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2013-11-02 20:57 | Report Abuse

Just to share :- Calvin Message From other Forum

Kong Keat. I was barred because I mentioned PM Corp in many other counters. Admin had already deleted them. I think it is a good test to see how the Market perform without my constant promotion.

Anyway, I called PM Corp Management today & they confirmed Cash Pay Out Will Be On As Scheduled.

Happy Investing.

You Are At The Very Best Counter In The Whole OF KLSE!


2013-11-02 14:39 | Report Abuse


Ambiga’s withdrawal from debate draws scorn

Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga’s excuse that she was not debating is unacceptable, says Senator Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor.

Anisah Shukry, FMT

Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga’s refusal to debate with Yuktes Vijay, a former aide in Anwar Ibrahim’s legal team, on the People’s Tribunal has drawn scorn from Senator Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor.

“The reluctance and hesitancy shown by Ambiga to debate clearly shows that the Tribunal Rakyat was a mere Barisan Nasional bashing exercise,” Mohd Ezam said in a statement today, referring to the People’s Tribunal by its Malay name.

Ambiga had originally agreed to a debate with Yuktes through micro-blogging site Twitter, but later called it off when she learned the topic was on the People’s Tribunal.

“…Have explained. Disagreed with topic of findings of [People’s Tribunal] when they are not out yet. Said I disagreed from Day1..” she tweeted on Wednesday.

But Ezam argued today that the debate, scheduled for Nov 16, was to focus on what was submitted during tribunal, and did not touch upon the judges’ conclusions.

“Deciphering the excuse given by Ambiga for her withdrawal, it seems like she intends to use the findings of the Tribunal as a reference point to validate her vague and bias (sic) views.

“Perhaps (it is an) indication that she indeed lacks evidence to substantiate her views and allegations about the [general election] and the[election commission],” said Ezam.

He also pointed out that the tribunal was not recognised by law, and thus there was no question of contempt should the debate go on.

“Personally, I was surprised and astounded when Ambiga accepted the challenge of Yuktes Vijay for a debate. In fact, the founding father of Bersih, Anwar Ibrahim would not have been pleased at all with this decision of hers,” claimed Ezam.


2013-11-02 14:38 | Report Abuse


Finally, Wisma Putra chides US, Australia envoys over spying claims

(MMO) - Three days after news leaked that the US and Australia had purportedly used their diplomatic missions here to spy on Malaysia, Wisma Putra finally summoned the US ambassador and Australian High Commissioner yesterday to formally file a protest.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman said in a statement today that he had met with Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop in Perth yesterday and told his counterpart that spying against “close friends” is not done as it could “severely damage” relations.

“In response, Minister Bishop informed that it is not the policy of the Australian government to comment on intelligence matters,” said Anifah in a statement released by his office yesterday.

However, the minister accepted the concerns raised by Malaysia on the matter and assured that the Australian government places high importance on the close bilateral relations with Malaysia,” he added.

Anifah also said that Malaysia’s Foreign Ministry, represented by Deputy Secretary-General Datuk Ramlan Ibrahim, handed a protest note to Australian High Commissioner Miles Kupa and US Deputy Chief of Mission, Lee McClenny, representing the US ambassador to Malaysia, Joseph Y. Yun, who was out of town.

Yun reportedly said recently that surveillance activities carried out by the US worldwide was to identify potential leads on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.


2013-11-02 14:36 | Report Abuse


Anwar cancels Sydney trip due to clashing court date over Sodomy II case

(MM) - Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has cancelled a visit to Sydney next week due to a court hearing at the Federal Court over his bid to disqualify Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah as the lead prosecutor in his Sodomy II appeal case.

The visit would have included appearances at two forums and a debate on Islam, the Sydney Morning Herald website said today.

PKR vice-president Chua Tian Chang, popularly known as Tian Chua, told Fairfaz Media that Anwar's lawyers tried to have the court appearance changed to another date but claimed the judges insisted to go ahead on November 7, the day he was scheduled to be in Sydney.

“The cancellation of the trip will definitely remind the international community that the prosecution of Anwar in fact, the entire opposition, is not over,” he said.

Chua later told The Malay Mail Online that despite Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s promises of a more open democracy, the clashing of Anwar’s court date with his visit showed that “Najib can be as autocratic as the old Mahathir”, referring to former premier Mahathir Mohamad.

“So the opposition, especially Anwar, cannot expect to enjoy a peace of mind or a level playing field in the political competition,” said Chua.

There had been reports alleging that a “student adviser” purporting to represent Education Australia Malaysia in Sydney had sent an email warning students on scholarship from Malaysia’s Public Service Department (PSD) against attending the Anwar event in Adelaide on October 20.

Students however ignored the warning and thronged the University of Adelaide for a public interview session with public intellectual Waleed Aly. Anwar was the headline event on the final day of the four-day festival.

Meanwhile, November 7 will be Anwar's final attempt to disqualify top Umno lawyer Muhammad Shafee from leading the prosecution team to overturn the opposition leader's acquittal for sodomy.

On September 17, a three-men bench led by Datuk Ramly Ali only gave oral grounds as to why it was dismissing Anwar's application to disquality Shafee as ad-hoc deputy public prosecutor.

According to The Malaysian Insider, Anwar's lawyer Karpal Singh said he was notified of the appeal date two weeks ago and is now rushing to file the petition of appeal.

On January 9 last year, judge Datuk Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah acquitted Anwar, 66, for sodomising his former aide, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, at a Desa Damansara condominium unit in Bukit Damansara on June 26, 2008.

The verdict ended a trial that lasted over two years, with 27 prosecution and seven defence witnesses called.

Anwar served six years in prison for the first sodomy trial after being convicted in 1998. He was given a nine-year sentence but the verdict was later overturned in 2004.

Today, Chua said Anwar has to face “the reality that they (government) will continue to drag this case to bring him down.”

“That is something quite unfortunate that we have to face”.


2013-11-02 14:33 | Report Abuse


High court dismisses Nik Nazmi's application

(MM) - The Shah Alam High Court today dismissed the application by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) communications director Nik Nazmi Nik Nik Ahmad to drop the charge against him for organising a rally at Stadium Kelana Jaya on May 8.

Nik Nazmi, who was charged under Section 9(1) of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 of organising the rally without giving a 10-day prior notice to the police as required under the Act, faces a fine of not more than RM10,000, upon conviction.

In her judgement, Judge Noor Azian Shaari said she disagreed with the applicant's submission that the charge was contradictory to the Federal Constitution.

Noor Azian said Sections 9(1) and 9(5) of the Act did not contravene the Federal Constitution and neither were they unreasonable provisions because Article 10(2) provides that any law necessary for national security can be enforced even though the public have the right to assemble peacefully under the same Article.

She also said that the applicant's allegation that the charge was politically motivated was merely to spice up his story.

She added that this issue should be raised at the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court where he was charged and would be tried and that she believed the police and prosecutors had a valid reason for charging him.

Nik Nazmi had pleaded guilty at the Sessions Court on May 17 and filed an application on Aug 21 at the Shah Alam High Court to set it aside.

He was represented by counsels Eric Paulsen and Syahredzan Johan, while the prosecution was conducted by deputy public prosecutor Wan Shaharuddin Wan Ladin.

The case re-mention is scheduled for Nov 12 at the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court.


2013-11-02 11:58 | Report Abuse

i think in the last 2 month nov - dec will be the most interesting month for PM & MUI related counter. Actually this what trigger the buying interest to all its related counter. The rumor also flying around about the possible privatization of PM related counter such as PMIND which gonna sell their asset for cash amounted RM 60 Million to reduce their dept with bank and also PMI EGM on 15 Nov. Also will affect what is next way forward for PMI and it share in MUI and also possible cash payout soon for PMCORP and the profit their get from Sell of NFI Plant in singapore and also their Quarterly Financial Figure will come out in nov and all interest toward undervalue asset belong to MUI and all this rumor and news now making PM & MUI related counter a cannot miss counter in Nov & Dec. So What Oii Teik Bee said is correct. Price up must have the downside of it. But then when we observe carefully not only 1 day but so many days there is also a huge sell transaction meaning the also unload in every level but still got buyer who maintain the price so that it will not go down to much and not go up to much. In my view the game is not over yet.Instead it just started. And will see some more up and down in the coming week.


2013-11-01 23:00 | Report Abuse

next week DGSB would be the shining star


2013-11-01 20:58 | Report Abuse

hepitrade sell to me also. we need it.we have a group & got fresh buyer waiting.

News & Blogs

2013-11-01 20:34 | Report Abuse

Mukhriz Mahathir today announce he will think the idea of Making YAN Kedah as Kedah First International Port and put Kedah and YAN as the new shipping hub for north region. All Kedah & Perlis Export & Import which is currently have to go through Penang Port will be re-route to Kedah New Port and Kedah will not using Penang Port anymore. Using that strategy will reduce kedah dependency to their neighboring state Penang and also will make Kedah easily shipping rice from Kedah to other Malaysian Market and International Market.

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2013-11-01 19:30 | Report Abuse


Singapore News Site Hacked After ‘Anonymous’ Warns of Attacks

A group called Anonymous hacked a website owned by Singapore’s biggest newspaper publisher, having warned earlier it will mount cyber attacks on the government over its online media licensing framework.

A hacker in the group that goes by the name the Messiah posted on Singapore Press Holdings Ltd. (SPH)’s Straits Times website, saying the newspaper distorted its words by writing that Anonymous is at war with Singapore instead of the government. A video uploaded on the YouTube website this week showed a person in a Guy Fawkes mask demanding Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s government reconsider its Internet regulations.

Singapore from June 1 required websites that regularly publish news on the city state to be licensed and pay a S$50,000 ($40,200) bond, to be forfeited on the publication of “prohibited content” that “undermines racial or religious harmony.” Yahoo! Inc.’s Singapore news website was among an initial list of 10 that was subject to the rules, which the government said would mean news sites are regulated in the same manner as other media.

“We demand you reconsider the regulations of your framework or we will be forced to go to war with you,” according to a computer-generated voice on the YouTube video. “For every time you deprive a citizen his right to information, we will cost you financial loss by aggressive cyber intrusion.”

Singapore’s government agencies were put on alert, the Straits Times reported today. The group’s the Messiah also claimed responsibility for hacking the website of the Ang Mo Kio Town Council this week, the municipal body of Lee’s constituency.

Singapore Press Holdings has taken affected blogs off the Straits Times website after a section of the site was hacked earlier today, the company said in an e-mailed statement. A police report had been made, the company said.

Anonymous has sent similar YouTube messages to governments including the Philippines and the U.K.

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2013-11-01 19:28 | Report Abuse



The Anonymous Legion Threatens Singapore Government

The Treat Link As per below :-



2013-11-01 14:41 | Report Abuse

good fairjimmy.Please sell your MUI and i will buy from you.

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2013-11-01 08:44 | Report Abuse



The Anonymous Legion Threatens Singapore Government

The Treat Link As per below :-


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2013-10-31 17:39 | Report Abuse

Flip Flop of PR :-) . Hahahaha Drama Minggu ini : -

Pas will never agree to GST - Mahfuz

(NST) - Pas vice president Datuk Mahfuz Omar today took a contradictory stand over opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's positive view on the Goods and Services Tax (GST) due for implementation in April 2015.

Mahfuz said Pas would never agreed to GST implementation as they felt the taxation system would create a massive leakage in the country economy.

The Kedah Pas commissioner and the party's election machinery director for Sungai Limau by-election refused to comment on Anwar's recent about-turn over the GST issue, several days after the PKR de-facto leader announced that the Pakatan Rakyat would go all out to object its implementation.

Anwar was yesterday quoted as acknowledging that GST was an efficient taxation system and that it could be a major contributor to the national economic growth.

News & Blogs

2013-10-31 17:37 | Report Abuse

PUTAR ALAM Anwar begin his DRAMA again Hahhahahaha :-

Sekarang Anwar kata Pakatan akan laksana GST bila perintah, namun bersyarat

(TMI) - Pakatan Rakyat (PR) akan turut melaksanakan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) apabila mereka memerintah kelak kerana ia sistem percukaian yang efisien, kata Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar bagaimanapun menegaskan, perkara itu hanya akan berlaku dengan syarat kerajaan menghentikan gejala rasuah, kebocoran dan juga monopoli yang kini dilihat berleluasa dan tidak sesuai untuk melaksanakan GST.

"Kita kata ketelusan. PR akan hentikan rasuah, kebocoran dan monopoli. Hentikan ini dulu. Kemudian usahakan taraf hidup rakyat," katanya ketika sidang media di lobi Parlimen, Kuala Lumpur.

"Dua faktor ini perlu diberi tumpuan," katanya dan menambah pembangkang juga tidak akan melaksanakan GST sekarang kerana ia tidak munasabah.

"Bila kita dalam defisit kita akan fikiran perolehan. Ia akan ambil masa yang lama untuk mengatasi defisit," kata ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh itu lagi.

Tempoh 17 bulan menjelang pelaksanaan GST pada April 2015 juga tidak cukup untuk melaksanakan cukai berkenaan kata Anwar selagi masalah berkenaan gagal diatasi.

"Dengan situasi ekonomi sekarang apa yang boleh kita buat? Beri kita capai kedudukan yang selesa, kalau tidak capai bajet surplus pun beri kita selesa dahulu," kata Anwar.

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2013-10-30 22:50 | Report Abuse

hehehe oh heeroo got some more.. look east policy,Time standardization for east and west malaysia, punch card, MALAYSIA BOLEH, Commonwealth Games 1998,ERL,scholarship JPA MARA PETRONAS, Vision 2020, Industrial Blue Print,Privatization Blue Print, MSC, Cyberjaya ,Bakun Dam,Changed Malaysia from agriculture based country to industrial and services oriented country ,Tanjung Pelepas and West Port ,country’s per capita income doubled from 1990 to 1996. and many many more.....penat nak taip dah.hahhahaha.

News & Blogs

2013-10-30 22:15 | Report Abuse

Mahathir is the best PM ever. He is really a doctor in the office. The only Malaysian PM ever brave enough to speak up against Western Country. Name it...all kena. British buy British last.Us D.President AlGore. Josh Bush also kena. Even Jews also kena. HhahahH BBC Hard Talk Interviewer should remember Mahathir very well on how he crush that western reporter to the ground.ahahhaah.So many achievement. Save country economy 2 times 1988 and 1998. 1990 - 1997 country achieve 7 - 8 GDP. Proton,Modenas,Produa,Putrajaya,F1,Twin Tower,Highway,Penang Bridge,KL Tower,Planetarium,Langkawi,KLIA,LRT,FELDA,KWSP,KHAZANAH,PNB,BANK ISLAM,MUAMALAT,ISLAMIC FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT,A lot of University,National Library and many many more. Aiyo tak terkira. Thank You Very Very Much Dr M. You are the best.


2013-10-30 21:44 | Report Abuse

Calvin is there any possibility that PMI will be privatized based on its current condition ?


2013-10-30 21:33 | Report Abuse

The disposal will generate 60 Million income to PMI and reduce their borrowing from Bank. But at the same time PMI will lost it sole income generation and also asset. Now the only think that PMI can depend is on their Mayang Land & also 388 Million Investment in MUI.Calvin, i just want to understand, why PMI got huge investment in MUI and holding 388 Million share of MUI and is there any plan for the company to use this 388 million investment in MUI ? If MUI going up above 1.00 then PMI will have huge profit from that 388 million investment.


2013-10-30 19:11 | Report Abuse

based on the number of share buy at 0.08 today. Tomorrow will be easily clear 0.08 and to break it all time high 0.09 i think.

News & Blogs

2013-10-30 17:40 | Report Abuse

Now Anwar Ibrahim the Liar GOSTAND AGAIN AND FLIP FLOP again. Now he saying GST is OK. Hahahhahahahahah. Putar Alam.


News & Blogs

2013-10-30 17:38 | Report Abuse

Now Anwar Ibrahim the Liar GOSTAND AGAIN AND FLIP FLOP again. Now he saying GST is OK. Hahahhahahahahah. Putar Alam.



2013-10-30 09:46 | Report Abuse

how much is the price after capital repayment ?


2013-10-30 09:33 | Report Abuse

agree buy now. it will move higher


2013-10-28 21:17 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-10-28 21:16 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-10-28 21:15 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-10-28 21:14 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-10-28 21:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-10-28 21:05 |

Post removed.Why?