and curse others. But we thank the Almighty and pray that one day we will be able to go to work like everybody else.
Many complain about the petrol price hike and so on but lets see who are queueing for the tickets during MATTA fair for yearly overseas trip. Any differece ah on the petrol price hike? Thought Im not so agreeable, that 20sen is given back to the poor under the brim or whatever they call it...

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 14:36 | Report Abuse

andychucky-they are revisiting the individual tax and corporate tax first as the chunck of the tax issues while other taxes will follow suit. there will be lower tax for individuals. Corporate tax is the one which is keeping low because of under-declare. they will go all out this time and no more corporate tax incentives as individuals are the one now keeping the burdence while the the corporates are enjoying the benefits.
Singapore's tax reform is one of the models they are looking at. hopefully they will reform it wisely to benefit all of us. we pray for that..

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 14:29 | Report Abuse

Chin Prng's comrade shot our grandfather's back just to steal a pack of rice kept for our family. Is that what you call a hero, Fortunebull?
i called him coward in today's terminology. Hero's burial is so pure and only for HEROes who sacrfice for the country with blood and tears. Not the one who shot from behind!. You said that because you only 'see' using one eye. Read the whole history and not the story created by LGE & LKS. They and the rest were not there to defend the country from the japanese and communist. We got the story from our greatparents while they were still alive. we are still keeping it even the bullet. the agony is still alive now..

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 13:38 | Report Abuse

corrupt free? Oh are not a penangite so dont say any.
Just because he got jailed to get his milestone means he is a noble? Who is not corrupt nowadays? The problem is, we look from different angles and see that as as corruct while for others is not. Thats why god gives us 2 eyes, to see and to think broadly.
We keep asking we want to be equal but why we are not willing to share everything equally? Pity to our brothers who were buried to defend the nation so that you and me can live like now. What is that compares to those who was jailed shortly and then become a chief minister? See and think broadly..
Andychucky-They will reform the individual tax structure. now is under study.

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 12:33 | Report Abuse

Sorry Fortunebull - LGE is in the next few pages of the list (if only applicable). Ask him what he has he done to us at Balik Pulau. The scar is still there...
Why Tengku Razaleigh? What was his landmark when he was the Minister of Finance? What is his contribution to our nation these few years? Any economic reforma proposal from him for us to read and discuss? Any forum he conducted on that? I was still a young exec to rectify the eco post his era. Just let him enjoy his life as a royal member of the state, will you Mr Mbakri.
Perhaps why not we send this well written essay to a bunch of art class students for a debate on political science topic.

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 10:37 | Report Abuse

One day, tcpeh came home and told his children to call him 'ayah' 'like everybody else', as it is a common name that all children should call their father. Upon hearing that, his children were so happy and started jumping and running around the house as now they could no longer call their father 'confusedpapa'.
As the children grew up and met many kind of people, they realised that though every children called their father 'ayah', each and everyone of 'ayah' had different characters and behaviours without exclusive value as their father had and their 'ayah' mood kept changing according to their surrounding. What matter worst was, their friends from the west and other places whom used to read the same story book every weekend did not mention 'ayah' at all in the book but other names! Their happiness suddenly faded away and now they got confused. They tried to find for an answer from their father tcpeh, but unfortunately their father had just passed away to give the answer they wanted. But they never gave up.
In searching for an answer, the children travelled around the world reading books about 'ayah' and asked other papa to find for the answer but they kept stumble with the news that only their story book mentioned the word 'ayah' but not on the same story book read by their friends on the other side of world.
Suddenly, they found that there is a text book which mentioned about 'ayah', its characters, its values, its greatness, its creation and many more stories about the past, present and future in every page of the text book. Each and every story about 'ayah' and others in the text book is perfectly complete to be used a guide to live to be a better person not only on this universe created by 'ayah' but also thereafter. Tcpeh's children kept reading the new text book they found and every time they read it, new value emerges and they got interested to know more. Now their journey begins...


2013-10-01 17:29 | Report Abuse

Capobianco - Agree. I think I have mentioned the TP of RM1.50 in 18 months (the most) in my earlier posting here. But we are over clouded by the punters causing the price spin several times. This a new stock emerged from PN17 which turns to be fundamentally good (zero debts) so we need to keep it to grow progressively. Just give them time...


2013-09-27 23:46 | Report Abuse

zack_liza- totally agree with you. trade like an investor, not a speculator. :)


2013-09-27 23:08 | Report Abuse

wonder how you guys cant see how to make some money from thhe. this is the third cycle and everytime the news is out it goes up then move down. thhe bags a lot of projects in a pipeline. u will keep losing if you dont really study its moves ie u sell when price is going down. follow this- buy when everyone sells, sell when everyone buys. i allocate 300k for this counter alone since may 2013 and now i have 700k+. i will buy again soon bcoz i know ths counter. i know foreign investors are still holding a lot at 80 sen. trust you own source n calculation. gud luck


2013-09-25 23:33 | Report Abuse

i prefer to pray for tomorrow's and onwards' performance..


2013-09-25 22:14 | Report Abuse

petronas procurement is a very strict process and requires previous proven track record n strong financial support. thh has a strong financial support with the recent sukuk issuance n shateholders while on track record, it is riding on McD. this petronas award is the landmark deal and proves that they are at par with other competitors within a short period of time, or even better as agreed by some analyst. if under normal /no hiccup market, TP-next 6mths is 1.15 -1.40. medium 18months 1.45-1.70. long term 18-24mths 1.8-2.00.


2013-09-25 16:54 | Report Abuse

bawal: hahahaha. so now u are not wearing any a? all were sold already...
BTW, the official announcement on the award by petronas is just part of THH-McD deals for this quarter major activities. Heard that investment banks are proposing few plan on the expansion of THH-McD, some on takeover bid should they target to expand unorganically. these are for 2014 onwards and what we see now is just its screensaver. more to come we believe. The 2014 Budget has yet to presented and there are some goodies on O&G as mentioned earlier by the government esp incentives for expansion on that sector to cushion out oil price hike.


2013-09-23 22:42 | Report Abuse

heard about the proposal to merge thh n alam for synergy. target is next year?