
jackyong138 | Joined since 2012-05-04 07:26:11

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2020-09-15 10:35 | Report Abuse

TFP start to move, up, up, up


2020-09-15 06:53 | Report Abuse

Technically form Flag pattern, today will fly, target 0.27


2020-08-26 14:03 | Report Abuse

Theoretically Ex ALL price for TFP=around 10 not 14 sen after 2day

News & Blogs

2018-09-03 13:18 | Report Abuse

Jeff Ain,
Agreed is RM688mil yet to be bill, but that amount is updated till 30/6/18 (Q2 18 report) only. U mean the bal RM175.5 mil project not going to complete in 1 or more quarter down the road!!
Why shoud it be divide into 8 quarters, If you are the Boss, are u going to bill the clients once project complete and show good performance for the next few quarters. That is what happened in the past history, we, retailers kena "cheat" by the their past results in quarterly report.
The RM688mil or total RM863.5mil is excluded from the Trade receivable amount (RM295mil) and due from customers (RM63.7mil), means they still have RM358mil to collect. May be you can help them to collect, then the next few Quarters will have BIGGER profit, all the Vivocom kaki will happy to belanja you.


2018-03-01 07:23 | Report Abuse

From the Q417 report (mil),
Loss/Profit attributable to shareholder = -2.635
Provision of doubtful debts = 5.926 (if remove)
Loss/profit attributable to shareholder = 3.291
No of outstanding share = 3399
Q4 17 EPS = 0.096 sen (which is +222% compare to Q4 16)
Provision of doubtful debts required if debt more than 120 days(if not wrong) before close Financial year end and submit for audit purpose. It might be received within next few quarters and recorded as a profit. Please refer to Accountant to confirm my explanation.



2018-02-27 17:38 | Report Abuse

heard goreng to 0.5sen


2018-02-27 15:50 | Report Abuse

Agil, Don be so serious, I am just joking to say Darth and Daren can be treated as a God. Seriously if they are God, don think they need to grumble and talk shit here since they loss money in Vivocom.
Anyway, if really they can predict (say 80%) that, the recommended counters can keep on going up
Y not, they can be treated as a Fortune God.
In this case, accidentally, the Vivocom down below 10 sen just because d company have offer right issue. Anyway, I still believe (people might think I m crazy since down so much) vivocom Q4 17 should do much better than Q4 16, again either 2day (after 5.30pm) or 2molo, the Q4 27 report shud come out, let us wait and see.

Eventhough darth and darren prediction do come thru i dont personally think both are God or investment guru. However, i do think that darth and daren must have had bad experience with vivo and had been burned and see thru how the share fall from grace from years ago..i think its their own xperince that telling us that the share price is weakening...not so much of theyvare God or genius...
27/02/2018 12:15


2018-02-27 11:13 | Report Abuse

Darth and Daren, predict which counters will go up and d sky is d limit, would be much better. Everybody (including U) here will be very much happy and will treat both of u like GOD.


2018-02-26 20:10 | Report Abuse

Darth, u r wonderful, talk too BIG till unblieveable. If u able to shut a company down, then I don think u r busy writing here. probably u r with Mr Teh Hong Piow, Mr Lim Kok Thai or with our "beloved" PM having coffee/Tea


2018-02-26 19:33 | Report Abuse

then attend their AGM n question their Directors til no "horse run", hahaa


2018-02-26 19:20 | Report Abuse

Darth, as said before, u make a lot guessing (better guess what no to be strike in Toto, Magnum or 1+3D, rather than in Directors' action) or assumption without data
1)Transparent- Y u said not transparent, they stated clearly in the Q report, huge profit Q16 and Q2 16 because of clearing backlog. Again, do u read report!
2)Directors are playing a well calculated game-how u know?Based on Offer right, they will increases their % shares in the company. From announcement,
"As mentioned above, Golden Oasis Resources and Ang Li-Hann are not persons acting in concert. Upon completion of the Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants under the Minimum Scenario, Golden Oasis Resources equity interest in Vivocom may increase from approximately 22.28% to 30.55% and Ang Li-Hann's equity interest in Vivocom may increase from approximately 10.03% to 13.76%."
If u want to gamble in stock, please go to Genting to see Mr Lim Kok Thai, can know your result within 1 sec, by playing Big or Small


2018-02-26 19:05 | Report Abuse

Current Price press down due to
1)CNQC, Hong Kong didnt acquire (to me, if coming Q no good and no business, the two bosses might just sell their shares with whatever price the buyers intend to buy)
2)Offer Right-is not good if clear debt, but for
a)Future viable investments
b)Working capital (with RM2B project and no more fund from CNQC)
c)balance for expenses related to right issue
So, it is a good chance to buy if share price below or 0.1


2018-02-26 18:39 | Report Abuse

As said before, If Q4 17 can sustain at 0.19 (atleast, +533% compare to Q4 16=0.03) and above
The total EPS is 0.72
PE=20, share price target=0.144
PE=25, share price target=0.180 (shud be reasonable since 2015 EPS=0,6, higher share price is 0.27, means PE=45)


2018-02-26 18:25 | Report Abuse

Re-post, expect Q4 17 compare to Q4 16 should be Great, since impairment loss in Q4 16 will not repeat(one time off), hence will produce better result if EPS can maintain 0.19 and above.
Revenue =46
Gross profit =13.8
Other income = 0.3
Admin Expenses = -6.8 (Excessive, preceding Q3 17= -4.1)
Impairment loss = -5.9 (one time off, belong to Telco)
Dep. & amort. = -0.1
Operating Profit = 1.37
If one time off impairment loss taken out,
Operating profit= 7.25
minus finance cos(0.6)t, Tax(-0.1, actual is +), and minority interest(0.02)
Profit att. to owner is 6.49, the EPS is 0.2 (+566% compare to Q3 with impairement loss)
So, I can say the chances to have Good EPS is very high. Let us look forward and see my cal is right or wrong, either 2day or latest 28/2


2018-02-26 18:11 | Report Abuse

How can the share price maintain if the company (Q1, Q2 & Q3) EPS drop compare to previous Q, can u maintain your business, say coffee shop, if somebody come in (a lot of customers, 2B), but the Management didnt manage properly, waste in material, poor supervising, etc, can the business sustain.
In Vivocom case, they got huge EPS (Q1 16=0.81 and Q2 16=0.84, but oredi said in report, the huge profit due to clear backlog, and didnt sustain after that (Q3 16=0.39 Q4 16=0.03). Do u read before, I doubt so). Then Q1 17=0.16, Q2 17=0.18, Q3 17=0.19. That Y I say, the managers (I work as a manager before, sori to say, is committed to result, LOL) are taking blind salary

Retailers are asking why it hasn't stabilized from the initial high of around 0.33.


2018-02-26 17:54 | Report Abuse

Gamble is when u don understand the company fundamental background, u "HOPE" the company share price up, up up after bought in, not even border about the company quarterly report.


2018-02-26 17:45 | Report Abuse

Darth, dont think I keep on explain in term of fundmental.
In what sense or basis, just based on RM2B project, share price just keep going up without good profit or EPS?then better do our own business, get as many as sales as possible, no need to ensure profit, company will growth.


2018-02-26 17:29 | Report Abuse

Darth, if u know any company is "super" transparent. Y not just tell me, u and me just "hantam" kao kao, no need to bother about Vivocom. As long as we make huge profit and do some charity work, is it better?


2018-02-26 17:18 | Report Abuse

Hi Daren,
thanks, any confident to press down below 0.09


2018-02-26 17:02 | Report Abuse

by 6 sense, better tell me what no going to open by Magnum, Toto, 1+3D this coming sat or sunday. Easy win or loss, no point invest in Stock


2018-02-26 16:44 | Report Abuse

Q4 16 report (mil)
Revenue =46
Gross profit =13.8
Other income = 0.3
Admin Expenses = -6.8 (Excessive, preceding Q3 17= -4.1)
Impairment loss = -5.9 (one time off, belong to Telco)
Dep. & amort. = -0.1
Operating Profit = 1.37
If one time off impairment loss taken out,
Operating profit= 7.25
minus finance cos(0.6)t, Tax(-0.1, actual is +), and minority interest(0.02)
Profit att. to owner is 6.49, the EPS is 0.2 (+566% compare to Q3 with impairement loss)
So, I can say the chances to have Good EPS is very high. Let us look forward and see my cal is right or wrong, either 2day or latest 28/2


2018-02-26 15:38 | Report Abuse

I know I m ikan bilis, that y ask your help to press down below 0.09, then makan sikit


2018-02-26 08:54 | Report Abuse

Darenlimm, whether u talk shit, F, buck like mad dog, i only believe one thing, company share price will not down/up because of u(unless u r fund and super rich man like Warrent buffet/Soro), but depend on company fundamental, that is Q result.
Quarterly EPS Compare between 2017 and 2015
Qtr 17 15
Q1 0.16 0.10
Q2 0.18 -0.14
Q3 0.19 0.53
Q4 0.03 0.11
Ttl 0.56 0.60 which is 0.04 sen less
Share price drops since Q 17 vs Q 16, the EPS drops like hell especially Q1 16(0.81) n Q2 16(0.85), the Q report got mentioned because the company clear backlog for Q1 n 2 16, means they are not cheating. Only retailers want to buy high, that is above 0.20
The Q 17 EPS is quite stable, atleast maintain around 0.16 and above, what happen if Q4 17 is 0.19 and above
Qtr 17
Q1 0.16
Q2 0.18
Q3 0.19
Q4 0.19
Ttl 0.72, then with PE=25X, the share price shud around 0.18 sen(reasonable) since EPS 15 is 0.60, the higher share price is 0.27

So, what I can say, if u really can push down to 0.09, i m very happy because I will sapu (just like I bought PUC when drop to 0.115 from 0.16 and rebound to 0.33, now 0.27)

Anyway, good luck if u think u have GOD power and your "Blind" followers really follow u, either don buy or dump. However, I m waiting for Q result which will come out before or on 28/2.


2018-02-26 08:52 | Report Abuse

Sori, is darenlim, if u r too free and super rich, I advise u to go and do charity.


2018-02-21 07:45 | Report Abuse

Agjl, Cong He Fat Choi, agreed what u told people and thank you .
I just dont understand, the people cant "tahan" when loss money in stocks, especially in this Vivocom, but not try to learn from mistake if there is.
People can just cut loss and go to other counter, nothing will help you even u scold, talk shit, F, Cry, suicide, etc. As what people say, "The Earth will not stop rotating just bcos of U" or "U dont turn, the Earth still turn"
No matter what, I can say the share price is still relate to Earning or Prospect (expect Good or Bad in future). Again, the EPS dropped (Compare Q to Previous Q), but is improving(compare Q to preceeding Q). and bottom up. Q1 17=0.16 Q2 17=0.18 Q3 17=0.19. If Q4 17 EPS is less than 0.19, then might flat (since oredi press down) or down unless less than previous Q4 17=0.03(but unlikely). It will fly or gap up if Q4 17 EPS higher than 0.19.Just wait and see the Q4 17, whether I tell the right thing.
Just Quote an example, Yesterday US market,
"Walmart (WMT.N), the world's biggest brick-and-mortar retailer, reported a lower-than-expected profit and posted a sharp drop in online sales growth during the holiday period. Its shares slumped 10.2 percent, and suffered their biggest percentage fall since January 1988." (copy and paste from yahoo finance).

is it a CON counter bcos the share price drop more than 10%, LOL.

Wish everybody "Happy New Year and Cong Hee Fat Choi"


2018-02-15 00:19 | Report Abuse

Darth, U can make a lot of assumption, why not just report to police or MACC if u think they are siphoning out money, no point grumbling here. Anyway, based on 3rd Q report,
1)Cash or Cash Equivalent = RM39 mil
2)Trade Receivable=RM298 mil
3)Amount due from customer = RM63 mil (probably become bad debt)
They have raise fund through private placement, as u know, that is through Macquarie Bank. Do u think the Australia bank so stupid to give them money for nothing. Atleast they r not asking from shareholder by issue Offer right again, If yes, then probably they are cheating for money again. Hence, just wait for 4th Q report, should be out less than 2 weeks. If really screw up, whatever u like to say or shout or go n bang at the Director office, just go ahead, nobody will stop u.


2018-02-14 18:25 | Report Abuse

How u know d Directors not concern(company net profit but not d share price bcos share price will up if net profit is growing). i worked in manufacturing b4, directors concern about monthly account, but louzy in Executive Director pick, ask n excellent GM (personnel matter) to go but promote a screw up management operations Director to be Executive Director. Why i said louzy, didnt manage managers, but can scold til supervisor n up to operator level, then wat is manager for, take blind salary!!!!!


2018-02-14 17:48 | Report Abuse

Hi Darth, oredi explain many time, y share price tumble, is related to Profit att. to owner or EPS. Since 3Q of EPS( Q17 vs Q16) is dropping, nothing wrong d share price drop. Most of d stocks, (unless very good prospect) price drop whenever NET PROFIT or EPS drop when compare Q to Q either previous or preceding. CIMB price oso drop 50% previously(fr around rm8 to rm4 when d profit drop, is it con counter). D price only up when EPS up n recent bank share rally bcos of interest up.


2018-02-14 17:17 | Report Abuse

The EPS is improving if compare to preceeding Q, that is Q1=0.16, Q2=0.18 Q3=0.19 Q4=??
as long as maintain at 0.19 or above, it shud have a Big jump
Q4 16=0.03 Assume 0.19, means 533% up.Total EPS=0.72
with PE=20X, the price should around 0.145, so it is safe to buy below 0.14, some more 2day stil have chance to buy 0.11 , probably still have chance to buy 0.11 even closed at 0.115 since US market is volatile, waiting for 2nite CPI data


2018-02-14 16:53 | Report Abuse

Believe or not, anyway i m not going to defend since Agjl say so..
I m only believe FA, not listen to whoever say, Probably I believe talk, rumours, speculation, etc when i got no idea about FA.
A Company with NTA =0.14, even go bankcrupt, as lng as i bought below 0.14. should I stil get compensation, the answer should be "Yes", the only is bond holder will be priority


2018-02-14 16:14 | Report Abuse

Darth, Cong He Fat Chai, if can go down below 0.10, I will SAPU, some more what u say between 0.005 to 0.015


2018-02-13 09:53 | Report Abuse

is it?How many times u win after seeing Lim Kok Thai, haha


2018-02-08 17:05 | Report Abuse

Coecoe, meaningless for u to explain the EPS, either they don understand or they don want to understand(might loss money due to dump all to this counter). To them,
i)Good stock- Share price fly and the sky is the limit
2)Bad stock- Share price fluctuate up and down(by ignoring EPS oso down)
I feel bore to comment but they can repeat and sing song the same story, hahaa.


2018-02-07 08:04 | Report Abuse

Daren, after your sing Vivocom down down down, possible down to 0.09. If yes, I will sapu, then will thanks a lot and give your a treat


2018-02-06 09:22 | Report Abuse

let them sing vivocom down down down, then can sapu sapu cheap cheap cheap


2018-02-05 14:01 | Report Abuse

Appreciate your reply and still respect u as a ex Head of .....
Anyway, I m engineering graduate and work in manufacturing sector for quite many years. In the stocks market, have to admit, loss a lot (%) just base on Technical Analysis through Chart Course attended. However, Start to make good profit(like PUC, Dnex >50% less than a year),that y believe in fundamental Analysis. Anyway, is not going to "argue" or "defend" further, let us see how the Vivocom, coming Q4 report to determine the "Quality" of this counter


2018-02-05 13:36 | Report Abuse

Wow, Good, good, good. so many expert here in Vivocom nowadays,
i)PUC at 0.135 and 0.115
ii)Dnex at 0.245 and 0.235
sold with "wonderful" profit, but
Note : Quote bought counters approximately equal to Vivocom price
Vivocom bought at 0.155 and think to buy some more at 0.115
Anyway, might be some experts or Agji can enlighten me the different between the shares bought earlier.
What is the main different between PUC, Dnex and Vivocom, why can Dnex or PUC up (in term of %) so much compare to Vivocom, can anyone tell the so call "LOGIC" appreciate your effort


2018-02-04 13:40 | Report Abuse

If I m not wrong, the investors like Darth, Darenlimmm, etc keep on say Vivocom, down, down, down, probably bought at very high price, 20 sen and above, their action probably want to get attention from the management(or probably expect some of their company staffs read n pass the message to the Directors), to me is useless, final share price still depend on EPS.
Agji, since u r ex head of research ...., do u take any action if your managers didnt perform or u oso have attitude " Tak da apa". Probably the Vivocom Bossess have this "Tak da apa" attitude, as long as the company still making profit, that y a lot listed company cant progress, because the majority managers/directors take Blind salary.


2018-02-04 13:22 | Report Abuse

Agreed, in term of company business,we oso look at others,
1)ROE(Effectiveness of Management > 15% (industry Standard)
2)ROA (Use of assets)
3)Revenue(Business growth)
4)Net Profit
5)Dividend Yield (if there is)
6)Debt to Equity<0.5% (Industry Standard)
We can talk a lots like
1)revenue (business) increases, eg Vivocom got RM2B project,
2)cash/Cash Equivalent, eg Vivocom=38.9 mil, still cash rich
3)Debt, Vivocom=29.5mil, stil low, Cash-Debt=9.4mil (xtra cash, depend on project oso)
but don't forget, what is the main contributor to share price up/down, is
1)Profit attribute to shareholder, whether increases/decreases
2)Indirectly to Earning Per share whether up/down (Vivocom EPS keep on down, Q17 vs Q16)
because final Share Price = EPS X PE (Depends on sector peers or company earning growth rate)
Note ===>Majority of other factors contribute to Earning per Share
So, in term of accounting, if the EPS of Vivocom is not growing, is the share price going to be up
i)Share price (up) =EPS(UP) x PE(Stagnant)
ii)Share price (UP)=EPS(Stagnant/Deteriate)X PE (Up), PE=20X, 30X, 40X, .....100X)
Anyway, I didnt invest much money (%) from my portfolio, the only is we want to talk about logic and data, not simply or baseless to confuse others. Just like i question u about the lossess, the amount is not important to me or others, the important is LOGIC about your losses, a figure that u simply said.


2018-02-04 09:19 | Report Abuse

A bit doubt that u r ex Head of Research of few foreign and local brokerage.. then Head of the corporate finance of a well known investment bank....after read most of your comment in I3. Why I say so, quote some info here.
A)Why share price fluctuate daily,
1)Demand and supply, based on willing buyer(demand, either contra for profit or for investment if think company can grow) or willing seller (either contra for profit or not for investment if think company cant grow)
2)Fund (if purchase/sell) intends to have buy low and sell high and then sell high and buy low again, so that make some profit for Unit Trust investors.(Some Unit Trust investors would say Unit Trust is not a good investment vehicle because the fund performance worse than their stock investment. To me, it is a long term investment vehicle, atleast 10 years and above)
B)Share Price Over or Under Value
If you are finance or account back ground, you should know that company share price cant go up (unless fry/goreng or expected possible good prospect in future) if company EPS is loss or negative (negative profit, even go to PN17). Example as below
i)EPS deteriate-Vivocom
The EPS deteriate from 0.81(Q1 16), 0.85(Q2 16) 0.39(Q3 16)0.03(Q4 16)
to 0.16(Q1 17) 0.18(Q2 17) 0.19(Q3 17) if compare Q 17 to Q 16), but is improving if compare preceeding Q 17, but not tremendously.
ii)Good Prospect-Kuhcai
The EPS fluctuate from 1.45(Q1 17), -11.93(Q2 17) 11.54(Q3 17) 35.2(Q4 17) 5.34(Q1 18), how come price suddenly shoot up from 1.42 to 2.82 (highest on 15/1, around 98%) even the EPS is not growing. The main reason is Kuchai is going to benefit (since it is one of the biggest shareholder) Great Eastern which probably go for listing. (If i m not wrong)
The EPS is deteriate and even go for PN17 (probably wont die because GLC), -2.98(Q1 16) -0.61(Q2 16) -11.74(Q3 16) -17.3(Q4 16), -1.89(Q1 17) -1.50(Q2 17) and -2.87(Q3 117), the share price plunge (-78%) from 0.455 to 0.1(closed on 2/2) is it a con counter?Possible, but i cant tell because I m not director of the company
C)Con Counters
Seems like some readers/writers (except for those believe in doing business/accounting) in i3investors will say those are con counters(example PUC(-30%), Dnex(-30%), Krono(-41.6%), from 2017 highest etc) if the price is continue down. Are there really con counters?
Last but not least, again to say, no need to promote or critic, the Vivocom share price will automatically go up (If EPS is have a big growth) or go down further (if EPS deteriate again).

Agjl Dear Richard....i used to be the HEAD OF RESEACH of few foreign and local brokerage..then HEAD of the corporate finance of a well known investment bank...then invited to sitvon the board of a plc as independent director and remuneration commitee...:)
27/01/2018 23:24


2018-01-27 23:41 | Report Abuse

The calculation is based on cash out front brokerage fees, there is a different brokerage fees rate between different investment bank, max might be 0.6%, so it might not tally as compare to yours. it just to show u that, no way for u to loss ONLY RM350 based on 1 mil shares


2018-01-27 23:28 | Report Abuse

Agil, my calculation based on 0.13 and 1 mil shares
Share amount = 130,000
Brokerage = 130
Contract = 130
Stamping = 39
GST (6%) = 10.14
Total = 130309.14

Share amount = 130,000
Brokerage = -130
Contract = -130
Stamping = -39
GST (6%) = -10.14
Total = 129690.86

Profit/Loss = -618.28 (Loss)

Hence, there is no way for u to loss only RM350. Anyway, since u said that u listen to ppl said, then sori to heard that. I cant say I m expert, but feel much confident (make profit from Dnex,Krono, PUC,etc) after take up Fundamental Analysis course.Hope u will do the same and have your own view and not listen to rubbish talk or comments.Again, I only talk based on data, just monitor Vivocom EPS and share price 1 year down the road to justify my analysis.


2018-01-27 22:19 | Report Abuse

Agil, u r saying sell abt d same price, but not at d same price. can u show us d calculation that end up loss rm350 based on 1 mil shares based on
1)brokerage fees
2)contract fees
3)stamping fees
We r keen to learn from u


2018-01-27 22:15 | Report Abuse

Agil, u r saying abt the same price, but not at the same price. Anyway can u show us d calculation, how u end up rm350 loss based on 1 mil shares
Brokerage fees
clearing fees
stamping fees
very keen to learn fr u, d calculation.


2018-01-27 17:41 | Report Abuse

Good Question, Vivo, hahaa


2018-01-27 15:18 | Report Abuse

Any data show price move 0.01 to 0.015, the below data shows
EPS Quarter results (fr www.malaysiastock.biz) and Price shows in chartnexus chart
12/5/16 0.81(Q1/16) Vs 0.10(Q1/15) + 2053%, Price fr 0.295(13/5/16) to 0.175(27/6/16), -41%
30/8/16 0.85(Q2/16) Vs -0.14(Q2 15) +1540% Price fr 0.230(1/9/16) to 0.175(9/11/16), -24%
29/11/16 0.39(Q3/16) Vs 0.53(Q3/15) -36% Price fr 0.175(30/11/16) to 0.155(21/2/17) -13%
28/2/17 0.03(Q4/16) Vs 0.11(Q4/15) -62% Price fr 0.170(1/3/17) to 0.115(12/7/17) -29%
31/5/17 0.16(Q1/17) Vs 0.81(Q1/16) -74% Price fr 0.135(1/6/17) to 0.115(12/7/17) -17%
30/8/17 0.18(Q2/17) vs 0.85(Q2/16) -73% Price fr 0.135(5/9/17) to 0.135(14/9/17) 0%
30/11/17) 0.19(Q3/17) vs 0.39(Q3/16) -48% Price fr 0.13

what u said, is it true? price move between range 0.01 to 0.015.

If i can copy and paste the Quarterly result and price, then will do it, but sad to say cant for i3 comment column

The EPS for Q3 17>Q2 17>Q1>17 that is 0.19>0.18>0.16, shows that EPS is stable around 0.16 and above. Good sign for future EPS.

TTM EPS is 0.56 sen & PE=25X
Estimated share price = 0.56/100X25
= 0.14
This show that, is nothing wrong price fluctuate betwen 0.120 to 0.16, +/-15%) since EPS is not growth more than 0.19.

Assume Q4 17 is 0.19
Total estimated EPS is 0.72 & PE=25X
Estimated share price is =0.18

I will say price will fluctuate between 0.155 to 0.205 if Q4 17 can have 0.19 EPS or above (above 0.19 is the best since greater than preceding Q3 17). So, we expect the Vivocom managers to do a good job in Q4 17(Oredi over), otherwise please call Vivocom Bosses and "hantam" them kuat kuat, dont ever give free salaries or year end bonus to the "screw up" managers, but not write nonsense comment here


2018-01-27 12:20 | Report Abuse

I think darenlimmm, 菩提春袋子, happy like shit because CNQC didnt take over vivocom and their prediction is 100% accurate. Congratulations!
U hit the jackpot, unfortunately no money rewards, a bit pity, should ask CNQC give some for CNY angpao.
Anyway, Why not both of u predict which counter can up 100% within a year, myself and all the i3investors readers will treat both of u like GOD, probably can give out 10% our profit to both of u or charity society.
Anyway after nonsense talking, to true Vivocom investors, there is 2 secenario for rejecting take over.
1)Purchase price below expected or fair value
Based on 50% discounted for RM2.4 Bilion project , 12 to 48 months to complete and billing, with 10% profit.
The estimated EPS/Q is RM0.0031 sen or RM0.0124 per year
Estimated Share Price with 20X =RM0.24 (100% up side within 1 to 2 years based on closed price RM0.125 on 26/1)
If the financial backup (Private Placement by Macquarie Bank) is strong and on hand project got RM2B, forecast share price can double up in 2018 to 2019, why should Vivocom boss sell to CNQC if they want to purchase below NTA value=RM0.1364 (sori, I don know actual purchase value)
2)No future of the Vivocom
The Vivocom bosses might sell even lower than NTA value because they know better than us, the future of the Vivocom. Important things is Nobody able to stop them from selling because is their Own Share. They are not stupid but 1000x much "Smarter" than us.
Last but not least, i am not promoting, but share the knowledge to true investors.
Note :
1)Currently Hengyuan got a lot article promoting, but share price is not going up (I am confident will go up 1 day since so low PE and good EPS). The is just to share, is true, no matter how good is the company, if BIG player (so call shark) want to press down, nobody can stop it even Big investors like KYY. No matter how, one day share price will reflect the company value if the company EPS can grow continuously.
2)I m happy if u can attack me with data, we can share the knowledge. but will treat you as a helpless kid crying without food, talk rubbish.
3)Let us see the Vivocom share price (with EPS growth)1 year down the road to proof my prediction, otherwise the Vivocom Boss employ a group of useless Managers who only know how to take monthly salary

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2018-01-17 21:14 | Report Abuse

After Manjung Project added, the total revenue per quarter is RM104 mil(with 50% discounted) and the predicted share price is RM0.26 (92% upside from closed price RM0.135 on 17/1/18).
Exclude possible effect of CNQC take over on 25/1/17


2018-01-14 23:34 | Report Abuse

fr Q3 17 report
17 16
Receiveable (NCA) 10 10
Receiveble (CA) 299 266
due fr customer 63 63
total 369 339
increases around 12% receivable(CA) n 63mil due, the salesman didnt do their work to chase after payment.