
killshorties | Joined since 2021-02-02

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2022-05-08 15:20 | Report Abuse

It has been very long time since my last msg. from experience, when director noted "intention to deal during closed period", the next day the stock price will jump a bit. so guys, just hold a bit and sell at the highest price on Monday, maybe before or around 10.30am. i think the price can jump up to around 0.38 to 0.42.. but to be honest, if we look at SCIB and Kpower, they didn't recover even after SD announce it will resume trading. So, SD price will go south and cannot recover back. So 10.30am, I'm out of SD stock.. Take cares guys.


2021-12-28 20:37 | Report Abuse

@siaokar.. i finally surrender and admitted.. you are right all along.. SD is big trouble.. im at total loss of almost RM70k of my money.. sad ..the end...

siaokar JENG JENG JENG........

To rub salt on the wound, the market regulator is also on the lookout for the company’s group managing director and CEO Datuk Dr Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah.



2021-11-17 13:05 | Report Abuse

from experience, DNEX will be sideways for few weeks and maybe drop until 0.79 back. even after good qr.. as we all aware, in malaysia, even good company, good P/E, but after 3-5 days uptrend, then 2 weeks to 1 month downtrend. whereas bad company P/E negative, suddenly spike LU like no tomorrow. Malaysia market is so full of sh&t. anyway, DNEX is good company, just hold it.. all the best to all..


2021-11-15 20:51 | Report Abuse

This is not sell or buy call..this is just my understanding...In malaysia, share market will not up straight for very long time.. there is always reversal... All the best guys.
Limitations of Using Three White Soldiers
Three white soldiers can also appear during periods of consolidation, which is an easy way to get trapped in a continuation of the existing trend rather than a reversal. One of the key things to watch is the volume supporting the formation of three white soldiers. Any pattern on low volume is suspect because it is the market action of the few rather than the many.

@mosalahmobetul 3 white soldiers candle..reversal for bullish?


2021-11-15 18:45 | Report Abuse

Frontken turn to go up back above rm4.00 will be next week, not this week.. because IB just made the buy call around 1 week ago... usually after IB buy call, the share will be down trend for at least 2 week... just hold tight.

@snowballing big bro Inari stay above rm4.00.... when is frontken turn?


2021-11-15 18:41 | Report Abuse

after 4 days uptrend.. from experience, i got a feeling that tomorrow DNEX will be downtrend for few days.. all the best..


2021-11-15 18:40 | Report Abuse

after 5 days uptrend.. from experience, i got a feeling that tomorrow Scanwolf will be downtrend for few days.. all the best..


2021-11-01 16:08 | Report Abuse

@FSX123.. As i said last time, im a legit trader and still holding.. its my money, i can do whatever i want with it.. why you so busy trying and asking people to leave.. Im already matured enough to do my own research.. so if i lost, its ok.. its my fking money.. not yours.. These people are not asking anybody to buy. They just saying whatever good vibe with the company.. SO dont waste your time trying to save anybody here.. im not a kid, my money is my money to lose or win.. i dont need your help.. so just get lost.. unless u have different agenda to drive the price as low as possible.. then you are the con..

FSX123 List of PEMBOHONG who keep shouting "BUY!" even at 0.42 from 4 Oct until 22 Oct

1. Interfund
2. Mabel
3. Pearlwhite
4. Janetan
5. Trader sampah
6. Gloveisgreat

These operators AKA Penipu dan pembohong saham kutip untung DI ATAS KERUGIAN KAMU

PS : I have been warning people non stop since 4 Oct every single day. Look at my comment history. Every single one of my warning comes true. Hari2 operator ni akan hina saya kerana mereka susah nak tipu orang akibat daripada usaha saya


2021-10-26 16:39 | Report Abuse

InterFund® u such a liar.. up until now 04.36pm, SCIB today buy transaction @ 40.5 cent is only 1472300 unit.. and u bought 2 million unit.. get loss bro..

InterFund® Bought SCIB 2 million units at 40.5cent....................................


2021-10-21 16:43 | Report Abuse

IB's and Fund manager are short sell @0.375 and buy back @ 0.380.. some bilis scare sold @0.375.. they are playing with our heart.. just hold guys.. just few more days..


2021-10-20 16:43 | Report Abuse

1 thing i notice is, even just now there is more that 300 sell transaction with value almost RM3mil, the price not budging from 0.375.. this is how IB's scare the bilis, then after that immediately buy transaction happen.. all this IB's is the blood money suking prick ..


2021-10-20 16:35 | Report Abuse

Well.. today maybe not the day yet.. let us wait tomorrow..


2021-10-20 15:22 | Report Abuse

IB's and Fund manager are short sell @0.380 and buy back @ 0.380.. some bilis scare sold @0.375.. they are playing with our heart.. just hold guys.. just few more days..


2021-10-20 15:00 | Report Abuse

its has been 3 days SD moving only minimal 0.395 - 0.375.. i think today, something will explode.. just wait and watch..


2021-10-20 14:49 | Report Abuse

Not only 0.50, I think and i hope this week already RM1.00... all in guys and just hold..

Posted by williamh > Oct 20, 2021 2:45 PM | Report Abuse

Breaking new,will be close above 0.50 this week


2021-10-19 14:00 | Report Abuse

KPMG was SD auditor for 7 years, before there was no problem what so ever.. Now suddently there is a problem.. from the records of others KPMG problem with other client, either the client is the problem, or KPMG just want more payment for their service otherwise they will make problem.. all of this come back to business. So i thinking that KPMG asking for more money for the audit, but SD cannot pay more due to covid restriction and low profit, so KPMG make a problem.. So in the end, EY will clear this and Im will win my bet.. Just hold on tight for all the holders..

@SinGor DonT blame KPMG alone.....Auditor gets kick Out if Management cannot agree auditor opinion.
There many "dark" deal between management and auditor....And 99% Auditor gets the Blame
But, but they are well "paid" for being Kick Out ( mouth Full of stuffed $$$.....sure keep quiet )
Why this time KPMG gets Sued??????? Something gets terrible wrong


2021-10-18 16:10 | Report Abuse

there is always 1 joker seller selling 1 unit @0.385 to press the price down.. i guessing this is FSX123.. hahaha.. try your luck elsewhere bro..


2021-10-18 15:22 | Report Abuse

no need to wait 2 years for 1.00 bro, after SIR, it will easily reach that price.. maybe within this month just before SIR... dont worry.. just hold it..

OpporturnityHunter cheers for future raise, i am waiting you to shoot till 1.00 and above, give you 2 years time to break 1.00, lah lah lah


2021-10-18 15:08 | Report Abuse

wah.. change already.. last week u said this week will be 0.31.. now u are scare and change to 0.35.. SFTU la bro.. this show u are just guessing.. guys, just ignore this FSX123.. waste of time reading his msg.. nothing special, just all shitting..

FSX123 I make the call it will reach 0.35 this friday. Tunggu masa nak pecah support je


2021-10-18 14:15 | Report Abuse

oi FSX123, im waiting your reply on our bet.. walk the talk la brother.. or otherwise talk to my as#.

To others in the forum, dont be scare.. im a legit Serba holder and im still holding 90200 unit serba share and at paper loss almost RM12k.. but im really confident SD will win this and my TP at least rm1.00.. so hold your share.. this FSX123 is scared to bet with me to prove he is right, just talking to scare people to sell and lost.. so dont believe them, believe in SD is a good company.

FSX123 Apa cerita sudah adik2 newbie yang ikut nasihat @interfund dan @tradersampah untuk beli pada 0.42? Sedap tak kerugian itu? Ikut lagi la nasihat mereka, terbaik ooh nasihat mereka


2021-10-15 04:22 | Report Abuse

Oi FSX123.. u didnt read my msg?.. i told u.. let us make a bet.. dont just say.. proof your say .. i make a bet with u.. but u afraid? If u dont know, just guessing and afraid to bet with me, better hide in a cave.. and STFU.. dont fabricate fear to other if you just guessing....

FSX123 Lets see orang2 yang bakal beli di 0.385 kemudian menyesal apabila harga sampai 0.31 minggu depan


2021-10-14 22:05 | Report Abuse

woi FSX123.. im waiting your reply.. if u not dare to take my challenge, mean you also don't know what will happen next week.. so i will tell u this... just STFU.. let people with their own money wait and hold.. don't create fear on others..


2021-10-14 19:29 | Report Abuse

ha ha.. funny sarcasm FSX123.
ok FSX123, now you proof 1 point, it drop to 0.385. but still maintain range 0.385 - 0.39.. so now you said next week it will drop like air terjun.. i have SD stock of 90200 unit.. now let us make a deal to proof you are not a con,.. i will sell tomorrow 90200@. unit tomorrow whatever price, and as you said, next week que to buy @ 0.31.. so if i can buy next week with that price 0.31, i will pay u half the winning i got from 0.31 until today price 0.385.. But if not going to be 0.31 but instead serba rises, u will pay me from 0.385 to the price serba going up for 90200 unit.. you dare to make your case?

Im not a con, look at the image below, im a legit Serba shareholder i purchased since July 2021..also i purchased Kpower.

FSX123 @Depeche. Yea, i get paid Rm5 per post. For every angry response i get an additional Rm10. I have to post to reach my daily quota to get my bonus. This is how i can afford the monthly payment of my Toyota Fortuner.

If i dont post, latter bank tarik my Fortuner


2021-10-07 04:21 | Report Abuse

Hantu Gigi Jarang

with this news, this is fact, telling us that Serba block 7 project in Abu Dhabi is legit.. not a con job.. The development of Block 7 Investment LLC, is fully owned by EFIRE Capital already awarded the consultant for the project is De Leeuw. De Leeuw is reputed consultant company.. check their website..

And most important thing is, EFIRE Capital is....= Serba Dinamik.. check their webpage, who is the Vice president..

alll in, all money, 6 month moratorium will go to serba.... time serba to reach back at least rm1.00..


2021-09-07 19:02 | Report Abuse

Long time no comment here. anyhow, just from my honest opinion, From the way most of the IB's, when they said buy, we bilis have to sell, and when they said sell, well, u know what to do.. see example Maybank, Tenaga, PBB, after QR recently, then all IB's said buy, with high TP.. then look what happen now.. so dont follow IB's, do the opposite of IB's.. most IB's in malaysia are crook, they lying to other so that they will earn and you will loose.. Look at all IB's profit since pandemic, i do not see any declining.. yet they still make money.. by lying to others.. so all the best guys.. HIDUP BILIS..


2021-08-29 19:39 | Report Abuse

Trust me.. i have seen this before, the price up few days before qr, then company announce good qr, then many IB give TP high, then suddenly the price when down and sideways.. i will explain how all these IB make profit from bilis.... like this.. 1st, few days or weeks before qr (which they already know good qr) they bought like crazy, to push the price.. for us bilis, we still dont know and still waiting for qr first.. 2nd, on the day of the qr, these black heart IB will lure you all with so many high TP, then all bilis bought it believing the high TP. 3rd, on the same day, actually at the back, they already started to do RSS, more bilis will bought high and these IB will start selling slowly but painfully. BTW, they are not selling their own share, they RSS EPF and others shares... giving a good commission to EPF, they will push the price down and sideways for the next 3 month until next qr.. so guys, be prepare to sell or you will need to hold for another 2 to 3 months, otherwise, sell now, and buy back just 1 month before the next qr.. good luck guys.


2021-08-29 14:13 | Report Abuse

Trust me.. i have seen this before, the price up few days before qr, then company announce good qr, then many IB give TP high, then suddenly the price when down and sideways.. i will explain how all these IB make profit from bilis.... like this.. 1st, few days or weeks before qr (which they already know good qr) they bought like crazy, to push the price.. for us bilis, we still dont know and still waiting for qr first.. 2nd, on the day of the qr, these black heart IB will lure you all with so many high TP, then all bilis bought it believing the high TP. 3rd, on the same day, actually at the back, they already started to do RSS, more bilis will bought high and these IB will started selling slowly but painfully. BTW, they are not selling their own share, they RSS EPF and others shares... giving a good commission to EPF, they will push the price down and down for the next 3 month until next qr.. so guys, be prepare to sell or you will need to wait for another 2 to 3 months, or for me, sell now, and buy back just 1 month before the next qr.. good luck.


2021-08-27 05:36 | Report Abuse

After good qr result, be ready for downward tomorrow.. this is always the case for most of Malaysian good making profit company.. but for bad qr result, sometimes negative PE, the counter suddenly LU.... haha.. Malaysia market is always crazy..


2021-07-14 19:12 | Report Abuse

@siaokar.. even thought hard for me to accept it, paper loss almost rm15k now, but i do agree that another 1 more day tomorrow will be downtrend as the 10M share bought from bos will be Day 3 margin call. So just be patient tomorrow. Most probably by Friday or maybe late day tomorrow the price will be up again.. It will get worst before its get better.

Posted by siaokar > Jul 14, 2021 6:54 PM | Report Abuse

My prediction is shorties will keep pushing it down until boss kenak margin call coz that amount is not small. lolz

Posted by 8dragon > Jul 14, 2021 6:51 PM | Report Abuse

This stock clearly will fall back to 0.38 ....


2021-07-12 16:24 | Report Abuse

@siaokar.. hmm.. suddenly u became nice to me.. no more bashing me.. that's weird.. anyway.. thanks.. im planning to buy more SD another rm10K by to day or tomorrow..

@siaokar all good killshorties, i wish u the best in trading and yes at 50 cents u will be seeing profit real soon.


2021-07-12 16:17 | Report Abuse

@siaokar .. at least im not a con and a liar.. and i have holding power..

when the price goes above 0.50.. i will show to you all again the profit i have then u all will regret not to buy now..

siaokar ouch! killshorties, did u avg down ur sd or bought after the crash?


2021-07-12 16:01 | Report Abuse

@kami82.. i will share my paper loss from last friday.. i not a con.. im a legit trader.. even though paper loss almost 11k by today, but im saying again, hold your share.. SD will rise back..

and again i would like to say to everybody..

for those who bought high, just hold.. not to worry, it will come back up.. not a year, this will be a short time.. SD will never be Transmile or High 5.. big guns are here...

for others not buy yet, i would really recommend to buy SD, this is an opportunity of a life time.. imagine 0.44 now and then 1 - 2 months, 1.00.. keep and wait..

kami82 Sure nobody one to share the losses. Hee

Me too.

Posted by siaokar > Jul 12, 2021 3:16 PM | Report Abuse

Would be more enjoying if u expose ur unrealized loss to us.
12/07/2021 3:50 PM


2021-07-11 15:04 | Report Abuse

@Macgyver11.. u are still blind maybe.. this is malaysia bro.. when u have power, u will have the court.. not like other western countries.. like example i have told you guys, current Malaysian gov already received billions of money from Ambank and others because of 1MDB, thats mean 1MDB fraud is correct, not pak arab donation, but why that guy still free, trial not finish2 lol.. why still that guy able to go here and there.. just delaying to avoid his jail time until the next election.. answer this question, what is the party that guy was in? what is the party that joint the back door gov now? think your self ma..

So now SD already have Datuk Seri and ex Bursa head ma.. SD will prevail, dont worry.. now just buy and wait and enjoy the ride.. no need to fight with the haters..

Macgyver11 Ya ya dosa dan taubat kena sama adil bagi kedua2 pihak. Sb you invest in sd bukan semestinya SD betui dan KPMG salah dan KPMG betui dan sd salah. Tunggu Kerr Fair trial ikut rules & laws sebelum buat conclusions. The world is watching
11/07/2021 2:38 PM


2021-07-11 14:29 | Report Abuse

@Macgyver11... Even KPMG & E&Y in same boat but their are competitor ma, KPMG has to deal with 2 prosecution from SD and malaysia goverment worth billions, do you think E&Y will be in the same boat with KPM.. the enemy of my enemy is my friend ma.. so KPMG enemy - SD and Malaysian Goverment will be E&Y friend ma.. hahaha.

Macgyver11 KPMG and E&Y in same boat (same nature of business). I don't think E&Y findings too much diverted from KPMG...both Satu bangsa mah mana blh kawan makan kawan unless know I know lah


2021-07-09 22:46 | Report Abuse

@Steady Punpipi with u bro.. rest assure that i am a real trader with real money.. not like those people saying here people are cons... im not con, im a legit trader.. eventhough im at paper lost more 9k now.. but i have holding power.. as i know big guns are here..

so to other people who still scare to enter because so many haters and lowballer, trust in SD, they have big names now and sure they will win and we will win as well.. come in and buy and hold.. im sharing my portfolio as im not a con but a real trader..

Steady Punpipi Spot On ...also a damn good horror story teller too.......I must say
09/07/2021 10:23 PM


2021-07-09 22:21 | Report Abuse

@Huangbk72 ..not to worry. i have print screen this discussion and in just few more week, or even days when the price rocketing.. i will share this screen shot so everybody can see what kind of person u are.. just a lowballer scaring other people so that you can buy it cheap.....

and make no mistake.. if u ever say here that you winning something when the price sky rocketing, just remember to eat your own sh1t.. lol


2021-07-09 22:11 | Report Abuse

You are rite on Steady Punpipi..did i told everybody, cable will always win.. it so suddenly that Malaysian government comes in to play to sue KPMG for 1MDB case now.. why not in 2018 - 2019 when DOJ US already confirm about 1MDB scandal..

@Huangbk72.. to those talk cock to much with me yesterday about analysis, shove your analysis bullsh1t up your a*s , and now u say u r neutral.. what a jacka**.. this is show u are just those people without direction.. just like lalang... when it comes to cable, everything can be settle... i will never sell u cheap.. lol..

for those who bought high, just hold.. not to worry, it will come back up.. not a year, this will be a short time.. SD will never be Transmile or High 5.. big guns are here...

for others not buy yet, i would really recommend to buy SD, this is an opportunity of a life time.. imagine 0.45 now and then 1 - 2 months, 1.00.. keep and wait..

Posted by Steady Punpipi > Jul 9, 2021 9:36 PM | Report Abuse



2021-07-08 20:29 | Report Abuse

@Wirajati.. yup.. thats right, Genetec pe is -201.. and the price is sky rocketing like hell.. so dont waste your money to this chart pe analysis bullsh1t..

for now i take this oppurtunity for all in for SD.. almost RM75k in SD & Kpower .. because at least i know big guns are here..

cable will eventually change everything...


2021-07-08 20:04 | Report Abuse

@Huangbk72.. i will not run. i will not sell to u cheap ;).. its ok.. i have holding power... "cable" will safe the day.. lol..

and on the things you say about "We are in the investing fraternity where figures and charts are the guideline for us".. please throw this analysis to the garbage.. i was lost when i play glove, even the Q report increasing, pe single digit, the price keep reduce.. I recently played tech, even high profit, still red. some company pe even negative (dataprep), price

And for SD, at least i know there are big names joining in.. just wait and rilex..


2021-07-08 19:42 | Report Abuse

@Huangbk72.. the "cable" just recently join ma... just let them calling calling 1st.. then another few days, we can see something happen.. just rilex..

and thats is right, with cable you can solve problems.. look at 1MDB, why that guys still free, where as the other guy just few court trial because of sodomy, got jail immediately..


2021-07-08 19:31 | Report Abuse

@anemon.. this downtrend happen before Datuk Seri come in.. now they have big cable, they will be calling calling somebody and later they will survive.. just rilex bro.. chill..


2021-07-08 19:23 | Report Abuse

@Loading.. bapak curi billions of money, anak enjoy buat filem sampai skrg masih bebas ma.. goverment already received billions of money from 1MDB, but why that guy still free,.. when u have politic, u have power, and when u have power, u have money.. dont worry ma.. rilex..

Ini mak bukan secretary at bursa ma, ini bapak bukan sarjan polis ma..


2021-07-08 19:09 | Report Abuse

@anemon.. guys, you all dont understand about what im trying to say.. what i mean is the connection, forget about the jinx, this is about connection. if petronas purchase teluk ramunia and maybe they might be having a problem, so SD helping that. then now they are in slight problem, do u think nobody will help them. kawan tolong kawan ma.. i dont want to go more details, as i know some of petronas friend.. so just keep quiet and just buy and hold..


2021-07-08 18:39 | Report Abuse

@Huangbk72.. no need to exit. just wait.. u know why.. if you compare high 5 bread and transmile scandal, they totally dead because they dont have big cable... look, do your own thinking, how can they ask a person like Datuk Seri retired SB director and ex Bursa head to be the INEDs, can you imagine how big their cable are.. see.. all business need to have cable, if you dont have cable, u will have difficulties when u are in a problem.. look at AA, their are reporting negative for almost 1 years, but yet they still standing, because they have big cable.. those Tan Sri and Datuk Seri are there not just for nothing, they have connection bro..
1 more example i can say that Serba have good connection, Teluk ramunia fab yard was bought by SD from PETRONAS only 320Mil, where as petronas bought it a year before from Sime darby almost 500mil.. so just keep quiet and wait..


2021-07-08 18:21 | Report Abuse

@Potato88.. dont worry guys.. even thought there a lot of mistake, serba is good company, im also have purchase 90000 units @ 0.50 with paper loss around 5k still not scare... u need to have holding power.. my expectation before this raya, the price will fluctuated around 0.60.. this is normally happen when IB start buying just 1 month before any company declare their Q report. and will be around 0.70 if they declare their new Ex auditor.. eventually by October, when they redo back the annual audit, the price will be back to normal.. last date for them to republish their 2020 audited annual report is by October 31st... dont be scare and all the best..


2021-07-06 19:07 | Report Abuse

@Steady Punpipi.. well said bro.. we shall ride this Titanic together.. let the haters drown in their own


2021-07-06 15:20 | Report Abuse

guys, i dont want to make u uncomfortable, but i think it will go down a bit today.. SD is good company.. but today Kpower and SCIB is down 0.40.. that huge number... so SD also will be down a bit today.. all the best guys..
06/07/2021 3:20 PM


2021-07-06 15:11 | Report Abuse

i sold 124500 @ 0.500.. after 4 days be honest, i have to admit. i guest today it will go down a bit.. tomorrow we shall see how much i can go in back.. all the best guys..


2021-07-06 13:50 | Report Abuse

@machoboy.. you are right bro. stop bashing each other.. we all bilis just want to earn some money, and it is good if we can earn it together, instead waiting for the government to plan for something that still never happen... normally real buyer here will always say good thing about the stock because they already buy it with real money. those people who like to condemn is only keyboard warrior and for what ever their reason just to harass us the genuine buyer to lose money.. just ignore them.. in the end when the price stabilized on higher side, we are the winner..


2021-07-05 21:04 | Report Abuse

@siaokar.. then share to me your screen shot.. give it to my email .. i dont have time to talk with cock talking people like u, 5 million my a*s, scaring other people to buy good stock..