
joyvest | Joined since 2019-12-11

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2021-01-28 22:12 | Report Abuse

Its quality reading not quantity reading...


2021-01-28 20:44 | Report Abuse

The price of cansino is unknown so how could u say it is the most expensive one?

Dont simply simply...I am watching you....


2021-01-28 20:44 | Report Abuse

The price of cansino is unknown so how could u say it is the most expensive one...

Dont simply simply...I am watching you....


2021-01-28 20:42 | Report Abuse

eading Chinese COVID-19 vaccine producers including Sinopharm and Sinovac will charge the government 200 yuan ($30.57) per dose, as East China's Jiangsu becomes the latest province to purchase two types of domestically developed inactivated vaccines for emergency use at this wholesale price, according to a public document posted on the official website on Tuesday.

The price is the same as the one several other provinces, such as East China's Zhejiang Province and Southwest China's Sichuan Province, previously paid for COVID-19 vaccines.

The latest document shows that two inactivated vaccines negotiated in a government contract are from two leading producers -- Sinopharm and Sinovac, but did not specify the number of doses from each manufacturer.

Southwest China's Sichuan Province has begun coronavirus vaccine emergency use for 12 types of high-risk groups -- about 2 million people -- with inoculation scheduled to be completed by the end of the year, media reported.

It was reported that inactivated COVID-19 vaccines were the main vaccines to be administered in Sichuan. The vaccine costs 200 yuan ($30.62) per dose, the same as the one used in Zhejiang Province launched in October.

In a recent online poll involving around 150 participants on Sina Weibo, more than 80 percent people believed the price is affordable and acceptable.

US pharmaceutical firm Pfizer recently announced its wholesale price negotiated in a government contract at $20 per dose, while Moderna will charge governments between $10 and $50 per dose, media reported.

CanSino, another Chinese frontrunner vaccine producer, has not yet disclosed its vaccine price.


2021-01-28 19:50 | Report Abuse

Russia may give China's CanSino vaccine first global approva
(Jan 15): CanSino Biologics Inc.’s Russian partner expects local authorities to register the Chinese company’s Covid-19 vaccine soon, potentially marking the first approval for use of the inoculation outside of China.

“All registration procedures have been completed, we expect to get the registration certificate in days,” Nikolay Dodonov, head of Petrovax Pharm’s medical department, said in a phone interview.

The CanSino vaccine is currently undergoing Phase 3 trials and has been granted military approval in China, which is more limited than emergency authorization.

With the recent announcement of MCO 2.0, many parents have realised that some form of hybrid learning (a combination of in person and online) could be the future of learning. Learning through Zoom, Google Classroom, See Saw and tools will increasingly be used by education institutions to deliver teaching and learning to children of different ages

Russia is among the first countries to offer universal access to Covid-19 vaccines, with President Vladimir Putin this week ordering authorities to let anyone who wants sign up for an inoculation. It currently has two domestic vaccines registered for use.

Petrovax, owned by the country’s richest man, Vladimir Potanin, got permission for a local Phase 3 trial of the CanSino vaccine in August and applied to register it in November, according to Dodonov.

Petrovax completed injections of 500 volunteers in its local trial in November and has analyzed the results of 200 so far, Dodonov said. Of those assessed, 149 received the inoculation and had antibody levels four times higher than the minimum threshold for immunity, he said.

Petrovax, which is also helping conduct CanSino’s international trial in Russia, plans to complete its study by May.


2021-01-26 22:49 | Report Abuse

Who is humble ? Who is still the pain in the ass?


2021-01-26 18:59 | Report Abuse

Not my cup of tea now.....


2021-01-26 11:48 | Report Abuse

1.80 is in the making......


2021-01-25 21:42 | Report Abuse

No grudge, no amosity, no malice, no two headed snake,no blonker,no solution


2021-01-24 22:22 | Report Abuse

Dont count the chickens before they are hatched...


2021-01-21 07:39 | Report Abuse

Old news..insignificant disposal


2021-01-20 17:02 | Report Abuse

hard to say .... no one dumps and no one buys


2021-01-20 15:01 | Report Abuse

i can see 10 in my fantasy .....


2021-01-20 15:00 | Report Abuse

gone case...........


2021-01-20 11:50 | Report Abuse

how high can it go ??


2021-01-19 08:55 | Report Abuse


it is not a matter of belief in MOH or what . it is a matter of your own judgement.

where is your sense of judgement ? are you so naive that you need to leave it to someone to decide for your own fate ?

dont die of ignorance. you are not iliterate


2021-01-19 08:50 | Report Abuse

one death , you may say it was accidental. two deaths, you may say it was coincident . Three deaths, you may say it was unfortunate. Four deaths, you may say it was due to their complications .

the excuses are on and on ........... until 23 deaths .............and more is expected to recur............. i

"Eastern vaccines vs western vaccines' is the heart of the matter. why ? life is at stake. dont die of ignorance.


2021-01-19 08:44 | Report Abuse

death is death.

no matter it is one or what , it is still death as a result of innovation with Pzifer. they would have died had they not taken innovation with pzifer.

no matter how you rebut or deny, the fact is the fact and remains the fact , you cant distort and change the fact to suit your own agenda.


2021-01-18 23:26 | Report Abuse

Facts are facts.

23 deaths vs o which one is better?

Dont die of ignorance.

Innovation is voluntary in Singapore. Just tell me what is the % of population there has been innovated with pfizer? 20%,,30% or 100% ?

People there are not ignorant of the side effect

Efficacy with the least side effect is preferable which is the wise choice..


2021-01-18 22:32 | Report Abuse

I have been reiterating since day 1.

its your choice to go to heaven or hell and so is your choice for the vaccine.


2021-01-18 22:27 | Report Abuse

The point is not expensive or what.the point is efficacy which what matters the most to us..

Its expensive cos you pay the fxcking goodwill for it which is worthless due to its inefficacy.


2021-01-18 22:21 | Report Abuse

I talk factually but not emotionally...

White is white and black is black.there is no black and white to me....


2021-01-18 22:19 | Report Abuse

Facts are facts

Eastern vaccines vs Western vaccines.

Which ones have the least side effects?

You should know it by now

If you still insist on the later,you will die of ignorance but not the virus.


2021-01-18 22:16 | Report Abuse

Facts are facts

Correcting misleading information by Western media on Chinese vaccines responsible measure in global pandemic fight
By Hu Xijin Published: Jan 16, 2021 10:14 PM

The Global Times yesterday criticized major US and UK media outlets for downplaying the deaths of 23 elderly Norwegian people after receiving a Pfizer vaccine, while hyping up any unfavorable information about Chinese vaccines. After the editorial went online, some "public intellectuals" in China became very angry, attacking the Global Times and me for being "anti-science.” They said that I’m praising Chinese vaccines in a nationalistic manner and disparaging Pfizer vaccines. They also stressed the importance of building Chinese people's trust in Pfizer vaccines.

My basic attitude is that as both domestic Chinese vaccines and Pfizer vaccines have been approved and applied, each of them must have its merits and applicability to specific countries. Both Chinese vaccines and Pfizer's vaccines have been developed in a hurry, and Pfizer's vaccine, in particular, should take longer time because it uses new mRNA technology. It is the logic of rational thinking that the current pandemic is extremely critical, and it is understandable that various vaccines should join the fight in an urgent manner. The overall benefits they bring to pandemic prevention will outweigh the problems that might be caused by the risks.

Yet who has started the public opinion war on vaccines in the first place? Obviously, it is the opinion think tanks of the US and its key allies. They attacked the development of China's vaccine as "opaque" and "data-incomplete" from the start and highlighted unconfirmed cases of suspected side effects from Chinese vaccines. As everyone knows, the Phase-III clinical trials of Chinese vaccines are mainly conducted in foreign countries, so data collection and compilation is much more difficult than that of the Pfizer vaccine, which is the most important reason for the slow release of the Chinese data. Before the vaccine was officially approved for vast use, some high-risk groups in China, such as those who need to go abroad, received the vaccines in advance. The advantages apparently outweigh the disadvantages in such cases. And up till now, no serious side effects have been reported among the people who have received the Chinese-made vaccine. Doesn't that in itself reflect a lot of positive information?

However, if you look at the websites of major media in the US and the West, almost all the news you read about the Chinese-made vaccine is negative. Even if some of the news is positive, they were narrated with a lot of negative analysis. The press is out to destroy the reputation of the Chinese vaccine, hoping that the world will wait for Pfizer and other American and Western companies to produce surplus vaccines and finally get vaccinated.

Unfortunately, there have been many real cases of serious side effects with the Pfizer vaccine. In addition to the 23 deaths in Norway, there have been other death cases in some countries after receiving a Pfizer vaccine, but those sporadic deaths were declared unrelated to the vaccine. The veracity of such a declaration is questionable. Besides, there were six severe adverse reactions that occurred in France and several cases of severe allergies in the US. Much of this information is accessible only if you search online, and none of the US press has put it on a prominent page. But if a Chinese vaccine had caused a death or serious side effects, the Western media would have surely amplified it.

Radio Free Asia, a US media outlet, even fabricated in its Cantonese edition that the staff of a Chinese airline became dizzy after receiving Chinese vaccines. In comparison, what mainstream Chinese media outlet has used rumors about Pfizer’s vaccine to defame its credibility?

To protect the reputation of Chinese-made vaccines is a responsible measure in the global fight against the pandemic. Many developing countries now have access to only Chinese vaccines, and the price and transportation of the Chinese vaccine, which can be stored in ordinary refrigerators, makes the Chinese-made vaccine the best choice for their people. The Chinese vaccine is an important and major force in this fight.

Fair reporting of allergic events and side effects from both Chinese vaccines and Pfizer’s vaccines is of great significance. The biased reports by Western media outlets have made the Chinese vaccine like a boat sailing against the current in the international public opinion arena. It is not only unfair, but also harmful to the global fight against the pandemic. The Global Times has the obligation to correct the environment of public opinion created by misinformation from Western media and do our part to promote the fairness of public perceptions regarding different vaccines.


2021-01-18 21:48 | Report Abuse

Facts... for two heads snake

(Jan 15): CanSino Biologics Inc.’s Russian partner expects local authorities to register the Chinese company’s Covid-19 vaccine soon, potentially marking the first approval for use of the inoculation outside of China.

“All registration procedures have been completed, we expect to get the registration certificate in days,” Nikolay Dodonov, head of Petrovax Pharm’s medical department, said in a phone interview.

The CanSino vaccine is currently undergoing Phase 3 trials and has been granted military approval in China, which is more limited than emergency authorization.

Russia is among the first countries to offer universal access to Covid-19 vaccines, with President Vladimir Putin this week ordering authorities to let anyone who wants sign up for an inoculation. It currently has two domestic vaccines registered for use.

Petrovax, owned by the country’s richest man, Vladimir Potanin, got permission for a local Phase 3 trial of the CanSino vaccine in August and applied to register it in November, according to Dodonov.

Petrovax completed injections of 500 volunteers in its local trial in November and has analyzed the results of 200 so far, Dodonov said. Of those assessed, 149 received the inoculation and had antibody levels four times higher than the minimum threshold for immunity, he said.

Petrovax, which is also helping conduct CanSino’s international trial in Russia, plans to complete its study by May.


2021-01-18 16:58 | Report Abuse

my shareholding is really 0.1%


2021-01-18 16:56 | Report Abuse

i continue to buy through backdoor


2021-01-18 16:34 | Report Abuse

too early to cut loss cos he was chickened off.......


2021-01-18 16:28 | Report Abuse

dont count the chickens before they are hatched .......


2021-01-18 16:18 | Report Abuse

pang kicked himself by selling too earlier.....


2021-01-18 01:18 | Report Abuse

AT is gone case


2021-01-17 13:40 | Report Abuse

Limit up tomorrow


2021-01-17 13:40 | Report Abuse

Cansino is in the final stage of trial and already approved to be put into use for Chinese military snd others .will be approved by other countries any moment from now


Inside the CanSino Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trial at Pakistan’s Shifa Hospital

LAHORE: Doctors in green scrubs and sneakers darted in and out of specially designated rooms at Shifa International Hospital in Islamabad one chilly morning last month, attending to volunteers participating in late-stage clinical trials for a Chinese coronavirus vaccine.

Pakistan launched the trial in September for Ad5-nCoV, a vaccine candidate co-developed by CanSino Biologics and a Chinese military-backed research unit. The tests are being led by Pakistan’s National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Chinese company’s local representative.

This month’s announcement by Pfizer that its experimental COVID-19 vaccine was more than 90 percent effective based on initial trial results has been hailed as a major victory in the war against a virus that has killed more than a million people and battered the world’s economy.

Though scientists, public health officials and investors have welcomed the first successful interim data from a large-scale clinical test as a watershed moment, they also say several vaccines will be necessary to meet massive global needs.

In Pakistan, the government plans to administer the experimental Chinese vaccine to at least 10,000 volunteers, doctors in charge of the program said.

Shifa International, the first of five trial sites, has repurposed a building previously used for COVID-19 testing for the trial. There are two more trial centers in Karachi and two in Lahore.

“There is a criterion that each volunteer has to fulfil,” Dr. Ejaz Khan, the chairman of infection control at Shifa Hospital, told Arab News.

Volunteers can arrive by appointment, or simply walk in, but must be over 18 years of age, willing to participate, have no major diseases and not have been infected with the coronavirus, Khan, who is heading the trials, said. Pregnant women cannot take part in the exercise.

“Also, he or she must be able to participate for more than one year,” Khan said.

Doctors administering the trials said that they had to ensure that each volunteer was first counselled on what to expect from the process, asked to sign a document of consent and have his or her basic health examined. Next, blood samples were taken, and then the vaccine was injected into the upper arm.

Since Sept. 22, Khan said 1,500 people had taken part in the trial at Shifa Hospital where doctors work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day to register volunteers’ data and store their samples.

During the year’s course, the volunteers will be monitored through weekly messages and monthly phone calls.

Each participant receives a one-time travel and food allowance of 3,000 Pakistani rupees ($19) on the first visit and 5,000 Pakistani rupees on the second, a year later, when he or she must provide a second blood sample.

Last month, sisters Urmila, 18, and Faiza, 20, who had arrived to volunteer for the trials, said that they had heard about the trial from a neighbor, who told them that each candidate would receive a travel allowance.

“Yes that (the money) is one reason,” said Urmila when asked why she was volunteering, holding her national identity card, a pen and a questionnaire in her hands.

The form required basic contact details and a brief health history to be filled out before a candidate could be approved for the trial. “I don’t know what to write,” Urmila said. “I am not literate, you see.”

Seated behind her was Sumaira Shafiq, a middle-aged housewife who unlike Urmila was still unsure about whether she should participate in the trial. “I am observing right now,” she said. “Who knows, I might just slip out before my turn.”

If Shafiq ends up participating in the trial, her blood samples, like those of all participants, will be shipped to Dalhousie University in Canada, which will independently review the data to determine the vaccine’s efficacy.

By early next year, interim results are expected to become available.

“Let’s say three months from now, they (the university) will tell us OK this vaccine is not effective, stop the trials, or the vaccine is effective, let’s move to Phase 4,” Khan said.

Phase 4 is when the vaccine will be prepared for manufacturing, marketing and distribution.

Pakistani officials have said once proven, they expect Pakistan will be provided with several million doses of the vaccine on a priority basis by CanSinoBio.

The Chinese vaccine, one of nine developed worldwide that are considered safe, will be tested on 40,000 people in several countries.

So far only 10 percent of the participants have developed adverse reactions to the vaccine. “These include pain in the injection area,


2021-01-16 22:18 | Report Abuse

Limit up next week


2021-01-16 19:17 | Report Abuse

At least 17 countries have purchased China-produced COVID-19 vaccines
By Zhang Hui and Hu Yuwei
Published: Jan 14, 2021 09:24 PM

Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca receives a dose of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in Ankara, Turkey, Jan. 13, 2021. (Xinhua)

More countries announced they would purchase China's COVID-19 vaccines or start mass inoculations using them, as senior officials of various countries stressed the safety of the Chinese vaccines despite some Western media questioning their efficacy and safety.

Senior officials of countries including Turkey, the Philippines and Indonesia have either televised the use of Chinese vaccines or stressed their safety.

Turkey on Thursday decided to start mass inoculation using Chinese producer Sinovac's inactivated COVID-19 vaccine CoronaVac starting with health workers, after local drug and medical equipment body approved the CoronaVac for emergency use on Wednesday, local media reported.

Turkey's Health Minister Fahrettin Koca received the first dose of the CoronaVac vaccine live on television on Wednesday, becoming the first person in Turkey to receive the vaccine. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan received first dose of Sinovac's COVID-19 vaccine CoronaVac on Thursday. More than 250,000 Turkish people have been vaccinated in Turkey so far.

Turkey has agreed to purchase 50 million doses of CoronaVac vaccine and has received delivery of an initial 3 million doses, Reuters reported.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo received the first dose of CoronaVac on Wednesday live on television.

Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun told the Global Times in an exclusive interview on Thursday that Indonesia already began mass vaccinations on Wednesday, thanks to good collaboration with China.

He expressed his confidence in the Chinese vaccine, noting that Sinovac's vaccine received a license from Indonesian authorities after scientific and technical evaluation.

"Indonesia's trust and confidence in Sinovac's vaccine is reflected in Widodo being the first to receive a shot. We share President Widodo's sentiments," the ambassador said.

Jordan launched its vaccination campaign on Wednesday with China's Sinopharm's vaccine. Jordanian Prime Minister Bisher al-Khasawneh and several other members of the government have received Sinopharm's doses previously.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte also praised Chinese-made vaccines, saying they are as good as the shots developed by the Americans and the Europeans, Reuters reported.

Duterte said in a late-night televised address on Wednesday that "the Chinese are bright. They would not venture (into producing vaccines) if it is not safe, sure and secure." He was responding to questions about the level of protection Sinovac's COVID-19 vaccine can provide.

More countries this week moved ahead with purchasing Chinese COVID-19 vaccines.

Algeria decided to purchase Chinese vaccine, and the first batch will arrive at the end of this month, according to China Central Television. The Global Times learned from Sinovac that Algerian representatives have visited the company.

Ukraine signed an agreement on Monday with Sinovac to purchase 5 million doses of CoronaVac vaccine, which became the only supplier to Ukraine so far.

At least 17 countries have purchased COVID-19 vaccines developed by Chinese developers including Sinovac, Sinopharm and Cansino, according to the Global Times calculation.

Sinovac's COVID-19 vaccine had an overall efficacy of 50.4 percent in Brazil's final-stage trials, and experts said the overall result is good enough considering almost all the trial participants in Brazil were high-risk medical workers, and the 77.96 efficacy for mild-case protection means the vaccine will reduce the amount of people needing hospitalization by 78 percent.


2021-01-16 19:15 | Report Abuse

Limit up next monday


2021-01-16 19:15 | Report Abuse

I have proved my points that chinese vaccines are the safest of all vaccines.more countries turn to chinese vaccine


2021-01-16 14:32 | Report Abuse

The other side of the coin is that stock market stands to more downsize than upside so SS is still attractive to some despite the possible unlimited loss as illustrated above


2021-01-15 17:08 | Report Abuse

high hope ..... just my two cents ....


2021-01-15 17:06 | Report Abuse

to be infected on purpose in order to justify the imposition of state of emergency


2021-01-14 20:51 | Report Abuse

Limit up tomorrow


2021-01-14 18:12 | Report Abuse

the news is to renew SBB and coupled with expected increase in upcoming growth......