Blog Posts
2020-01-30 18:53 | Report Abuse
ECGC, sorry i used harsh word.
The dealer/remisier shld acted more professionally
2020-01-30 16:26 | Report Abuse
人 ,简单两笔划, 但内涵可复杂呢
2020-01-30 16:04 | Report Abuse
i do sincerely hope we learn the rules and terms in trading of stocks,be it local or foreign exchanges. we need to follow the rules(unless you are super power}, but not the rules follow us.
no point or sense cursing others when we ourselves are ignorant of knowleges and informations .
hope this not offending.
beribu ampun
2020-01-30 16:00 | Report Abuse
I dare not comment on your case as I don't know your actual situation.
previous cases, if still cant perform the buy-in , cash settlement arise
2020-01-30 15:48 | Report Abuse
if a stock sold but fail to deliver on t2, a buy-in will impose . the seller to pay the penalty. the buyer will get his or her shares.
if still fail to buy in from the market, bursa will decide , be it cash settlement(precious cases)
2020-01-30 15:40 | Report Abuse
firenach, you mean bought last Friday , today still not credited into your ac?
2020-01-30 15:38 | Report Abuse
bursa will not cancel any orders done. all procedures are in order according to the rules .
2020-01-30 15:29 | Report Abuse
ECGC.....Dealer told me..the oversold shares will cancel..the get notice from bursa but still pending mine one today as T3 no need to force sell because bcoz the shares not in CDS..that why my sell order re
2020-01-30 11:01 | Report Abuse
2020-01-29 11:17 | Report Abuse
now u understand what I mean
2020-01-28 11:42 | Report Abuse
speakup, hopefully you understand urushata jamaah and ekuinas .
who they belong to
2020-01-28 11:36 | Report Abuse
manupulators, if exist and found out , takes at least 3 years to be brought out n penalized
2020-01-28 11:30 | Report Abuse
nobody can con us If we consider the or price too high and the mother price was illoginal the way it went up.
2020-01-28 11:24 | Report Abuse
my opinion, if bought before ex, around five sen , high possibility of making
2020-01-28 11:19 | Report Abuse
lets learn something about tabung haji.
during the previous government, LTH heavily involed in stocks market, resulting badly sick after new government took over. then ministry of finance created URUSHARTA JAMAAH , to acquire ALL STOCKS holding by LTH.
HOW I HOPE, and my clients hope,urushata jamaah willing to take over ours.
2020-01-28 11:00 | Report Abuse
sir, tabung haji no more involed
2020-01-28 10:51 | Report Abuse
hopefully these informations help:
urushata jamaah owned 8.8 %(sold off recently, this 8.8% was acquired from lembaga tabung haji)
ekuinas owns 42.28%, a government owned private equity(PE) fund
2020-01-28 10:31 | Report Abuse
if can sell at 9 sen making a lot
2020-01-27 16:42 | Report Abuse
But many pakar in the forum always with negative minds when prices going down,
Con lah, operators lah, bad directors lah, so on... Never stop.
I always believe, willing buy willing sell, no body is going to give us free lunch.
When i make, opponents lose, and vice versa.
2020-01-27 15:29 | Report Abuse
Alam, the time cash from AOF, all cursing
Perdana, cash call, also cursing
Becourse prices weaker.
When prices going up After restructured, many chasing, many pakar Talked the OTHER way round.
Many acted like professional, giving Incorrect explanations from the eagles of professional eyes.
Icon, theoritical ex price shld be around 12 sen.
If compare Alam n icon, one man medicine is the other man poison.
Hopefully, icon becomes i can
Just talk from Experience.
Dare not say i m right, market Changes now n Then
2020-01-26 19:12 | Report Abuse
我自我陶醉,以alam , perdana ,thheavy, barakah 做比较
alam , 去年未重组前 9 分 ,重组后 , 现约 17 分
perdana, 上个月未重组前约 34 分,重组后, 现 52 分
barakah 3 分 等待重组
thheavy 13 分, 等待重组
alam , perdana, icon, 是重组后的3个油气股。
icon 附加股将在20/2上市
比 较 alam 17, perdana 52, icon 13
如下个月油气股/油价 变动不大,或乐观些,不谈谁好谁坏, 股友会看上那个?
当然, or 如有3 分以上也不错
即来之 则安之
2020-01-23 12:28 | Report Abuse
roslaom, do u understand what it mean by designated stock?
I wonder how you.....
roslaom Before 20 feb, icon can go as high 1.60. Now designated stock already.
2020-01-23 09:52 | Report Abuse
tomorrow many need to slap themselves for their unprofessional comments
2020-01-23 06:13 | Report Abuse
roslaom , how u get the or/right price as what you mentioned{icon rights could be rm 0.005 to 0.01 only.)
2020-01-23 06:02 | Report Abuse
股票与宗教, 风马牛不相及。
2020-01-22 15:31 | Report Abuse
after icon, now swift attention to thheavy
2020-01-19 20:22 | Report Abuse
Godofgambler 22th become 0.02
19/01/2020 7:54 PM
Lets bet?
2020-01-14 13:18 | Report Abuse
部长说,accord 不夠大,买vellfire
2020-01-11 15:33 | Report Abuse
Consult Your remisiers, alert, must be Experience n Really updated n upgraded professional remisiers. Not all remisiers or dealers.
Many comments n informations here are Incorrect.
2020-01-10 14:15 | Report Abuse
Undersubscribe doesn't mean price to come down.
See Perdana
2020-01-09 23:43 | Report Abuse
bsngpg Hi all: I checked with Remisier, she said she heard that there is a clause that when required, the company can cancel all PA at issue price at 0.325. This disadvantage on PA may explain why the PA is traded lower price than ordinary share.
Alamak, did the remisier really said that?
If that is the case, its time you Change remisier
2020-01-07 11:39 | Report Abuse
to me, not much difference the coming new minister.
look at what were emphasized so many years.
other countries are teaching of AI knowledges in primary schools, we were busy with color of shoes, free breakfast(many pupils threw away}, and ......... sad
2020-01-30 19:05 | Report Abuse
Frankie, talk up fair, talk about unreasonable consolidation of 50 into
1, why not take a look how much ministry of finance under the name of hartanah jamaah acquired the whole portfolio of stocks from LTH?
Why no complaint?