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2024-03-10 23:04 | Report Abuse
作为一名合格的investor, 做你认为对的事,哪怕99. 99%的人都否认你,因为他们也不一定是对的。Just follow your heart 👍
2024-03-10 20:22 | Report Abuse
谢谢你肯听我这老头子诉苦。关于genting NY 的部分,你真的觉得投50亿美元,当中还有高利息举债的部分划算吗?若是monopoly 也就算了,将来还得跟其他两家casino 竞争。我能想像一边付着高额利息,一边面对着不确定的income. 至于说IPO 的部分 那是N年以后的事,谁会说的准 就赌呗。 就像taurx 一样,都赌了多少年了。对吧🤭
2024-03-10 19:52 | Report Abuse
Not!! I do hope heartily taurx works. Or else, our $ gone. Just like sifu said. He should be perform a fantastic show to us before his retirement.... As I said, if Lim could put more concerns on minority shareholders, He will gain my respect. 👍
2024-03-10 19:40 | Report Abuse
Any way, 我已经赚了一笔走人了。thanks to boss lim👍 就觉得做股票需要有危机意识。想想当时投资topglove, supermax 那些人的结果.... 哎呀我一小学生 敢在教授面前抛书包.... 该打😰
2024-03-10 19:31 | Report Abuse
Covid 那时大部分公司都苦苦挣扎... 到最后绝大部分都没事.... 就他破产了.... 真本事啊👍🤭
2024-03-10 19:27 | Report Abuse
HK Genting 的部分,他如果有先见,就不该举债那么高... 都是大老板了,就没有危机意识吗。那些愿意相信他,把钱投给他的人就活该倒霉吗。Then, 他再换一间公司,低价买了当时hkg的资产,这叫什么事...
2024-03-10 19:19 | Report Abuse
@michael 唉 往事不愿再提.... Mashpee 就是一笔烂帐。到现在多少年了,还没cover... 最后只能write off. 21century fox那次也是做的一塌糊涂,不然现在不叫sky world.. 应该叫genting 21 century fox theme park. 不是说21 century 的合作是个poor decision, 我是很乐见其成。我就是觉得boss Lim 的口气比本事大。每次都很有信心说 我们想怎样怎样... 到最后基于某种原因就不了了之.... 我就是那个差点卡在Rm7.00的倒霉蛋。还好我放得快.. 躲过了covid 的低潮....
2024-03-10 18:10 | Report Abuse
@neohts yes... Then buckets... No a truck of $$ will be yours. Sifu... 🤭🤭
2024-03-09 12:33 | Report Abuse
Yes. But do you think how many times did he do thing wrong. Mashpee... 21 century fox..... ER..... Miami land..... Now ask for 5B for its NY project. Not been counted in his bankruptcy HK Genting. If it is considered as luck. Then he is totally in bad luck. For years. I rather believe in his ability. He hasnt the ability to do the thing right. Just my personal opinion...
2024-03-09 11:45 | Report Abuse
@sifu MG 9231. Yes I am also miss the old boss era. If he is still here, I am for sure pledge everything my house, shoplot, cars, until my last panties. All in.... Bcoz I believe in his ability, foreseen and mostly his willingness to take care of minor shareholder. Do you think he will push ER to us under the situation of making losses? I dare to say no! Maybe he will inject it to G. Only when it is making profit. Or even just breakeven. This is the difference.
2024-03-08 20:21 | Report Abuse
A phrase from stephen chow in shaolin soccer.... 你是最棒的,你知道吗?@ michael c.
2024-03-08 20:02 | Report Abuse
我会在车上。sonata.... 我的新车.... 我的战利品..... Boss Lim送的.... Cheers together to our boss..... 师父您好好来.... 别让我担心😜
2024-03-08 19:46 | Report Abuse
All sifus are on the battle field, I am in the behind, waving flags for your all.... 😜
2024-03-08 13:37 | Report Abuse
Pls marks that taurx cant represent the entire G. G is known as a leisure and hospitality congr. Not a drug producer. Maybe investors start to have the awareness. Must put more concerns on its core biz. This is its scope of competence. Dont blame if I were wrong. 🙏
2024-03-08 13:27 | Report Abuse
Should be 5 according to previous performance. Cant reach 5 means underperformed??
2024-03-08 12:13 | Report Abuse
The one who I admired is@Sifu ATk. He is the one who really own Taurx share. I do believe Taurx may have a bright future. Congratulation to you. My dear sifu. May you make a big fortune from the deal 👍😉
2024-03-08 11:45 | Report Abuse
Poor governance.... and mainly egoism. The interest of minor shareholder is not in his mind, the just care of his own pocket. 😉
2024-03-08 11:28 | Report Abuse
@Sifu Raiz1954. I am in line with Sifu. This is what I want to express👍😉
2024-03-08 11:11 | Report Abuse
Yes sifu is always right. Thats true. Indeed Boss Lim is the one who makes us uncomfortable. It supposed to have a outstanding QR, 他偏偏给你来个 unexpected impairment to pull down the performance. Who wants to hold for long term? Scare of got trapped🤭
2024-03-08 10:55 | Report Abuse
But it rose to 5.30 easily before for every ideal taurx results. This time,really out of my expectation. Maybe patience is needed.
2024-03-08 10:27 | Report Abuse
EMM?? I thought 5 already leh... 害我紧张一下.... Any way it is a good news. Well done to sifus who still holding it.... 👍
2024-03-07 22:11 | Report Abuse
今天taurx announce 的information. 之前在Agm的时候就mention过了。害我还以为会有什么特别的info. 弄的紧张兮兮的。看各位师父还气定神闲,像没什么一样,就知道我和各位师父们的差距。让你们见笑了🤭未来还请师父们多多指点我。谢谢各位师父🙏
2024-03-07 19:54 | Report Abuse
打自本人买G. 以来 总是惊吓多过惊喜 不知道各位师父有没有同感。Boss Lim 的钱 难赚啊。
好的老板 带我们赚钱
不好的老板 靠我们赚钱
不知道Boss Lim 是不是好老板
但他总是带我们去sauna room
让我们又上又下. 又冷又热
2024-03-07 19:41 | Report Abuse
对,还是想想taurx 过后 Boss Lim 还能从他的百宝箱里拿出多少法宝来刺激股价。
2024-03-07 17:24 | Report Abuse
Sifu should have first hand info. Can share?
2024-03-07 17:20 | Report Abuse
??? Sifu so good or not good. I am blur already
2024-03-07 11:35 | Report Abuse
Yes... The worst goes back to 4.50. If the results is promising. 8.00 is not a dream. Its up to your risk appetite 👍
2024-03-06 19:28 | Report Abuse
Moreover, I hope heartily the coming news will be positive as most of my.... Sorry to say that... Beloved and respectful Sifus still holding it. 👍😉
2024-03-06 19:18 | Report Abuse
@Sifu choysun. I like what you said, Volatility is normal. Everythings should rely on the outcome, the chance is 50-50. Who knows if it shows a good sign. 👍😉
2024-03-05 22:35 | Report Abuse
Is not me. I am always the supporter of Sifu@ATK 👍
2024-03-05 22:29 | Report Abuse
讲真 如果taurx 今年能launch 是最好。不然等美国大选后,trump要当美国总统,以他那种 american for american 的style, 美国FDA那关怕是很难过。而british和europe很大程度是看美国FDA的态度
2024-03-05 21:46 | Report Abuse
People like me just hope to a single cent from the market. Sifu is one of those who really desire to make a big fortune. Sifu is always the best!! 👍😉
2024-03-05 21:27 | Report Abuse
@michael Wow! so amazing sifu can catch every single movement of share price. Give tutor or not? 我要报名咧。先讲好,学费多少?🤭
2024-03-05 20:58 | Report Abuse
If there is any progress on it is considered a good movement already. Dont care whether it can be approved in the short term. 👍
2024-03-05 20:46 | Report Abuse
Sorry mistaken. 当时说这话的是DBS. Tp. 给到 Rm12.🤭
2024-03-05 20:40 | Report Abuse
If not mistaken, 8年前他就这么说了。同样的IB,说着同样的话。有progress 是必须的,不然他就白白浪费了8年
2024-03-05 19:09 | Report Abuse
@ Sifu shines Is ok. Depends on your own appetite. Nothing wrong with this. May you get more than you desire to... 👍
2024-03-05 18:24 | Report Abuse
@chloetai I bet half a mil. on it before. Not dare to follow. Cabut first. All the best to you all. Sifus are the best 👍
2024-03-05 18:17 | Report Abuse
Sold all..... Sorry guys, I cabut first...... Cautious when others are greedy......
2024-03-05 16:40 | Report Abuse
Chill. Is this just狼来了。push up the price and sell on news. No move is good move 😉
2024-03-05 16:27 | Report Abuse
Wow!! Amazing reverse!! We got it Sifu!!!!!
2024-03-05 13:18 | Report Abuse
Or they have got news that there would be no significant progress on Taurx? I am blur already
2024-03-05 13:06 | Report Abuse
My IB just called me this morning and asked me if I can lend my genting to them. What their purpose? Dump and buy lower? I just rejected them strictly. 😉
2024-03-10 23:08 | Report Abuse
For G, just go ahead. If you think it is worth to.... 我中场休息,就..... 不陪Sifu了。🤭