
jasontan1177 | Joined since 2017-08-02

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2018-01-24 14:10 | Report Abuse

kasi hold tight la...market partying la...dun think so fast game over at 0.13 la sumatec . aiyoyoyo


2018-01-24 14:10 | Report Abuse

aiyo ini maciam tala bagus la...tala share share pinya ...

wa pinya Donovan Ang lia ciakap

<< Sumatec (KLSE: 1201) >>:
附上为我之前所放话的Sumatec (KLSE: 1201), 慎重预警这支股会随着石油、能源、造船业和船务业的谷底一起结束大熊市,并开始进入全新的一轮大牛市。Sumatec如我所言,开始进入热钱大量买入的阶段(可参考我最近所发表的Baltic Dry Index之技术分析,慎重预警造船业和船务业于2018年重新启动大牛市)。这支股会连翻几倍,全世界的石油、能源、造船、船务股也会如此。


2018-01-24 14:03 | Report Abuse

mana taligam group wa mau tengok juga


2018-01-24 14:02 | Report Abuse

aiya paktua yesterday ala ciakap ma.. main berani ma...klu takut kasi jual saje lor...

aiyoyo if go 0095 also doesnt mean will not up back ma. Paktua said want to buy 0095...lia pun think it will go up if really price touch 0095..

aiyoyo no 100 confirm will up or down la.. judi judi sindiri tanggung jawab lor



2018-01-24 13:33 | Report Abuse

Good Boy take it easy man..hehehe this reban always got buy and sell call ma..some said TP 3 cents some say TP 50 cents ...aiyoyo relax


2018-01-24 13:31 | Report Abuse

jangan takut vol masih ala la......itu lembu still hiding inside


2018-01-24 13:30 | Report Abuse

aiya yesterday and today movement is bearish...no need smart people to realised that

see tomorrow got T3 selling or not....that day most people bought at 110..115

now price at 0.105 also can kill them.. just hope no press down to 0095 lor.. may be shark dun want u all buy so cheap at 0095 again...maintain at 001 0105 can also ma.



2018-01-24 11:52 | Report Abuse

still got volume ....buy or sell is yr own biz


2018-01-24 10:19 | Report Abuse

i want tangkap you leh ikan jipun...kikikikiki


2018-01-24 10:12 | Report Abuse

aiyo catch and release aiyo siapa kena tangkap ?


2018-01-24 05:37 | Report Abuse

Epf chief warnrd that market might have correction in medium term. Remember to run this year before the party is over

Provident Fund (EPF) chief exec-
utive offi cer (CEO) Datuk Shahril
Ridza Ridzuan has warned inves-
tors of a pullback in the local stock
market in the medium term, al-
though the FBM KLCI is likely to
continue its good run this year.
“The market is off to a good
start this year. We think there’s a
bit more to go. However, [there is
risk of] a correction in the market
in the medium term [as] nothing
goes up in a straight line forever,


2018-01-24 05:33 | Report Abuse

Now 70 usd is the same as 85 before. Cuz cost down by 15 usd now.


2018-01-24 05:31 | Report Abuse

Malaysia Warren buffett said this

Cheah highlighted that many
O&G companies have become lean-
er over the years and hence, the re-
cent global oil price recovery should
bode well for them.
“[Th e impact of] Brent, at US$70
(RM275.10) per barrel today, is the
same as US$85 per barrel before,
because their (O&G fi rms’) cost has
come down for about US$15. I think
the rally will continue. I’m actually
a little bit excited about O&G sec-
tor,” he said.

Driven by a
stronger ringgit, the local bench-
mark index FBM KLCI is expected
to rise as much as 10% this year, ac-
cording to prominent fund manager
Datuk Seri Cheah Cheng Hye, who is
known as the Warren Buff ett of Asia.
“Th e Malaysian equity market is
one of the markets that show con-
tinuity growth. Typically, when the
ringgit strengthens, the stock mar-
ket index will also go up. It is a very
simple correlation,” he told reporters
on the sidelines of Invest Malaysia
2018 here yesterday.
“As the ringgit is currently
strengthening, the FBM KLCI can
probably go up by between 5% and
10% this year. It is not diffi cult,” said
Cheah, who is the chairman and
co-chief investment offi cer of Hong
Kong-listed Value Partners Group


2018-01-23 23:22 | Report Abuse

Respect other people's religion pls.


2018-01-23 16:19 | Report Abuse

ini kali ala abalone kot , mau tambah nasi makan kaw kaw ga....


2018-01-23 16:18 | Report Abuse

aiyo ikan jipun sula tambah nasi ga....aiyoyoyo


2018-01-23 15:40 | Report Abuse

itu ikan jipun pelempuan ge lelaki ?


2018-01-23 14:58 | Report Abuse

hali lia lagi ada itu 1 billion vol that day pinya force sell ah ?


2018-01-23 09:55 | Report Abuse

offline transaction 19th Jan 4m share at 0.12.


2018-01-23 09:50 | Report Abuse

hali itu manyak olang ciakap sumatec cant move up..share base 4 billions plus . very heavy to push... mana itu olang sikalang ?

wan sumatec shares issued 4.253 billions ,sumatec up from 5 sen to 11.5 sen already gain 120% huge profit ...


2018-01-23 09:45 | Report Abuse

wa sula ciakap siapa mau take profit ..cipat la...



2018-01-23 09:44 | Report Abuse

oil stocks all green


2018-01-23 09:41 | Report Abuse

Tan sri satu telepon operator...kasi limit up pls ... ini maciam lor


2018-01-23 09:37 | Report Abuse

lai building a strong base at 110 ...kasi clear 115 pls....iut lembu cipat show yourself pls



2018-01-23 09:30 | Report Abuse

doing consolidation before push up ... weak holder can run n take profit


2018-01-23 08:06 | Report Abuse

sumatec being press down to 5 cents , part of the reason people scare it will be closed down
due to the debt and court case issues .

The Gas selling announcement at least will release some pressure on that concern. This at least show that oil field is not a empty tank.


2018-01-22 22:16 | Report Abuse

Aiyo mau over take Petronas market capitalization. 4. billions plus sumatec shares. Share price mau berapa baru can over take Petronas one ?


2018-01-22 22:11 | Report Abuse

By that time sumatec no need r i to raise fund for 1.5b.

Pakai son in law name . Bank sula mau beratur mau kasi duit sumatec lor


2018-01-22 22:09 | Report Abuse

Klu itu son in law jadi sumatec shareholder . Pasti limot up one....


2018-01-22 22:08 | Report Abuse

Next will be court cases resolved. As suggested by paktua.

Next will be quarter report at end of feb.

May be production increased to 2000. ?

Next new shareholder .

N brent price up sumatec up.


2018-01-22 19:10 | Report Abuse

Simu still waiting 0.18 to onboard ?


2018-01-22 17:06 | Report Abuse

Can see few times back down to 0.11... Purposely to scare people sell.

Then clear all at 115.
Hopefully tomorrow will up again.


2018-01-22 13:50 | Report Abuse

ini kali bole pecah 0.13 ah ?


2018-01-22 13:43 | Report Abuse

aiyo wa ala sikit believe la paktua... aiyoyo

paktua73 when old man said will reveal
no one believe..
he he
no all know why old man said weird on rally
tut tut
22/01/2018 1


2018-01-22 13:34 | Report Abuse

paktua sumaTec manyak Cantek ? itu lembu mau keluar ga


2018-01-22 11:17 | Report Abuse

aiyo siapa sula cabut ini ? aiyoyo


2018-01-22 10:37 | Report Abuse

paktua mau tangkap itu lembu ah


2018-01-22 10:22 | Report Abuse

paktua sumatec ala lembu dalam , correct ? look bull


2018-01-22 07:30 | Report Abuse

2016 dec already said doing pod preparation . Till now 2018 jan. Not yet complete ?

Still got how many excited steps to be achieved before can sell gas ?

Pod preparation take more than 1 years n yet to be done.

Pod development estimate need 1 year too. May be need 1.5 years or two years for pod development.

So 2020 can sell gas ?


2018-01-21 16:44 | Report Abuse

Oil stocks red last week. Friday after 3 pm started to green all. Should be rebound.. Tomorrow can get hy if red
Abit . Jus my opinion.


2018-01-21 16:03 | Report Abuse

Saudi lagi mau talk up the oil price .


2018-01-21 15:58 | Report Abuse

Oil price will get support due to tension in middle east.

Lai sumaUp kasi push up on monday pls


2018-01-21 13:02 | Report Abuse

Itu sumatec movement very tricky wor...itu hali 0075 back down to 0007...

Then t2 kasi sapu 0011. Back down to 0095...may be that time need to wait after t4 la.

Esok morning mau lasi sapu 001 0015. Like tat manyak cantek...


2018-01-21 12:30 | Report Abuse

Paktua top son new shareholder news ala coming soon. Ga..


2018-01-20 13:45 | Report Abuse

Paktua work in Singapore. 6sigma itu fund comp ga...


2018-01-20 12:27 | Report Abuse

I doubt U S shale will pump more oil a lot. If u pump more . Crude selling price go back to 45 50. Do they get any extra money by pumping more oil ?

If u sell two banana one day . U can get 1 rm each.

U think crude like banana ? U sell 10 banana u get 10 rm.
Does that apply to crude now giving current crude market environment.

Pump more oil later selling price back to 30 usd.
If u before that pump 10 m bpd. Crude price at 60 usd.
Now u need to pump 20m to get back the same amount of money .

Those skl predict shale oil will pump oil. Got think into thid perspective or not. ?